My fishing game syncs with reality

There is also a fourth type in Chapter 355, the "tree trunk" on the ocean.

Chapter 355 There is a fourth type, the "trunk" on the ocean.

Although Gu Nan disliked the small prize money for each individual event, he had come to the competition anyway, so he would definitely take all the prize money he could, and try to take as many as possible, and also take home the championship.

But if you don't plan to use legendary cards, how much bonus you can get depends on your own ability.

All the contestants who come to participate in the competition are experienced and battle-hardened. When the difference in level and experience is not too big, the final result obviously depends on luck.

As for fishing, other factors account for 10% and luck accounts for 90%.

No matter how good the technical experience of a fisherman is, he can only stare blankly when he encounters an unreasonable novice BUFF!
Gu Nan didn’t have the novice buff, but his luck became too good after he linked himself to the game.

The fishing boats sailed steadily on the sea. The two hundred or so boats seemed very crowded at the dock, but when they were scattered on the sea, they seemed very spacious.

The contestants each looked for a suitable fishing spot, and no one thought of following others to take advantage.

According to the rules of the competition, if a conflict occurs between the two parties, both parties will be disqualified from the competition.

Except for a small number of local fishermen, many contestants are from foreign countries. Fishermen also have to save their reputation. If they are disqualified from the competition due to a conflict, they will lose face.

Fishermen also have their own circles, and this kind of thing will soon spread within the circle, making it difficult to join in the fun in the future.

The one driving the boat today is Gu Nan. According to what Wang Junhe said, he can always catch big fish at the fishing spots he chooses.

The players who are fishing today are Wang Junhe and An Jun. As for Guo Xiao and the assistant, they are there to assist and will go wherever help is needed.

Several people had already agreed before the competition that they would be given two days to play around so that they could feel involved.

Gu Nan had no objection, it was only two days, there were still several days left, there was plenty of time!
In fishing competitions, most of the time you either can't find big fish, or if you get lucky and catch a particularly large one, you'll have nothing to do for the rest of the time. Gu Nan has experienced this all too well.

There is one thing that is very unstructured about the competition in Malaysia, and that is that you have to prepare the bait yourself.

The organizers will not stop you from using purchased fish or lures, but you are not allowed to use technology or ruthless tactics.

Gu Nan didn't know what effect technology and hard work had on fishing, and he didn't need them anyway.

Because the targets of the individual bonuses are all mid- and upper-level migratory fish, you cannot go to isolated island reef areas to look for such fish, as the probability of encountering them is low.

So Gu Nan was observing the sky and the sea at this time to see if there were any flocks of seabirds or schools of small fish.

Of course, it would be fine if you encounter groups of dolphins, because you can find schools of fish by following them.

However, after observing for a while, he only saw a small group of about ten seagulls flying towards the southeast.

It's still afternoon now, so it shouldn't be time for them to return home.

Gu Nan couldn't find any trace of the big fish anyway, so he simply turned the boat around and followed to see if he could find anything.

The chance of encountering a flock of birds at sea is actually not high. When he was fishing in the East China Sea before, he could only encounter a flock of birds two or three times out of ten times, and most of the time the flocks were not large.

But if you follow it, there is more than a 50% chance of finding a school of small fish as long as it is daytime.

However, most of the small fish and predators attracted by them were not worth much, so he ignored them after following them a few times.

If you want to make money from fishing, you don't need to catch big fish. It's better to go directly to a fishing spot that you are familiar with.

But now the competition still depends on birds.

It really worked. After only ten minutes, he could spot dozens of seabirds circling in the distant sky without a telescope. Obviously, there was a school of fish over there.

Wang Junhe and others were maneuvering their equipment. When they heard the sound of seabirds and discovered the situation in the sky, they immediately sped up. They knew they were about to reach the fishing spot.

A few minutes later, the fishing boat came next to the flock of birds. Small fish were jumping around on the sea. It was a school of sardines.

The scale doesn't look large, but the school of fish definitely attracted a lot of predators.

There is a high probability that fish such as tuna, swordfish, swordfish and swordfish will appear.

Wang Junhe and An Jun didn't waste any time and started working right away.

They first tested the water with lures, imitating small fish to attract the emerging predators.

There is little point in making a nest near a school of fish; a conspicuous lure may be more suitable.

It’s a pity that there is no live bait, otherwise the injured fish would be more attractive.

Gu Nan parked the boat and walked out, and saw the two men were shaking their fishing rods.

He leaned leisurely against the door, watching the two people fishing.

After a while, he saw the fishing rod in Wang Junhe's hand tremble and then bend.


The fish took the bait, and Lao Wang was delighted. He immediately raised the rod and stabbed the fish, and then successfully caught the fish.

An Jun looked depressed. Gu Nan didn't go fishing today and he wasn't the first one to catch a fish. It turned out that fishing was not suitable for him.

Because Gu Nan did not fish, the assistant did not swing the camera today. Instead, the recorder came to Wang Junhe with more interest.

The boat seemed to be sailing surprisingly smoothly for him, as he noticed a flock of birds following him and immediately found a small school of fish.

Moreover, the fishing efficiency is also high. It only takes a short time after the bait is put down that you catch a fish.

And judging by the bent shape of the fishing rod, the fish was obviously not small.

It was not small for him, but Wang Junhe was not very satisfied.

He felt that the fish was less than 100 kilograms, so how could he get the prize for a fish of this size?

He is not interested in the bonus, but in addition to the bonus there will be an individual trophy, which is an honor for a fisherman and deserves to be placed on his desk.

Obviously, after following Gu Nan fishing for a long time and seeing fish weighing hundreds or even thousands of kilograms, his vision and mentality are completely different from before.

Thinking back, he had walked to the beach to go fishing, and ended up taking a ride from Gu Nan.

At that time, he would be happy for a long time if he could catch a fish weighing less than 100 kilograms, let alone a fish weighing less than 100 kilograms.

Of course, that was also related to the strict supervision of his wife at home, otherwise, with his net worth, he wouldn't have been so miserable if he went on a trip to sea.

Even if you can't catch particularly big fish, you can still be sure of catching a fish weighing twenty or thirty kilograms by going to the open sea.

Now, Wang Junhe just wants to say, a fish weighing less than 100 kilograms has the nerve to bite my hook?

But no matter what you think, you still have to catch fish.

Wang Junhe stood in a lunge stance with his feet on the ground, a belt tied around his belly, and the fishing rod on top, constantly lifting the rod and reeling in the line. He repeated this action and would occasionally hold a short stalemate with the fish.

It doesn't look like much effort. Obviously, the fish weighing less than 100 kilograms is something he can handle alone.

Lao Wang exercises regularly every day. He has good fishing skills and is stronger than An Jun in terms of physical strength, so he really doesn't feel much pressure.

Look, An Jun was also caught by a fish. His veins were exposed and his breathing was like a tractor, so you knew he couldn't hold on for long.

Maybe the fish was bigger. Seeing this, Guo Xiao immediately went over. He originally thought that he had no chance to take action, but he didn't expect that there was an unexpected surprise here.

After about half an hour, Wang Jun and his team were the first to catch the fish and brought it to the boat.

Gu Nan walked up to him with the hook in hand and was slightly surprised when he saw the fish, a GT.

I didn’t expect to encounter GT as soon as I arrived, but this fish is not as rare as I imagined. Basically, you can encounter it with a high probability wherever there are schools of fish and seabirds.

Seeing that Lao Wang was unable to do anything, Gu Nan decided to lend a hand and hooked the fish's forehead with a hook.

The fish struggled with its tail flailing wildly, but was firmly held by Gu Nan. Except for those that were protected or had no value at all, such as some sharks, all other fish could be caught and sold to the organizers.

After the fish died, Gu Nan tied a rope around the fish's tail and hoisted it up.

Hold the fish, and when the fish hanging in the air stops shaking, the weight next to the crane will stop bouncing.

The recorder recorded the weight of the fish at this moment: Fishing Boat No. 17, GT 91 pounds.

In foreign countries, the unit of weight for fish is basically pounds.

The recorder then took out his cell phone and sent a message to the recorder on shore.

Soon, a ranking appeared on GT's single list.

First place, 91, fishing boat No. 17.

At the same time, this record also appeared on the overall list, ranking fifth.

Obviously there are many masters. The competition has just begun, and the first place has already reached more than 150 pounds.

But no player would care about this weight. It was just over a hundred. It was estimated that by the end of the day's competition in the evening, this weight would have disappeared from the leaderboard.

The ranking list only records the data of the top 20, because only the top 20 can get rewards. The rewards after the third place are dispensable and are not as much as the cost of renting a boat for a week.

Those who can come to participate in the competition will naturally not lack this.

On the other side, An Junzhong's fish on the fishing boat was also caught. It turned out to be a larger GT. Apparently a group of them came here, so it seemed there was no need to change places.

The game only started in the afternoon, so it felt like time passed very quickly.

Wang Junhe and An Jun only caught three fish each, and it was almost four o'clock.

The last four are two GTs and two Spanish mackerels.

The largest GT so far was caught by Wang Junhe, weighing 132 pounds.

The GT Legendary class is just over 160 pounds, and 132 pounds is already very large, and very few can exceed this weight.

Lao Wang was still very excited. He felt that he had a chance to win a small trophy this time. At least he would not feel without a sense of participation.

The Spanish mackerel is relatively small, weighing less than 100 kilograms, and it is estimated that it will be surpassed in a few days.

An Jun has some regrets, but there is still a chance tomorrow.

Gu Nan started the fishing boat and went back. He felt that fishing here was much easier than in the Ugly Country. Maybe he didn't need to work overtime to fish at night?
After returning and packing up, the group took a shower and set off to the food street to taste the delicacies from Malaysia.

Gu Nan felt that there was nothing delicious in the Ugly Country, but he was still more interested in coming to Malaysia.

Southeast Asian food is not that delicious, but it has its own characteristics and is worth tasting.

Guo Xiao comes to Southeast Asia frequently and he has a lot of business here, so he will lead the way tonight.

"To eat, going to a restaurant is not very interesting. We still have to find a snack street and eat while walking." Guo Xiao drove a rented commercial vehicle and set off for the nearest food street.

Soon, they reached their destination.

It was almost half past five and the street was very busy, with snack shops and stalls on both sides.

Guo Xiao introduced it to everyone and bought a portion for everyone to taste.

Soon they followed the rich smell of meat and came to a small shop.

"This is where you can buy Bak Kut Teh. It's an indispensable delicacy for the Chinese in Malaysia. Want to go in and try it?"

"Okay!" Gu Nan agreed readily and walked in.

As long as the taste wasn't particularly weird, he thought spare ribs and the like shouldn't be bad.

The ribs still have the flavor of herbs in the bones, which makes people feel that eating them can provide great tonic.

In addition to Bak Kut Teh, Guo Xiao also ordered something called Satay.

Hearing the name, Gu Nan had no idea what it was. It was only after it came up that he realized it was the Malaysian version of barbecue skewers.

Walk into the food court at 5:30 and walk out at 8 o'clock.

Several people were holding their stomachs, obviously feeling a little bloated.

Gu Nan has come to a summary of the food here. It feels similar to other countries in Southeast Asia. Many foods are either sweet and sour or curry-flavored.

There are some characteristics of this country, but not much.

It's okay to eat it for novelty, but if you eat it frequently, even if he is from the southern part, he will not be able to stand it.

Who can eat sweet and sour food every day? Brothers and sisters from the north, if you come here, I guess your frown can kill flies.

It is hard to imagine that they can accept these flavors since tofu pudding usually tastes salty.

The first day passed quickly, and on the second day Gu Nan continued to drive the boat to look for fish, watching them fishing and helping out a little.

When An Jun caught a four-meter-long flatfin marlin, he laughed, "It turns out that it's Nan who has to find the fish. If it were someone else, they might not be able to find such a big fish!"

This time, he has a high probability of taking the Sailfish single list.

Although a 4.32-meter flatfin sailfish is not considered heavy, just looking at its length you can tell how difficult it is to encounter such a large flatfin sailfish.

Gu Nan's mouth twitched when he heard this. Was this what he thought?
He didn't try his best to find a fishing spot. He originally wanted to get a few singles, but obviously he lost two.

He was too embarrassed to argue with them. They had accompanied him all the way here, so he couldn't let them gain nothing!

The second day passed, and then the third day, and it was finally time for me to take action.

If Gu Nan wants to win the championship, he has to focus on the heavy fish.

The only three fish that can secure the championship are swordfish, marlin and bluefin, and these three have high upper limits.

Secondly, it is not impossible to catch great white sharks, but sharks are difficult to weigh and if you catch them, you will have to cut the line.

Whale sharks are even rarer, and I guess even the ship’s crane can’t pull them up.

None of the three target fish are easy to encounter.

Even finding seabirds or schools of small fish was impossible, so they could only wander around the sea and rely on fish finders to detect.

However, it seemed that all his luck was used up in the first two days, and Gu Nan did not encounter any suitable big fish for the next three days.

Nowadays, the number one ranked player has reached more than 450 pounds. It is easy to exceed this data. Just use a legendary card.

But he had no intention of using cheats. If he used cheats in every competition, what would be the fun in the competition.

As for the individual bonuses, Gu Nan did get one, for a giant mackerel, weighing just over 200 kilograms, which was pretty safe.

It's a pity that someone weighing more than 200 pounds can't even make it into the top 20 in the overall list. There are still many experts.

"Hey, Anan, look, what's that floating in front?" An Jun noticed something and quickly pointed and said.

Wang Junhe put his hand on his brow: "It looks like a tree trunk?"

Gu Nan showed a look of surprise, and after hearing his words, he smiled and said, "Can the trunk of your tree move?"

What is that tree trunk moving on the sea?
(End of this chapter)

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