My fishing game syncs with reality

Chapter 356: Another Battle Against the Saltwater Crocodile

The trunk is obviously an adult saltwater crocodile.

In the waters of Australia, Malaysia and other countries, the chance of encountering a saltwater crocodile swimming in the sea is low, but not impossible.

Normally, the passing of fishing boats will not cause attacks by saltwater crocodiles, but I heard that a small number of people are accidentally injured or even killed by them every year, especially in Australia where there are a large number of saltwater crocodiles.

Secondly, countries like Malaysia also have special saltwater crocodile breeding bases.

Yesterday at the food street, they came across a stall specializing in grilled crocodile meat.

The saltwater crocodile tastes pretty good, it tastes like chicken but has a fish flavor.

Especially the paws, which have a strong gelatinous texture. They are not as good as pig's trotters but are also very delicious.

As the fishing boat approached, everyone discovered the true appearance of the "tree trunk".

An Jun: "What the hell, crocodile?"

Wang Junhe: "Hiss~ Is it wild or farmed?"

Guo Xiao: "It's definitely five meters, or even bigger. Can this thing be fished?"

Gu Nan nodded affirmatively: "Yes, everyone get ready, I'm going to fish for crocodiles!"

Wang Junhe hurriedly stopped him when he heard this: "Wait, even if you catch this thing, how are you going to get it out and weigh it?"

No matter whether it is wild or escaped from farmed water, it is not their turn to kill the saltwater crocodile.

Wild animals are protected. Even in Australia, hunting is only allowed during specified times of the year. Hunting at other times is illegal.

"If it's a great white shark, then I really have no way to deal with it. Crocodiles are actually easy to deal with." Gu Nan said with a smile.

Although it was only encountered once in the game, the crocodile's weakness was too obvious.

Once he got the hook to the boat, he only had to use a lasso to wrap around the crocodile's mouth while he was holding it, which would be like sealing it up, making it non-threatening.

"Are you sure you want to challenge this saltwater crocodile?" the recorder asked.

In fishing competitions, theoretically all creatures found in the ocean are within the challenge range, and fishing for saltwater crocodiles is also allowed.

Even if the challenge is successful, it will still be a big highlight.

The fishing competition has been held for so many years, but no contestant has ever caught a crocodile.

Wang Jun and a few others also looked at him, obviously waiting for his answer.

Gu Nan smiled calmly: "Since we have encountered it, let's make a big one. Do you dare?"

An Jun: "Damn, what's there to be afraid of? It's just a crocodile. I ate its meat yesterday!"

Wang Junhe and Guo Xiao also nodded: "Our fishing boat is high, and it is not easy for crocodiles to attack us in the water. Since you want to fish, then go ahead!"

Since everyone supports it, there's no need to continue talking nonsense.

Gu Nan began to replace the line sets and fish hooks. There is no need to consider anything else when fishing for saltwater crocodiles. Just use the thickest line and the largest hook.

As for the bait, he caught a ten-pound bonito that morning. He originally wanted to use it to catch tuna or marlin, but now he can use it directly from the saltwater crocodile.

It was Gu Nan’s first time to officially fish for crocodiles, and he felt excited for the first time in a long time.

This is not something you encounter by relying on cheats, it is also a new species, how can I not be excited!
Although the saltwater crocodile noticed the approach of the fishing boat, it did not take it seriously and continued to swim forward. Its destination seemed to be an uninhabited island in the distance, which might be its habitat.

Wang Junhe drove a fishing boat in front of him and blocked his way.

Guo Xiao chopped another bonito into pieces, threw the fish entrails into the water, and washed off the blood. He obviously intended to use the smell of blood to attract prey.

Faced with a metal lump that was much larger than itself, the saltwater crocodile originally did not want to pay any attention to it.

But at this moment, the tempting smell of blood immediately attracted it. How many wild animals can resist the temptation of food?

It is even difficult for them to get enough food, let alone every meal. It is difficult for them to get a full meal once a week.

The saltwater crocodile swam quickly towards the fishing boat. Gu Nan was ready. He picked up the bonito and threw it down. Then he held the fishing rod with both hands and got ready.

Obviously, he didn't intend to rely on the bracket as a fulcrum to reduce his own consumption, he was planning to fight.

An Jun was very thoughtful. As the weather in Malaysia was very hot, he specially took out large blocks of ice that he had frozen himself from the cold storage compartment and placed them on the deck.

Then use an electric fan to blow the ice towards Gu Nan to cool it down physically.

Gu Nan immediately felt very comfortable. He gave him a thumbs up and held the fishing rod again, ready for battle.

A saltwater crocodile that is at least five meters long is not easy to deal with. When you fight with it, your blood will become boiling hot.

Lowering the temperature can effectively improve its endurance.

After a short while, the few people saw the saltwater crocodile swimming towards them, opening its huge mouth and biting directly on the bait.


Raise the rod! Got it!
The fishhook successfully pierced into the crocodile's mouth. Gu Nan's stabbing of the fish made the fishhook go deep into the crocodile's mouth.


The sea surface was splashing with water. Unlike fish, the crocodile did not run away immediately after being hooked. Instead, it shook its head and started to pull towards Gu Nan.


The five-meter-long saltwater crocodile is very heavy and extremely strong. The braking force of the fishing reel that comes with the golden fishing rod is simply not enough to stop it.

Gu Nan held the fishing rod tightly with both hands, trying to control the direction of the crocodile.

It shook its head and retreated, and the fishing line was pulled out little by little.

In fact, the swimming speed of crocodiles is not slow, even for large ones over five meters long.

But it didn't run away, it just wanted to get rid of the fishhook in its mouth, so the crocodile kept tormenting them.

Every time the crocodile shook its head, Gu Nan would lift the fishing rod hard to tighten the hook again.

This repeated for seven or eight minutes, which seemed to anger the saltwater crocodile, and it actually rushed straight towards the fishing boat.

This scene frightened Wang Jun and several spectators who were leaning against the side of the ship to watch, and they all took a step back.

There is no way around it, humans have a natural fear of these huge, ferocious beasts.

When the crocodile approached, it suddenly jumped up and opened its mouth wide as if it wanted to bite Gu Nan.

However, the height of the fishing boat is high enough, at least it is a high ridge that the saltwater crocodile cannot climb over.

Gu Nan quickly reeled in the line, although this was not a good time to catch fish. If the saltwater crocodile was large enough, it would still be dangerous even if its mouth was sealed.

That long and powerful tail was difficult to deal with, so he reeled in the line just to prevent the hook from loosening and falling off.

The saltwater crocodile seemed to realize that it could not harm the hateful human in front of it at all, so it retreated.

Gu Nan also took the opportunity to let out the fishing line. After all, crocodiles are also fish, so it is safer to keep a distance when walking the fish. If you get too close, it will always cause a lot of trouble.

But this saltwater crocodile seemed to be a little smart, or perhaps it was familiar with the ship, and it actually swam towards the stern.

Now everyone on the boat was a little shaky, and Guo Xiao hurriedly said, "An Nan, hurry up and hold it, it's trying to come up from the stern."

Wang Junhe went straight to check the small door and breathed a sigh of relief when he found it was locked.

Without their reminder, Gu Nan had already used his strength to forcefully pull the crocodile to the other side. Saltwater crocodiles are indeed not that easy to catch. The difficulty level is five stars, and it is much more difficult to catch than other fish.

It's not because it's stronger, but because it's so troublesome.

He even used the death roll, causing Gu Nan to keep turning the fishing rod to prevent the fishing line from twisting and breaking.

This is destined to be a protracted war!

While he was constantly trying to break the saltwater crocodile's tactics, the other players were also not idle. On the last day, everyone started to chase points, and the scene was very lively.

It seems that many people are very lucky today. While fishing for saltwater crocodiles, someone actually caught a bluefin tuna weighing more than 760 pounds, and it suddenly jumped to the first place on the list.

The players of that team high-fived each other to celebrate, feeling that they had secured first place this time.

The second place weighed only 632 pounds, a gap of more than 100 pounds. It is not easy to catch up.

Marine carp resources are limited, and bluefin bream weighing more than 800 pounds are extremely rare.

These are all Pacific bluefin bream, which are lighter and longer than Atlantic bluefin bream. If nothing unexpected happens, he will be safe.

More than 700 pounds of bluefin bream is equivalent to more than 600 kilograms.

In today's era, bluefin bream of this size can be called the king of fish.

Unfortunately, the accident is happening now.

The saltwater crocodile's physical strength is not as good as that of the tuna. In addition, after all the tossing and turning in the previous hour, the rate at which its physical strength is consumed is much faster than simply swimming.

The fishing rod also has the property of absorbing physical strength. Therefore, after more than two hours of confrontation, Gu Nan, while sweating profusely, finally consumed the last bit of physical strength of the saltwater crocodile.

The saltwater crocodile couldn't even maintain its own body and turned over on its belly.

Wang Junhe laughed out loud when he saw this: "I've seen many fish turn over on their stomachs, but I didn't expect that a crocodile would turn over on its stomach after being walked around and exhausted."

Guo Xiao said faintly: "Crocodile is also a fish!"

"Uh" Wang Junhe's laughter suddenly stopped.

Gu Nan still held the fishing rod hard and turned the handle to pull the saltwater crocodile to his side.

This time he did not put down his fishing rod to deal with the saltwater crocodile's behavior. Instead, he tried to control it and asked several people around him to seal the saltwater crocodile.

An Jun had already prepared the noose. He tried to circle the crocodile's mouth, and unexpectedly he succeeded in one go.

How could it fail? The crocodile didn't even have the strength to turn over, so it was simply unrealistic to avoid the loop.

After successfully circling the crocodile's mouth, An Jun quickly tightened the rope and tied the crocodile's mouth tightly in one go.

Now, everyone on the boat cheered, they succeeded.

Of course, it is best to tie up the crocodile's limbs behind its back as well, including its tail.

But these are not easy to do in the water, we have to get the crocodile onto the boat first.

So Guo Xiao also came over with a rope, tied the crocodile's tail, and started the crane.

The crane was pulling the crocodile's mouth, so the crocodile was lifted up with its head facing upwards.

The three of them pulled the crocodile by its tail, and after it was hoisted onto the boat, several of them quickly pressed on the crocodile and tried to tie up its legs.

I originally wanted to tie the crocodile behind its back, but the crocodile's back was too wide and its limbs were too short, so I couldn't tie it up. So I could only tie it in front, two by two.

Fortunately, the crocodile still hadn't recovered yet, so it could only let them torment it.

Because Gu Nan was still holding the fishing rod and the fishhook was in his mouth.

"Wow, tsk tsk tsk, this is my first time to get close to such a big crocodile in real life." Wang Junhe exclaimed while sitting on the crocodile's back.

"Don't talk about you, this is our first time. Come, take a photo first, then weigh yourself." Guo Xiao retorted, and also sat on the crocodile's back, asking his assistant to take a photo.

After hearing the second half of his sentence, the recorder suddenly said, "Crocodiles can live a long time out of water. I just contacted the person in charge, and he wants us to take the saltwater crocodile back."

"This saltwater crocodile is too close to the coast and is too dangerous. We will deal with it separately."

"Okay, it would be better if you take it back." Gu Nan nodded and had no objection. He would have more topics to talk about if he took it back. By then, the video of the battle against the saltwater crocodile would definitely have a lot of traffic.

He was exhausted at this time, so he put the fishing rod aside and sat down on the ground to rest.

Even though we only fished for two hours this time, the crocodiles were very durable and strong, and the effort we put in was no less than that of fishing for the legendary marlin.

After taking a few photos, Wang Junhe smiled and waved his hand: "Let's go back and show off!"

Gu Nan shook his head helplessly. It seemed that he and Lao Guo had a lot of fun in the fishing competition during the fishing ban period.

Just as expected, as soon as they returned to the dock and hoisted the saltwater crocodile off the boat, the entire competition scene was immediately in an uproar.

Just like in the Ugly Country, one was the Blue Marlin who broke the record by a long way.

This side is even more exaggerated, they directly attacked the crocodile that no one has ever challenged before.

The group of players who had previously caught over 700 pounds of bluefin bream suddenly lost their composure when they saw the size of the saltwater crocodile.

It was already past three in the afternoon and they no longer had the chance to go out to sea again, so they had no choice but to admit defeat.

Fortunately, there is still a second place, although the prize money is more than half less.

The saltwater crocodile was also tortured quite a bit. First, it was surrounded by a large group of people, and then it was forced to take photos.

Finally, he was hung up again and became a spinning little crocodile in the air.

One thousand three hundred and sixty-four pounds, length five meters thirty-two.

It was almost twice the weight of the second place, and there was still not much time, so the first place was firmly taken again.

Gu Nan felt quite accomplished this time, because he didn't cheat. Catching the saltwater crocodile was purely a matter of luck and strength.

The competition ended at four o'clock, and after taking a shower, the group slowly came to the stage of the first day's opening ceremony.

There is a buffet here, and the contestants can eat first and appreciate the long white legs that appear on the stage again.

The award ceremony was not officially held until six o'clock in the evening.

Gu Nan and others went on stage to receive the award. Not only did they receive a gold-plated trophy, but they also received a door-like bill with one million written on it.

He left the stage only after being blinded by various cameras, followed by the second and third place winners.

There were individual bonuses later, and Wang Junhe and An Jun got their rewards as they wished.

Gu Nan smiled and pulled Guo Xiao: "Brother Guo, don't worry, there are still competitions to come, I will help you get a prize as well."

Guo Xiao smiled and shook his head: "I don't care, as long as you can take me fishing occasionally."

Compared to Wang Junhe who is sometimes more lively, he is more stable, but not much.

But he really doesn't care much about trophies or anything like that.

The trip to Malaysia is over, and the next three places to compete are Maldives, Bali, Indonesia, and Singapore.

The prize money for the competitions in these three places is not less than that in Malaysia. After Gu Nan finished one round, there are only about twenty days left in the fishing ban period.

After being out for so long, he was eager to return home, so he boarded a plane to return home the day after all the games were over. (End of this chapter)

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