My fishing game syncs with reality

Chapter 357: The First Day of Opening the Sea

After returning home, Gu Nan stayed at home quietly with his family for the twenty days before the fishing ban, only occasionally sneaking to the shore to spend some time buying some goods.

When he was abroad and occasionally went night fishing, he would purchase goods while others were sleeping.

Together with the large amount of seafood stored before overseas competitions, this ensures that the seafood store has sufficient goods.

In other words, the company's development was slightly affected. It had just opened and there was insufficient inventory. When there was no stock, it could only buy some from others at a high price.

Fortunately, during the fishing ban period, the demand for ordinary seafood in the entire market is not large, but the demand for premium seafood in the catering industry remains.

Before we knew it, more than 20 days had passed and it was almost time to go fishing.

Gu Nan came to the company's office carrying the lunch she had made. Yi Chen's belly was getting bigger and bigger, and there was only one month left before the due date.

Originally, he wanted to let the girl rest at home, but the girl just couldn't sit still.

There was no other way, he could only be responsible for the daily pick-up and drop-off, plus the loving lunch at noon.

"Chenchen, it's time to eat. You're pregnant now, so you should pet the cat less." As soon as Gu Nan entered the office, he saw Yi Chen petting Gulu while watching TV series.

Gulu has grown up now. The cow-haired cat is indeed very beautiful and is no longer as naughty as he was when he was a child.

It is said that cow cats can be neurotic sometimes, which is indeed true. Fortunately, Gulu is a very gentle cat. Perhaps because he knows that Yi Chen is pregnant, he has always been quiet in front of her.

Gu Nan himself was surprised by this.

Most cats are very selfish, but it is not surprising that a few of them are particularly friendly and obedient.

Guru is only gentle to Yi Chen and grandma. He doesn't have such a good temper in front of Gu Nan.

Just as Gu Nan put the thermal box on the table, Guru immediately turned his head: Stare!


Gu Nan looked at him helplessly and complained to his wife, "I always feel that this guy has bad intentions and is competing with me for you."

Yi Chen opened the lunch box with a smile: "You are jealous of a cat!"

"Nonsense, if Guru was a male, I would have thrown it far away long ago!" Gu Nan snorted twice, as if it was a matter of course.

Who would want a male creature to be so clingy to his wife? Not even a cat would allow that.

"You, you, there's really nothing I can do about you." Yi Chen shook her head and stopped caring about her stingy man.

After eating a bite of her favorite dish, she seemed to suddenly think of something and asked, "By the way, the sea will open the day after tomorrow. Are you going to go out to sea then?"

Gu Nan nodded: "Your due date is still a month away. I want to go out to sea when the sea opens. This time it will be longer, about ten days to half a month."

"I won't go out after I come back. I'll talk to you after you've finished your confinement. By then, you'll definitely have to get up frequently at night, so I need to let you get enough rest."

"Okay~" Yi Chen responded softly, feeling sweet in her heart.

At such an important moment, this man is willing to stay with her, so why would she complain about going out to sea frequently?

She had some thoughts about Gu Nan's frequent trips out to sea.

No one wants to be alone in an empty house for at least half a month after getting married.

There was no other way before, we had to make money and live.

But now the two stores are generating good income, and they have also opened a company. Gu Nan even has shares in other places, and the annual dividends are quite a lot.

Obviously, now that he has made money, there is no need for him to go out to sea so hard in the future.

It's not like she hadn't said this before, but unfortunately Gu Nan didn't agree. He only promised to reduce the time he spends at sea and spend more time with her.

Husband and wife should always understand each other. Since Gu Nan took a step back, Yi Chen was considerate and did not mention the matter again.

But now that he had thought so carefully, Yi Chen no longer had any complaints in his heart.

And she also knew Gu Nan’s ultimate goal, a fishing boat worth 2 billion.

She felt it was a bit unrealistic and unnecessary, but since her man wanted to take the risk, she had no choice but to support him.

And industry also has some advantages. The speed of making money is not as fast as finance, but if you really can't do it, you can still sell the fishing boat.

You will lose a lot of money, but it won’t be as serious as stocks, where you will lose money by jumping off a building in one step.

Two days passed quickly and the fishing season arrived.

Gu Nan drove to the dock. The dock was very lively and crowded with people.

On the first day of the sea reopening, all fishing boats are ready to go out to sea to fill the window period of several months of sea closure.

The first to set off were a group of ocean-going fishing vessels, which set off in a mighty force, like an army.

Gu Nan parked the car and brought Dahua and her family to the Nanchen.

The Nanchen still looks the same as when it was first purchased, brand new.

This was just a few days after the maintenance. After Gu Nan came back, he sent the boat for maintenance and had it cleaned at the same time.

After releasing Dahua's family first, Gu Nan came to the flying bridge, sat on the sofa, watched the fishing boats go out to sea, and waited for people.

The first trip to the sea must be lively and exciting. What’s the point of going out to sea alone?
Now he sleeps for a short time every day. Even if there are other people on the boat, it does not affect him from secretly fishing for seafood from the game map while they are sleeping.

Gu Nan cannot leave the fishing industry for the time being, but it is actually no longer necessary to go out to sea for ten or eight days at a time.

Because all the fishing boats under the fishery company went out to sea today, including the fishing boats.

Therefore, he doesn’t need to fish for the seafood in this sea himself, and he can’t catch enough due to the large volume of business.

It’s just that Gu Nan is somewhat looking forward to the marine resources that have just been opened. After three months, maybe he will encounter some surprises.

After a while, he heard a familiar voice.

Turning to look at the stern, I saw An Jun and Ye Jing each carrying a bag and carrying a fishing box in their hands and getting on the boat.

An Jun looked around: "Hey, where's An Nan? Hasn't she come yet?"

"Here!" Gu Nan waved to them.

An Jun saw him on the flying bridge and immediately complained: "It's so hot, you're running on the flying bridge, isn't it hot?"

"It's not that hot today, it's not bad!" Yangjiang Port is naturally still very hot in September, and the early autumn season is not much different from the midsummer.

But today it's cloudy and there's a northwest wind, so it's not that hot after the sun is blocked.

The two put their things away and followed them to the flying bridge.

After Ye Jing sat down, he asked, "Who else is coming besides us?"

An Jun smiled and said, "Brother Wang and Brother Guo will most likely come!"

Gu Nan nodded: "Well, they are coming too, so you stay in one room and they stay in another room."

An Jun was speechless: "It's a luxury fishing boat after all, but in the end we have to rent a room with two people."

Gu Nan spread his hands, too lazy to reply. Needless to say, the reason for the lack of rooms is to give space to the refrigerated compartment and the live fish compartment, so that more fish can be put in.

The two men knew his situation. Even though they expanded the fish hold, there was often not enough space.

Ye Jing did not take up the topic, but asked: "By the way, didn't you recruit a younger brother before you went abroad? The one called Xiaokang, why didn't he come?"

"That kid has some social anxiety and doesn't feel natural with us, so he went to the fishing boat." Gu Nan spread his hands again.

He did call people, but no one wanted to come!

But think about it, boys of this age have strong self-esteem and some low self-esteem, so naturally they won't play with them.

Moreover, due to their age gap, he would not feel comfortable here, so Gu Nan just let him do what he wanted.

He learned more on the fishing boat. He was not idle even during the fishing ban period and successfully passed the fishing boat driver's license test.

Ye Jing was originally the captain of a fishing boat. He was called over this time, so Zhao Kang could go over and help.

The three chatted for a while, and Wang Junhe and Guo Xiao also came on the boat.

In addition to the subsequent reservations for food and bait, Gu Nan went directly to a supermarket yesterday and ordered a lot of fruits, meat and snacks needed for this trip to the sea.

There were a lot of things, after all, enough food for about ten days, so I asked the supermarket to deliver them directly in the morning.

An Jun and his companions went to count the food and confirm the order quantity.

Gu Nan took the bait delivery person and moved the purchased mackerel bait into the cold storage compartment.

The preparation was not much, just ten boxes as usual, and two boxes of frozen Antarctic shrimp.

Although it takes a long time, Gu Nan is not worried at all about not having enough bait after going out to sea.

There will definitely be a lot of fish on the first day of fishing, so you can just use a cast net to catch a batch.

If he wasn't afraid of having no bait in the next few days, he might not have bought it.

Everything was ready and the food quantity was correct. Several people moved everything into the kitchen, sorted them out, and then set off on the boat.

After all this trouble, it was already ten o'clock. The dock was much quieter than when Gu Nan first arrived. Basically all the fishing boats had gone out to sea, and only some that were slower to prepare were still there.

After the fishing boat sailed a certain distance and arrived at the open sea, Gu Nan started the cruising mode.

The boat started moving automatically, and he turned his chair around and listened to the people chatting.

Seeing that he had finished his work, Wang Junhe brought him a cup of freshly brewed tea and asked, "What is our target fish this time?"

Gu Nan took a sip and said, "This tea is good! The final location I have decided on is the sea area for fishing for Japanese perch. I will fish for two days and then go to the high seas for a stroll. I don't think there is much to do in domestic waters."

Wang Junhe nodded. "Of course. This is Da Hong Pao. How can it not taste good? It's also good to catch a Japanese perch first. I've been thinking about this fish every day since I ate it. Let's get more this time."

"Fuck, Dahongpao, from the mother tree?" Gu Nan's eyes widened immediately. He had never tasted this good stuff before, so he quickly finished a glass and then went for another one.

Wang Junhe was so upset when he saw him like this that he rolled his eyes in displeasure: "You are just imagining bullshit. How could it be from a mother tree? It's not easy for me to get that stuff. Even if I have it, I can't keep it. It's all taken away by the old man at home."

"Every time I go back I just try it, not one more cup!"

Speaking of Old Wang, he has some resentment. He can get some tea every year, but it is difficult for him to drink it. No one else can compare.

Fortunately, he was not too particular about the tea ceremony. He would drink second-rate tea, or even worse tea. Most of the time, he would drink tea that cost thousands or tens of thousands of yuan.

"It's not from the mother tree, that's pretty good too!" Gu Nan also had no interest in tea and just listened to the name.

At his age, he still prefers iced happy water.

They chatted, played cards and games to pass the time, and rarely left the cab. It was mainly because they had just started out to sea and there were many fishing boats on the sea. If they didn't keep an eye out, it would be bad if they collided with one.

They set out at around ten in the morning and didn't reach their destination until just after ten in the evening, which took them a total of twelve hours.

It is understandable why Japanese seabass is so expensive. It is not easy to come here, and the output is small.

Gu Nan originally planned to go to the two fishing spots he was familiar with, but when the fishing boat passed through an area of ​​sea, he unexpectedly discovered from the fish finder that there were dense schools of fish on the seabed about eighty to ninety meters deep.

Even at a depth of sixty or seventy meters, there were several large icons, which were obviously big fish.

Guo Xiao looked at the fish finder and said to Gu Nan in admiration, "Anan is so lucky. He encountered such a large school of fish just by sailing by. It's the first day of the sea, and this is a good sign."

Wang Junhe slapped him on the shoulder and said, "Stop talking nonsense and go fishing."

So the group came to the back deck with their fishing gear, found a good position and started fishing.

There were only five people, and because of the big fish, they were all far apart, so as to ensure that catching the big fish would not affect others.

It’s not like on a fishing boat, where there are many people and the distance is close, making fishing very uncomfortable.

Because there were big fish, several people chose to catch the big ones first.

In the afternoon, An Jun and his friends had nothing to do, so they chopped up three boxes of bait, which have now all thawed.

Because it had just been thawed, the fish was not spoiled.

However, these fish baits themselves are not good materials. Many of them have already rotted before being frozen, so they still have a strong fishy smell.

Mackerel is like this, it spoils very quickly, so it is sometimes more attractive to predators than sardines.

It has a strong fishy smell and the smell spreads far!

Gu Nan simply took out a colander, shoveled the bait into the water, and scattered it into the sea.

Normally, a depth of 60 to 70 meters or even 80 to 90 meters is not suitable for making nests.

But if the amount of nesting materials is sufficient to form a nest chain, it is a different story.

Five people and three boxes of chopped bait were quickly spread out on one boat. The bait at five points slowly spread out after sinking, forming a huge bait chain.

How could the underwater predators let go of such a good thing as food falling from the sky?

Several big fish that had originally run away immediately turned back and began to compete for the food.

Some of the bait was carried away by the waves and undercurrents, but some escaped the mouths of the big fish and slowly sank to the bottom of the water.

These increasing number of baits attracted the fish at the bottom of the water, and slowly formed a small school of fish at the bottom of the water.

If this situation is discovered by the big fish above, they will probably be dispersed quickly.

Fortunately, Gu Nan and others had already put bait on their fishing hooks and were waiting for the big fish to take the bait!
Compared to the situation at the bottom of the water, they naturally discovered the food on the hook first.


"Oh, I'm the first one to catch a fish? Hahaha. I'm the first one to catch a fish!" Wang Jun and the fishing rod were the first to move.

This guy subconsciously raised the rod to stab the fish before he suddenly reacted. He turned around to look at Gu Nan, and when he saw that there was no movement from his side, he burst into laughter. His arrogant look really deserved a beating!

The others were all frowning, and Gu Nan didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Isn't it just the first one to catch a fish? Is it that serious?"

This made Guo Xiao and the others nod their heads at the same time: "That's not the point. I'm the first one to catch a fish, so I'm happy. I won't be as arrogant as Lao Wang." (End of this chapter)

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