My fishing game syncs with reality

Chapter 358: You don’t need a belly belt, are you trying out iron crotch skills?

“You guys are really…”

Gu Nan didn't know what to say. Then, seeing Wang Jun and the fishing rod bent sharply, he asked, "Brother Wang, judging from the posture of your fishing rod, the fish should be quite big!"

"It's definitely a little big, I can't even pull the line, yo, the fish is exerting force!"

Wang Junhe held the rod with both hands and spoke with some difficulty. The braking force of the fishing reel was simply unable to stop the big fish at the bottom of the water, and the fishing line was flying very fast.

"Oh, it looks a bit like a tuna. Is it so lucky on the first day?" Guo Xiao, who was sitting next to him, said in surprise after observing for a while.

However, just as he finished speaking, there was movement coming from Gu Nan's side.

He lifted the rod steadily to stab the fish, and after feeling the force and the speed at which the fishing line was released, he said with certainty: "The pulling force is very strong, and the speed at which the fishing line is released is also very fast. It looks like it is most likely a tuna."

"But it won't be too big, it should be within two or three hundred kilograms."

"Two or three hundred pounds is not small, it's just that it doesn't seem small in your eyes." Ye Jing said with a smile.

He knew about Gu Nan's situation when he competed abroad. He often weighed more than a thousand pounds. How could two or three hundred pounds be big enough?
After all, they filmed the videos and posted them online, which attracted quite a few fans, especially the videos of fishing for saltwater crocodiles, which had been played over 10 million times.

Moreover, Gu Nan happened to meet a domestic fishing master during a competition in the Maldives, which helped him to gain some popularity, causing his number of fans to suddenly exceed one million.

A million is still a long way from becoming a big internet celebrity, but at least one is qualified to monetize through traffic.

But Gu Nan and the others are not in a hurry. They have just started making videos, and it would be too hasty to monetize them now.

However, there are a lot of people signing up for his fishing boat, and one boat seems to be not enough.

Therefore, Gu Nan has bought a second boat, which is currently under renovation.

After confirming that it was a tuna at the bottom of the water, the fishermen became more interested.

We encountered tuna on the first day out to sea, which was a good start.

The rest of the people also succeeded in catching fish one after another and started pulling with the fish.

It is still difficult for ordinary people to catch a fish weighing two or three hundred kilograms. Wang Junhe was the first to catch a fish, but after holding on for more than ten minutes, he felt a little exhausted.

His friends were all busy with their own things and no one could help, so he had to loosen the fishing line a little to relieve some of the pressure on himself.

Originally he had applied full braking force, so that the fish could only pull out the fishing line when he exerted force.

In addition, he pulled intentionally, so even a tuna weighing two or three hundred kilograms could only run about two hundred meters.

At this time, the braking force is slightly released, and the fish suddenly runs faster.

Luckily, he was specifically targeting big fish and used a 2,000-meter reel of line, so as long as he was careful, he didn't have to worry about the fish escaping.

During this period, Wang Junhe was slowly recovering his strength.

He kept an eye on the speed and distance of the line, and when the fishing line was about 500 meters, he pulled the brakes to full force again.

The endurance of a fish weighing two or three hundred kilograms is not as strong as that of a fish weighing more than five hundred kilograms.

After swimming back and forth for nearly half an hour, the explosive power of the first wave had been almost consumed.

After a short while, Wang Junhe realized that the fish was beginning to rest, so he slowly turned the handle and began to reel in the line.

He was not in a hurry to reel in the line because he knew that this fish was not easy to catch, so he conserved his strength and fought a protracted battle.

The others did the same thing, even Ye Jing and An Jun.

Their fishing experience was not as good as the others, but they had caught a lot of big fish and knew how to deal with them.

However, they suddenly heard something very nice, and their expressions changed immediately.

"Wow, it's a bluefin tuna." Gu Nan's surprised voice sounded on the deck.

He caught two or three hundred kilograms of tuna in just half an hour, and he was the only one on the boat.

"Really?" Wang Junhe was excited and asked immediately.

"What's the benefit of lying to you?" Gu Nan was a little speechless. "Although it may not be 100% certain that it is a school of bluefin fish, the probability is very high. What you are fishing for should also be bluefin."

Guo Xiao smiled: "I like to hear that. It seems that I need to put in some effort. I'll be at ease in the morning."

Although the other few people didn't say anything, they looked much more serious about fishing.

Ordinary tuna and bluefin tuna are two completely different concepts, and even they will not ignore them.

After a few people got serious, the handle turned very fast. Fishing? What kind of fish is that?

At worst, you can just take a rest or go straight to the electric winch.

Gu Nan had already killed the fish with a harpoon. When the fish was completely motionless, he put a rope around the fish's tail and used a crane to hoist the fish up.

The others looked back and saw that it was really Blue Fin who was not fooling them, so they moved faster.

After Gu Nan brought up the small torpedo, he first went to the cabin to check the fish finder, and found that the mark of the big fish was gone.

This school of tuna is really small, with only five fish.

He shook his head helplessly and had to come out to bleed the fish first and then change the fishing rod to catch small fish.

Now that there are more golden fishing rods, it is much easier for him to fish.

You can tie up the lines according to the various models. You can use the line group of similar models according to the size of fish you want to catch. You don’t have to change the line frequently. It is very convenient.

After bleeding, gutting and putting the fish into the cold storage, Gu Nan did not continue fishing but waited on the side.

He could catch a fish by himself, including getting it into the boat, but the others might not be able to do it.

He pulled the fish back after it was completely confused. The fish was basically motionless by the boat and was at the mercy of others.

But Wang Jun and the others cannot do it unless they spend a lot of time.

The fish were swimming around the boat, so how could they have time to deal with the fish?
After waiting for another ten minutes, Gu Nan went to check on Wang Junhe and found that the fish was still four hundred meters away.


I checked with the other people and they were all in similar situations. It looked like it would take at least another half an hour to sort it out.

Why wait? Gu Nan simply took out the fishing rod with the electric reel and installed the bracket on the side of the boat to try fishing first.

There are no tuna, but there might be some sea bass at the bottom of the water.

Just now when he entered the cabin to see if there were any tuna, he discovered the situation at the bottom of the water. A large group of fish icons gathered at the bottom of the boat. It was obvious that the bait he had laid before had taken effect.

While there are plenty of fish now, catch a batch first.

The electric reel made a humming sound, and the hook and bait sank steadily to the bottom of the sea.

As soon as it went down, the tip of the fishing rod began to shake violently, and a fish was caught.

Gu Nan was stunned for a moment, then quickly pressed the button to reel in the call.

Judging from the speed at which the line was reeled in, the fish wasn’t that big.

But you're right, his line set is designed to catch fish weighing around five to ten kilograms. It can also catch fish weighing more than ten kilograms, but there is a risk of the fish coming off the hook.

However, the probability of decoupling is not very high, as long as you reel in the line in time.

Gu Nan had been unhooked before, but it was usually caused by a small fishhook catching a big fish.

The fish hooks produced in the game are very hard, and even big fish can't pull them straight, but big fish can pull off a piece of their own flesh, so Gu Nan has no way to deal with it. Fortunately, this situation is rare, if it happens more, then the small fish hooks here will be useless.

After a while, a beautiful long-tailed sea bream appeared on the sea surface.

Yes, Gu Nan approved of this deep-sea fish.

When the sea just opens, the prices of many seafood will gradually decrease over time, but the price of this rare fishing fish remains strong.

Gu Nan scooped the fish up with a scoop net, grabbed the fishing line and held the fish in his hand. It felt like it weighed about seven or eight kilograms.

Remove the fish hook, gently place the fish into a plastic box covered with ice, hang a piece of fish meat and continue.

This time, as soon as the hook reached the bottom, a fish was caught. The fishing situation was amazing.

Gu Nan decided to mark the coordinates of this place. Even if there were no Japanese perch, this resource would make it a fishing spot he would often visit in the future.

The second one is black sea bream, which is also good. It is relatively rare to see black sea bream at this depth.

As the number of fish in the plastic box next to Gu Nan gradually increased, Wang Jun and the others entered the final moment of tug-of-war.

Lao Wang was only a hundred meters away from catching the fish, but he didn’t expect the fish to be so difficult to catch at first. He forgot to wear the belly support belt, which caused his belly to hurt.

Now the pain at the end of the rod was unbearable, and it was obviously too late to use the belly belt.

Lao Wang simply used the method passed down from his ancestors and clamped the tail of the fishing rod under his crotch.

Guo Xiao beside him turned his head unintentionally, and when he saw this scene, he opened his mouth in surprise: "Old Wang, what are you doing? What if you hurt your wife?"


After hearing what he said, the others turned around with question marks in their eyes to see what was going on, and then they discovered Lao Wang's Iron Crotch Skill.

"Pfft~" Gu Nan burst out laughing, "Brother Wang, don't let your imagination run wild! Sea fish are so ferocious, if they start to exert force again, be careful not to hit your balls."

The other three laughed when they heard him say that, but Lao Guo reminded them: "An Nan, go get Lao Wang a belly belt. He doesn't even know how to wear this thing when fishing for big fish."

Wang Junhe: "No, do you think I want to practice the scene of holding the rod under the crotch? It's probably because my stomach has turned blue from being hit that I realized it."

"It's no use trying to push against the belly belt now. It will definitely hurt if I do. It's better to fish like this."

"Then let me help you. You take a rest." Gu Nan pressed the button, reeled in the fishing line, and prepared to go to Wang Junhe.

"You must be joking. If I let you take over, will I still use the Iron Crotch Skill? It's just the last 100 meters, I can do it myself." Wang Junhe refused immediately.

I have already resorted to all means of sacrificing my wife’s happiness, so how can I let others take over?

Gu Nan was quite speechless when he saw this, but he still came to his side, ready to lend a hand at any time.

There is no rush to fish. He has been fishing for more than 20 minutes and has caught three rare fish such as the longtail sea bream, but no Japanese seabass. It is obvious that there are either very few or no fish here, so he doesn't mind wasting some time.

Apart from anything else, the iron crotch technique might really be useful.

Every time the fish exerted force, Wang Junhe would scream, which sounded quite creepy.

But he fished a lot faster without realizing it. He originally estimated that it would take more than ten minutes, but he pulled the fish to the side of the boat in less than ten minutes.

Gu Nan had already prepared a harpoon. As soon as the fish reached the side of the boat, he chose the right time and cast it down immediately.

The harpoon immediately penetrated the tuna's body, causing it to struggle and swing its tail, making the fishing rod shake continuously, which made Wang Junhe feel so sour in the end that his face turned the color of liver.

"Alright, alright, I'll hold the fishing rod and you go get the rope." Gu Nan amusedly took the fishing rod from his hand to save him from suffering any further.

This can be regarded as a reminder for them that when they go fishing for big fish in the future, they must wear a belly belt if there is no one around.

If there is someone around, don't force yourself.

The feeling of having your stomach hit and turning blue is not pleasant, and most people cannot use the Iron Crotch Technique.

"Anan, what kind of fish is that?" An Jun was behind them and couldn't see any fish, so he was a little anxious and asked.

"It's also bluefin, most of you are probably all of them."

The one caught by Wang Junhe is almost the same size as the one caught by Gu Nan. This is the second one, so the tunas of the other people can basically be confirmed.

An Jun was very satisfied when he heard this: "Not bad, not bad, at least two hundred thousand."

The market price of a bluefin mullet weighing more than 200 kilograms is between 110,000 and 200,000 yuan, and the price fluctuates with the quality of the fish.

But An Jun's fish must be delivered to his own restaurant. The price sold in the restaurant is not the normal price in the fish market. It is normal to double the price.

If the restaurant wasn’t so small and didn’t need a lot of bluefin, Gu Nan wouldn’t have been able to resist selling the fish to them.

At the normal market price, you can make a penny and then get a little more as dividends. Isn't that more profit?

Of course, Gu Nan would not do this. After all, his share of dividends was not much, just a small part, which was not very meaningful.

Wang Junhe caught this one, and then the fish of several other people were also brought to the boat side one after another, and Gu Nan helped one by one.

Soon, five bluefin breams of similar size were sent to the cold storage hold.

However, there is an extra tie on the fish's tail to distinguish the fish that each one has caught.

Fishing for bluefin bream obviously consumed a lot of everyone's energy. An Jun immediately picked out the largest long-tailed sea bream from the plastic box next to Gu Nan.

"I haven't eaten this fish for a long time. I'm going to make a midnight snack."

After seeing this, Gu Nan laughed and scolded: "Good boy, you are really good at choosing. It costs more than 3,000 yuan!"

An Jun rolled his eyes and said, "Are you short of this? At worst, you can just eat more later."

Gu Nan nodded with satisfaction: "There are a lot of ingredients in the refrigerator, don't just cook fish!"

An Jun: “.”

Someone prepared a midnight snack for them, so Lao Wang and his friends decided not to continue fishing and went to the living room to rest.

Gu Nan felt that fishing alone was boring, so he simply followed in and took a rest.

After a while, Wang Junhe suddenly sat next to him and handed him the phone.

"Anan, a new batch of stones has arrived. Do you want to pick a few to play with?"

"Okay!" Gu Nan's eyes lit up and he immediately took the phone to choose a stone.

Lao Wang buys stones directly from Myanmar, where he knows people, so these stones are more playable than those on display in the domestic market, and the probability of producing good things is higher.

Of course, it’s just a little more, after all, they have already selected the good quality stones themselves.

Last time, my wife and mother were very happy to receive the bracelet made of glutinous ice and purple floating flowers. It is really beautiful.

If there is a chance to cut a high ice grade stone, the result will be much better looking.

It’s impossible to sell it. Good things must be kept.

Gu Nan is still a novice, but he can recognize the eight basic open-mouthed materials, but he has no idea about some of the less common ones.

Secondly, you can roughly see the quality, but without seeing it in person, choosing from the video is a bit like guessing a blind box.

The price is not high, so they just guess for fun. If it is expensive, they still have to go to the site to see the product.

Gu Nan was selecting stones, and Ye Jing came over curiously. After seeing the video, he was shocked: "You guys are still gambling on stones?" (End of this chapter)

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