My fishing game syncs with reality

Chapter 362: Inexplicable Storm

The crab cage weighing more than 100 pounds is tied to a rope in the water, so it is not difficult to carry.

Gu Nan moved the crab cage to the big hole made by the basking shark and placed it there, then moved the fish box over.

He had already roughly checked the hull structure when he went up from another passage just now.

It was a coincidence that the place where the basking shark hit was exactly the warehouse of the ship.

In addition to a few wooden boxes that were smashed apart, revealing a large amount of gold items and a small amount of jewelry inside, there were probably a dozen or so unopened boxes left.

As for whether there are better treasures hidden there, he has not had time to check yet.

With an oxygen tank, Gu Nan can stay underwater for a long time.

He first opened one side of the crab cage, then picked up the scattered large gold objects and threw them in.

There are plates, big bowls, and some strange masks, which at first glance look a bit like the bronze artifacts from Sanxingdui.

When seeing these finished gold products, Gu Nan knew that this ship was not an ancient shipwreck from China, but should be something from an ancient foreign tribe.

As for why it sank here, he didn't know.

I guess Lao Wang and Lao Guo will have to do some research after they return. Whether they can find out the origins of these things depends on the real experts.

If this batch of treasures came from ancient China, then the things on this ship still belonged to the country, even on the high seas.

But it’s obvious that these are foreign products. As long as he doesn’t make it public and lets the whole world know about it, Gu Nan can get these things himself.

Otherwise, even if the country tacitly agrees that the things belong to him, his neighbors will not let him go, and there will definitely be a lot of people causing trouble for him.

After all, this location belongs to the high seas boundary between China and the little people. Given the shamelessness of the little people, they will definitely say that the things belong to them.

That's why he tied up Lao Wang and Lao Guo and gave them benefits, so that they would help conceal and block some things.

This is also the main reason why Gu Nan shared this batch of treasures and even gave some of them away even though they clearly did not want them.

The space in a crab cage is not small, but the crab cage was filled up before all the large gold items scattered outside were picked up.

Gu Nan closed the lid of the crab cage, tied a slipknot, then grabbed the rope and pulled it back three times.

On the boat, Ye Jing, who had been holding the rope, felt the pulling force from the three consecutive pulls, and quickly asked Wang Junhe to start the winch and pull up the crab cage.

At this time, there was only a small light on the side of the deck of the Nanchen, and the dim environment was very suitable for doing these sneaky things.

Soon, the crab cage was pulled onto the boat.

Looking at the large gold items, everyone on the boat gasped.

Ye Jing smiled bitterly and said, "Is it too late for me to regret now?"

An Jun grinned: "It's not too late. An Nan definitely doesn't mind giving you 10% again. Damn it, don't even mention you, I regret it!"

Wang Junhe also shook his head and laughed, "I thought it was just an ordinary gold artifact, but when it came up, it really surprised me! This batch of gold artifacts should be very old and have great collection value."

Guo Xiao agreed: "Although I can't tell where they come from, I have to ask for more."

What the two said made An Jun and Ye Jing think that they also regretted it, and they were a little surprised.

In fact, the two sides are not on the same channel at all.

When Wang Junhe saw these gold artifacts, he knew that they must have been in a lot of trouble when Gu Nan came up with this batch of gold artifacts.

If you take a little more, it’s also a reward for your hard work.

The four men said nothing more. They quickly poured out the gold objects in the crab cage and put the crab cage back into the water.

Meanwhile, Gu Nan, who was underwater, had already stuffed all the scattered jewels and small gold items into the fish box.

Smaller things can be stored more because the space gaps are not that big, so everything on the ground can be gathered up.

As usual, he pulled the rope, and when the fish box was slowly lifted up, Gu Nan grabbed the rope and was also lifted out of the sunken ship. He only let go when he saw the crab cage.

After putting the remaining scattered gold items in, things became much more convenient. He untied the rope of the fish box, returned to the surface and sent the box back to the boat. Then he used the ropes to tie up the boxes in the shipwreck directly and lifted them onto the boat one by one.

There were a total of twelve large wooden boxes left, each of which looked to be at least one cubic meter in size. Although the boxes had been softened by the soaking, they were tied on all sides with ropes, so the weight inside would not damage the boxes.

After collecting the twelve boxes, Gu Nan began to explore the rooms further inside.

If you are lucky, there may be more valuable things placed in some small rooms.

However, if this ship is not the leader, then he may not be able to get the good things.

It also indirectly shows that the things on this ship are just ordinary things for the entire fleet.

Gu Nan was full of anticipation and searched the rooms at the bottom of the ship, which were next to the warehouse.

In the end, he found nothing. There was nothing at all in some rooms that were obviously inhabited by humans, which made him a little disappointed.

But now that he was here, how could he be content without searching everything?

Therefore, he didn't care about the passage and the horror of the skeletons in the room, and started exploring the rooms one by one.

On the middle floor, there is a particularly large room, which may be the master bedroom of the shipwreck, the room where the captain sleeps and rests.

Gu Nan kicked the stuck door open with force, and a flash of gold under the light caught his attention.

He looked towards the location of the golden light, and the next moment, his heart skipped a beat.

I saw a skeleton wearing a golden crown sitting on a chair with a golden crown on his head.

On a capsized shipwreck, there was actually a skeleton sitting upright with a golden crown on its head. The scene was creepy no matter how you looked at it.

Gu Nan thought he was a brave man, but at this moment he tried not to go in. Why did this thing give him the illusion that he was still alive?

The next moment, he shook his head violently.

How could he still be alive? It was obvious that he was affected by the fear and was scaring himself.

This golden crown looks very delicate and gives people a high-end feeling.

But in fact, due to the ancient craftsmanship, this golden crown is not very finely made, but it is much more exquisite than those gold artifacts outside.

Now that I have seen it, I have to accept it. This thing has a very high collection value. It is better to keep it for myself than to bury it here or have it searched by others later.

Gu Nan stepped forward, bowed to the skeleton, and then took the golden crown away.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the golden crown was taken off, the skeleton that was originally sitting upright suddenly fell apart.


Various fantasy movies flashed through my mind again. Could it be that I had unlocked some seal or was possessed by another spirit?
After waiting for a long time and seeing nothing happened, Gu Nan breathed a sigh of relief. He was just scaring himself.

Great China does not allow monsters to be active. Even though this is the high seas, it is the high seas that China can manage.

Gu Nan quickly left the creepy room and continued searching.

However, other places were empty, with only some daily necessities, and they were almost rotten.

It can also be seen from here that this shipwreck should be older than he imagined, and may have been buried on the seabed for hundreds of years. After the search, Gu Nan quickly returned with the golden crown.

Seeing Gu Nan emerge with a golden crown, the three people on the boat all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Have you finished the exploration?" Wang Junhe asked.

"Well, there's nothing left, just this golden crown." Gu Nan nodded, handed the golden crown to him, and then climbed up.

When he saw the wooden boxes on the deck, he was slightly surprised: "You didn't open the boxes?"

Guo Xiao smiled and said, "You've been busy for so long, so I guess I should take you along with me when I open the blind box?"

"Okay, I'll go take a shower first." Gu Nan nodded with a smile. He was also curious about the contents of these boxes. "Who of you will drive the boat and leave here first? It's always safer to go back to domestic waters than on the high seas."

"Of course. The original plan was to wait for you to come up and leave immediately." An Jun said.

Gu Nan nodded, then took off his equipment, took off his diving suit, and went into the room to take a shower.

The shower was quick, and when he came out, the Nanchen had just finished warming up.

The things were placed on the deck. It would only take an hour or so to get back to the domestic waters from here, so no one was in a hurry to unpack them.

All the things have been brought up, so there is no need to rush to open the blind box later.

However, the fishing boat, which was originally sailing steadily, began to shake slowly without anyone noticing, and the arc of the shaking became larger and larger.


There was lightning and thunder, and the next moment heavy rain fell. Several people who were smoking on the deck hurried into the cabin.

Wang Junhe shook his head, wiped the rain off his face, and said depressedly: "This is too exaggerated. There is no preparation at all. A thunderstorm must have a process of growing from small to large, right?"

Guo Xiao frowned: "That's not right. I checked the weather forecast. It should be sunny and cloudy these two days. Why is it raining suddenly?"

Gu Nan looked out the window, feeling an inexplicable worry in his heart.

The thunderstorm and strong wind came so suddenly that he subconsciously had a bad premonition.

Although he was reluctant to admit it, he began to suspect in his heart whether this was related to the treasure from the shipwreck.

Some things aren't so easy to get?

"I'll drive the boat!" The waves were getting bigger and bigger, and the boat was shaking more and more.

Seeing that Ye Jing, who was driving the boat, was sweating, Gu Nan took over immediately.

None of the people present were particularly experienced captains, but his boat driving skills were much better than the others.

Gu Nan had just sat down when a huge wave over five meters high came towards him. With a serious expression, he immediately stepped on the accelerator to the maximum and rushed towards the wave.

Dahua's family huddled on the sofa anxiously, howling and screaming. Their voices sounded like crying children, which made it even more terrifying.

"Hiss~" Guo Xiao suddenly thought of something and said in horror, "Could it be because of this batch of treasures?"

An Jun was stunned, his mouth twitched, and he showed an ugly smile: "Brother Guo, you must believe in science!"

The other two people also looked unhappy. Even though they had doubts in their hearts, they still agreed with An Jun's words on the surface and nodded in unison.

But it's hard not to be suspicious about this, it's such a coincidence!

When thunderstorms and strong winds come at sea, ships may not be able to avoid them, but there are always signs, so at least they can be discovered in advance.

On their side, the moon was bright one moment, and when they were sailing the next moment, there was a violent storm. It was obvious that something was wrong.

Gu Nan successfully broke through a huge wave and felt a little relieved. After hearing their conversation, he said in a deep voice: "No matter what the reason is, I believe that as long as we return to domestic waters, everything will be fine."

"Besides, this situation is still far worse than a major typhoon. The Nanchen can withstand it."

An Jun's eyes suddenly lit up: "Oh my god, An Nan, I suddenly realized that the name of your ship is so good, Nan Chen - Hard to Sink! This name is tough, it seems that we can't sink this time!"

The others all laughed when they heard this. This came at the right time and made everyone feel at ease.

This is using metaphysics to fight metaphysics, and perhaps it really is effective.

Gu Nan also laughed. He hadn’t thought about this when he first chose the name, but today he realized that the name was a good one!
For the next hour, the Nanchen was like a small boat, struggling forward in the strong wind and huge waves, and had to rush into huge waves from time to time.

Fortunately, I don’t know if there is really a metaphysical confrontation, but the huge waves are not beyond common sense, and the Nanchen’s wind and wave resistance level is just enough to withstand it.

On the map, when the Nanchen just passed the sea boundary line, the intensity of the wind and waves miraculously weakened.

In less than five minutes, the wind and waves completely passed and the sea returned to calm.


This situation made several people on the boat start to gasp again.

Gu Nan felt his scalp tingling and laughed awkwardly: "This should be a moving storm that just passed by, right!"

Wang Junhe's face was stiff: "Yes, we must believe in science!"

Guo Xiao nodded: "In life, we always encounter some inexplicable things, and we don't have enough knowledge to explain them scientifically, so we become suspicious. In fact, they are all natural phenomena!"

When they heard this, they nodded repeatedly: "Brother Guo is right!"

Although he said so, he was definitely still feeling scared.

If they had encountered the strong winds and huge waves just now under normal circumstances, none of them would have been afraid.

The price of the boat is there, and it has a high level of wind and wave resistance, so as long as the weather is not too bad, nothing will happen in this degree of weather.

But now that the matter has passed, everyone has tacitly put it behind them.

After opening the box, Gu Nan was no longer in a hurry and continued to drive back until the east turned white, then he stopped the boat.

Wang Junhe took a deep breath and said, "Go and open the box. We have already entered the domestic waters. The national destiny of Great China can suppress everything!"

Gu Nan grinned: "Brother Wang, didn't you agree not to mention it?"

Wang Junhe laughed: "Okay, my fault, go open the baby!"

After experiencing the danger together, the distance between them was shortened a lot, and their original little thoughts also dissipated.

Instead, everyone is particularly interested in the things in the box. Are the metaphysical questions really related to this batch of things, or is it just a coincidence?

As the box was opened, a large amount of gold artifacts were revealed. The items were similar to the large gold artifacts picked up by Gu Nan, and were made rather roughly.

It is far inferior to the craftsmanship level of ancient China.

However, when everyone saw the golden plate and the special characters on it, they were all stunned.

An Jun squatted down and took a look, and asked curiously: "What country's characters are these? They look so strange?"

Wang Junhe said with a smile: "We are not global, how can we know what the text or other symbols are? Let's go back and study it slowly! It feels like we have uncovered some great secret!" (End of this chapter)

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