My fishing game syncs with reality

Chapter 363 Everything goes well

Chapter 363 Everything goes well

(Text on the gold plate)
Guo Xiao held the golden plate and thought: "This looks a bit like the hieroglyphics of Mu Continent!"

"Fuck, Mu Continent?" Gu Nan's eyes widened. "It is rumored that Mu Continent fought a war with Atlantis and finally sank due to a global disaster?"

Guo Xiao exclaimed: "You know that too?"

Gu Nan shook his head: "I just happened to see some content about civilization relics while watching videos, and I learned a little bit. But as you know, the self-media can tell whether what they say is true or false, so it doesn't count."

An Jun and his friends had never heard of Mu Continent, but when it came to Atlantis, they had an idea in their minds.

Compared to Mu Continent, Atlantis is indeed much more famous.

"Hiss~ If these are really the gold artifacts from that time, the value of these things will be incredible! Not to mention a super fishing boat, even another one would be no problem." Ye Jing said in surprise.

Wang Jun and Guo Xiao smiled when they heard this, but did not agree with the topic.

This is also because of experience. In fact, if it is really a gold artifact produced by Mu Continent, then its value cannot be measured by money at all.

Rumor has it that the technological civilization of Mu Continent has also developed to a very good level. It is not as good as modern times, but it is estimated to be not much worse than that of the 1990s.

Of course, rumors are just rumors.

Mu Continent sank 12,000 years ago. However, the beginning of Chinese civilization, the Yanhuang period, was between 4,500 and 5,500 years ago, which is a long way off.

Time can bury history. What the earth was like twelve thousand years ago is all a mystery to modern people.

"Anan, you will definitely not be able to keep the gold plate. You have to be mentally prepared. I suggest you take the initiative to hand over the gold plate. You should be able to keep most of the other things. At least you can start your plan for the super fishing boat."

After pondering for a while, Wang Junhe exchanged glances with Guo Xiao and made a suggestion.

Gu Nan smiled and said, "If it really is from Mu Continent, I would have no problem handing it over. It's useless in my hands."

"I'll be satisfied if you can leave most of it for auction. Just don't try to blackmail me and try to embezzle my gold items."

His words made Wang Junhe and Guo Xiao laugh.

Lao Guo even said: "If this happened 20 years ago, even Lao Guo and I probably wouldn't be able to stop it. But now it's the Internet age, some people's reputations have long been tarnished, so let them go back to where they came from."

The country will not take action against a lucky person who has dug up treasure, as long as there are certain items for research and display.

And they won’t take it for free, they will also offer a price to buy it.

In other words, not knowing the exact price made Gu Nan unable to decide what to do with it for a while.

If the price is low, he can even give some away for free in exchange for a big backer who will allow him to sell the rest smoothly.

After discussing the details with Lao Wang and Lao Guo, Gu Nan and the others put away all the gold and jewelry.

I didn't clean it rashly, mainly because I was afraid of erasing some traces of history.

The value of these things lies in their historical traces. If this is lost, the value will be greatly reduced.

Without even throwing away the wooden boxes outside, Gu Nan sailed back overnight.

Lao Guo and Lao Wang went to sleep, and after they woke up it was the three of them's turn.

An Jun sat next to Gu Nan and sighed, "I originally thought it was a big surprise, but now after listening to your analysis, it feels like a big trouble."

Ye Jing comforted him, "As long as it turns into ocean, it won't be a problem, and no thieves will be interested in it."

Gu Nan was open-minded and said with a smile: "If it really doesn't work, then just donate a small half. It's not all in, so what's there to be afraid of."

Apparently, after discussing it, several people decided to hide the things first.

The hiding place certainly wouldn’t be home.

Just then, at dawn, the fishing boat arrived near an isolated island.

Gu Nan put on a diving suit again and hid the golden crown, golden scepter and other gold objects in the fish box in a secret cave he discovered.

This cave is located under a cliff on an isolated island. It is more than 50 meters deep and the diameter of the cave entrance is about 1.5 meters. It is a relatively large cave.

This is a natural cave that Gu Nan discovered accidentally while fishing and hunting. It is seven or eight meters deep and is not one of those underwater caves with crisscrossing structures.

At first he thought he had found the treasure location, but when he went in, he only found grouper and nothing else.

Now it has become a good safe storage place.

After sending all the things to the innermost part, Gu Nan kept busy at the entrance of the cave, moving large stones to block the entrance.

He went in out of curiosity, and he was also afraid that if a skilled diver discovered the cave and ran in, all his efforts would be in vain.

As for the gold plate, he didn't bring it with him. There are suspected hieroglyphics on it, which has great research significance, so it would be better to hand it over.

There are also some miscellaneous gold and jewelry, accounting for one-fifth of the total treasure, and these must be taken back first.

Whether the treasure buried in the cave will be sold domestically or abroad depends on the development results after it is returned.

After all, Lao Wang and Lao Guo are wealthy people in Bazhou City and have a certain influence, but they are simply not enough when facing some pressure.

When Gu Nan finished his work and returned to the boat, Lao Wang and Lao Guo had already gotten up. When they saw him come back, they knew that the treasure was buried.

None of them mentioned the matter again tacitly. After having breakfast, the three who had stayed up late went back to sleep, while the two who had just woken up continued to drive the boat back.

When the Nanchen arrived at the dock, it was just after four in the afternoon and the dock was very busy.

Gu Nan's contacts dealt with the fish on the boat, selling those that needed to be sold and sending those that needed to be sent back.

After they cleaned the fishing boat together, they went back to their homes and took their wives with them.

These days, Yi Chen has been living with her parents-in-law. Her belly is getting bigger and bigger, and they definitely can't be at ease if she lives alone.

But since Gu Nan was here, he naturally didn’t need to go back. After leaving the dock, he went to the company to pick up his wife from get off work.

Seeing him coming, Yi Chen was obviously surprised: "You're back so soon?"

"Why, can't I come back earlier?"

"That's not the case, it's just a little unexpected."

"I definitely didn't plan to come back so soon, but something happened and I have to come back. It's a good thing to wait until I get home to talk about what it is."

Hearing that it was good news, Yi Chen's heart suddenly relaxed. He nodded, tidied the table simply, got up and went home with him.

After returning home, Gu Nan told her about the treasure he found at sea.

After hearing this, Yi Chen had a complicated expression and didn't know what to say!

We earn enough every year now, but after working hard for a year, we end up not making as much money as digging for treasure in one go?
But overall, Yi Chen is still very happy. Who would complain about having too much money?

Especially for those of them who come from grassroots backgrounds, it is impossible for them to reach the state of "I don't like money" in a short period of time.

Yi Chen touched her belly with a sigh: "This little guy is so lucky, he has no worries about food and clothing since he was born. He is a good reincarnation."

Gu Nan hugged his wife and laughed: "Indeed, if my plan goes well, this little guy will probably never be defeated in his lifetime!"

Upon hearing this, Yi Chen angrily slapped away his hand that was touching her belly and raised her eyebrows: "What, do you have a problem with me?" "Huh?" Gu Nan was confused. What was going on?
"You will never be able to ruin your family. Does that mean that I am a kind mother who spoils her son and raised a playboy?"

"Well, is there a possibility that I, as a father, don't know how to take care of my children!" Gu Nan reacted quickly and corrected him immediately, "Wife, I'll rely on you from now on, otherwise I'm afraid that this bastard will pull out my oxygen tube when I get old!"

"Pfft~ Go to hell, what are you talking about!" Yi Chen was immediately amused and his anger turned into laughter. After saying a word of scolding, he didn't say anything else.

Gu Nan hugged his wife again, who had become moody after becoming pregnant, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Normally, if his wife was stubborn and disobedient, he could whip her, but now he had no other options except coaxing her.

Going home to play with his wife helped Gu Nan relax a lot from his tense nerves after digging up the treasure.

At nine o'clock in the evening, when Gu Nan saw the message from An Jun, he knew it was time to set off.

Gu Nan slowly let go of his wife, being very careful, but he still woke up the person sleeping next to him.

A slightly confused voice sounded in the darkness: "Anan?"

"Did I wake you up? Go back to sleep. I'll be back after I deliver the things to Brother Wang's house."

"Well, come back soon."

The purpose of leaving at this time is, of course, to move the gold items on the ship to Wang Junhe's gambling stone villa.

There were too many people in the afternoon, so it was not suitable for transportation. The fish boxes with lids on the main boat were used to store treasures and were placed in the cave.

The rest were without lids, which meant they had no choice but to sell the fish first and then buy some new boxes to transport the gold.

The time didn't matter. Gu Nan was mainly bothered by Yi Chen's sleepiness. After spending some time with her, the girl fell asleep half lying on him.

He had no choice, so he delayed until this point, until An Jun, who was getting impatient, sent a message.

An Jun stayed on the boat to look after the gold. His girlfriend had not returned from the peninsula for the past few days, and he couldn't hug his wife. He would be alone in an empty house wherever he went, so it was better for him to stay on the boat and look after it.

In fact, it doesn’t matter if there is no one on the boat, but how can Gu Nan and others feel at ease if such a valuable item is left on the boat without anyone watching it?

When we arrived at the dock in a pickup truck, An Jun was standing on the deck smoking.

The rest of the people didn't come, so there was no need.

It's just that it's difficult to move this batch of treasure when there are so many people around. It's not like they are transporting contraband, so there's no need to be so cautious.

He came to the dock so openly, then he and An Jun moved the things into the car and left.

The security guard at the dock naturally saw him, but when he saw it was him, he didn't do anything about it.

There are people at the pier at night, but just a few.

After delivering the things to the villa, Gu Nan sent An Jun to the massage parlor, paid for him, and then went home.

There’s no way. We had agreed to go over there after dinner.

As a result, after making people wait for so long, they were forced to treat us.

In the following days, Gu Nan stayed at home quietly, and the matter of the gold jewelry was handled by the Wang and Guo families together.

If everything goes well, he won't need to show up.

If things don't go well, someone will definitely come after him and use moral blackmail or do something else to cause trouble.

Fortunately, as the days go by, good news keeps coming from Lao Wang.

The things were indeed gold artifacts left over from the Mu Continent civilization.

This means that someone obtained the treasure a hundred years ago, but was not able to bring it all back in the end, and part of it sank to the bottom of the sea.

Then, on the seventh day, Gu Nan received shocking news from Lao Wang.

There are no gold items similar to this treasure circulating in the world, so either there was only one ship transporting the treasure, or the entire fleet was buried in the sea.

And that sunken ship was suspected to be the ship used by Xiao Sheng.

Lao Wang and his team apparently told their superiors the location of the shipwreck, and their superiors sent people to the shipwreck site, and probably figured out something.

Lao Wang secretly told him that the authorities had secretly sent people to search for other possible shipwrecks in that sea area.

As for the sudden storm when they left, Lao Wang also asked someone about it privately.

There is only one answer: believe in science, there are many coincidences in the world!
Well, coincidence is coincidence!

Anyway, neither Lao Wang nor Gu Nan planned to continue searching for possible remaining shipwrecks, and they would not even go to the high seas over there if it was not necessary.

It is unknown whether they will experience another storm after appearing on the high seas over there.

You may be lucky once, but not necessarily the second time.

The transaction of gold items went smoothly. The authorities purchased all of them at a high price and also hinted that if there were any others, they would also be purchased at a high price.

Now Gu Nan felt relieved. By selling things to the authorities, he could not only get a lot of money, but also avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble.

So the "Big Five" gathered again, discussed it, and set out the next day to bring back all the remaining treasures.

Each person kept two gold items and two pieces of Mu Continent's characteristic jewelry for collection, and the rest were all sold to the government.

Gu Nan just got 2 billion, which is definitely a lot less than the total price if the items were auctioned.

But the authorities stepped in to resolve his South China Sea fishing license, which included a certain quota for toothfish.

This is a great gift. When going to the South China Sea, the main thing you catch is Antarctic shrimp, followed by some fish from there, but the quantity will not be large.

As for the toothfish catch share, there’s no need to even think about it.

The production of this thing itself is not high, and it has long been occupied by countries with early fishery development and neighboring countries. At least Gu Nan is not qualified to get this share.

Unfortunately, he can only get this share once his ship arrives. Currently, his annual share is still under the control of a state-owned fishing company.

Now that he has the money, Gu Nan is going to start his own plan.

Shipbuilding is a very lengthy process. It would take at least ten years to build a large ship that can go fishing in Antarctica.

There was no need to rush. After a while, after I finished dealing with the treasure, the stones that I had bought at sea also arrived.

Gu Nan simply put other things aside and just cut some stone to relax.

During this period, he felt like every day was a year, fearing that bad news would come from Lao Wang.

Then shipping the remaining gold items would be a very troublesome task.

Fortunately, everything went well.

Next, I’ll cut some stones to relax, finalize the fishing boat plan, and then spend time with my wife, waiting for the baby to be born.

(End of this chapter)

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