My fishing game syncs with reality

Chapter 371 Day 1 in the Jungle

The feeling of fishing Arapaima is very similar to that of Grouper, both are very heavy and like to drill to the bottom.

This forced Gu Nan to lean back as far as possible and hold it forcefully to prevent it from running underwater and getting stuck.

The small boat kept swaying on the water, and it seemed that it could not withstand the force.

But the tour guide was very experienced. He picked up a bamboo pole and stuck it into the water, then held on to the pole with both hands to stabilize the boat.

It also shows that the water here is very shallow, with an estimated depth of about two meters.

There are many giant creatures in the Amazon River, and the Arapaima is one of the most powerful among them. Without seeing its true appearance, no one knows whether this is the target fish.

But the probability is still very high. One reason is that the tour guide’s secret bait is mainly used to attract it.

Secondly, as the overlord, it basically has no rivals in the water, so when it encounters food, it will not think too much and there is a high probability that it will swallow it in one gulp.

The heavy-duty fishing rods purchased locally kept squeaking, and the obviously thick fishing lines were also tense, but no one worried that the fishing rods and lines could not bear the weight.

Gu Nan spent a lot of money on this set of equipment, and the fishing gear is also very powerful.

Not to mention the Arapaima which weighs less than 500 kilograms at its heaviest, even the big crocodiles from the Amazon River couldn't break free.

There are many species of crocodiles living here, but the easiest crocodile to catch is the black crocodile.

The maximum body length of this crocodile can reach five meters, and its weight is naturally heavier than that of the arapaima.

However, black crocodiles rarely attack humans. Instead, because they often attack poultry, they are hunted and killed in large numbers by local people and have become an endangered species.

Meeting this guy actually means you are very lucky.

As if sensing that it could no longer dig deeper into the water, the hooked creature began to change direction and ran away.

This made Gu Nan breathe a sigh of relief. He had been lifting the fishing rod up under the pressure, but was unable to stand up. He could not bear it even for a long time.

The arapaima doesn't swim very fast, but it pulls with great force, and the force-unloading alarm sound never stops.

The line is pulled out slowly but steadily, river fishing is not like ocean fishing.

The environment here is complex, with many dead branches and broken wood in the water, which greatly interfere with the fishing line.

If the fishing line touches these messy things, it is likely to break, which is no match for the vast space of the sea.

This meant that Gu Nan could not let the fishing line out too far, and had to maintain a certain distance.

At this moment, the fish had plenty of energy, and the golden fishing rod did not have the function of absorbing energy. Gu Nan had to press the spool hard to increase the unloading strength of the fishing reel, thereby slowing down the speed of the fishing reel.

The pressure he applied was equally great, and this time he succeeded in slowing down the fish again.

However, Gu Nan soon felt the friction between the gloves and the fishing reel.

He exhaled, asked everyone to sit still, and then suddenly pulled the fishing rod upwards.

This huge force immediately stopped the fish.

He was also betting on his equipment, believing that this fishing gear could force a tug-of-war with the big fish at the bottom of the water for a short while.

While the fish stopped, Gu Nan quickly turned the handle.

When the handle stops turning, continue to lift the fishing rod with force, just like when reeling in the line at sea.

But the difference is that this set of actions at sea are all facing tired fish, but now, the fish are not tired yet.

So every time you pull in a little bit of the line, the fish will forcefully pull some away.

The noise made by both sides was so loud that the originally relatively stable boat began to sway again.

The tour guide quickly changed the direction of the boat. Since Gu Nan was at the stern, he asked Gu Nan to turn around and let the stern of the boat face the direction of the fish, which allowed the boat to stabilize again.

Gu Nan was speechless about this. Why not get a bigger ship?
But I thought that the water in some places in the river was very shallow and I could see the bottom of the water directly.

The waterways in some places are very narrow, making it difficult for larger ships to pass through, which I understand.

This is mainly a marginal tributary of the Amazon River. If it were the main road, it would still be very spacious.

For the next period of time, the distance between people and fish remained basically the same.

Gu Nan's energy was depleted quickly, and the fish were in a similar situation.

The others didn't just stand there and watch, they changed to the violent fishing line group and started fishing for small fish.

There are a lot of small fish here, but probably due to the location, no one has caught the so-called piranhas yet.

It took a full two and a half hours before a large fish with a silver-white, gray-green color and a red belly appeared in front of everyone.

The length was estimated to be at least five meters, and a top-notch behemoth appeared.

"Wow~" the tour guide exclaimed after seeing the fish, and then said a lot of things.

The translator translated it and said that the tour guide said that he hadn't seen an arapaima over five meters long in the past five or six years.

Many people come here to fish for arapaima every year, but they are basically only one or two meters long, and the largest is no more than three meters. Bringing this fish back will definitely make a sensation in the whole village.

Wang Junhe smiled and patted Gu Nan on the shoulder: "Tsk tsk, going fishing with you is like playing a game and going straight to the final boss. You just started playing and you've already killed the boss!"

Gu Nan was panting heavily and had no time to pay attention to him.

It was really a torture to fish in this small boat today. This Arapaima consumed most of his energy, just like he had caught a 800-900-pound tuna on the fishing boat.

The arapaima had completely exhausted its energy and was lying beside the boat, looking almost as big as the boat.

It's just not wide enough and has a slender body.

The tour guide then picked up the spear he had brought with him and pretended to kill the fish.

Seeing this, Guo Xiao hurriedly stopped them, saying that such a large Arapaima was going to be killed instead of released into the wild?
After the translation, the tour guide looked surprised, then shook his head repeatedly, saying that this was the best gift God had given them.

After hearing what he said, it didn't matter how many people were on the boat; the locals had the final say.

And although the fish was big, they had no intention of shipping it back home.

There's no need for that. It's troublesome to transport and it's too big to survive on the way.

The club's large fish tank mainly houses saltwater fish, such as the giant groupers bought from Gu Nan.

As for the Arapaima, Wang Junhe said that he would go back and get a smaller fish tank and raise a few small ones slowly.

After the fish was killed, several people worked together to get the fish onto the boat. The boat was so crowded that it was difficult to even stand up.

The tour guide took them back first to recuperate and start their journey deeper into the Amazon tomorrow.

When the five-meter-long arapaima appeared on the shore, in just a short while, people surrounded Gu Nan and his group.

Many foreign tourists took out their mobile phones to take pictures, and the local natives were even more excited. Several strong natives tied the fish up with wooden poles and then carried the fish back to the village.

Although the fish was caught by Gu Nan, it belonged to the indigenous tribe. However, they could dine with the fish or have a piece of the fish for themselves.

They had eaten the food of the local indigenous tribes. The food was not only inedible, but also not delicious at all.

They have An Jun in their team. Although he is not a chef, he is better than a chef.

So they asked for a piece of fish and cooked it themselves.

At noon, Lao Wang drank fish soup and sighed: "I didn't think so at first, but when I saw them killing a five-meter-long fish without mercy, I felt it was a pity."

Guo Xiao nodded in agreement: "But they are a tribe after all, and they have always had the habit of hunting. Although their lives have been better in the past two years, how could they let go of food?"

Gu Nan also said: "Don't mention the Arapaima, even if it's an endangered crocodile, they will bring it back without hesitation." As for the indigenous tribe, the local government has specially designated an area for the indigenous people to hunt. What can these outsiders say? Even if they want to hunt in China, they don't have the opportunity.

A day passed, and the next day, the group set out again, each carrying a hiking bag.

Today is different from yesterday, there are three ships in total.

The tour guide even added two more, and of course, I had to pay for them separately.

Lao Wang also did this for everyone's safety. Going deep into the Amazon, one tour guide might not be able to take care of so many people.

There are two purposes for this in-depth visit. One is to experience survival in the wild and to see the various creatures here, just like going to a zoo.

The second thing is to look for the giant catfish from the Amazon River, which is said to be able to overturn a small boat.

There has been no clear record of how big this fish can grow to be. Generally, an adult can grow to about four meters.

They seem smaller than the Arapaima, but their weight is twice as much.

The tour guide said that this thing can grow up to 46 meters long.

Seeing the frightened and exaggerated expression in his eyes, Gu Nan just smiled and said, "Guess whether I believe it or not."

Forty-six meters, the Amazon River cannot hold it.

What's more, to catch this fish you need to go to the Teles Piris River here.

Forty-six meters is definitely not possible, but exceeding four meters and reaching six meters is not impossible.

There have been many cases of catfish injuring people. Not only the skeletons of monkeys, cats, dogs and other animals have been found in their bodies, but also human skeletons.

Some fishermen were dragged into the water and disappeared, only to be found in their stomachs.

To be honest, Gu Nan didn't really want to fish for catfish on a small boat like this.

There are two little babies at home now, and he doesn't want to get into trouble.

But it is OK to go deep into the Amazon and stay for two days.

The route they follow has been explored thousands of times, so their safety is guaranteed.

As the boat slowly went deeper along the river, the noisy voices around disappeared and it became very quiet.

Occasionally, the sounds of unknown animals could be heard, allowing Gu Nan and the others to truly feel the breath of the wild jungle.

"Fuck, look, what is that?" An Jun, who was sitting on a boat with Gu Nan, noticed something with his sharp eyes, patted him and pointed to the left.

Everyone was attracted by his voice, looked in the direction he pointed, and then gasped in unison.

I saw a really thick anaconda right on the shore. It poked its head out and slowly crawled into the jungle.

The so-called bucket waist seems to be nothing compared to the anaconda.

Most of the anaconda's body was exposed above the water, and it was estimated to be at least seven or eight meters long.

Seeing this thing in real life gave Gu Nan goosebumps all over his body.

He is not afraid of snakes, but this one gave him the creeps.

What’s even more exaggerated is that after seeing the anaconda, the tour guide actually drove the boat closer.

Lao Wang and Lao Guo's faces turned green and they asked if they could watch from a distance.

After a while, the anaconda completely disappeared into the jungle and the boat started again.

Wang Junhe breathed a sigh of relief and said with a wry smile, "Damn, I've never been this scared of a five or six meter shark. No wonder horror movies always feature more snakes than sharks."

Gu Nan nodded in agreement: "What can I say? Once you get close, your body will instinctively feel uncomfortable. It really feels more terrifying than facing a shark."

His body had been tense just now and he didn't relax for a moment. It was an instinctive reaction.

We continued to go deeper, and this time we didn't encounter any giant monsters, but we did see quite a few monkeys and some strange birds.

Everyone took out their own cameras and took photos to commemorate the occasion.

This time, it might be the only time in their lives.

After all, there are many places that you may not be willing to visit a second time after visiting them once, especially adventure-type places.

We set off in the morning, ate some bread on the boat at noon, and arrived at our destination around three in the afternoon.

Their boat docked and they followed the tour guide for more than half an hour before arriving at a man-made wooden house.

There are five wooden houses in total, which seem to be resting places specially prepared for tourists.

The tour guide said that if they didn’t want to eat dry food at night, they could go hunting with them, which immediately aroused their interest.

This was a project they had never experienced before, so of course they had to go and see it.

Leave the backpack in the house, but take necessary items such as dagger and water bottle with you.

After getting ready, the group set off.

There were three tour guides, two were in front to explore the way, and one was at the back of the team to protect them.

The three tour guides all had their own weapons, a bow, and they all seemed to be good archers.

He was well armed, with a homemade spear on his back and a machete hanging on his waist.

The two people exploring in front would squat down from time to time to collect some plants, or even some unknown fruits.

Gu Nan and the others would help carry it to lighten their burden.

Before setting off, one of the tour guides specifically asked them whether the monkeys wanted to eat, and they all shook their heads in unison.

Gu Nan said that crocodiles, pheasants, wild birds, etc. would be fine, but monkeys and the like would be fine.

So we saw monkeys several times along the way, but we didn't treat them as dinner.

After a while, the tour guide who was exploring in front suddenly raised his hand and signaled them to stop.

Gu Nan and the others stopped immediately and held their breath.

A tour guide in front took out a bow and arrow, took a few cautious steps forward, and aimed at a certain place above.

Gu Nan looked up and didn't see any animals. He only saw leaves and branches everywhere, which affected his vision.

With a "whoosh", the arrow was shot out, and then the leaves above them shook, and they could see something falling down.

The tour guide hurried forward to look for prey, and Gu Nan and the others followed quickly.

Only a dozen meters away, they found their prey, a bird whose name they couldn't tell. It was quite big, almost the same size as a domestic hen.

One bird was obviously not enough for so many people, so they had to continue.

Then the guide shot a squirrel and another bird.

The three prey were not big, and there was not much meat left after skinning and removing the tendons. However, if you cook them into soup, you can still feel half full.

Hunting is time-consuming and it was getting late, so the group decided to go back because the jungle was too dangerous at night due to the presence of jaguars.

However, their luck seemed to be quite good. On their way back, they found a lone caiman, less than two meters long, estimated to be about 1.78 meters. (End of this chapter)

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