My fishing game syncs with reality

Chapter 372 Accidentally Activated Scene

It was less than two meters long. Not to mention the three local natives, even in Gu Nan's eyes, it was just a little baby.

However, seeing it, everyone was excited.

Although caimans are not rampant, their numbers are still large, seriously restricting the living space of other endangered crocodiles.

So the two tour guides in front acted without hesitation. Before they ran over, the raised spears accurately pierced the crocodile.

Even if the crocodile skin was hard enough, it couldn't withstand the power of the spear.

Obviously the crocodile was still a little small and its skin was tender. If it was a bigger one, it might not be able to be pierced with this one shot.

The crocodile was hit hard and was about to run away, but another tour guide had already run up to it and stabbed it with the spear in his hand, completely killing the little crocodile.

"We're in for a treat tonight. I thought there were only a few birds and I could only make bird soup!" Wang Junhe looked at the crocodile with a smile.

Although he came here to experience jungle life, he didn't want to eat bread on the first day.

After all, backpack space is limited, and not only do you have to bring a lot of water, but you also have to bring medical supplies, clothes, etc. The amount of bread each person carries is extremely limited.

They have to spend three days in this jungle.

The tour guide here was very dedicated. He did not let them hold the killed crocodile. Instead, he cut a branch, tied the crocodile on it, and carried it away together.

It’s not far from the campsite, and secondly, this trail should be frequently visited, so there’s no need to open up additional roads.

Gu Nan and the others just felt like they had just taken a stroll outside and came back, without much sense of participation.

But there is no need to rush, there is still tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, there is still enough time.

The only thing that made Gu Nan regretful was that there was no signal in the jungle, so he couldn't use the video for the next few days.

The jungle environment is very humid, so dinner was prepared in a cleared area in front of the cabin to prevent the smoke from getting all over the house.

The local natives are very hardcore eaters. They will clean their prey and put the whole thing on the table.

In the end, An Jun came forward to help, and Gu Nan and the others assisted. They cut the crocodile into pieces and roasted it with small branches.

They also brought some BBQ seasoning, but unfortunately there was no cumin, which I couldn't find in the supermarket.

The bird and squirrel were cut into small pieces and made into a pot of broth, which was boiled for a long time. It was full of gamey flavor and tasted pretty good.

The meat was just a little tough, and it would probably take a whole night to stew it until it was tender, but they didn't have the time.

China is a country of gourmet food. Although the taste of each place is different, the dinner prepared by An Jun using local seasonings made the three tour guides and translator all give thumbs up.

Fortunately, there was a lot of crocodile meat, otherwise a few birds and a squirrel would not be enough for them to eat.

After eating and putting out the fire, everyone went back to their rooms to sleep.

Gu Nan and his group shared one wooden cabin, while the tour guide and translator shared another cabin.

At the same time, the tour guide solemnly told him to keep the door closed at night and never come out.

Gu Nan and the others naturally understood that there were many wild beasts at night!

Especially the jaguars, there is a high probability that they will come to the cabin to join in the fun at night.

If kittens are so good at scratching people, what about adult cats?
The night was spent with all kinds of strange noises.

As soon as he woke up the next day, Guo Xiao sighed: "There will definitely not be a second time for this. I can't sleep well!"

An Jun nodded in agreement: "I heard something scratching the door last night, and it scared me."

Wang Junhe also sighed: "It's just a novelty. It's boring once the novelty wears off. By the way, Anan, I see you slept very well. That's amazing."

Gu Nan took off his earplugs: "What did you say?"

Three people: "."

An Jun suddenly rushed over, grabbed his neck and shook him back and forth: "You wear earplugs, why don't you take them out?"

"Ahem, I'm dizzy~" Gu Nan said innocently after breaking free, "How would I know you guys are so scary? You sleep in the jungle without earplugs. And someone has to pay attention to the situation outside. How can you all sleep so soundly like me?"

Lao Wang and Lao Guo: "Damn, my fists are hard too."

After playing around for a while, we went out and found that the tour guides were already up. They made breakfast with the wild fruits and vegetables they picked last night, mixed with some unknown juice.

Although it seems dirty, they have no choice.

Gu Nan and his friends finished eating the leftover barbecue from last night and thought it tasted pretty good.

If you take some vitamins, you won't have to worry about constipation after the vitamins come out in two days.

After packing up, we will continue our journey today and take a boat to the next stop.

The water journey didn’t take long this time, only about an hour.

They came to a larger camp and met two foreigners, a man and a woman, who also came to experience jungle life.

The two sides had a brief exchange and learned about their origins, which were from the Ugly Country.

They are a pair of foreigners who like adventure, not a couple or a lover.

Gu Nan looked at the beautiful scenery around him. It was nice and very big.

However, these two people arrived two days earlier than them and were now packing up and preparing to go back.

An Jun expressed regret that a large part of the scenery was gone.

Today, they will spend two days here and go back the day after tomorrow morning.

On this day, Gu Nan and his team went deeper into the jungle, killed several prey, and even encountered a jungle leopard.

Leopard said he was very scared and immediately rushed up a tree when he saw them.

Gu Nan and his friends also participated in the hunting. The others returned empty-handed. Only he had some strength and successfully harvested a pheasant.

On the last day, the tour guide finally took them to challenge the catfish.

We didn't take a small boat. According to the tour guide, if we were unlucky and encountered a too big fish, it would be easy to capsize. It would be better to fish on the shore and tie ourselves with a rope so we wouldn't be afraid of being pulled away.

Gu Nan thought it made sense. He had originally planned to give up, but after the tour guide said that, he felt it was feasible.

Unexpectedly, as soon as we arrived at the fishing spot, the game that had been silent for a long time suddenly popped up.

【Successfully penetrated into the Amazon and opened the Amazon fishing map. 】

Gu Nan: “???”

This is the first time he has encountered such a situation. Wasn’t there a sea-hunting map before? Now there is a fishing map as well?
Gu Nan took a special look at the map rules and found that they were similar to the sea-hunting map, but also somewhat different.

This fishing map costs a lot of money. Each entry costs one thousand gold coins, and the fishing time inside is eight hours.

Eight hours may seem like a long time, but if you are fishing for catfish weighing more than 500 kilograms, you can only catch a few.

However, some small piranhas can be caught at will and can be imported and sold in China. They are a kind of ornamental fish.

But Gu Nan is not very interested in piranhas. If he can catch arapaima, he will make a fortune.

The bigger this thing is, the more valuable it is. If it can be sold in China through games, the annual profit will not be low. At least it is much easier to sell than alligator gar, and the price is much higher.

This is not the right time, Gu Nan closed the game and started preparing to fish for catfish.

Wang Junhe tied a rope around his waist and tied the other end to a big tree.

The bait used by Gu Nan was a pheasant that he had hunted himself. He didn't need to pluck the feathers, he just hung it up and threw it into the water. The fishing rig was naturally the best, equipped with a violent fishing rig for large fish.

Wang Jun did not join them in the fun today, because there was only this one rope.

The tour guide cooperated and scattered some unknown things. It should be the same as the last time when we were fishing for Arapaima, which is specially used to attract catfish!
This time was a little different from last time. The pheasant soaked in the water for a long time and didn't move.

Gu Nan picked it up and checked again, making sure the pheasant was still there, then continued fishing.

"Fuck, look ahead!" Suddenly, Lao Wang pointed at the water surface about thirty meters away from them.

The water surface was churning, and a huge figure appeared slightly, then sank.

But the ripples on the water surface told them that the other party was slowly swimming towards them.

"Hiss~" Gu Nan took a deep breath. If they hadn't seen the tail, everyone would probably think that this giant creature was an Amazon sea monster.

After a while, a huge force suddenly came from the fishing rod, which directly tightened the fishing line.

If Gu Nan hadn't been tied up with a rope, he would have been dragged away.

He reacted quickly and immediately raised the fishing rod fiercely to stab the fish.

But the moment he lifted the fishing rod, the fishing line broke and he fell to the ground. Everyone was stunned.

"My goodness, how big must this fish be? Even this top-of-the-line line set can't handle it?" An Jun was amazed.

Gu Nan looked at the fishing reel, swung it, and then said speechlessly: "I was wondering why it broke. It turns out that the fishing reel got stuck for some reason. This thing is of poor quality!"

Everyone suddenly realized what was going on. It made sense, the fish was so powerful that it must have exceeded the unloading force of the fishing reel and could pull the fishing line.

With the unloading force in place, the fishing line can withstand the pulling no matter how strong the pulling force from both sides is.

But there is nothing you can do if the fishing reel gets stuck inexplicably. Both players are very strong, so the fishing line naturally cannot bear the weight.

"Still fishing?"

"Let's fix the fishing reel first!" Gu Nan only had a fishing rod and had no choice but to tinker with the fishing reel.

But after a long time, it ended up being rusty inside.

This made him speechless. Apparently, this group of foreigners were cheated by the local people selling fishing gear.

How could a top-quality product bought at a high price actually rust?
"Fuck, fishing reels can rust, I've learned something new. I must get an explanation when we go back." Wang Junhe was so angry when he saw this that he started cursing.

Even an ordinary fishing reel will not necessarily rust!

"Whether others will recognize us when we go back is a question. It's obvious that they are bullying us foreigners." Gu Nan was also angry and would definitely ask for an explanation when the time comes.

But there was no way to catch fish this time, so everyone had to go back home.

Three days of jungle life passed quickly, and we packed up our luggage and garbage and headed back.

When we returned to the tribe, it was already afternoon.

As soon as the signal was restored, I probably took out my phone immediately to check the messages from the past few days.

However, one push caught his attention.

From Laodian, someone caught a yellow croaker weighing 165 kilograms.

This surprised Gu Nan: "Brother Wang, isn't the yellow croaker a fish breed unique to our country? Are there also some in Laodian?"

Wang Junhe nodded: "It is true that there are fish species unique to our country, but there are indeed some in Laodian. In the past few years, many wealthy people in China went there specifically to buy fish."

Gu Nan's eyes lit up when he heard this. There was hope for the mission!

“Are there many yellow croakers over there?”

"There aren't many of these things, but they're better than those in China."

Hearing this, Gu Nan was immediately tempted, but when he thought of the loud cracking of the kidneys over there, he became hesitant.

"I want to go to Laodian to fish for yellow croaker. Do you think it's possible?"

Wang Junhe: "Sure, of course, but you can't bring the fish back home!"

An Jun asked at this time: "Isn't it very dangerous over there? There are so many kidneys."

This made Lao Wang and Lao Guo laugh at the same time. Finally, Guo Xiao explained: "It's dangerous, depending on where you go. If you go fishing at the beach, it's still okay."

"And many people in China go there to buy raw stones, which is relatively safe."

Gu Nan smiled: "You are very clever in thinking of the right words!"

Guo Xiao: "Of course. If people knew that a box of jadeite raw stones was valuable, they would still be snatched away."

"But under normal circumstances, it won't happen. There is no such thing as absolute safety abroad. Which country's public security can compare with our great China!"

Everyone nodded in agreement with this statement.

Wang Junhe: "Anan, if you want to go fishing for yellow croaker, I'll make arrangements here. I originally wanted to go to the Caribbean and Suriname to fish for yellow croaker, but compared to yellow croaker, it's better not to go to these two places!"

"If you hadn't mentioned the yellow croaker, I wouldn't have remembered this."

"Since it can be guaranteed to be relatively safe, let's go!" Gu Nan believed that he was lucky and would not be so unlucky.

But he couldn't expect that there were yellow croakers in the coast of Laodian, which is already the Indian Ocean, while there were none in several countries close to the South China Sea.

All four of them are action-oriented. Once they decide on a plan, they will execute it immediately.

We stayed in South America for another three days. With the help of the consulate, we resolved the issue of the fishing rod and set off after receiving a certain amount of compensation.

You can apply for a visa on arrival in Laodian, which costs fifty dollars and allows you to stay for half a month.

Since it is close to China, Gu Nan doesn’t care about the length of stay. Half a month is not a short time.

When you arrive in Laodian, you still need to adjust to the time difference first.

Gu Nan also took this opportunity to enter the Amazon fishing scene to catch some fish and restore his energy.

Just like the Sea Hunting Map, this fishing scene can also be restored to full status.

So he took the opportunity to complete the last fishing in the Sakhalin Sea Hunting Map and closed the map.

Gu Nan had entered the new map once and successfully caught more than a dozen Arapaima in eight hours.

The small one is half a meter long, and the big one is four meters long.

According to domestic market conditions, a half-meter one is worth about two thousand yuan, and a one-meter one can be sold for six thousand yuan.

A four-meter one would cost at least 50,000 yuan.

However, the fish are still swimming in the aquarium. Gu Nan plans to open another store next to the seafood store, specializing in selling ornamental fish.

After fishing for such a long time, even if the number of ornamental fish is small, there are now a large number of them in the aquarium.

There are more than a dozen types, and it is estimated that there are more than a dozen types that can be obtained, which is enough to open a store.

If we include some ornamental groupers, the number can be increased by several more species.

Anyway, the store has hired some employees to help with some groceries, and his father is idle all day long, so it would be better to find something for him to do.

Today, Gu Nan plans to challenge the catfish to complete the challenge that he failed to achieve in the jungle last time. (End of this chapter)

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