My fishing game syncs with reality

Chapter 373: Is the yellow croaker really coming?

Gu Nan was very confident this time because he could use the fishing rod produced in the game, which was the one he upgraded and had the attribute of never being damaged.

Secondly, in the fishing scene, a ten-meter fishing boat is provided.

Although the boat is not big, it is not something that the catfish can easily capsize.

If you want to capsize a ten-meter boat, the fish must not only be large, but must be even larger.

For example, in a video Gu Nan saw a few days ago, a foreigner was courting death by driving a fishing boat to the place where humpback whales were hunting.

As a result, the humpback whale jumped out of the water and hit the boat directly, throwing both people on the boat away.

But even so, the fishing boat was not overturned.

The catfish would only flip over the small boat they were on in the Amazon, but they were not afraid of any fishing boat that could be used for sea fishing.

Unless there really is the 46-meter-long catfish that the natives there talk about.

With this length, not to mention this small fishing boat, even Gu Nan’s Nanchen would not be able to handle it.

Coming back to his senses, Gu Nan took a deep breath, threw the bait out, and got ready!

The catfish couldn't overturn his small fishing boat, but they were still large catches that could grow to weigh 700 to 800 kilograms.

By catching this one, he has unlocked a new type of big fish.

Gu Nan has caught most of the big fish known in the world.

If he has the chance, he will go fishing for the ugly Chinese sturgeon, as well as the country's super freshwater fish, the Taimen salmon!
A 15-meter-long Taimen salmon was caught in Kanas Lake in 1985. A few months ago, Gu Nan suddenly had the idea of ​​collecting stamps and wanted to fish for large fish all over the world, so he collected a lot of information on the Internet.

When he saw some information about the Taimen salmon, he was stunned. He had always thought that it was outrageous for a freshwater fish to grow to six meters long, but he didn't expect there would be something even more outrageous.

Even though this information was released almost forty years ago, Kanas Lake is a perfect habitat for Taimen salmon. Theoretically, this fish has no upper limit to its growth as long as there is enough food.

Therefore, even if there are no fifteen-meter ones today, there are definitely ones of seven, eight, or ten meters. At least some have been discovered in recent years.

The legendary water monster is probably referring to this one.

Such a big fish is indeed dangerous for humans, but at least swallowing it in one bite is not a problem.

The only thing that made Gu Nan regretful was that the Taimen had become a key protected species, and he didn’t know if he would have the chance to fish for it.

Of course, Taimen salmon do not only live in Kanas Lake, they can also be found in the cold waters of northeast China.

But if you want to catch fish larger than five meters, you have to go to Kanas Lake. There is not enough food for their growth in other places.

Shaking his head, he didn't know whether the Taimen salmon could be fished, but the Chinese sturgeon could still be fished.

Since he has already returned from South America this year, he has no plans to make another trip to the Ugly Country. He will wait until next year. He can also take part in the Blue Marlin competition and bully the kids.

At this moment, the fishing rod moved, and before he could stab the fish, a very strong force hit him the next moment.

Gu Nan immediately exerted force to hold the fishing rod tightly. This time there was no need to stab the fish anymore. Under the conflict of two huge forces, the fishhook had already penetrated deeply into the flesh.

The water surface was surging and a big fish was struggling underneath, making a lot of noise.

Gu Nan held the fishing rod tightly and leaned back. Catfish is very difficult to catch, even harder than the legendary blue marlin.

Since the latter swims in open waters, he can walk the fish around, or even chase it in a boat if someone helps.

But as for the catfish, he could only use all his strength to prevent the fish from diving to the bottom of the water.

The whisker catfish looks very similar to the Mekong giant catfish. To put it bluntly, they are both catfish and like to burrow into the soil.

Once it starts driving piles, even the crane on the Nanchen will not be able to get it up, let alone the small crane here.

The fishing boat provided in the game has a crane that can only lift a maximum of one ton of fish, which is just enough to lift the motionless catfish.

But at this moment, the catfish, which was very powerful in moving, seemed to realize that it could not get rid of this inexplicable pulling force, so it tried to dive to the bottom of the water.

The force that burst out in an instant was so strong that the fishing rod was slowly pulled out of Gu Nan's arms.

This forced him to change his method. Holding the fishing rod and leaning back could save a lot of energy, but now he couldn't hold it anymore.

Gu Nan had no choice but to put the tail of the rod on his belt and lift it up with both hands.

Fortunately, he had a belt, otherwise he would have had to use the egg-stuck tactic, with the eggs shattered all over the floor in the fishing scene.

This wrestling lasted for more than half an hour.

Freshwater fish can also be very fierce as long as they are big enough.

After such a long time, the big guy finally realized that he couldn't dig into the water, so he changed his mind and ran farther away, hoping that he could get rid of this strange pull by getting away from here.

Seeing this scene, Gu Nan breathed a sigh of relief and began to fish with peace of mind.

The catfish swam slowly, and he tried his best to slow it down, which resulted in the fishing line only traveling a few dozen meters in most of the day.

But the fishing scene is similar to reality, it is also the Amazon Basin, but it is in a much wider location, so Gu Nan can put out a certain amount of line, but not too much.

You can't do things like sea fishing where you have to cast out the line for hundreds or thousands of meters, otherwise who knows where the fish will go, and it will be a problem whether you can pull it back or not.

There was a corner about three hundred meters ahead of Gu Nan, and the fish could only go there at most, no further.

So he didn't take a rest to recover his strength while playing with the fish, but continued to pull the fishing line hard.

The catfish is one of those fish that stays in the mud at the bottom of the water all year round. It cannot be asked to "run long distances" because it lacks the physical strength.

Therefore, it did not last long in Gu Nan's hands. It swam only half the distance of the 300-meter corner before turning over and lying flat on its belly.

Let Gu Nan take the opportunity to reel in the line and bring the fish back.

By the time the fish was pulled alongside, only three hours and eleven minutes of the eight hours of fishing had been spent.

Just catching this one fish almost exhausted Gu Nan. If he wanted to continue fishing for Arapaima, he would have to rest for at least half an hour.

In the fishing scene, just like in reality, physical strength is not infinite, and he can only rely on himself to recover slowly.

Fortunately, Arapaima is relatively easy to catch, and you generally can’t catch particularly large ones, so just take a short break.

After looking at the catfish beside the boat, Gu Nan thought about it and decided to use a crane to lift it up and put it into the aquarium.

This fish definitely cannot be sold for a good price, and there is no import quota in the country.

But at least I put a lot of effort into catching it, so it's nice to put it in an aquarium as a collection.

Gu Nan suddenly thought of something, and he sold the catfish in the aquarium to the store.

When he saw that he had earned more than 12,300 gold coins, a look of satisfaction passed through his face.

This fish is really the same as the sturgeon that cannot be sold in Sakhalin Island. It can be sold to the game store in exchange for gold coins.

The price should be a little different. At that time, no matter the size of a sturgeon, it would cost 10,000 gold coins. It’s just that the frequency of fishing is not high.

This thing, the gold coins sold may depend on the price, but I don’t know if the fish caught every time will be as big as today, or mostly smaller.

Fortunately, although the difficulty is higher than that of the Sakhalin sturgeon, at least there is a stable channel for income of gold coins, which allows him to open boxes without restraint.

He originally planned to go fishing for arapaima, but now he just continued to fish for catfish.

The two fish species were in different waters, and it took half an hour to get there by boat. He could only fish for eight hours a day, so he simply didn't waste that time.

After Gu Nan had a good rest and felt that his strength had almost recovered, he continued to put up the bait and go fishing.

[Ding, you can only fish once in the catfish waters each time, please change the waters. ]

Gu Nan: "."

Oh my god, the idea of ​​earning gold coins is ruined.

But it is better to have something than nothing. He was reluctant to exchange the arapaima for gold coins.

He tried it, and found that the price of gold coins sold for Arapaima was not high, perhaps because it could be sold for money in reality.

He found that for any fish that could be sold for money in the country, the price of gold coins recycled in the game was not high.

Since I can’t catch the catfish, I’ll continue fishing for the Arapaima.

As for piranhas and the like, we can go fishing for some when there are more arapaima.

The next day, when Gu Nan woke up, he felt refreshed and his energy was fully restored.

However, the other three people still yawned from time to time even though they got up at nine o'clock.

There was no other way. When they arrived in Laodian, they didn't want to sleep at all. They didn't force themselves to fall asleep until three or four in the morning. How could they not be sleepy!
Fortunately, they can still rest on the boat.

After breakfast, the group set out for the seaside city and rented a fishing boat.

Gu Nan came here to fish for yellow croaker, while Lao Wang and Lao Guo were preparing to take the fish they caught back home.

It is not difficult to bring the fish caught in Laodian back home. Just spend some money and go through the fishing company.

Some people choose to smuggle, but it is unnecessary for them. It just costs a little more money. The most important thing is safety.

It’s different now than before, the inspection is much stricter.

After renting a boat, everyone boarded and set off. Gu Nan was the driver.

"Anan, my yellow croaker isinglass is counting on you!" Wang Junhe patted his shoulder, then yawned and went to his room to sleep.

Lao Guo followed suit, patted him on the shoulder and went to bed too.

As soon as An Jun stretched out his hand, it stopped in mid-air.

Gu Nan said with a half-smile: "Why, you want one too?"

An Jun laughed and scratched his head: "What do I want? Can I afford that thing? Fish meat costs thousands of dollars a pound, not to mention fish maw. I'd better go to bed!"

The young man wisely went to sleep. Gu Nan shook his head and drove the boat to a suitable fishing spot nearby.

There is no fixed fishing spot for yellow croaker, and whether you can catch it depends entirely on luck.

Coming to Laodian, the opportunities are only slightly greater than in China.

One reason is that the coastline is not that long, and the second reason is that Gu Nan came to a city where yellow croaker was caught several times in the news.

In China, yellow croaker can be found along the coasts of the East China Sea and the South China Sea. The coastline is so long that it seems possible to catch it, but in fact, forget it.

Especially in the Pearl River Delta, there were so many yellow croakers in the past, but now there is not even a single one among so many fishing boats, let alone those that weigh more than 150 kilograms as required by the mission.

However, even after a week, Gu Nan was not sure if he could catch a yellow croaker in Laodian.

We planned to go back in half a month, and I spent almost a week in South America, so I only stayed in Laodian for a week at most.

Xiao Qianqian often looked for him a few days ago, but her frequency has been noticeably less in the past two days. He was afraid that after a long time, Xiao Qianqian would not stick to him when he returned, and he would be the one who was sad.

This fishing spot is very close to the shore and the boat arrives in about ten minutes.

It is located near the coastal estuary, at the junction of salt water and fresh water.

Gu Nan had naturally studied the habits of yellow croakers and knew that they liked to live in this kind of waters.

However, they like to be active at night and hide in the water plants during the day, so it is difficult to catch them in broad daylight.

Gu Nan had no intention of fishing during the day. He would mainly explore the waters here and use the fish finder to look for places where yellow croakers might be active.

Especially those places that are fifty or sixty meters deep and have many fish were marked by Gu Nan.

He spent the whole morning noting down six fishing spots.

Then I had lunch and had a good rest in the afternoon, waiting for the night to fall.

I was in the room enjoying the air conditioning and video chatting with my children and wife, and the afternoon passed quickly.

When he walked out of the room, he smelled the barbecue. When he came to the deck, he found that An Jun was already busy grilling meat. Lao Wang and Lao Guo were helping. It was obvious that they had been busy for most of the day.

"That's great. There's food to eat as soon as we get out." Gu Nan picked up a skewer of mutton and nodded as he ate. The mutton was good.

Wang Junhe said with a smile: "Then we must serve you well, you are our main fishing force."

Gu Nan: "Tsk tsk tsk, it seems that the temptation of yellow croaker is really great. Even the bluefin tuna is not as attentive as you."

Wang Junhe: "Of course. Bluefin is expensive, but it is nothing compared to yellow croaker."

The yellow croaker is considered the most expensive fish in China, and no matter how big the bluefin croaker is, it cannot compare to it.

After eating and drinking, I sat on the sofa on the flying bridge, enjoyed the sea breeze, and started fishing.

Gu Nan checked the fish finder and found no trace of big fish on the bottom of the water, so he took the boat to check other places that he had recorded in the morning.

Yellow croaker may be able to avoid detection by fish finders, but there is also a certain chance that it will be detected by a fish finder, so check it out before fishing.

They were lucky and when they arrived at the third fishing spot, they actually found traces of a big fish. Although it was not necessarily a yellow croaker, for some reason, Gu Nan was extremely excited.

We quickly stopped the boat and dropped anchor, and took out the fishing rods. Lao Wang and the others took the initiative to help make a nest, and after spreading a lot of bait, they took out their fishing rods.

Obviously they want to fish too, and having more fishing rods will increase the probability of catching a big fish.

Gu Nan didn't need to make a nest, so he lowered the fishing rod first, threw the bait into the water and began to wait.

The advantage of casting the rod first is obvious. After waiting for a while, when Wang Jun and the others were still sorting out the line groups, he already had a fish on the hook.

The hook used is not small, so the fish caught is naturally not small either.

Gu Nan stabbed the fish first, then exerted force and pulled the fish up.

The fish was very strong, but after feeling it, he was disappointed. The fish was relatively large, but it was still far from 150 kilograms. It was probably only about 50 or 60 kilograms.

He sighed in his heart but remained calm on the surface. He didn't expect the first fish he caught would be a yellow croaker weighing more than 150 kilograms.

The fish weighed fifty or sixty kilograms. Because he did not use his own golden fishing rod, but the sea fishing rod purchased here, it took him a long time to pull the fish to the surface of the water.

A touch of gold made Gu Nan’s eyes widen.

"Fuck, there really is a yellow croaker!" (End of this chapter)

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