My back room sand table

Chapter 102 The inner demon of the monk, the enemy of Buddhism!

Chapter 102 The inner demon of the monk, the enemy of Buddhism!
  The establishment of heaven!
  The Heavenly Way envisioned by Jiang Ming at this time was not the false Heavenly Way formed by Cheng Yu's predecessor, Jianmu, who spread his body throughout the world countless epochs ago.

This heaven will be the integration of all rules, an invisible chaotic system that controls the cause and effect future of all living beings!
  Although the main conflict between Buddhism and Heaven is the competition for the power of incense and calculation in the world.

But in fact, the bulk of Xianghuo's computing power lies with Jiang Ming.

The main reason why sentient beings change from long-lived species to short-lived species is also because of this.

Death from overwork!
  A short-lived species that died from overwork.

From the moment the soul was conceived in the mother's body, it began to develop the rules of the virtual sun, carrying the Taoist BUFF.

The incense calculation power obtained by Buddhism and Heaven was actually left over intentionally by Jiang Ming.

But just the incense computing power that Jiang Ming deliberately left was enough for them to play all kinds of tricks, such as Alaya Shi, Demon Bo Xun...

Jiang Ming, who truly controls the big head, after obtaining the results of this era's development so far, can naturally build a more powerful chaotic system than Alaya Consciousness and the six-path reincarnation that has not yet been completely constructed!

The Heavenly Dao created with the achievements of these times can do most of the things that the Heavenly Dao can do as described in modern online articles.

To some extent there is no difference between the two.

Heavenly Way, Buddhism, Taoist Gate, Heavenly Court, Six Paths of Reincarnation... And, Heavenly Demon!

All the elements started to come together.

Heavenly Demon Bo Xun can be used as a means to sharpen the monk's Taoist heart.

It will also become a major foundation for the world of cultivating immortals!
  "The backlash of the law of cause and effect...maybe we can make more use of it!"

Jiang Ming was planning in his heart.

Although it will bring unexpected consequences and harm the world, they are mostly for the sentient beings in the sand table.

His status is too high!

The so-called backlash of the law of cause and effect may become useless to him at a certain stage.

This leaves room for manipulation and utilization.

Just a backlash from the law of cause and effect gave birth to a strange life form like the Demon Bo Xun.

For the sentient beings in the sand table, this is the inner demon that hinders their practice.

But for Jiang Ming, it was not like this.

"The backlash of the law of cause and effect will give rise to incredible monsters due to various causal coincidences..."

Jiang Ming analyzed in his mind.

"Perhaps we can constantly mobilize the backlash of the law of cause and effect to give birth to monsters that are terrifying to the extreme and beyond common sense!"

"Those, monsters of the law of cause and effect, like the demon Bo Xun!"

"The current Heavenly Demon Bo Xun is already the most powerful life form in the world... just inheriting Cheng Yu's [Wanye Immortal] and Zuo Yu's cannibal talent is enough to beat everyone in the world to death. Got it!"


At this time, Cheng Yu and Fu Yuan were riding a tiger and couldn't get off, and they didn't know what arrangements they should make.

The Bo Xun in front of him was too weird, and he didn't know what the other person was planning.

Fu Yuan simply asked directly.

"Since you have attained enlightenment due to various causes and effects, what are you going to do?"

Bo Xun smiled slightly, and the weird and twisted Buddha nature in his body was revealed.

"Since you can live by receiving flesh, you naturally attach great importance to this rare life..."

He raised his head and spoke to Fu Yuan and Cheng Yu very seriously.

"I want to live... without any worries, just keep living!"

Bo Xun's words were very sincere, and neither of them could hear a single lie in them.

However, as Bo Xun spoke slowly, a sense of uneasiness arose in the two of them.

"Then...please ask these two teachers to help me!"    "Please ask these two teachers to die!"

After saying these words, Bo Xun held up a vast world in his hand, which is the Buddha's Kingdom in his palm.

It is smelted from infinite souls and matter, and is a means to target the realm of the Nascent Soul!
  It didn't have the power to destroy everything like Fuyuan's Nuclear Power Sun Golden Pill. Just making a move to throw it, Fuyuan and Cheng Yu felt a sense of life and death crisis in their hearts!
  There is no escape!

As if locked by cause and effect, their soul intuitions were warning frantically that they could not avoid this blow!
  This palm in the Buddha Kingdom will definitely hit their weakest point!
  Just one blow is enough to severely injure them!

"The law of cause and effect..."

The two of them knew the source of this sense of crisis.

He also knew why Bo Xun wanted to attack the two of them.

All Bo Xun wants is to live without any worries, which means that there cannot be individuals who can threaten his birth.

In today's world, the only individuals who can be called a threat to Bo Xun are Cheng Yu and Fu Yuan.

Therefore, they both must die!
  "The magical power that can kill the Nascent Soul Fetus is just a prerequisite... The only way to fight in the realm of the Nascent Soul Fetus is to truly use the rules!"

In such a life-and-death crisis, the two of them suddenly came to a realization from the bottom of their hearts.

However, it was too late.

The time now is simply not enough for the two of them to develop the Realm of Nascent Soul Dao Fei, the method that truly mobilizes the rules of battle.

"I'm afraid, the two of us will be beaten to death now!"

The law of cause and effect is obviously a very special rule.

Under the attack prompted by the rules, the two of them had no power to fight back.

Just when Bo Xun was about to use the Buddha Kingdom in his palm towards the two of them, a huge mouth suddenly appeared in the Buddha Kingdom.

Suddenly, he bit Bo Xun.

Bo Xun had no time to react and was bitten off half of his body.

Zuo Yu took over the Buddha Kingdom in his palm and retreated to Fu Yuan and Cheng Yu.

"I knew that Buddha, you are not that simple. You must have a back-up plan... No one in the world can surpass you in the way of 'saving' sentient beings!"

Bo Xun's voice came slowly, and in the blink of an eye, the half of the body bitten off by Zuo Yu was already full of flesh and blood and had grown completely.

But Cheng Yu and Fu Yuan were shocked when they saw Zuo Yu suddenly rushing out of the Buddha Kingdom in his palm.

Zuo Yu's plan is even greater than the two of them!

If Bo Xun hadn't fought his way out, I'm afraid the two of them would have faced failure in their final attempt!

Zuo Yu actually had a back-up plan, hiding in the Buddha Kingdom in his palm, preparing to plot against the two of them!
  This old bastard!
  The two cursed secretly in their hearts.

"That's good. Then, let's invite the three of us to die!"

Regarding Zuo Yu's appearance, Bo Xun was not too surprised. It was as if everything was an established fact in cause and effect and had been expected for a long time.

"The Alaya Consciousness... the moment I blessed the Alaya Consciousness and stirred up the cause and effect, I myself also fell into the cause and effect!"

Zuo Yu spoke to the consciousness of the two people beside him, explaining something simply.

At this time, Zuo Yu's feeling for the two of them was indeed different. He no longer had the sacred feeling as if he was blessed by heaven, but he had an extra point to maintain his own clarity!

Combined with Zuo Yu's explanation, the two of them understood that Zuo Yu was previously affected by the law of cause and effect!
  "This is my great enemy of Buddhism, and I will fight to the death!"

Zuo Yu's words were more serious than ever before, and his murderous aura rose, even more powerful than when he killed Cheng Yu and Fu Yuan.

Even since Cheng Yu and Zuo Yu have known each other, they have never seen Zuo Yu in such a state of murderous intent, as if it had turned into reality!
  It seems that he is facing an enemy who is completely contrary to his own Dao philosophy!
  For the three of them, the true meaning of some words can be clearly understood without having to say them all.

Zuo Yu's words set the tone for the three of them to work together.

Fu Yuan didn't have a strange look on his face at this moment, but there was a hint of embarrassment in his heart.

Bo Xun can be said to be the product of the backlash of the law of cause and effect from the various backhands of the three of them!
  Fu Yuan knew why Bo Xun was considered his Taoist enemy by Zuo Yu. It was because of the backhand he had arranged.

——"The Sutra on the End of Dharma"!
  (End of this chapter)

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