My back room sand table

Chapter 103 Immortal Ancestor Resurrection Plan!

Chapter 103 Immortal Ancestor Resurrection Plan!

The moment they reached a consensus, the three of them moved their hands in tacit understanding.

As if they have been working together for countless years, they have a tacit understanding!
  Cheng Yu even recalled the time in the 'ancient times' when he traveled around the world with a group of close friends and worked together tacitly.

The bright light boils at this moment, the nuclear sun, the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of your hand, the star formation...

The magical power that Cheng Yu and the three of them collaborated to fully utilize all the combat special effects of the immortal cultivation system. The fierce light symbolizing destruction swept across the world like a torrential rain. Every ray of fierce light has the terrifying power of easily lifting up the earth's crust!
  Easily erase everything in its path.

At this moment, even Zuo Yu no longer has the compassion of the past. The rotating sun wheel contains cruelty and ferocity that wants to wipe out the enemy!
  However, among the endless bright light, Bo Xun walked among them very easily.

Every step he takes is a space jump, landing in the most special node in the infinite light.

A little mobilization of power can cause all power to collapse.

With a slight push of the palm, the attack will inevitably fall on the three of them!
  The places where the attacks hit are often the most special energy nodes on the three of them at the moment.

The invasion of a trace of strange power will cause a series of chain reactions, causing the energy to completely riot.

It's hard to guard against!

The improvement of realm represents more than just an increase in energy level.

The fighting method of the realm of Nascent Soul was revealed to everyone in the hands of Bo Xun.

This is a battle at the rules level!
  The reason why Bo Xun doesn't use magical powers with terrifying energy levels is actually because he can't.

One of the conditions that constitutes Bo Xun is the innate Nascent Soul Tao fetus being organized in Zuo Yu's plan.

Therefore, Bo Xun was born into the realm of the innate Yuanying Tao womb!
  However, compared to the three of them, Bo Xun is a little different.

Void day!

Bo Xun has not mastered the virtual sun!

He cannot, like the three of them, mobilize Xu Ri's power and display magical powers with terrifying energy levels.

He is a part of Zuo Yu, the [Wanye Immortal] who was born out of the Ultimate Realm Immortal Base [Wanhua Immortal]!
  A heavenly demon made possible by his extraordinary breakthrough characteristics!
  He is the most special variant of Buddhism, and the power of Buddhism that he can mobilize is too limited!

Otherwise, I'm afraid the three of them will be beaten to death within ten moves by Bo Xun's magical powers using the law of cause and effect!

The feeling of powerlessness in the face of the magical power of cause and effect emerged from my heart again.

"Buddha, use your invincible alaya consciousness to think of a solution!"

Fu Yuan was hit by Bo Xun again, and the spiritual energy in his body caused a chain reaction and caused a riot. Golden blood spewed out from his mouth, melting the earth, and he couldn't help but urge.

"If this continues, even if Bo Xun does not control Xu Ri, the three of us will be tortured to death as time goes by!"

Cheng Yu and Zuo Yu fell silent for a brief moment.

In fact, the ending of the three of them is not necessarily that Bo Xun will be worn to death by the passage of a long time.

Fu Yuan, as a living being of later generations, doesn't know, how can they still not know?
  In this world, there is still a place where Xu Ri is hidden!

When Bo Xun gets tired of destroying the three of them, or discovers Xu Ri 'accidentally' under the power of the law of cause and effect, the three of them may really be beaten to death!
  The three of them were not sure whether they could survive ten moves!

The difference is too big!
  Perhaps Bo Xun has reached the middle stage of Yuanying and can really mobilize the rules to fight. This may be the sign of the middle stage of Yuanying!
  Simply pursuing energy levels?
  A magical power that can kill the Nascent Soul Tao fetus?
  To some extent, these are not the right path. They have been on the wrong path for too many years!

Perhaps he could achieve the same effect if he continued walking, but it was obvious that the efficiency was different and he would need to spend more time for this!

"No way!"

Zuo Yu answered Fu Yuan simply.

"When you two incarnated into the paradise world, they were analyzed by Alaya Consciousness..."

"Character, magical powers...these are all completely controlled by the Alaya Consciousness, and so am I. Even if I mobilize the Alaya Consciousness, I'm afraid I will fall into the calculations of Bo Xun's causal powers!"

"In the end, I'm afraid it will be a result that outweighs the gains!"    A dead end!

Zuo Yu's few words foreshadowed this ending.

This kind of battle in the Nascent Soul Realm is no longer as simple as relying on energy levels.

Even if Zuo Yu mobilizes Alaya consciousness again, his control over cause and effect is not as strong as Bo Xun's.

Set up a result again and mobilize the law of cause and effect.

Even if you finally achieve the results you want, I'm afraid there will be other, more unacceptable, horrific consequences!
  There is no way to start!

  Zuo Yu was beaten by Bo Xun until he vomited blood, and the bright golden blood like a talisman spilled onto the ground.

Just when everyone was trapped in this unsolvable deadlock, Cheng Yu suddenly had an idea flash in his mind.

"Then it would be nice to find a few characters who are not involved in the calculation of the law of cause and effect!"

A character who escapes the law of cause and effect?

Zuo Yu frowned and immediately spoke.

"How can this mean?"

Just as he was about to retort, he suddenly realized something.

In today's era, all the monks and sentient beings in the world are probably under the control of Bo Xun's magical power of the law of cause and effect. No one, including him and Cheng Yu, can avoid it.

However, if the monks of this era cannot escape from the calculation of the law of cause and effect, what about the monks of the previous era?

"You mean the monks from ancient times?"

Zuo Yu's spiritual consciousness transmitted his message and expressed his guess.

Fu Yuan suddenly became energetic and listened attentively to the arrangements of the two.

"That's right... at least I know two people who can cross the long river of time and revive in this era!"

"My master, Zang Zhao, the ancestor of the formation, and..."

"——Immortal Ancestor!"

Cheng Yu did not finish speaking directly. Zuo Yu took over and told the identity of the other being.

Immortal Ancestor!

A huge wave suddenly rose in Fu Yuan's heart!
  Immortal Ancestor, what a terrifying name this is, the beginning of all immortal relationships, the existence called ancestor!

Could such a being be able to cross the long river of time from ancient times to the present era?
  Do not!
  Rather, it is only expected that such a being can do this!
  What an incomparable figure this will be!

What kind of extremely brilliant and glorious world was it in the ancient times!
  As the number one "ancient blower" in today's era, Fu Yuan suddenly felt that the hairs on his body were standing on end with excitement.

Under the shock of the name of the Immortal Ancestor, he even ignored the name of the ancestor of the formation.

"You want to resurrect Zangzhao?"

Zuo Yu made a guess.

"No...Master's talent is on par with mine...not beyond us. Even if he recovers, he will probably be beaten to death by Bo Xun!"

Cheng Yu told this fact without hesitation.

Cang Zhao is not weak, but it is of little use. In today's battle situation, Cang Zhao is too weak!
  "I'm afraid there's only one person who can make a comeback..."

Immortal Ancestor, Yuan Shu!
  If the monks of this era are all "ancient chui", then the monks from the ancient times they cherish are all "immortal ancestors"!
  At this time, Cheng Yu put forward the conjecture that resurrecting the Immortal Ancestor could make a comeback, but Zuo Yu did not feel the slightest violation, as if this was the way it should be.

Yuanshu must be able to do it, why?
  Because he is the Immortal Ancestor!
  (End of this chapter)

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