Chapter 152 Shi Yi’s gaze


Vice-principal Feng Shiqing was convinced: "In terms of physical fitness, he can cultivate to the level of an intermediate martial artist in a short period of time. With strength beyond ordinary people, he can master the perfect power of Ming Jin. In terms of martial arts, he has condensed the Xuanwu Zhengang, and in battle He has extraordinary technical acumen.”

"This student has great potential and his future may be limitless."

Shi Yi narrowed his eyes and tapped his fingers on his desk: "Do you know why Tianjing University didn't admit him?"

On the surface, Kuang Zhuo's awakening of the A+ level gene sequence is more valuable for cultivation, but in fact, for Tianjing University, unless it is an S-level gene sequence, it is not worth destroying its own procedural justice.

Tianjing University has the final right to make the final selection when it comes to admissions, but almost all of them are based on test performance and scores as the criterion.

Shi Yi was a little confused about this.

"I have specifically learned about this, and it seems to be due to family reasons." Feng Shiqing hesitated, "Tianjing University and Xingri University once had some violent conflicts because of recruiting children from big families in other base cities. "

"Although there was no explicit regulation later, when admitting students, the identity verification was more careful."

Shi Yi has worked in the education system for so many years, so he naturally understands what Feng Shiqing said.

When Daxia entered the early stage of the base city era, universities were rebuilt or established in various places. This was an era of educational renaissance, but at the same time, it was also an era of the rise and prosperity of warrior families.

The warrior families accumulated wealth, controlled power, and were unparalleled in the limelight. There were many violations of law and discipline, but the security of the base city at that time largely relied on the protection of these martial arts masters.

The circle of strong men is inherently narrow. Many people have been comrades who have faced life and death against the beast tide. Even if some martial arts masters can't stand it, they can't take action against the sons of their comrades.

Even the descendants of some martial arts masters have problems with lack of education. In order to practice and protect their families and country, they have no time to teach their children and spend very little time with them throughout the year.

After finally settling down, I feel guilty, so I can't expect them to "exterminate relatives out of righteousness".

This is against human nature.

Under the special background of the times, it was like a mess that was difficult to solve and contain. It was not until the Xinying Act was promulgated that improvements were made.

Take Xingri University as an example. A descendant of the "Zou Family" in Fenghua Base City at that time was directly beaten to death by another descendant of the "Xia Family" in Tianjing while studying there, which ultimately caused a huge commotion.

Tianjing University was also held accountable for his death during wilderness training.

These big families have terrible strength and background. It was slightly better now, but at that time, even the principals were in a state of distress.

"A child of a big family?" Shi Yi frowned, "The only 'Tang family' in Juntian base city has such a status... Is Ye Tingxu a member of the Tang family?"

The Tang family is a family of warriors founded by Grandmaster Tang Ju.

Grand Master Tang Ju was the most powerful man in Juntian Base City. He had held high positions during his time in the army and had a wide network of contacts. In terms of status and influence, he was the top in the entire Daxia.

The Shengtang University he founded can become "Juntian University", one of the fifteen top universities in Daxia today. The Tang family's Shengtang Group is also the number one in Juntian base city and a top twenty super group in the country!

Even the successive mayors of Juntian Base City, apart from urban development and construction, their most important responsibility is to supervise the Tang family.

As long as people are still reproducing and still have desires, "families" will inevitably exist, and they may contain the code for human genetic evolution, which is also worthy of vigilance.

The "United Kingdom of Northern Europe" established by the West when it entered the base city era was later usurped by the alliance formed by the thirteen clans. To this day, the social order is in a relatively chaotic state, breeding a lot of darkness.

"No, it has nothing to do with him." Feng Shiqing shook his head, "When Ye Tingxu was six years old, his biological parents died in an accident. Later, he was adopted by a retired soldier named 'Qin Yao' and has been living in In Jiangchuan City, my family is relatively poor."

"But his adoptive father seems to have been married to a woman from the Tang family when he was young, and there was a marital relationship."

"As for the specific situation, I don't know much about it. Anyway, this is the information I got."

Shi Yi clicked his finger on the optical brain, and then raised his eyebrows: "You can't even see my authority... That woman from the Tang family should be the core of the Tang family."

"However, there should be another reason for Tianjing University to know this, and it is unlikely that their principal would personally investigate."

His eyes moved slightly and he glanced at Qin Yao's information.

The above only records that he served in the Zhenbei Corps, and the specific content is unclear. Apart from his daughter and adopted son, there is only one deceased father.

When her daughter was studying at Juntian University, she had an accident and was bedridden all year round... Shi Yi took one look at it and didn't want to look at it anymore.

With his wisdom, he can naturally discern many things from this information.

"It seems that there is still a grudge between wealthy families..." Shi Yi shook his head. He had lived for so many years and had seen many storms and too many things.

But when he saw Qin Youchi's name, his eyebrows suddenly trembled slightly.

"Qin... Youchi?"

In Shi Yi's mind, it seemed that a dusty memory was resurrected.

When Qin Huai passed away, Shi Yi and his sister Shi Yue attended his funeral, and even after that, they took time to visit him every year.

But in just the past two years or so, the earth has experienced a major disaster.

He was from the Demon City, and as the main battlefield in Daxia's war against monsters, this sudden disaster completely broke his peaceful life. A lot of things happened at that time, and human society was once paralyzed and collapsed.

In those years...

Human society has gone through the urban island era and the gathering place era. It has been rebuilt many times and destroyed by monsters many times. It was not until much later that it entered the base city era.

At this time, the order finally became stable, and Shi Yi finally gained a firm foothold and gained some power.

He checked Qin Huai's family through the household registration information re-established in Daxia... Only then did he learn that Qin Huai's parents had been killed in the catastrophe, leaving only one younger brother. They also went to Tianjing Base City. It is said that his son was in the army Very promising.

Shi Yi made a special trip to Tianjing Base City to take a look, but he did not come out to reminisce.

After all, no matter what the reason is, if you don't show up when the other party is down, it will be bad if you show up when the other party is prosperous.

It was only now, when this name broke into his vision, that the memory of the past resurfaced in his mind.

Shi Yi was not familiar with Qin Youchi and was worried that he would make a mistake, so he immediately operated on the optical computer and compared it with the household registration information before the catastrophe, and finally confirmed it.

"Really are……"

"Doesn't it mean that this student's adoptive father is Ah Huai's nephew?"

His eyes suddenly condensed.

That memory is too long ago, but as a martial arts master, Shi Yi has a super memory and has not faded with time.

He cherished that time...because he had a lot of things at that time, including parents who loved him, true friends, and an innocent and kind sister.

People always miss loss.

According to the "Zeigarnik memory effect", people are more impressed by things that have not yet been processed than by things that have been processed.

The advent of the catastrophe forced Shi Yi's life trajectory to be interrupted. He may have experienced a lot later, but he still never forgets it all.

"Judging from his family situation, it is very likely that he has some rifts with the Tang family." Vice President Feng Shiqing frowned, "During the college entrance examination, I went to the college entrance examination command center on your behalf. I remember that President Tang from Juntian University was watching. When I came to Ye Tingxu’s information, he did look a little strange.”

He was more careful in his choice of words and only used "disrespect" to describe it.

I also feel a little afraid of the Tang family. "He entered Zhanzhan University and is a student of Zhanzhan University. Whether his family situation is complicated or not has nothing to do with us."

Shi Yi said loudly: "A colonel officer from the Doom Legion taught him for three months and he was able to discover his talent. If you can't even carve such a rough jade into a weapon, it would be a dereliction of duty on your part and on the war." A disgrace to the university.”

"Humanity needs strong people, this is the value of our standing here!"

"Yes, principal!" Feng Shiqing nodded, "How will Ye Tingxu arrange it? Principal, do you want to meet him?"

Shi Yi pondered for a moment, then shook his head: "No."

"Although his training time is short, in terms of strength, few juniors can match him. He will be directly transferred to the Thunder God Team and Shang Junshan will teach him."

"Thor Team?" Feng Shiqing was a little surprised. After thinking for a moment, he nodded, "Then I'll make arrangements."

"Yeah." Shi Yi nodded slightly.

He frowned and looked at the optical brain screen in front of him, feeling like an old friend. He couldn't ignore this matter, but facing a behemoth like the Tang family, he couldn't figure it out for a while.

"Let's see for now."

"What happened to Ah Huai's family?"


On the other side, outside County No. 0301.

"Ye Tingxu, 17 third-level monsters, total credits 181!"

After being scanned and inspected by the instrument, Ye Tingxu's final score was officially announced.


Deathly silence.

In a short period of time, the students around them seemed to have experienced a spiritual torture, which was simply too shocking.

He Yunzuo, who had the best performance in the past, was only a fraction of Ye Tingxu's... What was even most terrifying was that the difference in the types of these monsters proved Ye Tingxu's seemingly flawless fighting ability.

This all-round gap is the most disappointing.

Even Deng Yuanzhong and Zhuang Yi, who knew Ye Tingxu best, could not calm down at this time, let alone others.

Especially He Yunzuo and Lin Ying, who were originally full of confidence, thinking that this would be their first step on the road to becoming strong, were almost talking about heroes.

As a result, as soon as I left Novice Village, I got a tough blow!

It is a wound that is difficult to heal on their young hearts.

"The freshman test is over!"

Zhuo Kui, who was wearing a sonic mecha, moved and appeared beside them: "Now everyone, get on the aircraft and prepare to return home!"

He looked at these new students silently and could feel their inner fear and difficulty in accepting it.

This is the cruelty of comparison and the cruelty of competition!

Why is it said that when you come to Zhan Zhan University, you must first realize your own insignificance?

Because the success of others is actually a very cruel thing. The more genius you are, the less you can accept your own mediocrity.

"Either go searching for sand in the sea and become the real gold that remains until the end, or you know that you are just a grain of sand and sharpen your brilliance."

"Here, you no longer have the aura of genius."

"Only when you can look directly at the strength of others and understand your own weakness can you become a strong person."

Zhuo Kui said silently in his heart, glanced at Ye Tingxu and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

The instigator seemed to have no feeling at all, and there was no trace of complacency at all. He seemed to be thinking about other things.

Ye Tingxu was indeed thinking about something else.

The environment in County No. 0301 is really great. He studied for two months during the summer vacation and lacked actual combat for a long time. After this day of training, it can be said that he has made great progress and discovered many problems that he did not notice during normal training.

The efficiency of hunting monsters was also extremely high, killing 17 monsters directly. This was when his main focus was on honing his body and sword skills.

Like County No. 0416, which he had visited before, it was not easy to hunt down level three monsters.

Because there are beast-level monsters there, a large number of third-level monsters gather under the command of the beast-level monsters. The remaining third-level monsters also need to face the hunting of beast-level monsters, and they must be more vigilant and alert in their actions.

In County No. 0301, it is easy to see lone third-level monsters, which greatly reduces the difficulty of hunting.

"181 credits... Is this 1 credit equivalent to 1 earth coins?" Ye Tingxu was a little surprised.

This also means that he earned 181 million Earth coins in one day?

He does have the strength of a high-level warrior, but even a military general may not be able to make money with such efficiency!

This is the benefit of the university. Maintaining the existence of the trial ground in County No. 0301 consumes a lot of costs, and even requires the transportation of a large number of monsters from outside to supplement it.

However, the cost will be borne by the state.

A normal team of warriors hunts down low-level monsters. Not only does it not have this efficiency, it also has to be divided among military commanders. Because of the military commanders, they have the qualifications to wander into the wilderness.

Such benefits can only be enjoyed by "students", or in other words, students at the top of the Daxia pyramid.

of course.

Geniuses at the top of the pyramid require resources that are completely different from ordinary warriors.

Ordinary martial artists can just make do with any martial arts. Geniuses need to continue to learn and improve if they want to remain competitive.


When he returned to school, Ye Tingxu soon received new emails on his auxiliary optical computer.

"Student Ye Tingxu, based on your performance in the freshman test, the school has made the following arrangements for your study and life -"

"Please go to the No. 16 teaching building at : tomorrow afternoon to report, join the 'Thunder God Team', and study with the instructor 'Shang Junshan'. He will teach you everything you need to master as a warrior."

"Now you have student rights and are allowed to log into the school's internal network."

"—Academic Affairs Office of Zhan Zhan University"

"Huh?" Ye Tingxu blinked.

Thor team, mentor Shang Junshan?

Why is the normal process I heard not like this?

(End of this chapter)

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