I use my martial arts to smash the planet

Chapter 153: Stone crystal protector, dragon refining marrow!

Chapter 153: Stone crystal protector, dragon refining marrow!

When he first came to Zhan Zhan University, Senior Brother Guo Guangzhu, who was in his junior year at the time, mentioned... The rules of Zhan Zhan University were that the instructors would select and then establish teams of warriors.

But Ye Tingxu seemed to be directly assigned to a fully formed warrior team at this moment.

"I guess they put me into a more suitable team based on my strength, similar to the traditional 'skipping'." Ye Tingxu thought to himself.

There is no talk of skipping a grade now.

You can only start martial arts classes when you are 16 years old. In college, although there is a distinction between freshman and senior year, in top universities, the four-year system is only the upper limit and there is no strict curriculum division.

In actual situations, what really matters is only strength. With 600 students enrolled a year, there will always be people who can take advantage of the momentum, and there will always be people who fall into mediocrity.

Cultivation time is an important reference and an effective data support for judging a person's potential.

If you want to graduate early, you will be given a pass as long as you meet certain requirements.

After all, the meaning of a diploma is very limited. The benefits that you can enjoy as a student will require extra efforts after graduation.

"I just don't know...has Shi Yi noticed me?" Ye Tingxu muttered to himself, "It's possible, but I'm not sure."

The administrative status of the base city is equivalent to that of the "municipalities" in the past. The position of president of Zhan Zhan University has an administrative level equivalent to the deputy mayor of Juntian base city. He is usually directly appointed by the highest leadership body of Daxia and holds great power.

For example, the two universities in the Tianjing base city are appointed by the country's top officials in order to maintain the status of the capital city. Specific affairs are handled by several vice-presidents who work separately and collaboratively.

Ye Tingxu was not even sure whether Shi Yi would appear in school on a daily basis.

He didn't think too much about it.

Regardless of whether Shi Yi notices him or not, it will not affect his own learning and growth goals.

"Connect to the school's internal network." Ye Tingxu ordered directly.

With the help of the auxiliary optical brain, a virtual screen suddenly appeared in front of him, displaying his personal identity information.

Name: Ye Tingxu

Sex: Male

Place of Birth: Jiangchuan City, Juntian Base City

Student ID:2077361278

Credits: 181

In the upper right corner of the screen, there is a golden palace icon with four words next to it: War Palace.

There is also a mailbox icon that keeps flashing.

Ye Tingxu first clicked on his mailbox, and there was only one unread email in it.

"Classmate Ye Tingxu, Zhan Zhan University welcomes you."

"Congratulations. In view of your excellent performance in the college entrance examination, you are in line with the first reward clause signed by Zhanzhan University - ranking second in the entire base city in the college entrance examination and entering Zhanzhan University."

"You can get a complete set of A-level body training cheats, a silver dragon marrow worth 3000 million, and a complete set of C-level combat uniforms and weapons for free in the War Hall."

"I wish Ye Tingxu will achieve better results in his study and life at Zhan Zhan University."

The content of the email is very simple.

Before the college entrance examination, all preparatory seeds selected by Tianjing Base City are eligible to receive the reward list mentioned in the contract.

"A-level body training, silver dragon marrow, C-level combat uniforms, and a full set of weapons..." Ye Tingxu's eyes lit up.

Naturally, he would not dislike something he got for free.

What's more, the price range of A-level body training is between 1 million and 10 billion. The cheapest is the C-level combat uniform, which is also priced in the millions.

The normal price of C-level weapons is more than 150 million, and combat uniforms are three times the price of weapons, with the lowest price being around 450 million.

The two added up are 600 million earth coins!

As for the silver dragon marrow, it sounds like it should be a treasure medicine that assists in "marrow training" and is worth 3000 million. At the level of a warrior, it is definitely the best medicine.

"The War Palace should be the internal network of Zhan Zhan University." Ye Tingxu clicked on the golden palace icon.

When you click on the web page, many sections suddenly appear.

It is somewhat similar to the private section for warriors in Xingluotai, but only instructors and students of Zhanzhan University can log in, and graduates do not have login permission.

Ye Tingxu clicked on the "War Forum".


At a glance, he saw his name on the forum page. There were many replies to the post, the title was highlighted, and there was a "hot" tag behind it.

"Shocked! Freshman Ye Tingxu actually did such a thing to a monster. Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality?"

Ye Tingxu's head is covered with black lines.

I am upright and have won the "Three Good Student" certificates every year since elementary school. I can even write the Tao Te Ching in terms of morality. Are you telling me this?

He had to click in.

"According to the latest news, this freshman killed 17 third-level monsters in the freshman test. What do Huo Xibai think? What do Xie Chi think? What do you guys think? I'm kneeling to watch (funny)"

The main post shows the content of the original poster, and below are the replies.

"This is not why I took my pants off."

"You've screwed up the new students. Can you imagine 17 third-level monsters?"

"Tip from the front row, pay attention to the poster's ID, it is confirmed to be fake." - "The author has already scolded me, my surname is Zheng, and I only tell true news!"

"No, it's really wrong. Square didn't cheat this time!"

"It has been confirmed, it is indeed the real news!"

"I am super. I killed 17 level monsters in the freshman test. Can this be a human?"

The first reply was filled with doubts about the original poster, while the second reply was filled with shock and disbelief.

"It seems that my performance in the freshman test has begun to ferment among the students of Zhanzhan University."

Ye Tingxu read the post, and the most popular reply was——


From "Baidi Squad Huo Xibai".

"Huo Xibai?" Ye Tingxu's eyes moved.

The content of the main post mentions Huo Xibai, and after contacting the replies from other students, he should be a very famous figure in Zhanzhan University.

He took another look at the poster's ID - "Thor Team Zheng Fangfang".

Isn't the Thor Team the team that I am about to report to?

It's just that Zheng Fangfang's name seems a bit careless...

Ye Tingxu glanced at the title twice, then closed the post and looked through other content in the forum.

"It turns out that Huo Xibai is one of the two strongest students at Zhan Zhan University."

"Bai Di's team, Huo Xibai."

"Zhulong Team, thank you Chi."

"Both of them have the record of killing beast-level monsters alone. They are known as the 'double pride of the generation', comparable to the top geniuses from Tianjing University and Xingri University?"

Ye Tingxu felt a little surprised.

Tianjing University and Xingri University have gathered the best students in the country. If these two really have such abilities, even if there are some exaggerations, it will be very remarkable.

"I should be able to get in touch with it in the future."

He shook his head, then closed the war forum and opened the "war treasure trove".


Suddenly, different lists such as "cheats", "weapons", "potions" and "precious medicines" appeared on the screen.

Ye Tingxu first clicked on the "cheats" - "body training", "attack type", "defense type", "body skills", "defense and attack type"...

Various categories of cheats appear.

When Ye Tingxu became a quasi-martial artist, he once selected secret books and logged into the martial arts library of Jiangchuan University, but the categories were obviously not as rich as before.

He had never seen the defensive type and defensive attack type at that time.

But it's also possible that it existed, but he didn't have permission to see it at the time.

Ye Tingxu curiously opened the "defense category".

"Huntian Sacred Method", defensive combat skills, rating: S level. (Acquisition requirement: 300000 credits)

"Stone Crystal Protector", a defensive combat skill, rating: A level. (Acquisition requirement: 30000 credits)

"Water Taming Lingyou", a defensive combat skill, rating: A level. (Acquisition requirement: 30000 credits)


Ye Tingxu looked through the introduction of the secret book and roughly understood the principles of defensive combat skills.

Physical exercise can be divided into different training directions such as strength, movement speed, flexibility, physical strength, body perception, and body recovery ability. It can even be more specific and can be said to strengthen the function of a certain organ.

Take the "Turtle and Snake Bodybuilding Technique" as an example. It is a powerful bodybuilding art with balanced development. At this stage, the main organs to be strengthened are the lungs and skin, and later on the bones and bone marrow will be strengthened.

Combat skills are methods that use inner energy or source power to further explode one's own combat effectiveness based on physical training.

Warriors can use their inner breath to explode in strength and speed, so why not let their body's defense explode as well?

After becoming a junior warrior, the inner energy operates throughout the body, and based on this, defensive combat skills are gradually born.

For example, "Water Yuling Blessing" uses the source power to form a defensive light shield, with water flowing continuously inside, providing amazing defense.

"Stone Crystal Protector" is a stone guardian phantom evolved from the source power, which is shaped like a crystal. If the stone crystal protector cannot be defeated, it will not be able to harm the physical body.

"There is such a method, I have never heard of it before." Ye Tingxu's eyes lit up, "Martial arts are really becoming more and more prosperous."

In his opinion... the combat power of humans can be comparable to that of monsters of the same level, but their physical defense is still not comparable to that of monsters.

But the defensive combat skills in front of him seemed to bring another possibility.

Judging from the number of defensive combat skills, there are not many in the martial arts library. It is estimated that this concept was born not long ago.

"That's right." Ye Tingxu thought to himself, "It took mankind a long time to enter the mechanization era in which machines replaced hand tools. However, following the steam technology revolution, it soon experienced the power technology revolution, the information control technology revolution, Intelligent manufacturing technology revolution and other leaps forward again and again.”

"The first electronic computer was born in 1946, covering an area of ​​170 square meters and weighing 30 tons. But now the auxiliary optical brain can be condensed into a miniature communication watch, and the integrated 'smart biochip' has ultra-high intelligence , contains super computing power.”

"Martial arts, isn't it a kind of revolution?"

"From ordinary people to warriors, from warriors to military generals, from military generals to martial arts masters, every step is a new revolution... From the moment this big ship sets sail, the destiny of mankind will no longer have an end in sight. !”

Martial arts is the crystallization of human wisdom.

From a physiological structure, human beings are indeed destined to be unable to compare with monsters in many aspects, but their wisdom has no limit.

"Perhaps, one day, human beings will get out of their current predicament and evolve into a more advanced form of life!"

of course.

Not yet.

The actual combat value of defensive combat skills is very strong, but there are also many shortcomings.

First of all, it consumes a lot of internal energy and source power. Secondly, the defensive ability is temporarily limited. Finally, the difficulty of training is much higher than that of attack combat skills and body combat skills.

"But it's very useful to me." Ye Tingxu thought to himself.

He has [Turtle and Snake Scale Patterns], and the defense of his skin is very abnormal, but in the face of external impact, the internal organs will still be damaged.

If you learn appropriate defensive combat skills, you can completely improve this and make your life-saving ability even stronger.


Defensive attack type is a technique with extremely strong counterattack power.

Compared with defensive combat skills, they are more demanding and can only be used in conjunction with some physical training techniques.

For example, the A-level physical training technique "Nine Phases of Mysterious Thunder Body", practicing this physical training technique focuses on building physical strength and training the skin, muscles and bones of the whole body into a strong and tough structure similar to a leather drum.

Once an opponent hits the surface of itself, it will feel a huge shock force like beating a drum.

The so-called "defensive attack" is to use defense instead of attack. It is a very interesting training route. Of course, it can only be called interesting now, and it can only be used as an auxiliary method at most.

Ye Tingxu is more concerned about body-building techniques.

"Shenlong Marrow Refining Method", body training technique, evaluation: ultimate, incomplete. (Acquisition requirement: 50000 credits)

"Shen Zhao Jing", body training technique, evaluation: S level. (Acquisition requirement: 500000 credits)

"Magic Weapon Battle Body", body training technique, rating: S level. (Acquisition requirement: 500000 credits)

"Nine Heavens Feather Kill", body training technique, rating: S level. (Acquisition requirement: 500000 credits)


Suddenly, a dazzling array of physical training techniques appeared in front of Ye Tingxu.

In comparison, the highest level of body-building techniques in Jiangchuan University's martial arts library is A-level, and there are only two sets. However, Zhanzhan University's martial arts library has more than ten sets of S-level body-building techniques, and hundreds of A-level body-building techniques. thousand!

The most eye-catching one is undoubtedly the "Dragon Marrow Refining Method"!

"Another ultimate body-building technique." Ye Tingxu looked at the "Dragon Marrow Refining Method" thoughtfully.

Shen He once mentioned this body-building technique in front of him, saying that the "Dragon Marrow Refining Method" in the Daxia Martial Arts Library was contributed by the Qinglong Reincarnation lineage of the Four Saints Religion, and only included the part of warrior training. The complete version It's called "Blue Dragon Dance".

Xie Chi of the Zhulong Team, one of the "Twin Prouds of the Generation" at Zhan Zhan University, practiced this physical training technique.

"I have reached perfection at the level of 'Enlightenment', and the next step...is 'Bone Tempering'!"

"If possible, I would prefer to use the "Dragon Marrow Refining Method" to perform the physical deduction of the spine, rather than anything else."

"I just don't know if it's possible."

"Turtle and Snake Body Tempering Technique" can be called the supreme treasure book in the "Opening the Awakening" level, but in the bone tempering level, it is not so amazing.

It's true that you are strong, but you don't really tap your body's potential to the extreme.

The "Dragon Marrow Refining Method" can truly be called the supreme secret method of "tempering bones". The spine is like a dragon, forming precious bones!

For others, it is difficult to master the ultimate body training technique, so it may be more harmful than helpful to have other ambitions.

But Ye Tingxu has the power of physical deduction, which has miraculous effects on assisting in the practice of physical training!

It is natural to be bolder rather than settling for second best.

"If it really works...it will be of great benefit to me." Ye Tingxu was very excited, "It's worth a try."


"This incomplete ultimate body training technique is equivalent to the "Turtle and Snake Body Training Technique" that Instructor Shen gave me. It actually requires 50000 credits."

5 credits is equivalent to 5 million earth coins!

This is based on the half price of all items in the war treasury. If it were the full price, it would be 10 billion earth coins, which is the highest price for A-level body training.

According to the school regulations of Zhan Zhan University, the items in the War Treasure House are only provided to students for their own use. If they are donated or sold, once discovered, they will be fined at the least and sentenced at the worst!

Only now did Ye Tingxu realize what a huge gift Shen He had given him at that time. If it weren't for the "Turtle and Snake Body Training Technique", he wouldn't have such strength now.

"I wonder if my opportunity to exchange for A-level physical training can be used for this "Dragon Marrow Refining Technique"?"

He was moved in his heart, but after trying for a while, he failed.

"5 credits, do you need to accumulate them until the end of the year?"

"A body-building technique for warriors is so expensive. I find it difficult to handle it. How can others have the opportunity to redeem it?" Ye Tingxu secretly said, "In addition to hunting monsters, there should be other ways to obtain credits in Zhan Zhan University. "

(End of this chapter)

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