I use my martial arts to smash the planet

Chapter 154: Dragon and Elephant on the Rock, Tiger Wings and Four Wings!

Chapter 154: Dragon and Elephant Rock, Tiger Wings and Four Wings!

5 million earth coins is not easy for even a general to earn.

The important materials collected from elementary beast-level monsters can be sold for around 400 million to 1000 million.

The important materials collected from medium-level monsters can be sold for about 800 million to 6000 million.

As for high-level beast-level monsters, they can be sold for about 3000 million to 3 million.

Low-level monsters can be killed with thermal weapons and lack intelligence. Even if their physical strength far exceeds that of human warriors of the same level, the threat they can pose is still limited.

When monsters reach the Beast Commander level, they not only have stronger combat power, but their wisdom has also improved significantly. They even have a large number of low-level monsters under their command... The more powerful they are, the more obvious the price increase trend.

Of course, these are normal circumstances. For example, the Earth Spirit Bull encountered in County No. 0416 had a hemorrhagic brain nucleus in its mind, so it cannot be measured by common sense.

If you rely purely on hunting monsters, if you want to accumulate 5 credits, you must kill a large number of beast-level monsters. This is obviously unrealistic for students at Zhanzhan University.

Ye Tingxu believes that there are other ways to obtain credits in Zhan Zhan University, which is based on this consideration.

"I've just entered school now, so I'm not in a hurry."

Ye Tingxu shook his head secretly.

Since the "Dragon Marrow Refining Method" is included in Zhan Zhan University's martial arts library and there are students who have successfully practiced this method, there is no need for him to worry too much.

After all, there was no reason why he couldn't do it.

"As for the complete set of A-level body training secrets as a reward..." Ye Tingxu squinted his eyes, a trace of thought flashing across his eyes.

He practices the "Turtle and Snake Body Training Technique", and on the surface it seems that he has no need for it.

At least not yet.

Even in the "Dragon Marrow Refining Method", what Ye Tingxu was interested in was not the body-building technique itself, but he wanted to rely on this method to tap the body's potential to the limit and perform physical deductions on the spine.


"This A-level body-building technique may be of great use to me!"

Ye Tingxu had several ideas as soon as he thought about it.

The first one is based on "physical strength"!

Since in the eyes of others, he is a genetic warrior who has awakened the "Power Amplitude" series, he should play this role well.

This is based on the physical evolution of the upper and lower limbs, at least after the evolution of the "spine".

The second type is based on "digestive ability"!

Ye Tingxu's physical body deduction must obtain a large amount of nutrients, and the human organs evolved after the deduction also need to consume more energy.

Although the injection of biological agents can supplement the nutrients needed by the body, it cannot completely replace food. As long as you can eat normally, you still need to eat normally even if you inject biological agents.

Otherwise, it will lead to atrophy of human stomach, intestines and other digestive organs.

Moreover, the nutrients ingested by biological agents can only be used to supplement the body's basic energy needs. Only by continuous exercise can it be gradually transformed into an improvement in physical fitness.

If the digestion ability is strong, it can promote the body's metabolism and allow the body to absorb more comprehensive nutrients, which is of extraordinary significance to a warrior.

The above two are what Ye Tingxu must do in the future. Of course, they are not urgent for him now.

As for the third one...it's just an idea of ​​his.

"When I awakened [Thunder Breathing], I have always only used this respiratory organ itself, without developing it deeper."

"If it can be regarded as the 'cornerstone' of a body-building technique to achieve the practice of lightning, wouldn't the upper limit be immeasurable?"

Ye Tingxu doesn't know whether such an idea can be realized, but it is undeniable that once successful, the effect that can be achieved is unmatched by other body-building techniques!

The reason for such confidence naturally stems from the special respiratory organ [Thunder Breath], which is completely beyond the existing human martial arts system and can directly absorb the cosmic energy from the outside world!

Even the two ultimate body training techniques, "Turtle and Snake Body Training Technique" and "Dragon Marrow Refining Technique", cannot have such miraculous powers at the warrior stage.

Thunder method is related to the nature of heaven and earth. It can be regarded as a very powerful category in martial arts. As long as it involves "thunder method", it is not much weaker.

Xu Nanshu's "Great Wind and Thunder True Law" had a deep impression on Ye Tingxu.

If you rely on [Thunder Breathing] and cooperate with Thunder Method, there is indeed the possibility of incredible prospects.

Not to mention other aspects, as long as it can be effective in improving physical fitness, it is already precious to Ye Tingxu!

He's definitely willing to try.

"Great Wind and Thunder True Method", "Thunder Listening Dharma Body", "Big Thunder Lang Book", "Nine Phases of Mysterious Thunder Body", "Thunder Needle Body Refining Technique"...

Among A-level body-building techniques, lightning techniques also accounted for a large proportion, and there were so many types that Ye Tingxu was dazzled for a while.

After reviewing the many thunder and lightning body-building techniques, he did not make a hasty decision directly, but put it aside for the time being.

This is the only opportunity to choose a complete set of A-level body training secrets, and it is hard-won.

He has just entered Zhan Zhan University, so he should not be too impetuous. It is obviously better to wait until he is familiar with the environment and has clearer ideas before trying.

Ye Tingxu continued to swim in the martial arts library of Zhan Zhan University. The martial arts in it can be described as diverse.

For example... "The Great Locking Dragon Kung Fu"!

When he first saw the name of this body-building technique, he felt it was very impressive and curious about it.

"Dragon", whether in ancient mythology or in the current monster group, has an otherworldly status.

Even in martial arts, this word is often used with more caution.

But when he clicked in to learn more about it, he discovered... that the effect of this body-building technique was a little off-beat.

Sideways don't matter.

Mainly depends on the efficacy!

It represents male strength and vitality. On a small scale, it is related to physical and mental health and quality of life. On a large scale, it is related to the continuation of life and human reproduction.

Who says "dragon" is not a dragon?

Ye Tingxu was full of confidence in his own strength and vitality, but he still made up his mind to practice some training if he had the opportunity in the future.

Not for anything else.

The main thing is to know... what parts can be deduced and what the derivation plan will be.


The war treasure house is vast, and Ye Tingxu also found a lot about the "digestive system" body-building techniques.

The most commendable among them is undoubtedly "Magic Weapon Battle Body".

This is an S-level body training technique. The most outrageous thing in the training process is to swallow all kinds of metals and train your body into an indestructible combat weapon!

To achieve this, a strong digestive system is naturally required.

This set of cheats requires 500000 credits!

Equivalent to 50 billion Earth coins!

But you can buy it separately, only the part for warrior training.

D-level physical training requires only 50 credits at most, while C-level physical training requires up to 500 credits. You can purchase the warrior training part by spending 100 credits.

B-level is 300, A-level is 1200, and S-level is 3600!

If Ye Tingxu were to earn 3600 million outside now, there would really be no hope, but earning 3600 credits at Zhan Zhan University... would not be difficult.

"When I first became a warrior, I saw the strong man who practiced the "Divine Weapon Combat Body" from the Xingluo video."

"Now I want to try it out and see how extraordinary this "Divine Weapon Battle Body" really is."

There was a trace of expectation in Ye Tingxu's eyes.

Since he has the power of physical deduction, he must make full use of it and strengthen himself!

The more difficult the road, the more comfortable he is. On the contrary, those who have no threshold and can walk on it, Ye Tingxu has no advantage.

"Turtle and Snake Body Strengthening Technique" is difficult, but it is not difficult with [Turtle Breath True Concentration] [Snake Breath Continuous Pearl] and [Turtle and Snake Scale Pattern].

"Magic Weapon Battle Body" is also difficult, and the process of devouring various metals is even more painful. But as long as Ye Tingxu can successfully complete the corresponding physical deduction, it is as if he has mastered the key to cracking it, and all kinds of difficulties will be solved in front of him!

In the end, after some research and selection, he only purchased one martial arts from War Treasure House!

D-level defensive martial art - "Dragon Elephant Rock"!

There are not many defensive martial arts in the war treasure house, and there are even fewer in the warrior stage.

There is no choice.

It may be because it is too difficult for warriors to create defensive martial arts, and the internal energy of warriors is not as suitable for defensive martial arts as the source power of generals.

Ye Tingxu felt very satisfied.

The divine dragon is soaring in the sky, the giant elephant is trampling on it, and the mountain is breaking apart!

This defensive martial art uses the image of "dragon and elephant", the change of yin and yang, and the combination of movement and stillness. With the help of Xuanwu Zhengang, it should be relatively easy to practice.

"Dragon Elephant Rock" cost Ye Tingxu 30 credits. He did not use the remaining credits. Instead, he opened the Star Luo Platform and purchased it in the Warrior Mall.

As a one-star citizen, he also enjoys a half-price discount when purchasing D-level and lower martial arts in the Warrior Mall.

Money has no effect in Zhan Zhan University, but credits can be used to purchase high-level martial arts at half price.

When credits are not sufficient for the time being, spending money to buy them in the Warrior Mall may be a good choice.

"I bought a lot of E-level martial arts before, and now I have mastered them all. In the process of learning, my sword skills and body skills have also formed a more complete system."

"Now, it's time to start learning the more difficult and powerful D-level martial arts."

Ye Tingxu slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.

Now...if he just wants to, he can transform the "Five Tigers" into a martial art more powerful than the "Tiger Roaring Earth Splitter" and "Tiger Soul Thousand Blades"!

His accumulation has reached this point.

Of course, Ye Tingxu is not ready to complete this matter now.

Creating a stronger E-level martial arts meant little to him.

He studied "Five Tigers" mainly to further understand and digest the secrets of the techniques he learned through this method.

Unless he reaches his own bottleneck limit, he will not start thinking about creating his own martial arts, but will continue to accumulate learning.


At noon.

While Ye Tingxu was ordering food, Zhan Zhan University staff also delivered the "Silver Dragon Marrow" and a full set of C-level combat uniforms and weapons to the pavilion where he lived.

The styles of the combat uniforms are pretty much the same, except that they have the armband with the emblem of the First War University, which can also be removed.

The quality of the sword is slightly different from the weapons collected by Mr. Jiao Yan. Ye Tingxu has the Youmeng sword, so there is no need to replace it, so he only keeps it as a spare.

As for the silver dragon marrow... this is naturally not the dragon's marrow. It is just a precious medicine that has miraculous effects in assisting high-level warriors in their cultivation.

Ye Tingxu glanced at the glass bottle in his hand. The silver liquid in the bottle shone like a dream.

It was obviously standing there, but one could feel the silver liquid inside constantly flowing, like a silver dragon writhing in the swamp.

"A marrow-training medicine worth 3000 million yuan..." Ye Tingxu pondered a little.

His current physical condition cannot bear it at all, and all his bones must be tempered before he can use it.

He put away the "Silver Dragon Marrow", finished lunch, and then connected to the war hall to watch the instructional video.

There are many things that you just rely on yourself, and it is inevitable that there will be oversights and omissions, so you must keep learning at all times.

Half an hour later, he took the elevator and entered the underground secret room of the pavilion.


In the underground secret room.

Ye Tingxu's upper body was bare, his skin was delicate and moist, but it had a metallic sheen.

If before, his skin looked as fair and soft as a baby's, it was actually extremely tough.

Now it is like a human-shaped Gale Mecha, indestructible and containing endless power within its body.


A coiled giant snake and a giant turtle covered in hard scales, lifelike, slowly emerged on his skin.

The two are intertwined together, like gods from ancient times, making Ye Tingxu's body filled with an invisible divinity!

"Project the contents of "Dragon Elephant Rock"!"

he ordered.

"Yes, Master." A low electronic sound sounded.

Ye Tingxu's auxiliary optical brain controls the corresponding permissions of the technological products in the pavilion. After giving an order, the projector in the underground secret room instantly turns on for 3D virtual simulation projection.

In an instant.

Everything in the surrounding space disappears, as if you are in the endless starry sky.

There was a figure standing in front of him. The figure's face was blurry, but his body was tall and domineering, with bulging muscles.

He moved his hands and turned, his hands and feet moved together, the skin, flesh, tendons, and bones were coordinated, and the inner breath spread to the limbs and bones, stimulating the body's huge potential.


His chest shook violently, and a mighty roar of dragons and elephants rose into the sky, distorting the air around him!

At this moment, he had the majesty and majesty of not changing his face even if Mount Tai collapsed in front of him.

"Dragon Elephant Big Rock!"

"The power of the dragon and elephant should be like a rock, indestructible and unshakable."

Ye Tingxu looked at the vivid virtual projection, as if a teacher was rehearsing and explaining. He was immersed in it and studied seriously.


the next day.

At 3:30 in the afternoon, Ye Tingxu just walked out of the underground secret room.

His body was completely soaked with sweat, and his expression looked very tired, but he could not hide a hint of excitement.

"D-level martial arts is indeed much more difficult, but it's also more interesting!"

"Dragon Elephant Rock, Tiger Winged Four-Winged Sword... When I master these two combat skills, my strength will definitely reach a higher level."

During this day, in addition to eating and sleeping, he was studying combat skills.

He was a little tired, but the feeling of harvest still made him very happy.

D-level combat skills in the Warrior Mall are between 1.5 and 15 earth coins after a half-price discount.

Ye Tingxu spent a lot of money yesterday, buying 7 sets of top-notch D-level combat skills, spending 105 million earth coins.

"Tiger Wings and Four-Winged Knife" is one of the 7 sets of D-level combat skills.

"The email mentioned that I was asked to report to Teaching Building No. 16 at : today."

He went to the bathroom to take a shower, changed his clothes and went out directly.

The moment he left, a driverless hover car also landed in front of the pavilion through the reservation of the auxiliary optical brain.


Ye Tingxu took the suspended car and headed towards the No. 9 teaching building.

 I recommend a friend's new book, "Rebirth and Devouring, I, Venina, will never be inferior to others."


(End of this chapter)

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