Game Design: Is that okay, CaiGou?

Chapter 216 Who do you think researched this game? Civilization Department? Cyber ​​4 library comple

Chapter 216 Who do you think researched this game? Encyclopedia of Civilization? Cyber ​​Siku complete book (please subscribe)

"I'm so stupid, really..."

Yin Shihuang, no, Yin Chongzhen, looked at the computer screen with dull eyes and murmured:
"I only know that King of Bayinbrook is time-consuming whether it is driving school or repairing cars. I didn't know that Civilization VI was also so time-consuming."

"I was chatting with water friends at the Jinmen car repair shop in the morning. When talking about this matter, they said that I am too old, too lazy, and too time-consuming games are not suitable for me. The water friends are also very supportive of me and are willing to watch me. Playing Civilization VI’s land reclamation live broadcast.”

"I didn't expect... I didn't expect that Gouri's old thief, Gouri's Civilization 61 novice tutorial, even if he didn't finish it in three hours, he was crushed by the barbarians... The immortal was completely embarrassed..."

"I'm so stupid, really!"

Xianglin's sister-in-law's murmur passed through the live broadcast room and reached the ears of all water friends.

When you guys take a look...


This is the king of a subjugated country. He can't stand such a big stimulation and is going crazy!

Friends in the water quickly posted barrages to comfort Boss Yin.

"Yin Chong...oh, no! Boss Yin! You have to be more open-minded. We don't want this to happen!"

"I support you——"

"Old thief, this is definitely a plank road built openly and secretly in Chencang. There is a big wave behind his back!"

"That's right, that's right. It's not your fault. Spinach didn't even last three hours!"

"Teacher Ma was even more miserable and couldn't understand the game. You persisted for at least three hours!"

Under the comfort of all the water friends, Boss Yin barely recovered his energy and energy. He gritted his teeth and said:
"Old thief! I pour my heart on you, but you pour your urine on me! I treat you as my brother, but you treat me as your cousin?"

"Originally, according to my temper, no matter what game it is, if I buy it, I will not choose to refund it. But I just ruined a great situation. I didn't want a refund at that time? I killed the old thief at that time I have my heart.”

"I originally thought that this game is so time-consuming and I can't afford it, so I would refund the money and leave the store, but when I saw it... my dear, it took three hours, three full hours, and the refund button was long gone. What the heck is this?"

"I dare not say anything else about Civilization VI. After all, I haven't even passed the novice tutorial, but I can guarantee one thing. Civilization VI is definitely the game with the lowest refund rate."

In the live broadcast room, water friends burst into laughter.

Water friends are familiar with Wu Yin who was furious during the live broadcast!
But when have you ever seen such aggrieved Boss Yin?


You can understand it if you think about it...

A game is a civilization.

A civilization is a history.

Boss Yin——

Emperor Yinshi from the beginning of the game!

Go to Yin Taizong in the early stage of the game!
Emperor Yinwu in the middle of the game!
To Yin Chongzhen in the late game!
you say……

Who can bear it?

"Boss, be strong. You have to think this way. Although the barbarian kills your compatriots and takes over your land, he may not survive to the end. If you delete the save, he will still die!"

"Upstairs, you know how to comfort people, are you just adding salt to the boss's wounds?!"

"Spiritual victory method, right? What is Cybera Q?"

"I'm convinced. The next round of this game is really like a spell."

"I haven't been thinking about the development of civilization for long? How come it's only been three hours?"

"Boss, let's start another round. If you don't want to be angry, you must fight back for the barbarians!"

Boss Yin nodded and said: "I think about it now, I just follow the game! I will climb to the top step by step, and I will spit on the old thief in front of his face."

"In addition, the barbarians are definitely going to do it, but I don't understand it at all... I have only a partial understanding of many concepts in this game. In Civilization VI, I also don't know how to win the final victory in this game. don't know."

"Does anyone know? Can you explain it to me?"

In the live broadcast room, a large number of water friends look at me and I look at you.

Everyone is watching how you changed from Yin Shihuang to Yin Chongzhen.

Who cares, how to win the game...


How on earth do you win this stupid game?

At this moment, a barrage of reward gifts floated on the screen——

【Truth Society·Hydra·Wisdom Snake Head——】

[We, the Truth Society, have contacted the official and obtained all the information on the Civilization Encyclopedia. Before the Civilization VI game community has been opened, we have temporarily stored it in the Truth Society base camp. If you want to know all the information about Civilization VI, you can enter the Truth Society section. , check Civilization Encyclopedia]

Encyclopedia of Civilization?

As if grasping a life-saving straw, Boss Yin quickly opened the Taipingdao Community APP.

When I first entered the community, I saw that the top ten hot searches in the Taiping Dao public chat section were all occupied by Civilization VI.

"Zinima, refund the money——"

"I want you to do a novice tutorial, not an expert tutorial!"

"Old thief, give me the life of a civilized citizen!"

"I am sworn in with the barbarians!"

"Who, who on earth taught the old thief to do this novice tutorial?"

"I played the novice tutorial for two hours. My computer froze for a while and I chose to exit. Then I logged in and found that I had to start from the beginning? There was no save in the novice tutorial? I'm Ganlin!"

"Why is there such a big difference between the novice tutorial we voted for and the novice tutorial the old thieves understand?"

"Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, I shouldn't have joined the Yellow Turban Army in the first place. If I don't join the Yellow Turban Army, I'll have so many problems!"

"This novice tutorial is very good, don't do it next time."

"I just played the novice tutorial, and I was thinking about how hardcore this nanny-level tutorial is? But I found out later in the game that even if it is a nanny-level novice tutorial, I should not understand it, but I still can't understand it..."

"I was so stupid that I didn't choose the novice tutorial and started a game directly. After all, there were so many games in Taipingdao without novice tutorials before. Isn't that how everyone came here? But after I played it, I realized something was wrong. I really can't understand this game. ah……"

Taipingdao Community, the public chat section, can be seen everywhere with posts from players complaining.

Boss Yin is not the only one who is wronged. In the Taiping Road community, all wronged people can be wholesaled.

"Hey Hey Hey……"

Boss Yin browsed the posts and found that there was such an unlucky guy who was even more unlucky than him, especially the unlucky guy who used a game and found that the novice tutorial was not archived.

His mood instantly improved a lot...

But when Boss Yin came to the Truth Society section with this ugly face and clicked on the Civilization Encyclopedia, the expression on his face was like a dye vat.

It was as if a barbarian had emerged from the computer, punched and kicked Boss Yin, and even slapped him in the face with a complex expression.

[Civilization Encyclopedia——]

[Concept] [Civilization/Leader] [City-State] [Region] [Building] [Wonderful and Projects]

[Unit] [Unit Strengthening] [Great Person] [Technology] [Municipal Government and Policies] [Religion]

[Topography and Landforms] [Resources] [Improved Facilities and Routes] [Governor] [Historical Moment]

"One, two, three...a total of seventeen categories?"

Boss Yin complained:
"No... the name is Encyclopedia of Civilization. It's really an encyclopedia co-authored?"

With such a huge civilization encyclopedia, how many concepts does the game have to explain?

broken! It’s too early to say harsh things!
This Civilization Six is ​​not like the cyber driver's license test taken by the King of Bayinbulak, nor is it like the cyber auto repair certificate, it is as simple as that!
If you want to master all these conceptual knowledge and become a master, maybe six livers are not enough, right?

Am I changing the game and changing my mood?

It's obviously a game changer, a big pitfall!

It’s still a super invincible giant pit!
not good!

Before restarting the game, I felt a dull pain in my liver.

孽 孽!
Boss Yin let out a sigh of relief, scanned all the options, and clicked on the [Technology] option. He found that the technology options were divided into many options from ancient times to the future era.

The novice tutorial lasted three hours, and Boss Yin had not yet left the ancient times. He was speechless when he saw so many era divisions.

[Mining Industry·Historical Background——]

[If you can’t find it on the ground, dig it up. This is the basic premise to support the mining industry and is the earliest and most practical technology in civilized society...]

The technology options are broken down to the end, which not only shows the civilization of what era and what kind of technology can be unlocked, but also explains the historical background of this technology in detail.

"Hey, in that case, what about the future era?"

Boss Yin opened the future era with a hint of curiosity.

[Name: Advanced Energy Battery]

[Explanation: The unit’s carbon dioxide emissions are reduced by 50%. Unlock the Doomsday Mech upgrade: Particle Beam Siege Cannon. When attacking cities and military camps, the efficiency of long-range attacks is 100%, +30 long-range attack power. 】

[Advanced Energy Batteries·Historical Background——]

[The world's first true solid-state power generation device was invented by inventor Alessandro Volta in 1800. 】

[Since then, Volt’s chemical battery design has been continuously optimized and improved. With the outbreak of the digital revolution, the development of battery technology has received unprecedented baptism from the fields of investment and interests. 】

[An effective electronic device can work wonders; a device without a battery is an expensive piece of junk. 】

[Although today's batteries have greatly improved in capacity, operating voltage and cycle life, people are still looking for a more reliable and cheaper way to store energy. 】

It seems that in the game Civilization VI, future technology is also based on changes derived from real-life technology.

Boss Yin nodded slightly when he saw this:

"I thought this encyclopedia would deliberately fabricate the inventor of an advanced energy battery, but I didn't expect that the historical background starts with the invention of the battery."

"That's right. Compared to the fabricated ones, I still like this history that once appeared in human civilization."

In the live broadcast room, players lamented——

"Civilization Encyclopedia? Our players' own Siku Encyclopedia!"

"To be honest, these concepts are really interesting, but there are too many of them!"

"I was complaining just now that I couldn't finish the novice tutorial in two or three hours. After reading the Civilization Encyclopedia, I understand... Where is this?"

"Yeah, where are we now? We have been wandering in the ancient times. Let alone the future era, even modern times are out of reach..."

"It's really hard to bear... If I want to develop a civilization from ancient times to the future, I really don't know how long it will take to play this game."

"For other manufacturers' games, a game lasts for more than ten minutes. For Taipingdao's game, how many days? How many weeks? How many years?"

"It seems that we are all ready to fight a protracted war!"

Boss Yin did not spend too much time reading the Civilization Encyclopedia. He had decided to study this book after the broadcast.

The most urgent task now is to figure out how to win this game?
Boss Yin searched for it and finally found the explanation of the concept——

[Domination Victory]:
The way to achieve domination victory is to capture the original capital of all civilizations.

If you lose your original capital but still retain other cities, you can still gain other victories through culture, technology, points, or religion.

But your chance at domination victory only comes when you take back your original capital.

[Technology Victory]:
The first civilization to colonize an exoplanet will gain technological victory. Civilizations need to complete several projects of increasing difficulty before they can finally reach the exoplanet exploration project.

Civilization first needs to complete the "Earth Satellite" project in the city's space center. Then complete the "Moon Landing" project, and then complete the "Mars Colonization" project.

If a civilization has launched exoplanet exploration, the only way to prevent it from achieving technological victory is to win other ways of victory first, or to conquer the civilization.

[Culture Victory]:
If your goal is the cultural center of the world, this is the way to win for you.

The first civilization whose total number of international tourists exceeds the number of domestic tourists of any other civilization in the game wins the cultural victory.

[Religious Victory]:
In order to achieve religious victory, you must make your religion the dominant religion for all other civilizations in the game.

This means that not everyone in a civilized city needs to follow your religion, just a majority.

While you can passively spread your religion by settling near other players, missionaries and apostles are more effective at achieving victory.

[Score Victory]:
Generally in a game, one player will win by meeting certain victory conditions.

However, if no one wins by 2050, or the number of rounds set by the player is reached, the winner will be determined by the "score" of the surviving civilization.

Scores are based on Municipalities, Population, Cities, Technology, Future Technology, Wonders, Military Achievements, Great People, and Faith.

Player: "..."

Water friend: "..."

Wu Yin: "..."

Before clicking in, everyone has actually made a lot of mental preparations.

after all--

A novice tutorial can last for several hours!
An Encyclopedia of Civilization is truly an encyclopedia!
So can this game be considered a normal game?

But only after seeing the winning method can the players know——


The layout is small!

This game is no ordinary game, it is a historical civilization strategy game!

There are even five ways to win!
The key is which way to win, and it doesn’t seem to be easy to achieve!

This game——

It’s not easy to win...

It's easy to lose...

You said, who studied this game?
Do not……

should be……

You said this old thief, who did the research?

How did he come up with this game?

A tutorial for beginners to be a nanny is here.

Players will still find the game hardcore.

It’s hard to be a player!

It’s even more difficult to be a Taipingdao player!

Boss Yin spit in his hand and swore:
"It's two-thirty in the afternoon. Everyone is keeping an eye on the time. I want to see how many hours it takes to clear the novice tutorial!"

"Subjects, your Emperor Yinshi is back again!"

【Monthly Ticket】【Recommended Ticket】

(End of this chapter)

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