Chapter 206 A wise man hides his stupidity

It’s really not that Yang Ge wants to be a thief.

Because as soon as he entered the house, he was frightened by the gifts placed in the house.

In the past, my family was poor, and some relatives would not even come in because they were afraid that their parents would ask them to help.

It's great now, not only do you take the initiative to give gifts, but you also specially select them to give.

Yang Ge had almost never heard of the relatives on the gift list.

"To tell you the truth, I didn't know I had so many relatives in my family before this!"

Yang Ge laughed to himself.

The alum shrugged, stepped on the accelerator and turned onto a main road.

He laughs at you and fears you don't. He has seen this expression too many times.

I was just teasing him.

The two of them were silent all the way and drove directly to the parking lot of the Shanhe TV station office building.

Yang Ge took out his mobile phone and sent a piece of information to the alum.

This information is a program plan he compiled based on the blind box he took out.

Yang Gesi thought about it and chose a few big hits.

Since Shanhe TV wants to become bigger and stronger, it must capture the psychology of young viewers. The cake of traditional programs has been divided up.

It is no longer possible to take the usual path.

Alum put out the fire and probably turned it over.

"Yang Ge, how did you come up with this?"

"Not to mention my planning team, even all the planners in Daxia may not be able to think of this!"

"Let's do this. I'll say hello to Li Heyang. You hand Shanhe University over and he can take care of whoever he likes. You come here and work with me. You can pay whatever you want!"

This is a rare talent.

What Shanhe TV Station lacks is him!

The alum didn't wait for a response for a long time. When she looked up, she found that he had already got out of the car and was about to leave.

"Leave the car here for now. I'll drive it another day!"

After Yang Ge put down these words, he had already entered the elevator.

The alum hurriedly chased after him, and the driver told him that Yang Ge had just stopped a taxi at the door and didn't know where he went.

"This kid ran away very fast, but he was afraid that I would eat him!"


The next day, the entire Internet was suddenly flooded with "Apply for a job at Shanhe University".

All students are wondering.

"Haven't the majors been set up? Why are there still people applying?"

“Aren’t fifteen majors enough?”

"I remember that Yang Ge promised that students at Shanhe University would study whatever major they wanted to study. But it hasn't come true now, right?"

"Yes, the Internet has memory, I can testify."

"Fifteen majors count, they're not even as good as an inferior school like ours!"

"But why didn't anyone apply for the job before?"

"Who says there is no such thing? All the people who went there before were big guys from various industries!"

"I don't know what you are laughing at. With Yang Ge at Shanhe University, the future will be good. I just want to become a teacher majoring in design. Is it shameful?"

"To be honest, I also sent out my resume and am planning to open a major in antiquities restoration. I wonder if my classmates will appreciate it?"


Li Heyang saw this hot search on the Internet and contacted Yang Ge immediately.

He hoped that Yang Ge would take the first step steadily.

Don't look at the height of this mountain and think about running away before you climb it.

He let his family go to the scenic spots by themselves, while he stayed in the hotel and paid attention to what was said online.

After the establishment of Shanhe University, Li Heyang made a lot of efforts.

Although Shanhe University's unified recruitment qualifications were not approved, it also obtained looser operating rules for Shanhe University.

Those who sneer at Shanhe University simply say, "Let him go to hell"!
However, no matter how hard you try, it cannot be so dense.

"Yang Ge, are you confused?"

"We still don't know what the learning abilities of those freshmen are, so you're going to add new majors in a big way?" "You can't chew off more than you can chew. Don't you understand this principle?"

When Li Heyang picked up the phone, he couldn't help but feel unhappy.

No emotions were suppressed.

Yang Ge is too high-profile.

The big tree attracts the wind!
Evaluations of him on the Internet fall into two categories.

One is adoration.

Whatever he does, it's thought to be well thought out.

Will spare no effort to support.

The other one is envious and jealous of Yang Ge.

This kind of people believe that a young boy like Yang Ge can only play tricks and take advantage of people's hearts for his own benefit.

Shanhe University will become a joke sooner or later.

Li Heyang has always hoped that Yang Ge could lower his profile and reduce the popularity of Shanhe University as soon as possible.

In order to prevent students from being unstable and unable to study.

"Director Li, please calm down first. Shanhe University has free majors. This was promised when the school was founded!"

"There is no problem in setting up a few popular majors during the military training and then slowly setting them up later."

It’s about time.

There is no need for Yang Ge to be secretive.

Shanhe University is under the supervision of the public, and every move must withstand scrutiny.

If even the education methods are changed, then Shanhe University will have no advantages compared with other universities.

This term can still recruit 10,000 people due to its popularity, but what about next year and the year after?

Yang Ge will not give up halfway.

To put it another way, even if he wanted to, the system would not allow it.

There was no news about the reward this time, and Yang Ge was very nervous.

According to the previous rules, every time he completes a stage of the main task or branch task, the system will reward him immediately.

These rewards come in many varieties.

It helped him a lot.

But now, the reward cannot be paid, and he always feels that the following tasks are not easy.

Can it be done without any fuss?

"You kid, are you deliberately misinterpreting my meaning?"

"I hope you won't mess around. Shanhe TV is different from you. I've reminded you several times."

"The strength of the Ming family is there. Alum can't afford to hire whatever planning team he wants, so why are you wasting your time?"

Li Heyang finally said it bluntly.

He has struggled in the workplace for so many years.

It is clear that how far a person can go has nothing to do with his family background.

The contrast between Yang Ge and Alum is sharp.

If one makes a mistake, he can only bear it on his own.

And the other one, even if he quits now, Shanhe TV is still doing well!
Li Heyang was worried that Yang Ge was being used without knowing it.

He was just too adventurous.

It’s okay that this show is popular, but what if there’s no splash at all?
Will the alum still call him brother in a friendly manner?
"I won't interfere if you cause trouble in school, but if you cause trouble outside, I will use the education regulations to hold you accountable!"

Li Heyang didn't know how much Yang Ge had listened to.

But he still said the most unpleasant things.

Daxia is full of talents, and a truly wise man must learn to hide his clumsiness and use his talents in key areas.

Instead of making enemies everywhere!
When Yang Ge heard this, he suddenly woke up.

"Director Li, I have kept these words in mind. I will manage the school well from now on, please don't worry!"

This was the first time in such a long time that he heard such a sincere warning.

The world is a bit backward, but that doesn’t mean people’s hearts are simple.

It's time for him to restrain himself.

(End of this chapter)

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