Chapter 335 Stay calm in times of crisis
Because Prince Rui lived in Dongli Villa and it was difficult for Jiang An to return to the Jiang family, the Tao family couldn't bear to be separated from Jiang An, so they moved here temporarily, but they escaped the disaster.

Jiang Ning's Xu Nuoyan was no longer calm, "What about the Xu family? How is the Xu family's house?"

"Second Young Madam, don't worry, the younger one has been taken over to see, but there is flood everywhere now, so we have to wait a little longer." Zhu San said hurriedly.

Jiang Ning patted the hand that made the promise soothingly and said to Zhu San, "Thank you for your hard work. Go down and change into dry clothes. I'll report back later if there is any news."

After Zhu San left, Xu Nuoyan couldn't help crying secretly.

Jiang Ning was also worried, but couldn't say anything to comfort him.

At this moment, Ji Wuya came in with a group of official servants, all in embarrassment, following Butler Zhu.

As soon as he entered the door, Ji Wuya changed his face and knelt down, "Master Hou! I am incompetent! Please save the people of Quzhou Prefecture!"

Jiang Ning was dumbfounded, "Master Ji! What's going on?"

Yang Erdan and Butler Zhu hurried over to help help the limp Ji Wuya to a chair.

Ji Wuya's hair was messy and he was dirty. He had no time to care. He only choked and said: "The earth dragon turned over. The water was so big that the sea water rushed into the city. Several fishing villages on the seaside were washed away by the sea water. They all died. Many Everyone died, the streets in the city were flooded, and many houses collapsed. The government office did not have enough manpower to save them. All the injured people were now placed in the government office.

I don't know how long the government office can hold on, or whether the earth dragon's transformation will happen again. The city is already in chaos. I can't think of any other way but to come to the prince and the marquis for help! "

Jiang An helped Old Prince Rui step inside.

Old Prince Rui sat down firmly with a solemn look on his face, "The earth dragon turned over and the sea water poured in. Ji Wuya, Ji Wuya, you are really unlucky!"

Originally, with Jiang Ning's contribution in Quzhou Prefecture, Ji Wuya, the prefect, would also benefit from it, and his promotion was just around the corner. Now that such a big thing has happened, if he can't handle it, he will not be able to keep his hat.

Ji Wuya burst into tears, "Your Majesty, please think of something!"

Jiang Ning walked out of the yard, looked at the situation in Dongli Villa, and said: "The high-lying areas on the outskirts of the city should not be flooded. There are still some people in Dongli Villa who can be lent to you for dispatch. The suffering people in the city can send people to Dongli. The villa or the village next to Dongli Villa is originally a dowry for the little girl. The little girl is still young and the courtyard is uninhabited. It shouldn't be a problem to accommodate hundreds of people. "

Yang Erdan said: "Mom, I'll follow you and see if I can help."

Yang Santie asked: "Master Ji, have you sent someone to visit Quzhou Academy?"

Ji Wuya shook his head, "Quzhou Academy has a high terrain and mountains. It is all made of brick buildings. If there is nothing wrong with the government office, there should be no serious problems with Quzhou Academy."

The two brothers looked at each other.

Yang Sizhuang understood, "Third brother, you and second brother go to help. I will take the boys back to the academy to see if everyone is willing to do their part."

Even though the child was so active, Jiang An didn't want to cower all the time. Although Tao Shi and Guo Shi were very worried, they still followed Jiang An's wishes and let him out.

Almost all the people in Dongli Villa who could be used were dispatched.

Not long after they left, the rain outside weakened a bit and the sky got a lot brighter. At least they could see their surroundings. Jiang Ning held an umbrella and went to Zhuangzi's warehouse to count the grain, and told Butler Zhu: "Pay attention to the situation in the government office. If necessary, we will open a warehouse to provide disaster relief. Also, send someone back to Ping'an County to see if Ping'an County is affected. If there is no impact, please ask the county magistrate Master Xie to help dispatch some food and medicinal materials. Master Ji is panicking at this time, I am afraid he is not thinking well. "

Butler Zhu left for a while, and Zhu San came back with the carriage.

When Mrs. Zhou came down with several old people and children, Xu Nuoyan rushed over and hugged Mrs. Zhou regardless, "Auntie, are you not hurt?"

"It's okay, it's okay!" Mrs. Zhou said angrily, "Hurry up and help, someone is injured."

Jiang Ning also threw up his umbrella and stepped forward to help.

There were three elderly grandmothers, two women in their thirties and forties, and four or five children who came with Mrs. Zhou. If the carriage was not too small to fit, it would probably be possible to fit more.

After everyone came down, Zhu San and Jiang Ning reported: "Madam, there are still some trapped people in Xinghua Village. The younger ones have to go over to pull people out."

Jiang Ning nodded repeatedly, "Take more people and pull the bullock carts over. Get the elderly, children and those who are not good enough to get back first."

Zhu San followed the instructions and drove the carriage away quickly.

After Mrs. Zhou settled those people, she sat in the big house and warmed herself by the fire. She was so tired that her eyes lost focus.

Xu Nuoyan asked worriedly: "Mom, how is your family?"

Madam Zhou took a deep breath and smiled, "It's okay! Our house was built by our son-in-law, and it's solid. However, the terrain of Xinghua Village is not as high as Dongli Villa, so it's easy for the house to flood when there's a flood in the village.

When Zhu San passed by, I didn't want to leave. He said you were worried about me, so I had to get in the car with him. When I went out, I heard someone in the village asking for help, so we went over to help, tsk tsk tsk. It was so miserable!
Daughter, not everyone is as lucky as us. There are many poor families in the village. The houses they live in leak rain in summer and air leak in winter. The earth dragon turned over and collapsed all of a sudden. Many people were buried inside. When my mother-in-law went to help, , some of the whole family was gone, and some were left with only children or the elderly. In her long life, I have never seen anything worse than this!
Many of the children just sent with me have lost their parents. I don’t know what to do in the future! "

Madam Zhou shed tears one by one as she spoke, and she seemed to be in low spirits.

Xu Nuoyan patted her shoulder, not knowing how to persuade her.

Jiang Ning felt very uncomfortable in her heart, but she would not remain immersed in the grief. She stood up and said: "I will go to the city to help. I promise, you will take good care of the children at home. If anyone comes to ask for help, look at the arrangements. Mother-in-law, Xinghua Village Someone will send it over there and leave it to you to arrange.”

Yang Erya rushed out at this moment, his eyes full of determination, "Auntie, can I go with you to help?"

Yang Xiaoya also led the maid and grandma out, "Mom, I can do it too."

Jiang Ning smiled at her, "Okay! You help your sister-in-law guard the villa, and the children will be left to you to take care of, okay?"

Yang Xiaoya nodded heavily.

Jiang Ning had nothing to worry about since the affairs of the villa were left to them, so he took Grandma Yu Huazhi and Yang Erya into the city in a carriage.

Not long after the carriage reached the official road, the road ahead was blocked by floods. If they hadn't walked this road often, they would have thought that there was a vast river ahead.

Huazhi was a little anxious, "Madam, in this situation, the carriage can't enter the city!"

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