Chapter 336 The benefits of a house

After thinking about it, she could only get down and ask the driver to rush back to the villa and drag the two bamboo rafts over.

The two bamboo rafts were used for cleaning fish ponds and were only used a few times a year. I never expected that they would come in handy at this time.

With the bamboo raft, the group of people could finally move forward. Along the way, the servant holding the bamboo raft kept exclaiming, "Madam, the water is at least one meter deep. In some places, even the bamboo poles cannot touch the bottom. I don't know what's going on in the city." Will the situation be better?”

While they were talking, they also saw some helpless children sitting in a wooden basin, crying in fear and floating in the water.

Everyone's expressions changed greatly, and they quickly moved the bamboo raft over to fish out the child. At the same time, they also rescued many people who were struggling in the water and asking for help.

They haven't reached Fucheng yet, and their bamboo raft has no room for them, so they can only send people back before moving on.

Finally got to the city.

Jiang Ning found that the situation in the city was worse than they expected.

Displaced and injured people can be seen everywhere on the streets, and the government cannot take care of them at all.

She went to the government office immediately, but failed to find Ji Wuya, so she could only turn around and ask someone to row a boat to Quzhou Academy.

Here we finally saw the busy figures of Ji Wuya and Zhong Bohan.

Everyone was very surprised that Jiang Ning personally participated in the danger.

"Why are you here, Lord Marquis? There is a lot of chaos here now, please go back." Zhong Bohan said with a serious face.

Jiang Ning jumped off the bamboo raft, closed his umbrella, stood in front of Zhong Bohan, and said firmly: "Academician Zhong, I have sent people to rush back to Ping'an County to investigate the situation. If there is no problem in Ping'an County, Mr. Xie will send someone to bring food and food. The medicinal materials came to support. As for the other counties, after all, I have no relationship with the local magistrate.

Zhong Bohan quickly turned to call Ji Wuya, "Have you sent someone to move reinforcements?"

Ji Wuya turned around, his eyes bloodshot and his expression a little dazed, "Yes! I asked the prince and the marquis for help!"

Zhong Bohan was furious, "I'm asking you if you have sent anyone out to inquire about the situation below. Why are you talking to me about the prince and the marquis?"

Ji Wuya shook his head without thinking, "Not yet."

Zhong Bohan almost fell over because he was so angry, "Why don't you go quickly! Why are you wasting your time here with me if you don't do anything serious?"

As he spoke, he let out a long sigh and bowed to Jiang Ning, "Master Hou, Lao Ji is probably in a mess and can't take charge of the overall situation. I need to trouble you to give me a few pointers."

He didn't even think of asking the county magistrate below for help just now. Fortunately, Jiang Ning thought carefully.

With Jiang Ning stepping up to help share half of Ji Wuya's pressure, he also adjusted to his condition as quickly as possible.

In the evening, half of the water that rushed into the city receded, and the rescue was carried out in an orderly manner. Half of the government officials rushed to the fishing village in the east of the city by boat to search and rescue. Unfortunately, the damage here was too severe, and there were only a few houses that survived. The fishermen who came down were almost homeless, but they had no right to grieve and had to join the search and rescue team to help.

The floods did not completely subside until the evening of the next day. There was still light rain in the sky, and the streets were full of people wearing sackcloth and mourning.

The disaster situation of each village was sent one after another.

Yang Sizhuang and several classmates of similar age helped collect the information in the school.

A group of people concentrated on writing and drawing on the desk. Zhong Mianmian brought Guo'er over and looked around quietly. His eyes fell on Yang Sizhuang. He walked over gently and whispered in his ear: "Brother Sizhuang, how is the situation?"

Yang Sizhuang said without raising his head: "It's very serious. The six fishing villages along the coast were hit the hardest. Among them, the four villages in Chenjia Village, Hankou Village, Jiangtuo Village, and Jiangxin Village were the most serious. It is roughly estimated that more than 1,300 people died, and three More than a thousand people were injured.”

Liang Shaoqian next to Yang Sizhuang answered: "Although other fishing boats did not suffer such heavy casualties, it is estimated that eight or nine hundred people were killed. The most important thing is that their houses were all damaged, their belongings were washed away by the flood, and everything was lost." Gone."

"I looked through the geography of the Cangshuge and found that there has only been one earth dragon turning over in Quzhou Prefecture in the past hundred years. This is the second time." Yang Sizhuang said.

Everyone looked up at him.

Liang Shaoqian was very excited, "Brother Sizhuang, what does the geography say? When was the last time? Was it serious?"

Yang Sizhuang nodded heavily, "The last time was about seventy years ago. According to geographical records, 'The earth dragon turned over in the corner of the sea, and the waves surged ten meters. The city suddenly became a country, and only one in ten survived.'" The prefect at that time He was also killed when Dilong turned around, and there was no one in charge in Quzhou Prefecture. When the news was sent to the court, the surviving people died of illness, starvation, and some became refugees. "

When everyone in the room heard this, they couldn't calm down for a long time.

Zhong Mianmian poked Yang Sizhuang on the back.

Yang Sizhuang suddenly turned around and looked into Zhong Mianmian's red rabbit-like eyes, a little panicked, "Sister Mianmian, who bullied you?"

Zhong Mianmian shook his head in a low mood, took the cloth bag from Guo'er and stuffed it with him. He spoke in a muffled voice, "Brother Sizhuang, there is chaos outside now, and my father and mother won't let me go out. I thought about it, I have no choice but to come to you. The baggage contains the fine gold and silver I have saved over the years, probably more than ten thousand taels. Although it is not of much use, it is mostly my heart. Please help me give it to Aunt Jiang. ,"

All the students stood up and bowed to Zhong Mianmian, "Miss Zhong is so righteous!"

Liang Shaoqian even more excitedly took off his purse and placed it in front of Yang Sizhuang, "Sizhuang, I only have so much money with me, and I will give it all to you. Please give it to the Marquis."

With them taking the lead, others donated generously.

Yang Sizhuang was filled with emotion. He wrote down everyone's names and money before leaving with the money.

Inside the government office.

Ji Wuya and Jiang Ning were sitting at the top, and below were various officials who came to report the situation.

Construction officer Liang Hongchang stepped forward and said: "Master Marquis, Your Excellency, I have carefully calculated the damage to the city. The damage to the south of the city was the least. At most, some houses collapsed or some yards were in disrepair. , it’s almost nothing serious, but it’s a little strange in the north of the city.

Almost all of those adobe houses collapsed, and even those that did not collapsed became dilapidated buildings and had to be demolished and rebuilt. However, there were some houses that were intact. The official's investigation found that they all used bricks and tiles fired from Dongli Villa. "

Ji Wuya frowned and said, "Bricks and tiles are inherently stronger, more durable and resistant to pressure than adobe, so it's not surprising that the house is stronger."

Liang Hongchang shook his head, "Sir, you have forgotten who live in the north of the city! They are all ordinary people, some are even very poor, but they can build brick houses."

Liang Hongchang pointed it out.

Ji Wuya didn't understand for a moment, "So what do you want to say?"

Jiang Ning laughed dumbly, "Master Liang means that the brick and tile house they live in is sturdy and not expensive, right?"

"Master Marquis is absolutely right." Liang Hongchang was very humble and respectful.

How could Ji Wuya, a scholar, know this? Hearing Liang Hongchang explain the benefits of that house in detail, he got interested and looked at Jiang Ning excitedly, "Master Marquis, can these bricks and tiles be supplied in large quantities? Don't worry, Xianguan Jue I won’t take advantage of you in vain.”

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