Chapter 378 Qiu Wei releases the list
Liang Hongchang sat upright and said, "Master Marquis, please speak."

Although Jiang Ning always calls him his father-in-law, he doesn't dare to really call him his mother-in-law.

Jiang Ning paused and said, "My father-in-law also knows about the reform of the imperial examination, right?"

Liang Hongchang nodded, "I've heard a little bit."

Jiang Ning smiled slightly, "What a coincidence! Me too! My in-laws know that my second son and nephew know something about construction. I want them to try it out next year, but they lack a powerful teacher to guide them. I think of my in-laws right now. ”

Liang Hongchang understood immediately, and immediately nodded and said: "Thanks to the noble Lord, if the children are willing, just let them come over. I usually stay at home."

"Thank you so much, father-in-law!" Jiang Ning was overjoyed and talked with them some more before leaving.

The mother-in-law presented the gift Jiang Ning brought.

Yuan and Yang Erya laughed and said, "Your mother is too polite to come here and bring so many things."

"Auntie, take a look at what's there." Yang Erya looked happy, feeling that she had become much straighter in her husband's house.

Because Jiang Ning asked for help from others, the gifts he prepared this time were all very valuable, including fine tea, wine, the Four Treasures of the Study, expensive snacks, ingredients, and home-made shower gel.

Yuan was very satisfied with everything, but she had never seen shower gel before and was very curious.

Yang Erya stepped forward and explained carefully, "Auntie, this jar of peach blossom white porcelain is specially used for bathing. It is very similar to fragrant soap, but it smells better and makes cleaning cleaner; apricot blossom white porcelain jar is very similar to fragrant soap. The porcelain one is for hair washing, and contains medicated powder to nourish your hair. Your scalp will feel comfortable after washing it!

And this, this box contains tooth powder. If you brush it carefully with this brush for a period of time, your teeth will become whiter and your mouth will smell better. "

"So magical?" Yuan's attention was immediately attracted by these things, and she couldn't wait to try them right away.

Liang Shaoqian and Liang Hongchang, father and son, also wanted to see the efficacy of tooth powder after hearing this. After all, they were often outside and had to open their mouths when talking and doing things. They needed clean white teeth and fresh breath.

Seeing that they were eager to try, Yang Erya immediately asked his servants to boil hot water.

The Liang family had a great time trying out various shower gels.

Jiang Ning also returned to Dongli Villa as soon as possible and called Yang Erdan and Yang Fugui, "From tomorrow on, you will go to the Liang family every evening. Now the Liang family's old house only has two masters, Mr. Liang and Mrs. Liang." , I can clean up two guest rooms for you to stay temporarily. Of course, I will reciprocate the favor and I will send some things to the Liang family from time to time. You don’t have to worry about these, just study hard. "

The two of them were so upset that they went to Liang's house with pen, ink, paper and inkstones. These two sets of pen, ink, paper and inkstone cost several taels of silver, not just a few pennies! If they didn't learn a flower, they would feel ashamed to see their mother, brothers and sisters at home, and they would die!

Mrs. Yuan's warm smile never disappeared when she saw the two of them. The mattresses and mats for the guest room prepared for them were all brand new. Everyone had high hopes for them, and they couldn't help but work hard.

Liang Hongchang led the two of them to the study.

As soon as the two of them saluted, they were frightened by the bookshelf full of books and turned pale.

Liang Hongchang casually took out a book and told them about the history of construction and the development of construction in Qi. The two of them were very nervous at first, but they didn't expect to get into the mood within a quarter of an hour. When they came to their senses, a period had passed. time, and they still haven't finished it yet.

The two were overjoyed. Yang Erdan said: "Uncle Liang, this creation is much more interesting than the Four Books and Five Classics taught in school!"

Liang Hongchang laughed loudly and thought deeply, "I don't like the Four Books and Five Classics either. Let me study it. I can sleep on it and learn construction. I can forget about food and sleep! It seems that you two are just like me and have some talent in this area. Work hard and maybe you can compete next year.”

The foundation of these two people is too weak, and they can only make up for the basics in a short period of time. If they want to make greater progress, they must look at their talents.

"Thank you sir!" The two of them responded respectfully.

From then on began the days of forgetting sleep and food, working hard to make progress.

Of course, no one made any noise about these things. Firstly, the reform of the imperial examination had not yet been officially ordered. Secondly, as Liang Hongchang said, the two of them had no foundation. If the matter became public knowledge, no one would succeed in the examination. , wouldn’t it be embarrassing?

Jiang Ning just arranged the matter and left it alone.

The Qiuwei results came out, and Yang Sizhuang failed as expected. He was still young, so this result was expected by everyone. No one from Rongshu Village even sent a message to ask, so everyone probably knew it.

But Promise Mountain actually made the list.

The Xu family was decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations. Madam Zhou was delivering wedding cakes door to door in Xinghua Village. She was so happy that many people rushed to the door to match Xu Nuo Shan.

Mrs. Zhou has not yet let go of the Fang family matter, and Xu Nuoshan wants to take advantage of the victory to participate in the Spring Festival of the year after tomorrow, so she has no intention of doing so.

But there were too many people coming to the door, and some people even blocked the dim sum shop, which made Mrs. Zhou afraid to go to the dim sum shop these days, so she could only leave everything to Alan.

Her current situation is that she doesn't dare to go back to her home, and she doesn't dare to start a business. She is in pain and happy at the same time.

Jiang Ning looked at Mrs. Zhou who came to her door to complain, and joked: "Everyone wants to welcome guests to the door every day, but it's better for you to hide so quickly!"

"Ouch! Don't mention it!" Mrs. Zhou drank several mouthfuls of water and felt a headache. "In the past, the Jiang family was next door to mine, so I could go to the house to hide. Now that the Jiang family has moved to the city, I am the only one in Xinghua Village. "It's wrong to run anywhere. After thinking about it, I can only shamelessly hide here with you. At least those people don't dare to invade your territory."

Xu Nuoyan felt distressed and funny at the same time, "Won't you just say no directly on behalf of my eldest brother?"

"How can that be done!" Madam Zhou retorted, "Your eldest brother is already a grown man. Although he doesn't have this intention now, neither do I! But we have to take our time and look at each other, right! It's okay to offend people by saying something too harshly. !
Besides, I still thought that if I met a good girl again, I couldn’t miss it! "

Thinking of Fang Xiaoru and Mrs. Zhou's heart ached, what a good girl! Pity!

Xu Nuoyan saw that Mrs. Zhou was looking wrong and immediately changed the subject, "You can come as you please. Anyway, I can't control you. But since the eldest brother has passed the autumn period, our family can consider buying some more fields."

Anyway, there is no need to pay taxes. If you work as a tenant farmer, you can get a lot of food, which is enough for your mother's family.

Speaking of buying a field, Madam Zhou suddenly became more serious, "You have spoken to my mother's heart!"

Madam Zhou looked at Jiang Ning and said: "A Ning, I have saved some money now. I have prepared the money for Ah Shan to go to Beijing to take the exam. The rest I want to buy a hundred acres of land, preferably all connected. Make a village."

She is very envious of the Yang family's Dongli Villa. It has everything it should have. Every year, the income from the village alone is enough to support everyone, and there is still a surplus.

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