Chapter 379 The face of not taking advantage
Jiang Ning nodded, "I definitely want to buy the land. If you don't buy the land, some people in Xinghua Village may be thinking about your family."

"How do you say this?" Zhou was very puzzled.

Jiang Ning gave her a detailed analysis, "You have lived in Xinghua Village for a few years, so you should know the situation there. Everyone's life is not easy. It would be good if there were less taxes. I'm afraid they will think of hanging up the fields. In the name of Nuoshan, we are all fellow villagers anyway, and your family will never be too open to collect too much food. In this way, they can save more food. "

"Aren't they afraid that I will turn against you in the future?" Madam Zhou frowned.

Jiang Ning laughed dumbly, "What are you afraid of! Since you want to put the fields in Nuoshan's name, you must establish another document. Unless Nuoshan doesn't want fame and career, he will definitely not be able to do that kind of thing, right!"

Mrs. Zhou was upset, "If that's the case, I really have to buy the fields as soon as possible."

According to the regulations of the State of Qi, a person can be exempted from taxes on one hundred acres. She had to collect the one hundred acres as soon as possible.

Xu Nuoyan muttered: "Auntie, let Butler Zhu inquire about this matter. Last year, the earth dragon turned over. Many wealthy families in the south of the city were frightened. Those who could afford it all moved away with their families or went to relatives. There seem to be some in the suburbs. Several houses are for sale.”

Jiang Ning immediately called Butler Zhu and asked him to handle it.

With Jiang Ning's status, it only took half a day to buy the 100-acre village that Mrs. Zhou wanted, spending two hundred taels.

Zhuangzi's original owner was a cloth shop, and seawater poured in. Although his house was okay, all the materials in the warehouse were soaked in water and could no longer be used. The loss was huge, so Zhuangzi had to sell it for turnover.

In addition to the fields, there is a small barren hill on the village where many mulberry trees are planted. There is also a silkworm house and a small house with blue bricks and tiles.

This is not big compared to the house in Dongli Villa. If compared with the small courtyard in Xinghua Village, the house in Zhuangzi is definitely bigger.

Mrs. Zhou went to see it herself and was very satisfied.

Xu Nuoyan was also happy and said: "Auntie, there are no familiar people in Xinghua Village now. Why don't you move to this village. Firstly, it will be quiet and no one will come to bother you all the time. Secondly, this house is bigger than Xinghua Village." It’s comfortable to live here. It’s faster to get into the city from here.”

Mrs. Zhou had no friendship with the villagers in Xinghua Village, and she had nothing to miss there. As soon as she made a promise, she hesitated and agreed.

Xu Nuoyan immediately asked someone to come over to clean up the house, and took Mrs. Zhou back to Xinghua Village to pack her luggage.

As soon as the mother and daughter returned to the village, someone came to their door within a quarter of an hour.

"Hey! Mrs. Xu, congratulations!"

Mrs. Zhou went out to take a look and found that the person coming was Ma, a famous loudmouth in the village. She subconsciously frowned and said, "Thank you."

When Ma saw Xu Nuoyan and some servants, his eyes flickered, full of inquiry.

Madam Zhou was not happy and asked, "Is something wrong?"

Madam Ma looked away, sneered twice, and said, "Seeing how lively you guys are, come and take a look. I wanted to talk to you about something this morning, but I didn't expect you weren't here."

Mrs. Zhou thought about what Jiang Ning said, and her heart skipped a beat. She looked away, smiled unnaturally, and said proactively: "I went to my daughter-in-law's house to sit and buy a farm by the way."

"What? The farm?" Mrs. Ma's eyes widened, and she lost all thoughts of the gossip. "How many acres of farm have you bought?" Her tone was very urgent. Yesterday, her man mentioned to her that he would sell the farm at home. She didn't agree to the matter in Xu Nuoshan's name at first. Her man kept talking, but she finally figured it out after talking about it all night. She originally planned to come over this morning to talk about it, but she didn't expect that the Xu family had bought the land in advance!

Mrs. Zhou knew what Ma wanted to do when she saw her look like this. She felt a little depressed, but she didn't hide it, "Purchasing a hundred acres."

"So much!" Mrs. Ma was greatly surprised, and more importantly, she didn't understand. If the Xu family could buy a hundred acres of land in one go, why would they live in this small village like them? "Are you afraid that we will take over the land?" Just use your name to fool us!"

Ma's face was filled with doubts, and his face dropped.

Xu Nuoyan came out from behind Mrs. Zhou, glanced at Mr. Ma, lowered her eyes and said, "Mom, your luggage is packed. Please see if there are any gaps. If not, we can leave."

"Leave? You want to move away?" Ma's voice suddenly became sharper.

Xu Nuoyan signaled Mrs. Zhou to enter the room, stepped forward and asked unhurriedly, "Is there any problem?"

Seeing that Xu Nuoyan was well-dressed and accompanied by a serving maid, Mrs. Ma did not dare to be too presumptuous and her temper became somewhat restrained, "I just want to ask about Na Tian."

"Field? What kind of field? Our family has no relatives in Xinghua Village, and we have a land dispute with your family?" Xu Nuoyan asked pretending to be stupid.

Ma was dumbfounded, her face darkened, and she gave a dry smile, "Why are there disputes? They are all from the same village. Everyone bows their head but does not raise their head to see each other. Isn't this because Mrs. Xu's son has become a civil servant? We just want to ask Tian What kind of regulations are there in Xu Juren’s name? How much grain does the Xu family harvest every year?”

She didn't like talking to Xu Nuoyan, and always felt that Xu Nuoyan was hard to get along with, so she simply stated her purpose directly.

Xu Nuoyan sneered twice and took time to look at her, "When will our family collect the fields in the village?"

"What? You won't accept it? Why!" Ma was anxious.

Some villagers who came looking for it after hearing the news happened to hear this, and they all came forward and said angrily: "This is good for everyone, why don't you accept it?"

"Is it possible that the Xu family will look down on us villagers after they become a member of the imperial family?"

"Hmph! I told you a long time ago that people don't take us villagers seriously, but you still don't believe me!"

The villagers made all kinds of accusations against the Xu family.

Madam Zhou almost fainted after hearing this in the room. She cried with her maid, "We didn't get any help from them in the village. Nuoshan passed the exam and even sent wedding cakes to the villagers. We owe them." !”

The mother-in-law consoled her: "Madam, this is how people in the world are. If they don't get any benefits, they must be dissatisfied. Anyway, we don't live in this village anymore. It's okay."

Xu Nuoyan listened silently to everyone's accusations, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, "Have you said enough? It's my turn to say enough! My eldest brother's success in the examination seems to have nothing to do with you, right? You didn't pay for it. Secondly, you have no contribution and thirdly, you are not related to our family in any way. How can you be so brave and allow our family to take over your fields?
Since my eldest brother is a civil servant and can be exempted from certain taxes, why don't we buy our own land instead of taking it from others? What's the point? how? Our family owes you! "

Xu Nuoyan's rhetorical questions left the villagers speechless.

Ma murmured dissatisfiedly: "It's not that we don't want to help, it's just that our space is not used!"

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