Chapter 190 Observer

Li Ming forced a smile on his face: "Hey, hello."

No wonder he was so polite, because he was standing at the top of the Marvel Cinematic Universe - the Observer.

The Observers are a race. They are one of the earliest civilizations in the universe. In the comics, their strength was even slightly higher than that of the Celestials.

They once did things to help other civilizations progress, but they accelerated the destruction of that civilization, so later the observers vowed to only observe the universe and never interfere.

"I have seen the past, the future, and everything that may happen, but I have never seen you. Who are you?" asked the bald observer.

"Li Ming, you can also call me Li."

After the surprise, Li Ming returned to normal.

Observers in comics usually only observe a certain universe, but this bald man's setting is different. He observes the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, and his strength is also the top combat power in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

But Li Ming also knew that the observer in front of him was probably the most affectionate and closest person to the multiverse.

Although he also follows the observer's oath of never interfering and respects the self-development of each multiverse, he will also be anxious when paying attention to the actions of the superheroes.

For example, in a world where Ultron successfully destroyed the earth, the survivors Black Widow and Hawkeye were looking for information about Dr. Zola in order to kill Ultron.

The two of them rummaged through most of the warehouse. Hawkeye was about to find the information but suddenly broke down and gave up the search, leaving the observers dancing anxiously. He almost showed up to point out the information to them.

In the end, when Ultron gathered the six Infinity Stones with the intention of destroying the multiverse, the observer was discovered by Ultron. He could have stood aside and watched, but he still broke his oath and summoned the superheroes of the multiverse to stop Infinite Ultron.

As for the reason why he did this, it was because he greatly appreciated that humans can still have hope in the worst situations.

He has seen the destruction of many universes, but in every universe there will be superheroes fighting to the end.

After watching more, the observers are also moved by this spirit, and in their hearts they regard themselves as a member of the multiverse.

As in "What if...?" 》The finale is as described by the observer himself.

"The entire multiverse, every world, every story is my home, and I will always protect them."

Regarding the development of a single universe, he can stick to his oath as an observer, but when encountering external threats that endanger the entire multiverse, he cannot help but take action.

In fact, according to Li Ming's understanding, the observers actually represent us, the audience, who will feel happy, sad and angry because of the development of the plot. When the recognized characters are in danger, they will want to get into the screen to help.

"Lee, where are you from?"

The observer leaned down slightly, and his huge size gave Li Ming a strong sense of oppression.

Li Ming knew that when facing a person of this level, the best thing to do was to tell the truth.

"What is your number for this universe, Earth-199999?" Li Ming asked.

The observer nodded, somewhat surprised: "You know quite a lot."

"I accidentally came to Earth-199999 from another universe and am now in universe 616."

Earth-199999 is the number of the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, including all multidimensional time and space under the cinematic universe.

The 616 universe is a universe that develops according to the plot of the movie we are familiar with, and is also called the main universe.

Of course the observer knows about the 616 universe. After all, "What if...?" 》The worlds in it are all developed based on the 616 universe with some changes in conditions.

"I can't see the future development of Universe 616. It turns out it's because of you. You are independent of time and space and are a variable in the entire multiverse." The observer suddenly realized.

Li Ming felt a little dangerous. The observer wouldn't kill him just because he was a variable, right?
  "Do you want to deal with me?" He asked directly, but he was already ready to use the conversation to delay time and immediately open the portal to return to the space.

"No." The observer shook his head, "I swear not to interfere with the operation of the multiverse. Although you are a variable outside of time and space, you are now a part of the multiverse."

Li Ming breathed a sigh of relief, this person was still reasonable. After all, in the plot, he didn’t care if Ultron or other villains destroyed their respective universes. The only exception was that Infinite Ultron tried to destroy the entire multiverse.

He, Li Ming, wouldn't do that kind of thing.

"Universe 616 now..." the observer whispered, obviously going to make up for the plot after Li Ming's arrival.

"Wanda turned black and hunted down America." Li Ming reminded.

"Oh, Scarlet Witch."

The observer shook his head, as if sighing at the fall of the former Avenger.

"Yes, Wanda's experience was indeed tragic. Her brother died, her husband died, and she even died in the end."

Li Ming also sighed.

This made the observer realize that he also knew the plot, so he couldn't help but complain to Li Ming about the experiences of many characters.

For example, Star-Lord who punched out in Avengers 4, or Doctor Strange who ran to control the water in the final battle...

The two of them were just like ordinary audiences, talking about the plot development of the multiverse. The bald man had gone through too many years, and other observers did not have a good impression of human beings like him and would not talk to him about the superheroes of the multiverse.

Nowadays, it is rare to find someone who also knows the fate of the character, and he can feel that Li Ming generally has a friendly attitude towards superheroes, so the observers also opened up the chat room.

At this time, Li Ming also knew the name of the big bald man, Yuatu.

"But you actually succeeded in changing Peter's fate. The world has not forgotten him, and Mei has not died..." Yuatu suddenly found an obvious difference in the 616 universe, but he did not blame Li Ming for changing the plot, but was a little surprised, " You broke Spider-Man’s absolute timing!”

"Absolute point in time?"

Li Ming repeated, suddenly reacting.

In the animation "Spider-Man: Across the Universe", it is mentioned that the death of Spider-Man's relatives, such as the death of Toby Spider and Garfield Spider's uncle, are absolute points in time and are things that all Spider-Man must experience.

Once it changes, that time and space will face collapse.

Li Ming did not expect that the death of Aunt May in Marvel's Spider-Man was also at an absolute point in time. After all, one is a live-action movie and the other is an animated movie. Although "Across the Universe" does mention Spider-Man and Doctor Strange, due to the main mission There is an absolute time setting to save Aunt Mei, so Li Ming also ignored it.

Now the Dutch spider's absolute time point has been broken by Li Ming, but time and space have not been affected. It seems that Li Ming has the ability to change the original development of time and space without affecting the continuity of time and space.

Of course, it may also be the influence of the main mission, but now Li Ming has a chance to test the specific reason.

The purple diamond space next to them was formed by the collapse of the universe caused by Doctor Strange to save Christine. In this universe, Christine's death is the absolute point in time.

Li Ming pointed at the big diamond and looked at the bald head: "Would you like to try it?"

According to Yuatu, even though the time and space of this universe has collapsed, Li Ming transcended time and space and was not affected by the collapse. This is why he appeared outside the diamond space instead of inside the space.

This also means that Li Ming's time portal can allow him to go back to before the universe collapsed and change everything.

"I will not interfere with the development of the multiverse." Yuatu did not answer directly.

But not objecting at this time means agreeing.

Because he said before that Li Ming is also a part of the multiverse, which means that no matter how Li Ming behaves, he will not interfere.

Li Ming laughed: "Then I'll give it a try."

 Thank you Yumi

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  (End of this chapter)

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