The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 191 Doctor Strange Supreme

Chapter 191 Doctor Strange Supreme
  Li Ming found that opening the time portal here was much more difficult than in the world of Resident Evil.

Fortunately, his source power level was higher than before. After consuming half of his source power, he finally opened the portal on the night of Strange's car accident.

He had asked Strange about this before, so he naturally knew the exact time and place.

Li Ming stepped through the portal and returned to the civilized world. He immediately put on his Mark 50 and flew towards the location of the incident at high speed.

"Steel suit?" Youatu's voice sounded in Li Ming's ears, "It seems you got a lot from Peter."

"Labor fee, haha. After all, I travel across the multiverse, and these things are also my goals." Li Ming was very frank.

"Use your own conditions rationally and continuously improve your strength. If superheroes in many worlds have your awareness, their worlds will not be destroyed."

Youatu expressed his appreciation for Li Ming's behavior.

He appreciates the excellent qualities of human beings, and has also seen the bad traits of many human beings and even other races. Li Ming's behavior can be considered very gentle.

"Are you standing all the time?" During the flight, Li Ming and Youatu were looking for something to talk about.


"Don't need to eat?"

"We have no need to eat." Yuatu replied.

"It's such a pity that I can't even enjoy the joy of food."

Yuatu retorted: "It is obviously inappropriate to judge the observer by human standards."

"But you are very much in line with human standards for friends." Li Ming said suddenly.

Youatu was stunned. He had been observing the multiverse for an unknown amount of time, and this was the first time someone said he was a friend.

He didn't speak, but it was obvious that Li Ming's words were very helpful to Youatu.

Li Ming soon arrived at the location of Strange's car accident, where a sports car had suffered a tragic car accident and was half-submerged in the water.

"The situation is not good, the world has begun to collapse, and I have not been able to return to the original timeline of the car accident."

Li Ming realized that his time portal could travel through time, but not through space.

Therefore, we can only go back to the past of the current timeline, but cannot return to the time and space when Doctor Strange first had a car accident.

He sighed: "I'm not strong enough."

"This has nothing to do with you. It's a choice made by the multiverse." Yuatu comforted him. In fact, he knew it from the beginning.

But what he didn't know was that Li Ming knew all this when he opened the portal.

Li Ming has never been a bad person. Saving a timeline is not particularly beneficial to him. After all, only Yuatu knows about it.

In Li Ming's eyes, the most valuable thing in this universe is Doctor Strange!
  In order to save Christine, Supreme Strange found the legendary Cagliostro's library and obtained many lost magic secrets.

From the magic book, Doctor Strange discovered that controlling time and space requires very powerful magic, so he found a way to absorb the power of mysterious creatures.

The power of other mages is borrowing, but this one's power is robbery.

After eating mysterious creatures for hundreds of years, he became the most powerful Doctor Strange in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The Supreme's bizarre strength can even rival Ultron's ability to collect the Infinity Stones and penetrate the multiverse.

Therefore, Li Ming's goal from the beginning was to gain the favor of the Supreme Strange!

As for the method, he also thought of it.

Li Ming raised his head, looked at Yuatu and said, "Even if I can't save this universe for the time being, I still want to keep a hope for the multiverse."

"Hope?" Youatu nodded, "If there is hope, there is a future."

"What are you going to do?" Suddenly he noticed something strange: "Qingqi is here, he can sense me. Li, just do whatever you want."

After saying that, Yuatu's figure disappeared, and then two Doctor Strange in cloaks teleported out next to him.

One was the same as what Li Ming had seen before, while the other had a gloomy complexion and heavy dark circles under his eyes.

This is the Doctor Strange of this universe, both.

Because Strange kept using the Time Stone to return to this moment in an attempt to save Christine, which seriously disrupted time and space, the Ancient One Master came from another timeline to stop him.

But Strange had the Eye of Agamotto and the Time Stone, and even the Ancient One couldn't completely capture him, so in desperation the Ancient One managed to split the timeline and split Strange in two.

Strange, obsessed with finding a way to save Christine, became Doctor Strange Supreme.

The other chose to let go of his obsession and become the supreme mage of Kama Taj.

Supreme Strange wanted to reverse the timeline and needed to find his separated self, so he caught Ordinary Strange and tried to convince him here.

However, Ordinary Strange has been reminded by Ancient One that breaking the fact that Christine is dead will cause the entire universe to collapse, so no matter what Supreme Strange says, he will not agree.

So the two strange people started fighting on the spot. Ordinary strange people were undoubtedly no match, but he had the patron saint spell cast by Wang and Wang. He would not be harmed until the spell disappeared, and Li Ming's source shield. There are different approaches but the same effect.

The confrontation between the two top mages was extremely splendid and dazzling, but Ordinary Strange had only been a mage for two years and was unable to compete with Supreme Strange. He could only rely on the Patronus Charm to resist damage and occasionally fight back.

But it didn't take long for the Patronus Spell to be beaten to pieces by Supreme Strange, and even ordinary Strange's magic cloak was torn apart by Supreme Strange's magic power.

During the intermission of the battle, Supreme Strange disappeared. Just when Ordinary Strange was wondering, Supreme Strange suddenly ran out of his shadow and wanted to attack from behind.

But this sneak attack didn't work, because a magic shield blocked the ordinary strange head.

Supreme Qi looked to the side and saw that Li Ming was casting a spell in this direction.

Sensing the danger, Fang Fang Qi quickly changed his position and came to Li Ming's side.

"Who are you? I have never seen you."

Supreme asked strangely. He had gone back to this time many times and the surrounding environment was already very familiar, but he had never had the impression that Li Ming existed at the scene of the car accident.

In fact, he noticed Li Ming as soon as he came out, but he didn't pay attention just now. All he could think about now was Christine.

"Stephen, I come from the multiverse and am your friend." Li Ming replied. He showed a magical mark of Kama Taj to show that what he said was true.

"Don't destroy the absolute point in time, otherwise the universe will collapse." Li Ming seemed to be persuading, but in fact he knew that Supreme Strange would not listen. He only said this to deepen Supreme Strange's guilt later.

"No one can stop me from saving Christine!"

Sure enough, Supreme Qiyi shouted eagerly, and he took action to force Li Ming back in shock, then grabbed Ordinary Qiyi and erased his patron saint curse.

"Stephen, even if you have to destroy the absolute time, let me do it..."

At this time, Li Ming shouted in this direction, but Supreme Qi thought that he was here to dissuade him again, so he raised his hand and hit Li Ming with a magic shock wave.

Li Ming instantly took out the Gotham Scepter to gain the buffing effect, but he still couldn't block the attack, and his chest was hit and completely dented.

After all, Supreme Strange is a ruthless person who can compete with Infinite Ultron, and Li Ming can't deal with him yet.

However, Supreme Strange is not a villain after all. He is just obsessed with saving his lover. He did not kill Li Ming, but simply wanted him to lose resistance.

Li Ming, under the influence of Class B [self-healing ability], recovered from his injuries in a short time, but he was still lying on the ground and did not get up.

At this point, he had persuaded him as much as he needed to. Afterwards, when Supreme Qi thought about it, he could only blame himself for not listening to him.

According to the plan, Li Ming just needs to seize the opportunity.

 Thank you to the reading uncle born in the 80s

  Five Elements of the Universe
    Murong Yuhao
    You can drive anyway, daddy will come up with four big monthly tickets to support you! ! !
    <( ̄︶ ̄)/
  (End of this chapter)

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