The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 201 The Supreme Strange Magic Notes

Chapter 201 The Supreme Strange Magic Notes

Vibranium is a special metal in the Marvel world, its hardness is second only to Adamantium.

Its molecular structure is relatively static and physically incapable of transmitting force, making vibranium extremely durable and capable of absorbing virtually unlimited amounts of heat, energy, and kinetic energy.

Because of this characteristic, vibranium is the number one metal in Marvel in terms of defensive power.

Tony's steel armor was mixed with a small amount of vibranium. Li Ming had no source of vibranium before, so he was saving money when making steel armor.

After solving the productivity problem in the last mission world, Li Ming has now solved the problem of high-end materials. Now he can go all out to build his own armor.

Li Ming continued to learn magic with Supreme Strange, and now Karma Taj has completely recovered from the influence of the Scarlet Witch.

Although Wanda caused a lot of damage to Karma Taj, she also gave a lot of help to the mages during this time after recovering her mind, which made many people put aside their grudges.

Of course, what makes her happiest are her two children. Tommy and Billy perfectly meet Wanda’s expectations for children.

She also asked Li Ming to establish legal identities for the two children and find them a school in a small town. Kamathaj stayed with the children every day when she had nothing to do.

After experiencing this journey to the multiverse, Strange's mentality finally matured. After all, he had seen two worlds destroyed because of his own arrogance.

Although Strange is not the Supreme Mage in name now, he has the temperament of the Supreme Mage more than ever.

America is content to stay in this universe. She plans to learn how to better control her abilities at Karma Taj, and then use her abilities to protect the multiverse.

"Just like Lee."

These are America's exact words.

Two months later, Li Ming's [Supreme Strange Spell Lv.2] was upgraded to Lv.3. He estimated the time and understood that if he delayed it any longer, the mission evaluation might fall below C level, so Li Ming planned to end it first. This mission.

Of course, the public statement is that in order to help Supreme Strange find a way home as soon as possible, he plans to travel through the parallel universe again.

So Supreme Strange put together the spells he had learned, compiled it into a magic notebook, and gave it to Li Ming.

These are all his own insights and experiences, allowing Li Ming to not delay his learning progress in other worlds.

For Li Ming, this magic notebook is much more valuable than the "Book of Darkness" and "Book of Emperor Weishan".

However, in order to prevent Li Ming from being eager for quick success, Supreme Strange cast a spell on the magic notebook. Only after Li Ming has learned a stage of magic can he use specific magic to open up subsequent knowledge. Although Li Ming did not officially become a disciple, Supreme Strange has fully accomplished it. The responsibility to be a role model.

This moved Li Ming very much. Although he didn't have much conscience, Supreme Strange treated him so sincerely, and he also made up his mind to help Supreme Strange save his world.

In two months, Li Ming has already collected quite abundant reserves of vibranium ore, and established a complete one-stop production line of vibranium from excavation to processing.

Li Ming's way of completing the task is very simple. He uses America's ability to open the portal, walk to another multiverse, and then walk back again.

[Ding, the mission is completed and the portal is opened. 】

Still returning at sea, Li Ming found another cargo ship, which was full of vibranium and version 2.0 liquid nanometal that had been processed in the past few months.

Compared with the previous liquid nanometal, version 2.0 added vibranium, and its defense power has been greatly improved.

However, Li Ming still felt that his biggest gain, besides America's abilities, was the Supreme Strange Magic Notes.

[Scanning...Scanning ended. 】

[The one favored by the abyss is not injured and does not need treatment. 】

[Main mission: Multiverse of Madness has been completed. 】

[Comprehensive evaluation of the task: C. 】

[Reward: 2000 points, 2 free attribute points. 】

This is the second time that Li Ming has received a C-level evaluation, but these two times, World Li Ming's gains were even greater.

Now in his personal world, he no longer cares about task evaluation, but only cares about how many benefits he can get. Abyss also has this tendency. After all, after he successfully acquires the ability to travel through parallel worlds, he has a new origin of the world every time. Abyss's rewards are much higher than the evaluation of high-level tasks.

Li Ming is not worried that the rewards will be reduced if the task evaluation is low. His relationship with Abyss is no longer maintained by task evaluation.

The two of them gradually formed a cooperative relationship. If Li Ming needed it, Abyss would find a way to satisfy it.

He didn't think that the Resident Evil world that fit his needs before was really random.

As usual, free attribute points were added to the spirit, and now Li Ming's personal panel has undergone major changes.

[Name: Li Ming]

【Strength: 4998】

[Physique: 125 (116+9)]

[Agility: 440 (439+1)]

[Spirit: 208 (203+5)]

[Bloodline: Spider-Man, Wanda Bloodline]


[Superpowers: telekinesis (E-level), self-healing ability (B-level), 2 times the speed of sound (D-level), probability modification (A-level)]

[Exclusive: Source Power Advancement Lv.3, Source Power Application Lv.3, Spiritual Power Forging Method Lv.2]

[Items: Gotham Scepter, Space Necklace...]

【Points: 2291466】

Li Ming's self-created [Spiritual Power Forging Method Lv.1] was upgraded to Lv.2 through the Supreme Strange Teachings.

Coupled with the increased attributes from spell learning, his mental attributes have now exceeded the 200 mark.

However, the more he went on, the more Li Ming felt that pure attributes did not reflect his strength very well.

Just like the Scarlet Witch, none of the four-dimensional attributes may be stronger than him. Even if she pulls out the spirit alone, she can't match him, but her strength is to destroy the world.

Bloodline and superpowers are more important.

Li Ming has now digested all the knowledge he instilled before. Fighting and shooting have all been upgraded to Level 10. After all, there are a large group of melee mages in Kama Taj, and he has no shortage of training partners.

[The level of the Abyss Favored Reincarnator is level three, and loot redemption can be enabled. Do you want to redeem it? 】

"Can it be upgraded to an S-level rating?" Li Ming asked.

[Ding, Umbrella Technology plus vibranium and vibranium-related technologies can raise the mission evaluation to A level. 】

[The Supreme Strange Magic Note can upgrade the mission evaluation to S level, and it is not recommended to exchange it. 】

Li Ming nodded. The Supreme Strange Magic Note cannot be copied. Abyss also knows that it will be more useful in his hands, so it is not recommended to exchange it.

"By the way, have Jerome and the others completed their second mission?"

After finishing his work, Li Ming started to care about his subordinates.

[Ding, Team Jerome has returned and the mission has been completed. Do you want to check? 】

Of course Li Ming wanted to see what kind of fun these villains had.


 Thanks to book friend 20230520093653003 for your monthly ticket support! ! !
    Today I’m trying to code words again, oh yeah!
  (End of this chapter)

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