The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 202 Gotham Villains versus the League of Assassins

Chapter 202 Gotham Villains versus the League of Assassins
  [World number 20081019 is connected, and the current world is unexplored. 】

[Main mission: League of Assassins]

[Task requirements: Prevent Wesley from killing his father and destroy the Assassin's League. The evaluation of the task is determined by the completion time. 】

"The League of Assassins? Are we back in Gotham?"

Jerome said with a smile after seeing the mission, and then he grabbed a passerby holding a newspaper.

"New York?" Jerome's expression changed and he let go of the struggling passerby, "Boring."

"Is there a League of Assassins in Gotham?" Poison Ivy asked Ivy.

Mad Hatter Taichi was even more confused: "Don't you know the big things that happened in Gotham before we came here?"

"I know, the Court of Owls, it's spread all over Gotham."

Poison Ivy frowned: "Is there anything I don't know about this?"

"I thought you could join the Samsara Team and know everything." Taichi explained, "The Assassin's League controls the Court of Owls."

"In that case, the Gotham Gang doesn't completely control Gotham." Ivy suddenly felt that the King of Gotham was nothing special.

Suddenly she remembered that Li Ming could see every move in the mission world, and quickly shut her mouth.

Taiqi shook his head: "It seems you really don't know anything."

Among the five members of the Samsara Team, Jerome, Fish, Scarecrow and Mad Hatter are all part of Li Ming's plan to deal with the Court of Owls, and naturally they all know the power relations behind them.

Only Ivy has always been hanging around in the streets, and after gaining abilities, she also hangs out among the rich and powerful, completely unaware of the twists and turns in between.

"Just make it clear, otherwise I don't mind planting a few flowers on your neck." Ivy's expression changed. She hated the feeling that she was the only one in the dark.

Despite Poison Ivy's current image as a mature woman, her real age is only fifteen or sixteen years old.

The Mad Hatter quickly raised his hands to express surrender. He had the lowest combat effectiveness among the people, but before he spoke, Fish explained to Ivy first.

"The League of Assassins was also defeated by the Gotham Gang, and their leaders were killed by the King of Gotham."

Fish wants to be the boss of the Samsara Team, and Poison Ivy, who is a woman like her, is now the one she wants to win over.

And Poison Ivy is not very smart, but she is the strongest among the team members, which is perfect for her needs.

Ivy stopped talking. The King of Gotham is still the King of Gotham.

[The effect of the abyss camp is activated: influence factor. 】

[Effect: The greater the influence of the reincarnation, the greater the world bonus obtained. 】

At this time, the sound of the abyss sounded in several people's minds.

"The camp effect is finally here, I thought we wouldn't have this."

"World bonus, does anyone know what this is?"

Everyone shook their heads.

Jerome also shrugged. He actually didn't care much about the camp effect. He just wanted to have fun.

But Li Ming raised his eyebrows when he saw this: "World bonus? Does it mean the protagonist's halo?"

[Ding, that’s understandable. 】

"Oh, no wonder the evaluation took so long. This is really tailor-made for them."

It goes without saying how powerful the protagonist’s aura is.

The greater the influence of the members of Jerome's team, the greater the protagonist's aura they gain, which is perfect for this group of villains.

After all, both good and bad are influences, and notoriety is also a sign of great influence.

"And this world...Wesley...the League of Assassins..."

Li Ming quickly thought of which world Jerome's team had arrived in.

"Assassin's League", also known as "Wanted Order", also known as "I Killed My Old Father to Revenge His Old Father".

This is a science fiction action movie starring Angelina Jolie and Yimi, who will play the young Professor X in the future.

The famous curved arc trajectory of the bullet comes from this movie.

Li Ming remembers that the plot is about Wesley, a useless clerk who has no father or mother and is not very capable.

He has to endure the insults from his fat boss every day, and he has to turn a blind eye to his girlfriend and his buddies getting together. All in all, he is a cuckold.

But that day he suddenly met a beautiful woman in the supermarket and said that Wesley's father was still alive.

Just one day ago.     is dead now.

His father was a top assassin who was killed by a traitor to their organization.

Just when Wesley was confused, the traitor killer appeared. The beauty said she was here to kill Wesley, and then started a battle with the traitor killer.

After some twists and turns, Wesley followed the beauty to the headquarters of the Assassin's League.

Sloan, the leader here, told him that his father had been hiding the truth about his life so that he could live a peaceful life.

But now that a traitor named Cross has appeared in the Assassin's League, Wesley can no longer live a stable life.

In order to prevent the cross from killing him, Wesley must accept training from the Assassin's League and become as powerful a killer as his father.

Wesley said he was not the one until Sloan had someone point a gun at him, forcing Wesley to shoot and break the wings of the fly in front of him.

Faced with a life and death crisis, he did it.

Only then did Wesley realize that the symptoms he had long thought were anxiety, such as rapid heartbeat and slowed down time, were actually bloodline superpowers only possessed by top killers.

However, Wesley chose to give up because the world of killers was too far away from his life.

But after returning to reality, he was insulted by his boss, stabbed by his friends, cuckolded by his girlfriend, and on the other hand, a beautiful assassin pretended to be close to his new girlfriend in front of his girlfriend.

Wesley fell, and he chose to receive training from the Assassin's League to avenge his father.

The first is the training of superpowers.

Wesley's bloodline ability can greatly improve a person's physical fitness and reaction ability, and he can also learn the top shooting skill-arc trajectory.

He was beaten black and blue every day, and then received a medicinal bath with the black technology of the League of Assassins. When he woke up, his body fully recovered, and the process was repeated again.

After a while, Wesley finally became stronger than many old assassins, and the Assassin's League's training reached the next stage.

Organizational culture training.

The leader, Sloane, took Wesley to a loom and told him that the loom would foretell the evildoers. The mission of the Assassin League was to kill these evildoers in advance.

Wesley believed it, and then he began to hunt down the cross with all his strength.

But he was inexperienced after all, and in the crossfire between the train and the cross, the train rolled over. When he was about to fall into the abyss, the cross suddenly reached out and saved him.

Wesley did not hesitate. The moment the cross held him, he shot the cross in the heart.

Then when Wesley wanted to recharge, Cross had a chance to speak to him.

Cross told Wesley that Sloan was lying to him, that he was Wesley's real father, and that the person he had been chasing was actually Fox, the beautiful killer beside Wesley.

It was only then that Fox told Wesley that Cross was true, and that her final mission was to kill Wesley after he killed Cross.

But the Assassin's League trained Wesley very well. At the critical moment, he managed to escape, and then with the help of his cross companions, he learned the truth.

It turns out that Sloane is the traitor to the League of Assassins, and the loom had predicted his name early.

But Sloane hid it, forging the prophecy of the loom and instructing the killers to eradicate dissidents for his own benefit.

Cross discovered all this, so he was determined to get rid of the Assassin's League that had gone astray.

Wesley got the cross's battle plan to annihilate the Assassin's League, and then he implemented it perfectly. During the final confrontation between the killers, Wesley took a piece of cloth with Sloan's name on it and made the truth known to the public.

But Sloan took out instructions with the names of all the killers present, telling the killers that if they wanted to stick to their creed, they must kill themselves first.

Or kill Wesley and pretend nothing happened.

The killers, of course, choose their own lives, except for one.


She had always believed that she was killing people for justice, but now she discovered that she was actually aiding the evildoers. With her faith shattered, she fired a shot with the most perfect arc.

The bullet traveled in a circle, piercing the temples of all the killers, and finally circled around and hit herself.

Fox died along with all the killers.

In the end, Sloan was killed by Wesley, the way his father did.

A sniper bullet that can turn when fired from ten miles away.

To complete a task, a normal reincarnator can usually find clues from the task requirements, and then prompt Wesley and Cross to recognize each other, and finally destroy the Assassin's League headquarters together.

But Team Jerome is not a normal person.

"Stop Wesley from killing his father?" Jerome said with a relaxed expression, "It's too easy, we just kill him for him."

 Thanks to book friend 20200330183513050 for your monthly ticket support! ! !
    Hehe, dear friends, please give me your recommendation votes!
  (End of this chapter)

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