The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 208 Angel Organization

Chapter 208 Angel Organization
  [Exchange for Source Power Level 4, price 5600000 points, title discount 2800000 points, consumption 2800000 points. 】

All 280 million points were wiped out, and Li Ming immediately felt that his strength had increased a lot.

With his current energy intensity, if he goes up against the Black Surprise of the 838 universe, he can win.

Li Ming checked the exchange price of [Yuanli Advanced Level 5].

3000 million points after discount!
  It seems that after reaching Level 5, his source power has made a qualitative leap, but it still takes some time for Li Ming to save.

He set his goal on [Source Power Application Level 4]. After using the Abyss Favored Title discount, he got 245 million points, which was still more than one million points short. This should be more realistic.

"But Abyss, other reincarnations don't have their own world as a processing factory like me. I can't think of high-level reincarnations only having tens of thousands of points every time they complete a mission?" Li Ming asked.

Tens of thousands of world points for one mission is already very high, but compared to those coveted exchange items, tens of thousands of points are too few.

For example, Li Ming has seen a bloodline exchange for the Samsara Eye. The price is 100 million points. Not to mention the cost-effectiveness, this price alone is enough to prohibit many reincarnations.

[Ding, reincarnations of level 3 and above can choose different types of mission worlds, such as joint exploration, invasion missions, etc., to obtain higher point rewards. 】

It turns out that Li Ming understood that the world tasks he usually experienced were the most common, so the point rewards were limited.

As for the examples just mentioned by Abyss, joint exploration, as the name suggests, is for multiple teams to explore a world. It must be a very high-level world to have this kind of treatment, and the point rewards should be high.

The invasion mission is easier to understand. Since ancient times, plunder has been a shortcut to making a fortune.

"Hey, then my current level of reincarnation is also level three, why don't I have other types of worlds to choose from?"

Li Ming guessed the answer as soon as he asked.

With the depravity of the group of reincarnators in the abyss space, how could there be enough people to jointly explore?
  As for the invasion mission, whether it is to go to the mission world or other camp space, the abyss is so miserable now, I guess I don't dare to open it casually.

After all, every time Abyss started a mission, he always told himself to survive.

[Ding, it is not recommended to start other types of tasks at this stage. 】

Sure enough, Abyss responded in the same way.

Li Ming is not entangled. Anyway, he is on the right track now and his strength is steadily improving.

No matter what type of mission world, strength is the most important.

However, Li Ming was also a little curious as to what types of tasks those intermediate and advanced reincarnators usually participated in.

Just like the angel organization we learned about in the last camp confrontation, since there is a reincarnation organization, there must be a demand.

At this time, in the angel organization that Li Ming was thinking about, several reincarnators were sitting around the oval conference table in a conference room.

"Still no news from the mechanic?"

asked the man sitting in the main seat.

"No, none of the mechanics team members in the friend list have ever been online." A man in glasses answered.

"I initially thought it was due to the speed of time in their mission world, but no matter how long the mission is, they can spend up to one year in the reincarnation space..." The man with glasses adjusted his glasses frame, "So the most likely reason is that they are in the camp During the confrontation, the entire army was wiped out.”


The leading man's face darkened and he punched the table.

"The mechanic is a fourth-level reincarnator, but he can't deal with a group of second- and third-level rookies?"

"I gave him something as precious as a space locator, but I didn't expect it to be so useless." "Don't get excited, Neptune." At this time, a woman in red said, "This is the reincarnation space, and everything is possible."

Neptune is also a reincarnation who has experienced strong winds and waves, and quickly adjusted his condition: "Time is one of the top laws. We finally have the opportunity to glimpse its mysteries, and we must not miss it."


"Yes." The man with glasses replied immediately.

"Have you compared the list of reincarnators and found any suspicious objects?"

Neptune has already acquiesced that the mechanic's mission has failed, but there must be a winner in the camp confrontation, and he intends to find that winner.

With the angel's strength and prestige, as long as they can find the winner of the mechanic's camp confrontation, whether through coercion or inducement, they will still have a chance to get what they want.

The bespectacled man Livingston reported detailed data: "I checked the list of reincarnators. When the mechanic team entered the mission world, there were thirty-seven second- and third-level teams on the list that also entered the camp to fight."

"A total of eighteen reincarnation teams have returned..."

"Wait a minute." A blond man on the round table suddenly said, "Including the mechanic team, there are a total of thirty-eight teams. There should be nineteen teams returning."

"Maybe there are a few three-camp confrontations or something like that. This happens occasionally." The woman in red didn't care.

"The problem does arise here." Livingston continued, "None of these teams have seen the mechanics, and there is no sign of entering that world."

If the Mechanic wanted Angel to support him, he would naturally reveal all the details of the Terminator world.

Livingston's words cheered everyone up.

"Our list of reincarnators is jointly compiled by the four major camps of Heaven, Tiandao, Lord God, and Zhongzhou. There may be errors in the data of high-level reincarnators, but the general information of low-level reincarnators is very accurate."

"Especially camp confrontation is an important item in the list, and you can basically never go wrong."

"The same situation happened to a team from the main god camp."

Neptune opened a light curtain, which contained information about the teams that entered the mission world in the same batch of mechanics. The number of people in the team and the basic information of the members were marked on it, and the levels were even divided according to the strength of the team.

This kind of list exists in all major camps in the reincarnation space, and big data is used to master the intelligence of the reincarnations.

The list of the Angel Organization is jointly collected by the four major camps and is the most detailed among the various lists in the reincarnation space.

Of course, this kind of list can only be seen by large reincarnation organizations like Angel. It is an excellent tool for them to recruit members and understand intelligence.


Neptune soon discovered something unusual. The mechanic team's evaluation on the list was C-, while the main god team's evaluation was C.

The difference between the two teams is not enough to destroy each other. If the two teams collide, no one will come out alive.

Unless there is a third team!

Thinking of this, Neptune quickly called up a secret list, and then his eyes narrowed: "Livingston, ask Old Ghost Zheng, have these people come back?"

Livingston's expression changed slightly and he nodded in agreement.


 Thank дcxptц
    A pickled fish that shouts 666 and two big monthly votes support it! ! !
  (End of this chapter)

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