The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 209: Eliminate Zhang Weike first

Chapter 209: Eliminate Zhang Weike first

In the abyss space, Old Ghost Zheng still stayed near the teleportation platform.

Many people laughed at his whimsical thinking, how could there be new people descending into the abyss.

However, since the last time Li Ming came over, this voice has become much quieter, but some people still secretly ridiculed him for still having hope in the abyss.

In fact, Old Ghost Zheng had already given up on the abyss, which is why he stayed on the teleportation platform.

On the one hand, it is less affected by the aura of the abyss, and on the other hand, the teleportation platform is far away from others.

It is convenient for him to do small tricks, such as——

"Master Actuary, how can I help you?"

Old ghost Zheng quietly accepted the call and looked around with vigilant eyes until he was sure there was no one else, then he listened carefully to the voice.

Naturally, it was Angel Livingston on the other end of the phone, and he explained his purpose.

"The three people Abyss went to fight against in the camp last time?" Old Ghost Zheng frowned, and then said with a smile, "I was just going to tell you, hehe."

Livingston said nothing.

"Hehe." Old Ghost Zheng still only smiled and did not continue.

Livingston understood that Old Ghost Zheng was a stickler for the rabbit, so he said without further ado: "2000 points."

As soon as he finished speaking, Old Ghost Zheng received a notification that the points had arrived.

"Thank you, Lord Actuary." Old Ghost Zheng then revealed the information: "None of those three people came back."



Livingston felt that something was wrong. According to his intelligence, no one had encountered the Abyss in this camp confrontation.

"Has there been any change in the Abyss recently?" Livingston then asked.



Old Ghost Zheng was silent for a moment.


"There is a new person in the abyss." Old ghost Zheng replied decisively.

"Information." Livingston's intuition sensed something was wrong.

When he entered the reincarnation space, no one had come to the abyss for a long time.

"His name is Zhang Weike. He is about 20 years old. He is male. He wears a black mask. I don't know what he looks like. He is not very strong."

"But he is already dead." Old Ghost Zheng told everything he knew, "He died in the third mission world."

"How do you know?" Livingston asked.

"Hehe, I wanted that kid to survive the third mission so that I could postpone the time to enter the camp for a confrontation, so I cooperated with the trick to trick the Ravens and lend them the Raven Orbs, but I didn't expect that this kid never showed up again. , the mark of the Dark Crow Orb has also been erased."

"If he entered the reincarnation space alive, the Dark Crow would definitely be able to find it, but until the end, he could not recall the Dark Crow Orb." Old Ghost Zheng shook his head.

"Keep an eye on it. If there are any other newcomers in the abyss, let me know immediately."

Livingston asked a few more questions and found nothing unusual, so he ended the call directly.

[Points received: 3000]

"Hehe, Angel people are generous." After earning 5000 points with just one phone call, Old Ghost Zheng was very satisfied. It was worthwhile for him to pay attention to the information of the Abyss all day long and tip off outsiders.

Livingston told everyone present everything he knew from Old Ghost Zheng, which aroused everyone's surprise.

"Don't worry about the new guy who died in the abyss. He can't affect our plan."

"However, no one from their team has returned. This matter is full of strangeness." Neptune said solemnly.

"Could it be that...the time machine was discovered by other organizations, so it was hidden?" The woman in red put forward her own guess.

"The most they can hide is their harvest. It's impossible to hide an entire team under our noses, unless..." Neptune narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing murderous intent, "This team is not on the list."

"It is very difficult to do this, and it must be a large organization." Livingston added.


Everyone immediately thought of their biggest opponent. The heaven camp and the hell camp are mortal enemies. Angels, as the largest reincarnation organization in heaven, are naturally mortal enemies of the demon organization leading the hell camp.

"Only a few of us among the angels know about the time machine, and we will never leak it." The woman in red murmured to herself.

"There is no guarantee that the mechanic will not leak it himself." Neptune said with a gloomy face, "Stop this matter for now. Livingston, you can pay attention to the news about the Terminator and liquid robots in secret."

"I don't believe that people who get the mechanics' trophies will resist using them!"

"Okay." Livingston agreed quickly.

"The most important thing for us now is the technology. Is Fili ready?"

Neptune changed the subject.

The blond man grinned: "Of course, I have made an agreement with the reincarnation team in Zhongzhou. They will use the space locator to go to that world, and I will take someone to use the world tracking scroll to go in with them."

"Although this can only be done through confrontation from the camp, the people I am leading are all level four, and those group of level three reincarnators have no power to fight back."

"How did you convince them?" The woman in red was curious.

"Twenty thousand points, or I hunt them down in both worlds." Fili shrugged, "They agreed quickly."

"After successfully getting the items, give them 30,000 yuan. We can't ruin the reputation of the Angels, otherwise the higher-ups will hold them accountable," Neptune said.

Hearing the word "high-level", Feili also became a little more serious: "Okay."

At this time, Li Ming, who didn't know he was being targeted, was still browsing the products in the exchange center.

[Time hourglass (one-time use)]

Quality: Epic

Type: special props

Effect: Freeze for 60 seconds, user can move freely.

Redemption price: 200000 points (after discount).

【Zhongya Hourglass】

Quality: Epic

Type: special equipment

Effect: Spirit +80, casting speed +15%.

Equipment skill - Stasis: Freezes one's own time for 25 seconds, making oneself uninterrupted, with a cooling time of 120 hours.

Redemption price: 750000 points (after discount).

"Is all time-related equipment so expensive?" Li Ming couldn't help complaining.

Because he planned to travel from Gotham back to 1918, which involved time travel, and because he did not want to affect Gotham in the normal timeline, Li Ming wanted to see if there was anything in the exchange items that could help.

However, space equipment or props are expensive to begin with, and the ones combined with time are even more expensive, so Li Ming decisively gave up the exchange.

Let's leave it to the abyss, and the spent world source will replenish it later.

But Li Ming thought about it and spent 20 points to buy a [Time Hourglass (one-time use)]. This thing is very good to save his life. Otherwise, if he encounters an enemy with a big gap in strength, it would take him no more time to open the portal. Not necessarily.

Li Ming had 4 million points left after buying [Yuanli Advanced Level 108] before. Now he spent 20 to redeem the hourglass and still has 156 million points.

There is no way, the sales of the steel suit are very good.

Many low-level reincarnators even regard it as a one-time mission item, scrap it in the mission world and then buy a new set. Anyway, the points gained in the mission world are greater than the steel suit. Those who reincarnate still have something to earn.

Regarding this phenomenon, Li Ming chose to continue to wait and see.

Just laugh, these people won't be able to laugh after a while.

After most people bought the Mark 2 and the reincarnations returned to the same starting point, he immediately put the Mark 3 on the shelves.

The Mark 3 can defeat the Mark 2 based on its performance, and then it will continue to repeat the old path of all the low-level reincarnations rushing to grab the Mark 2.

Then Li Ming priced the Mark 3 a little higher, which would definitely not allow the lower-level reincarnators to have spare points to exchange for other things.

Just kidding, how can the reincarnator collect points if he doesn't roll up?

 Thank you Qin’s name for your monthly ticket support! ! !

  (End of this chapter)

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