The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 262 Add money! Must add money!

Chapter 262 Add money! Must add money!
  Li Ming did not expect that the abyss was so important.

Will the disappearance of the abyss cause instability in the entire reincarnation space?

Li Ming was very curious about the position of the abyss in the reincarnation space.

It's a pity that Exxon doesn't know the deeper information.

When Li Ming asked questions continuously and Exon told him everything he knew, Li Ming also knew Exon's specific identity.

The preparatory talents of the Angel organization have been vigorously cultivated by the Angels since they entered the reincarnation space, so Exon only knows so much secret information.

And there are many angels like him.

What shocked Li Ming was that he had thought that the Angel Organization was composed of hundreds of reincarnations, but this was not the case in reality.

In the past, Li Ming only knew that the camp contained many spaces, but after seeing the reincarnation space and the abyss space, Li Ming subconsciously felt that other spaces were just like that, just a special small world, giving other reincarnations an extra place to redeem rewards.

But according to Exon, a space is a world. For example, Exon comes from Euler space, and the continent he lives on is called Euler.

So the camp is actually a super-large force that rules many worlds!
  Li Ming only has three exclusive worlds, but there may be thousands of camps.

Some of these worlds are spaces where reincarnations were born and world wills were born, and some are mission worlds controlled by factions during reincarnation missions.

Angels are the official reincarnation organization of the Heaven camp. They are similar to Heaven's army. They help Heaven conquer other mission worlds or protect subordinate worlds from being invaded by other camps.

Therefore, Angel has a very complete reincarnation training system, and potential reincarnations will be selected as soon as possible to ensure that Angel is at the top of the reincarnations at all levels.

Only reincarnations without mandatory mission restrictions have the opportunity to participate in other types of missions in the camp, such as invading other worlds, joint exploration missions, or world protection missions.

Those reincarnations are the core strength of the camp.

The missions of the camp are the main way for the reincarnators to obtain points.

There are organizations like Angels in every camp.

When Li Ming entered the reincarnation space for the first time, he heard the commentator say that after nine reincarnation worlds, he would not be forced to enter the mission world.

He once thought that having lived nine reincarnations in the world meant he had graduated. Who knew that he had just passed through the novice stage?
  This suddenly increased the pressure on Li Ming. He was mentally prepared to challenge other camps, but no one told him that he would challenge countless worlds alone?

No, you have to ask Abyss to add money when you go back!

Li Ming thought to himself.

Although his opponents became extremely powerful, Li Ming was not intimidated. He learned from Exon that no matter how the camps fought, they must be conducted within the rules of the reincarnation space.

Even the eighth- and ninth-level reincarnators that Exxon said existed like gods could not violate the rules.

In the entire reincarnation space, he is the only one with all kinds of privileges!
  Therefore, Li Ming can still operate. Anyway, he can return to the reincarnation space at any time, and the bosses from other camps cannot crush him to death in the reincarnation space.

Fortunately, Abyss gave him a back door, otherwise Li Ming really wouldn't know how to play?
  No, you have to ask Abyss to add money after you go back!

In the past, when Li Ming accepted various preferential treatment and privileges from Abyss, he would even feel a little flattered, but now he just feels that it is far from enough.

Whether Abyss can give it or not is one thing, but his attitude must be conveyed properly.

Li Ming continued to ask for information about the abyss, especially why they came to snipe Jerome's team.

The result was just as Li Ming expected. It was because he destroyed Heaven's Samsara Team twice in a row, so Angel specially sent Exxon to investigate the situation.

Not only him, the next time Abyss participates in a camp confrontation, there will even be fifth-level reincarnators coming to snipe Abyss.

"List of reincarnators?"

This was the first time Li Ming heard about this thing. He didn't expect that there would be a dedicated person watching the return platform of the reincarnators and making detailed statistics on the return status of all the reincarnator teams.

not good! Li Ming suddenly thought that since he had returned so many times, he must be on this list of reincarnators, even though he never used his real name, nor did he reveal that he came from the abyss.

But when he returned before, he did not hide his appearance. If you use the exhaustive method to investigate one by one, you can still find out his identity.

But then he thought that Phoenix, the one from Angel last time, must have a list of reincarnators, but his identity was not discovered through his appearance.

He put the question to Exxon.

"If a reincarnation with less than nine missions has not appeared in the reincarnation space for more than a year, it will be deemed that the mission has failed and has died, and will be deleted from the list of reincarnations." Aikeson answered.

It turns out that since Li Ming learned how to open the whirlpool portal, for the sake of convenience, he always opened the portal to return by himself, instead of going to the platform where the reincarnators could return together.

He was probably presumed dead long ago.

Since he is not in the list of reincarnators, he will naturally not be discovered.

Phew, Li Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

Sometimes it pays to be lazy.

As for the reincarnation team led by the fifth-level reincarnator, if nothing else goes wrong, it will fail because Li Ming has already completed nine missions and does not need to be forced to go on missions.

But Li Ming didn't want to miss such a good opportunity to ambush.

There are still two years until the next forced camp confrontation in the Abyss. Li Ming plans to use these two years to improve his strength and make good arrangements for the Angels.

From Exxon's mouth, Li Ming also learned part of the Angel's organizational structure.

An organization as large as the Angels is composed of many branches.

There are three angel branches that Exon knows, namely, Quan Angel, Reserve Angel and Seat Angel. Among them, the Reserve Angel Branch specializes in cultivating reincarnators, while the Quan Angel Branch and Seat Angel Branch are formal operational departments.

Exxon belongs to the Quan Angel branch.

Li Ming thought of the Paradise Team he encountered in Dinosaur World. Their names were codenames like Quan Si and Quan Wu. They were obviously from the Quan Angel branch.

"Are there any competition among the branches?" Li Ming suddenly asked.

"Yes." Exxon nodded, "Zuo Angel and Quan Angel are in direct competition, and Zuo Angel stabilizes Quan Angel."

"Will competition between branches kill people?"

"Angels are not allowed to kill each other, but there are often conflicts between branches, blaming each other for causing the death of reincarnations in their own branch."

Exon's answer made Li Ming raise his lips slightly.

He just said, how can such a large organization not have some intrigues?

This is good news. The opponents are not monolithic, and Li Ming will be able to find opportunities to stir up disputes in the future.

At this stage of the interview, Exxon had no intelligence value, so Li Ming was going to use him to test an idea he had been thinking about for a long time.


Li Ming suddenly knocked Aikeson's soul out of his body with a palm. Just as Aikeson was about to say something, his soul was covered by Li Ming's source power, and he fell unconscious immediately, allowing Li Ming to pull his soul back to his body.

Then Li Ming waved his hand and teleported Exxon to the laboratory on the Biochemical Legion, and put a memory extraction device on him.

He planned to re-inject modified memories into Exon, just like Namor in Marvel, and make him his own.

I just don’t know if this method is useful for reincarnators.

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  (End of this chapter)

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