The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 263 The Abyss gives too much

Chapter 263 The Abyss gives too much

[The enemy reincarnator is dead. 】

Jerome, who had just crawled out of the ruins and ran into a special medicinal bath to recuperate, suddenly received a reminder that the last reincarnation of the Paradise Team was dead.

He didn't take it seriously and just thought he was seriously injured and died.

But Li Ming on the Biochemical Legion was a little puzzled.

"Red Queen, clean up."

By this time the laboratory was full of Exons.

In order to ensure success, Li Ming still used [Probability Modification] and spent nearly half of his energy, but when the new memory was about to be instilled in Exxon.

He exploded.

It exploded into a puddle of mud that couldn't even be detected by DNA.

Li Ming guessed that this should be the reincarnation space, an insurance set on the reincarnation to ensure that the reincarnation will not be replaced.

Therefore, the first time Exon's soul was replaced, he would be obliterated by space.

But this gave Li Ming a direction. If the memory could be modified directly on the soul of the reincarnator, he should be able to bypass the insurance of space.

But to achieve that step, his [Source Power Advancement Level 4] level is not enough.

Jerome's team would not return for a few days, so Li Ming ignored them and returned alone.

Within the world of Resident Evil.

"Abyss, come out!"

Li Ming frowned and shouted angrily in his mind.

【Ding. 】

The familiar sound sounded, indicating that the abyss had arrived.

"Abyss, if I complete the task, can I consider it as my best effort?" Li Ming asked.

[Ding, the mission of the Favored One has been completed extremely well. 】

"Am I the most reliable reincarnation in the abyss?"

[Ding, correct. 】

"Only I can bring you a stable world origin, right?"

[Ding, that’s right. 】

"Then since I am the only hope of the Abyss camp, why don't you give me more support?" Li Ming said sadly.


"Now for the sake of the camp, I have been targeted by other camps. There are super large forces and thousands of worlds. I only have three exclusive worlds. How can I fight with them?"

Regardless of whether it works or not, Li Ming will cry miserably first.

"If I were gone, wouldn't the abyss return to its previous state?" Li Ming listed them one by one.

“No one in the mission world is doing it.”

"The camp will definitely lose in a confrontation."

"All reincarnations are ruined."

"All spaces targeted."

"There is no source of world income."

Li Ming's momentum grew stronger as time went by: "Abyss, tell me, what will you do then?"

[Ding, due to the limitations of space rules, it cannot directly affect the strength of reincarnators, nor can it interfere with the actions of reincarnators. 】

Li Ming knew this, otherwise Abyss would have killed those reincarnations who were just waiting to die.

He sighed heavily: "Well, hiding in the reincarnation space is a way out."

You know what you know, but you have to put enough pressure on you to bargain. 【Ding, the title of Reincarnationist and Abyss Blessed One has been removed. 】

  Li Ming was stunned. He just agreed on a price, wasn't it?
  [Ding, the reincarnator has been promoted to the agent of the abyss, and can act on behalf of the power of the abyss without violating the rules of space. 】

He never thought that Abyss would give him a big surgery in the next second, which shocked Li Ming and made him a little confused.

  To exercise the power of the abyss on your behalf?

Li Ming was no stranger to this title. His first reaction was Penguin.

The Penguin's most important identity is that of Li Ming's agent of power. It can be said that when Li Ming is away, he is the most powerful person in the Gotham Group.

Subject to Sunday restrictions of course.

Li Ming looked at the introduction of the Abyss Agent and suddenly felt incredible.

What the abyss opened to him was the internal control of the abyss space and the power related to reincarnation.

When he was in the Terminator World, Li Ming knew that there were special buildings in each major camp space with different effects.

For example, the main god camp has buildings that can resurrect reincarnators, and the heaven camp also has special products such as space locators.

It stands to reason that there used to be this kind of special building in the abyss space, but judging from the actual situation, it was destroyed by the war.

However, after Li Ming became the agent, he discovered that the destroyed special building could actually be rebuilt!
  Of course, reconstruction requires the consumption of materials, which is the origin of the world.

But Abyss was going bankrupt before, and there was no spare money to spend on these employee benefits.

Li Ming suddenly understood that Abyss wanted to see if he could stably obtain the origin of the world, so it gave him this authority to increase Li Ming's enthusiasm.

The advantage for Li Ming is that he can control what to rebuild and how to rebuild it, but Li Ming feels familiar no matter how he looks at it.

Give you a seemingly high authority, and then work hard. In the end, you are all contributing to the group. If you have any objections, just take back the authority?
  "Abyss, do you think I am Penguin?"

Li Ming raised his eyebrows. Isn't this a replica of the way he used Penguin?

No wonder it’s so familiar, I learned it from him.

[Ding, the authority and privileges obtained by the agent are irrevocable. 】

"Ahem, I admit that I spoke a bit loudly just now."

Li Ming suddenly changed his face, his expression was solemn, he raised his chest and raised his head, exuding awe-inspiring righteousness: "It doesn't matter whether you have authority or not, I just don't want to see Abyss being bullied by others."

There is no way, the abyss has given too much.

Originally he was just a department manager, but now he is directly made the chairman of the board and will never be dismissed. Who can withstand this?
  In other words, from now on, Li Ming is not only a reincarnation, but also the camp itself to a certain extent, and his identity has been qualitatively improved.

Although this camp is in tatters, who is Li Ming's professional counterpart?

Now Abyss is completely bound to Li Ming. The better Abyss develops, the more benefits Li Ming can get from it.

He took a look at the special building in the abyss that interested him most.

After a long time, Li Ming frowned and asked: "Unknown information? You are Abyss. Don't you even know what buildings there are in Abyss?"

[Ding, when the current consciousness awakens, the memory of the previous autonomous consciousness is not obtained. 】

Abyss also directly showed off his cards, saying that he knew nothing.

"How did you find me in the first place?" Li Ming asked.

[Ding, discovered by accident. 】

Good guy, Li Ming finally understood why he was so anxious when Abyss invited him, and then kept opening back doors for him after he entered the reincarnation space.

It turns out that he is really the life-saving straw in the abyss.

He imagined for a moment that a newly born consciousness was facing an external threat that had wiped out the previous consciousness. It was still in chaos internally and had no available power at all.

I suddenly discovered that Li Ming, a time traveler who knew the plot well, couldn't he be a treasure?
  Moreover, Li Ming was so capable, and he didn't know much more than Li Ming anyway, so Shen Yuan simply gave up all authority to him, a more reliable person.

It's like...the reincarnation space version of Dutch Spider-Man?

  (End of this chapter)

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