The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 266 Time Anchor, Resurrection

Chapter 266 Time Anchor, Resurrection
  Christine was quickly picked up by the two.

After returning to her own universe, Christine showed no signs of annihilation.

This made the last stone in Supreme Strange's heart fall to the ground.


At this time, the three of them suddenly heard Wang's voice. He came out of the New York Temple and looked at Strange in great surprise.

During Wang's time, he had just joined forces with Strange to cast Emperor Weishan's protective spell on him, and then Strange fell into the portal, and he continued to dissipate.

But the next second he returned to normal, so Wang walked to the temple to check the situation and found another Strange.

Suddenly the king thought of something, and he quickly prepared for battle.

"You are the Strange who wants to destroy reality!"

"Don't be nervous, Wang, both of them are mine."

Supreme Strange smiled and waved his hand. Although there was a king in the 616 universe, he just felt that the king in front of him was closer to him.

"I said I would save you, and I finally did it with the help of my new friends."

These words were what Strange said when the king cast the protective spell. He immediately realized that the Strange in front of him was the one he knew.

"Did you stay up late?"

Staring at the strange dark circles in the Supreme's eyes, Wang blurted out.

Supreme Qi nodded: "It lasted for hundreds of years."

If I remember correctly, Li Ming has heard this conversation before.

"Wait, that's Kristen?" Wang was very surprised. The Kristen in this universe has been dead for two years, and he has only seen it in photos.


Supreme Strange showed a happy smile. He may be the only Doctor Strange in the multiverse who has achieved success with Christine.

"Hello, King."

Christine also smiled and said hello. After living in Kama Taj for several months, she was also very familiar with this group of mages.

Finally, with the Supreme's strange narration, the king learned how things developed.


Wang frowned and suddenly grasped the key point: "So the universe was still destroyed by you, right?"

" used to be." When this topic was mentioned, Supreme Strange felt a little embarrassed, "But now it's all resolved."

"Thanks to luck."

Wang sighed, then bent down, saluted Li Ming and thanked him: "Master Li Ming, thank you for everything you have done for this universe."

"Just call me Li." Li Ming also returned the mage salute.

Then Wang glanced at the slightly embarrassed Supreme Strange and suddenly gave him a big hug.

"Welcome back, Strange!"

Supreme Strange also relieved the burden in his heart and laughed happily.

From then on, he was no longer the dark and strange man with deep hatred and bitterness, but the upright and upright Supreme Mage in this universe.

"It's a little weird."

However, Wang frowned after hugging him for a while. The hug was a spur of the moment excitement for the universe to be saved and his old friend to return safely. In fact, it was inconsistent with his usual style.

"I feel so too."

The Supreme Strange face also looked a little weird.

"Cough cough."

The two of them quickly separated and arranged their clothes.

Then Wang took Li Ming and the others towards the New York Temple.

"By the way, you said there is a multiverse where I become the Supreme Sorcerer?"

Wang asked happily.

"Yes, it's bad," Supreme Strange replied.

"Your answer is really biased." Wang immediately objected.

Looking at the noisy two people, Li Ming shrugged. The two complemented each other, and together they were the qualified supreme mage. Christine still lives in the New York Temple. Of course, there are many people in New York who know her, not to mention relatives and friends, so it won’t be long before the news of her resurrection becomes known to the outside world.

But there have been a lot of strange things happening in the current Marvel world, and the resurrection of a doctor who has been dead for two years will not make any waves.

Li Ming asked Sunday to investigate and found that this universe was not much different from the main universe.

The difference is mainly in Christine, Karma Taj, and the Infinity Stones.

Christine's absolute timing has been broken by Li Ming, and Kama Taj's spell is stronger. After all, Strange and Wang in the main universe don't know anything like Emperor Weishan's Patronus Spell.

Then the biggest difference is the Infinity Stones.

The Supreme Strange Time Stone is very special. According to the plot, it can still be used in other Marvel universes. It is a proper multiverse-level stone. It is conceivable that other Infinity Stones in this universe also have this characteristic.

The vast majority of Infinity Stones are at the level of a single universe. Outside this universe, they are just large power banks containing energy.

Therefore, Li Ming definitely plans to focus on this universe to obtain the infinite stones, but before that, he needs to return to the reincarnation space.

After saying hello to Supreme Qi, Li Ming directly opened the portal and came to the exchange center in the abyss space.

【Time Anchor】

Quality: Legend

Type: special props

Effect: Freezes the flow of time between a designated non-reincarnated world and yourself.

Exchange price: 500000
  "Exchange." Li Ming said nothing.

[Redeem time anchor, price is 500000 points, title discount is 250000 points, consumption is 250000 points. 】

Because the Supreme Strange Universe and the 616 Main Universe belong to an exclusive world, the function of adjusting the time flow rate of space cannot be used only for the 616 Universe.

Therefore, if Li Ming focuses on the Supreme Strange Universe, in order not to miss the plot, he needs to freeze the time of the 616 universe.

Li Ming had a hunch that he might redeem the time anchor frequently.

So he exchanged two more for emergencies.

Taking advantage of the fact that he was in the reincarnation space, Li Ming waited for a whole day and went to their settlement space while waiting for Jerome's team.

Only two people return alive, Jerome and Ivy.

"Why so serious?"

Li Ming asked knowingly: "You have completed your mission."

"Yes, hahaha, Mr. Li Ming, is there any reward for completing the mission?" Jerome rolled his eyes and asked with a smile.

Of course Li Ming knew what he wanted to know.

So he waved his hand, and an operating table carrying the Red Queen appeared in the pure white space, and then the robotic arm placed Fish's body into the operating table.

"Fish died fighting the reincarnator on the opposite side and can be resurrected."

This console was specially made by Li Ming and perfectly replicated Hugo's resurrection technique. Because Li Ming could not bring others into the reincarnation space, he had long been prepared to resurrect the reincarnations in the settlement space.

And he also wanted to try whether the dead reincarnator would still be recognized as a reincarnated person by the space after he was resurrected.

Fish woke up quickly and had contact lenses to transmit memories in real time, so all her memories were preserved. When she got up and saw the surrounding scene, she immediately realized that she had been resurrected.

"Thank you so much, Your Excellency Li Ming."

Fish quickly and respectfully thanked her. No matter how crazy she was, she would not dare to be crazy in front of the resurrection spring.

Then Li Ming smiled at Jerome, who had a complicated expression.

"Also, Scarecrow..."

Jerome cheered up. Fish was able to be resurrected because there was a body, but the Scarecrow didn't leave a body behind.

"Jonathan's performance really stood out to me, so even though he had no body left, I specifically allowed him to be resurrected."

Li Ming said in the surprised eyes of the three people, and then he added a patch: "Of course, considering that Jonathan has no body left, he will definitely be weakened after his resurrection."

After all, he can clone his body, but the enhancements exchanged by Scarecrow in space cannot be copied.

"I now feel that the twist is the most important trick in comedy, hahaha."

Jerome grinned. For him, the Scarecrow's return was an unexpected surprise, so he didn't need to expect too much.

  (End of this chapter)

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