The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 267: Beat Ivy, and another chapter on Marvel

Chapter 267 Beat Ivy and return to Marvel

Because the Scarecrow left a good impression on Li Ming during the last mission, Li Ming specially gave him a cloned body with twice the physical quality of an ordinary person.

Of course, other abilities are not given. The importance of Jerome's team is not yet to the extent that Li Ming specifically strengthens them.

The Scarecrow's memory injection went very smoothly, and it didn't take long for him to open his eyes.

He saw Jerome at first glance, his eyes softened a little, and then he noticed the difference in his body.

"If you are not satisfied with your new body, I can also ask Mr. Li Ming to change it for you. It can be either male or female, hahaha."

Jerome laughed, which was actually his own way of greeting the Scarecrow.

The Scarecrow had long been accustomed to his leader's bad taste, so he nodded directly to the big leader.

"Thank you, Your Excellency Li Ming."

Two were resurrected, and the last Mad Hatter left in Team Jerome was not resurrected.

"Jerome performed very well in the last mission. It's up to you to decide whether to resurrect Techi." Li Ming casually threw the life and death of the Mad Hatter to Jerome.

In the mission world, the Mad Hatter really didn't have any outstanding performance. Logically speaking, Li Ming could directly replace a member, but he let the team leader decide on such inconsequential issues.

Jerome thought for a while and decided to resurrect the Mad Hatter. After all, he still had the ability to hypnotize.

So Li Ming resurrected the Mad Hatter. Except for retaining the special ability of hypnosis, everything else was at the level of ordinary people.

But this incident also reminded Li Ming that the villain's reserve can be arranged so that the members of the reincarnation team can be replaced at any time.

He didn't have time to pay attention to this before, but now he can put it on his agenda.

Because Jerome's team lacks actual combat effectiveness.

You can still have some fun with the plot characters in the mission world and play cards that don't follow common sense, but when it comes to the reincarnators, it's best to rely on your strength.

Fish checked it and nodded to Li Ming: "Yes, the personal space items are still there."

"But I don't have the reward for this mission."

This is normal, after all, she was not there when he returned.

Fish himself has no regrets. Being able to be resurrected is the biggest reward.

"Where are you?" Li Ming asked the Scarecrow and Mad Hatter again.



The two shook their heads.

Li Ming glanced at the [Recruitment] interface, which showed that he had only recruited three people. It seemed that Scarecrow's method of resurrection meant that they had replaced one person in the judgment of the space.

So Li Ming recruited the two of them again and turned them into rookie reincarnators. However, due to the effect of [Recruitment], the two of them could still ignore the rank restrictions and still team up with Jerome and others.

"As for Ivy..."

In the happy scene, Li Ming suddenly nodded Poison Ivy's name without emotion, and the surrounding area suddenly became quiet.

"In the."

Poison Ivy swallowed, a little nervous.

"I remember I said that the mission is the most important, right?" Li Mingfa asked.


Poison Ivy immediately knew the reason for Li Ming's change of attitude. She saw that the enemy was too strong in the last mission, so she gave up the mission and ran away.

"The three of them were resurrected because the mission was completed. Scarecrow performed admirably, Fish also died in the battle, but you... actually escaped."

Li Ming said indifferently: "I could expel you from the team for your behavior."

Ivy immediately panicked. The meaning of expulsion in a place like this could be equated with erasure. She opened her mouth to beg for mercy, but Li Ming did not give her a chance to speak.

"But you still got Fish's body back, so I'll spare your life for now."

Poison Ivy quickly bowed her body and thanked you: "Thank you, Mr. Li Ming, I never dare to do it again!"

But before Li Ming finished speaking, he added one last sentence: "But as a punishment, I disqualify you from resurrection. If you perform well in subsequent tasks, I will consider reinstating it." As soon as this sentence came out, everyone changed. Losing face and canceling the qualification for resurrection means that once you die, you are really gone.

If they were still in Gotham, this group of villains might not think anything of it, but after seeing the reincarnation space and different worlds, no one wants to die casually.

Ivy's face turned pale, but she didn't dare to say anything.

The lesson Li Ming taught her this time made her realize that she can do anything, but she must not disobey Li Ming's will.

After the reincarnation team finished killing the chickens to scare the monkeys, Li Ming went to the world of Resident Evil again and completed the production of his new steel suit.

Mark 85.

Tony Stark's last suit of armor used more advanced nanotechnology, and its performance has been greatly enhanced. It also has a more mechanical feel than the Mark 50.

And considering that the Mark 50 was dismantled and exhausted its energy within two minutes of fighting Thanos, the Mark 85 improved its armor, increased the amount of nanomaterials, and even had stand shield technology.

Moreover, Li Ming's set is more advanced than Tony's.

Not only the liquid nanometal technology that existed before, this time Sunday absorbed Wakanda's Black Panther suit technology and transplanted the energy-absorbing ability of the Black Panther suit to the Mark 85, making the suit defensive and destructive. The power is even more powerful.

As before, Li Ming painted the Mark 85 black, looking majestic and solemn.

After that, Li Ming returned to the Marvel world. First, he used a time anchor on the 616 universe, so that if he was not in this universe, time would temporarily stop, so that he would not miss the plot.

Then he brought Supreme Strange over.

The Supreme Strange Universe is saved, but that doesn't mean it's over. Things that need to be experienced will still come.

For example, Thanos Crisis.

It's February 2018 there, and the plot of "Avengers 2" takes place at the end of June.

Of course, the current Thanos of the universe is not a big crisis. If he had five gems, he could still fight the Supreme Strange. One or two would be a gift.

However, Li Ming's purpose has never been to help the multiverse solve the crisis.

The reason why he is a superhero in this Marvel multiverse is because it is profitable, so he plans to bring one more person with him.

New Asgard.

New Asgard, which has experienced a storm, is undergoing reconstruction work under the leadership of the former Valkyrie and current king Valkyrie.

There is also a statue of the female Thor being erected on the coast.

Seeing this, Li Ming knew that he was late, and the plot of "Thor 4" was over.

It's not a pity for Li Ming. Anyway, he only cares about a few treasures in "Thor 4", and he is not interested in the plot at all.

The two found Thor on a spaceship who was about to embark on a space journey.

"Ha, Earth Mage!"

Thor happily greeted Supreme Strange. His favorite was Doctor Strange's spell of unlimited beer refills.

"Actually, this Strange doesn't know you yet." Li Ming said.

"you are?"

"Li Ming, you can call me Li. We are here because we need your help with something." Li Ming replied.


Thor frowned. If it were before, he would have agreed, but now that he has adopted the daughter of the villain God-Slayer Gal, it is inconvenient for him to walk away.

He pointed to the spaceship behind him: "I have a child to take care of now, I'm sorry."

Li Ming didn't panic at all, he only said one sentence.

"We're going to fight Thanos."


Sol immediately changed his expression.

  (End of this chapter)

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