The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 278 The Avengers’ reaction when they see Star-Lord

Chapter 278 The Avengers’ reaction when they see Star-Lord

After seeing Spidey kill him using the method he learned from "Alien" by smashing the spaceship and throwing Ebony Maw into space, there was a burst of applause.

This fifteen-year-old boy has won everyone's recognition.

Tony then took control of the spacecraft. Between returning and continuing forward, he chose to go to Thanos' base camp and take the initiative.

Tony frowned at the scene. He discovered his own problem and attacked rashly without understanding the strength of his opponent. His decision almost sent the Time Stone into the hands of Thanos.

In the next scene, Thor and his party came to Nidawi after being massacred, and began to forge new weapons with the help of the remaining dwarves.

Everyone also knew the reason why Thanos wanted to destroy half of the universe through the conversation between Thanos and Gamora.

There are too many people in the universe and the resources cannot bear it. Rather than exhausting the resources and killing everyone together, it is better to randomly eliminate half of the population to preserve the overall situation.

"Wait, so our madman who wants to destroy the universe is actually a philosopher?"

Rhodes thought it was ridiculous, but it was true.

Thanos is not a madman, and is even more sane than most people.

But he's just too sensible, so he seems crazy.

"But he definitely didn't learn biology well." Tony complained.

Li Ming liked this.

Since Thanos's reason for destroying half of the world was too much population and insufficient resources, why not double the resources?

Moreover, the sudden decline in the living population will inevitably usher in a surge. This is just a new cycle.

Treating the symptoms does not cure the symptoms.

The scene shifted to the Earth line. A trio of Thanos' men attacked Wanda and Vision who were alone outside. General Deathblade's unique weapon directly caused Vision to lose its combat effectiveness.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Captain America, Black Widow, and Falcon came to support.

Later, the Avengers on Earth discussed how to deal with the Mind Stone on Vision's head. Vision proposed to let Wanda destroy it, but then he would also die.

Steve naturally rejected this form of "life exchange", and inspired by Banner, everyone went to Wakanda for help.

Wanda at the scene held Vision's hand tightly. Vision was everything to her now. If Vision died, she didn't know how she could survive.

Thanos tortured Nebula and forced Gamora to reveal the location of the Soul Stone, Vormir.

Everyone also knew that the way to obtain the soul gem was to exchange the soul of a loved one for a soul.

Steve even recognized his old rival, the Red Skull, at a glance.

What everyone didn't expect was that Thanos' fatherly love for Gamora turned out to be real.

Seeing this, some of the people began to have complicated feelings about Thanos, but more people felt sorry for Gamora.

When the three Tonys arrived on Titan, they were ambushed by the Guardians of the Galaxy led by Star-Lord. They came to find Gamora after receiving a message from Nebula who escaped after Thanos left. After a brief exchange of fire, Several people united the front.

Doctor Strange used the Time Stone to watch 14,060,500 of the endings of this battle.

Tony asked the question everyone wanted to know: "How many times have we won."

Doctor Strange looked at Tony deeply.


The atmosphere was suffocating.

At this time, the screen showed the trio of Thor, Rocket, and Groot, a Thor, a raccoon, and a baby tree. They were the most eye-catching.

With the efforts of Thor and Rocket, Nidawi finally restarted, but the core device was soon destroyed by the huge power.

Sol decided to restart manually.

So he performed his best performance so far.

He opened Nidawi's star ring alone. You must know that the core of Nidawi is a small neutron star. Although the star ring is assisted by mechanical devices, the power required is also very terrifying.

Moreover, Thor also had to withstand the energy of the entire neutron star and endured temperatures of tens of thousands of degrees for several minutes.

Although the main reason is the divine power protection, just like Li Ming used the source power shield to resist nuclear explosions before.

But I still have to say, Sol is a real man.

Everyone at the scene also cheered for Sol when they saw this scene, which greatly satisfied Sol's vanity.

When Thanos returned to Titan, Tony and others immediately launched an ambush against him.

At the same time, Steve and others on Earth also found a way to remove the Mind Stone without damaging Vision, and fought desperately with the Vanguard Guard led by Obsidian Four to buy Vision time. Those tens of thousands of Vanguards impacted everyone's hearts and attracted serious attention from Steve, Nick Fury and others.

They all want to know whether the earth's defense forces can stop the invasion of the top forces in the universe.

But they were disappointed.


Whether it's the Titan battlefield or the Wakanda battlefield, the Avengers are always being crushed.

Wakanda's village-level forces faced a large number of well-equipped vanguard guards, like a beacon facing huge waves, and soon fell into a hard battle.

On Titan, Tony and the others fought back and forth with Thanos, but the keen people soon saw that Thanos was letting off steam throughout the whole process, almost only passively defending and not taking the initiative to attack.

He also only used the power of gems, as if he only practiced with Tony and others, or he might still be in the pain of losing Gamora.

But this allowed Tony and the others to find a flaw. Tony, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, and Drax joined forces to restrain Thanos, and Mantis took the opportunity to hypnotize him.

At this time, as long as the Infinity Gauntlet can be removed from Thanos' hand, there is a chance of victory.

But Star-Lord took advantage of Thanos being hypnotized to ask where Gamora was. Under Thanos' sad expression and Nebula's guess, Star-Lord knew that Gamora was dead.

Star-Lord collapsed and angrily hit Thanos on the head. Tony quickly stopped him but it was too late.

The second before Spidey takes off the Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos wakes up.


"Oh no!"


Everyone present sighed sadly and sent greetings to Star-Lord.

"Fake!" Even Steve, who had always been serious, couldn't help but swear.

This shows how infectious Star-Lord is.

"I take back what I just said. This is definitely the biggest, biggest, biggest idiot."

Rhodes said speechlessly.

Nebula was also very speechless, but she didn't say anything because she found that Star-Lord seemed to be out of control emotionally, and a large part of the reason was due to her influence.

Then Thanos, who became a little more serious, beat Tony and his party to a complete defeat. Only Doctor Strange used magic to defeat Thanos a few times, but he was quickly defeated by the power of the Infinity Gauntlet.

"It's amazing that you are so powerful."

Rhodes praised Supreme Strange, making Supreme Strange nod unconsciously.

There seems to be nothing wrong with being a talkative person.

Supreme Strange suddenly thought.

The scene continues. Tony, as the last force of resistance, tried his best to only bring a small wound to Thanos, but this was already the first blood obtained by the Avengers.

In order to show respect, Thanos showed Tony the Infinity Gauntlet, and the four gems lit up at the same time.

Tony's vision went dark at the scene. He used the power of four gems to kill him. He really looked down on him.

Doctor Strange quickly stopped Thanos and exchanged Tony's life for the Time Stone.

On the battlefield on Earth, Thor, who had obtained the new weapon Storm Tomahawk, finally arrived and unleashed his thunder power on the battlefield, killing a group of vanguard guards.

But Vision has been found by Thanos, and Wanda has no choice but to endure the pain and try to destroy the gem on Vision's head.

Wanda at the scene held Vision's hand tightly. She looked at her grief-stricken face in the picture and could fully understand how sad she felt at that time.

"It's okay, I'm still here."

Vision reached out and hugged Wanda, and the people around him also cast concerned glances.

The scene continued, with Steve, Groot, Banner and others desperately trying to stop Thanos, but they were all resolved by him raising his hand.

"I have a question." Tony suddenly asked Thor, "Why are you still fighting minions at this time?"


Thor smiled awkwardly, and he knew why.

I must have gotten high again and ignored the situation on the battlefield.

 Thank you Mingyue Lianqingfeng
    evening dusk
    The three Chinese and white P’s have great monthly support! ! !
  (End of this chapter)

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