The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 279 Thanos’ math was taught by his PE teacher

Chapter 279 Thanos’ math was taught by his PE teacher
  Naturally, everyone could not withstand the five-gem Thanos. Only Wanda relied on chaos magic to destroy the gems with one hand and launch energy with the other hand to carry the five-gem Thanos.

Although Thanos knew he had the Time Stone and didn't use his full strength at all, it still showed Wanda's strength.

As a result, the Mind Stone continued to show cracks, and finally exploded suddenly, and Vision's entire body was wiped out.

Everyone present felt tense.

Vision and they had been old friends for three years, and his sudden death in front of them made many people feel heavy.

However, Vision also deserves his death. The Mind Stone has been destroyed, and Thanos cannot collect all the stones.

Of course, no one would think it would end like this. The earth is likely to suffer revenge from Thanos, and five gems are enough for Thanos to ravage the earth at will.

But to everyone's surprise, Thanos was not angry at all in the picture. He directly used the power of the time stone to go back in time to Vision's death.

So Vision, who had just died, was resurrected.

Then he raised his big hand and clasped it on Vision's forehead, and pulled the Mind Stone directly from Vision's head.

So Vision, who had just been resurrected, died again.

Vision's face turned dark at the scene. Witnessing his own death twice, even if he was not a normal person, his heart would be greatly shaken.

The next moment, amidst everyone's exclamations, Thanos, who was frozen due to the backlash of the six Infinity Stones, was knocked to the ground by Thunder.

The majestic Thor descended from the sky and threw his ax at Thanos. For a moment, Thanos' reaction could not even withstand the power of the storm axe.

This artifact cut straight into Thanos's chest, causing the greatest damage Thanos had suffered since the war began.




Extroverted heroes like War Machine, Spider-Man, and Ant-Man cheered directly, and Captain America and others also softened their expressions a little.

"I told you... you will pay with your life for what you have done."

In the picture, Saul said this with hatred, and it seemed that he had been holding it in for a long time.

However, Thor at the scene frowned.

As a bystander, he discovered his problem.

It's too slow.

"You should... chop my head off."

Sure enough, Thanos responded intermittently, and then quickly snapped his fingers. Thor in the middle of the screen did not do anything.

"What did you do?"

After snapping his fingers, Thanos's Infinity Gauntlet was on the verge of damage, and even Thanos' entire left arm was burnt.

Thor in the picture realized that he was wrong and asked frantically, but Thanos used the space gem to teleport away without saying a word.

The lively atmosphere at the scene just now came to an abrupt end, and everyone's words were stuck in their mouths. They stared at everything on the screen with wide eyes.


In the entire Wakanda battlefield, about half of the people were reduced to ashes.

Even many people present saw themselves.

Wanda, Falcon, Winter Soldier, Black Panther, Groot...

Almost everyone stood up and stared blankly at the scene in front of them, especially those who had disappeared. They couldn't believe that they really died with a snap of their fingers.

The screen begins to change.


Star-Lord, Mantis, and Drax of the Guardians of the Galaxy disappeared one after another. Doctor Strange welcomed his demise calmly after leaving the words "We have no choice", as if he knew it in advance.

And the youngest Peter also died in Tony's arms. Peter was just stunned when he saw it, but Tony clenched his hand unconsciously, and Little Pepper beside him quickly pulled him.

Although it was not the first time, Tony felt very uncomfortable every time he saw this scene.

He brought Spider-Man on board, but he failed to bring Peter back.

The screen is still beating.

On a rooftop, Hank Pym, his wife, and daughter were reduced to ashes while conducting experiments, leaving only a van filled with instruments.

Hank Pym's eyes widened, half of 3 equals 3?

In the house where Eagle Eye lived in seclusion, all his family members except Eagle Eye disappeared without a trace, leaving Eagle Eye at the scene with splitting eyes.

Does the purple sweet potato spirit know how to count? You call this a random half?
  The streets are already in chaos, with ordinary people suddenly disappearing, car accidents and planes falling from the sky everywhere.

Nick Fury also saw himself.

He was reduced to ashes along with Agent Hill, who was seen sending a signal on a special pager before disappearing.

Nick Fury knows that this is most likely a real event in the future, because this pager can call Captain Marvel Carol, which is a top secret that only he knows.

And the turmoil in the picture had just begun. Not only the earth, but also half of the life in the entire universe disappeared in that instant, and the casualties caused by this impact were countless.

Only then did everyone understand the true power of the cosmic crisis Tony mentioned, and they were immersed in this catastrophe for a long time and could not extricate themselves.

Thor was even more furious, with thunder rising from his body.

"'ve done your best."

Banner came over to comfort him after seeing it.

However, Thor just smiled bitterly and was not really comforted.

In the eyes of others, he can be said to be a strong candidate for the losing team's MVP so far, but in Sol's own eyes, he clearly knows that he has a big problem.

So far, Star-Lord just took off his gloves that time, and Thor is the only one who really has a chance to kill Thanos.

But what is he doing?
  He was clearing minions while his teammates were fighting in a group. Even Groot went to help, but he arrived last.

But this is not a big problem.

What really bothered Thor was that he deliberately missed that thunderous axe.

He deliberately did not hit Thanos on the head, just to say the words in Thanos's ear that would make him pay for his life.

Thor was sure that was what he was thinking at the time.

But it was precisely because of his willfulness that Thanos had the opportunity to snap his fingers. Thor understood his future self better and saw why Thanos reacted so much.

No matter what everyone thinks, the picture is still moving forward.

Avengers headquarters.

Black Widow Natasha, Captain America and others restarted the pager left by Fury. Although they didn't know who it was contacting, it was Fury's last resort before his death, and everyone wanted to see what it was.

So they met a woman they had never seen before, Carol Danvers, nicknamed Captain Marvel, a superhero from space.

"You're hiding a super superhero?"

Rhodes turned to Nick Fury and asked, this woman can physically fly in the universe, it is not simple at first glance.

Many Avengers also looked at Fury with strange expressions. After SHIELD was officially disbanded, Fury became more and more low-key. No one expected that he could hide such a trick.

"See a movie!"

The secret was revealed, and Fury had no intention of explaining it, not just once or twice anyway.

It's not like it was discovered that he had a wife.


  (End of this chapter)

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