The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 280 Steve’s reflection

Chapter 280 Steve’s reflection

Twenty-three days after the finger-snapping incident, Tony, who was out of ammunition and food in space, floating and about to die, was finally found by Captain Marvel, and was carried back to the Avengers headquarters together with the man and the spaceship.

This is the first time Tony has met Steve since the Civil War.

Here the two quarrel again, mainly Tony constantly questioning Steve.

The core question is - "Why should we be Avengers and not preventers?"

The quarrel between the two in the scene ended with Tony fainting from exhaustion, but Steve at the scene unconsciously asked himself.

It would be understandable if he didn't know about these crises. Now that he knows that the external dangers facing the earth are far greater than the internal ones, he also agrees with Tony's words in his heart.

There's nothing wrong with sacrificing a little free will for the safety of the entire planet.

In comparison, although Tony often causes trouble, it is undeniable that he is taking active actions.

And yourself?
  Steve thought about it and realized that although he shouted slogans well, his actual contribution was far less than Tony's.

Even the Avengers, who were in a good situation, fell apart because of his differences with Tony.

Is it enough freedom to hide outside for several years?
  But now Steve thinks it's more like giving up and giving up. When a crisis comes, he still has to ask the Avengers for help.

Steve vaguely understood Tony's purpose of inviting so many people here this time. He looked towards Tony in the front row, only to find that Tony was also looking at him. Both of them understood the meaning from each other's eyes.

As Li Ming watched, the two men nodded and then looked at the screen.

Promoting the reconciliation between Tony and Steve is also one of Li Ming's goals. Under the leadership of these two people, the new Avengers will be easier to convince the public, and it will be easier for Li Ming to benefit from it.

In the picture, Team America, Thor, Captain Marvel and others learned of Thanos' location and quickly formed a team to go there in an attempt to steal the Infinity Gauntlet.

But they learned from Thanos that the Infinity Stones had been destroyed by Thanos.

The hope that arose in the hearts of everyone present was suddenly extinguished. Even if Thor chopped off Thanos' leader with an axe, it would be of no avail. The disappeared people would never come back.

In the blink of an eye, the scene in the picture has arrived five years later.

Because more than half of the population was lost in an instant, even New York is still extremely desolate.

There are ruins and debris everywhere.

The Avengers are still busy dealing with the aftermath, Carol has returned to the universe, and thousands of planets, like the Earth, have suffered this catastrophe.

The entire universe is full of lives that have suffered because of a snap of the fingers.

The atmosphere at the scene also fell to a low point.

Suddenly the scene showed a remote warehouse, where a mouse foraging for food accidentally touched a switch.

Then the minivan in the warehouse suddenly glowed, and after a tremor, a figure flew out of it.

They could clearly see that this man was Ant-Man Scott at the scene!

Many people looked at the picture and then at Ant-Man at the scene, and suddenly felt that something had changed?

Sure enough, Ant-Man in the picture seems to have no idea what happened. He found his name at the memorial to the victims. When he returned home, he discovered that his daughter Cathy had grown up and time had passed. Five years.

"Quantum Realm."

Dr. Pym muttered to himself that he had been studying the quantum realm for most of his life, and he immediately realized that Scott survived because he was in the quantum realm when he snapped his fingers.

Even because the time flow rate in the quantum realm is different from that in reality, five years have passed in the outside world, but Scott only feels that five hours have passed.

At this time, everyone present knew where the hope was, but they all thought it was unlikely.

"Time machine? This is crazy," Peter said first.

"It's okay, a raccoon can send me an email."

The answer Natasha gave in the picture exactly responded to Peter's doubts, and everyone nodded secretly. Yes, you can destroy the world with just a snap of your fingers. Raccoons have become great scientists, so what else is impossible?
  Li Ming smiled.

Are you surprised that a raccoon sent an email?

He has also seen planets giving birth to children.

Of course, with Ant-Man, Black Widow and Captain America, there was no way to verify scientific things, so they went to find Tony, who was already semi-reclusive.

Naturally, they met Tony's daughter Morgan.


"So cute!"

"Congratulations, Tony."

Everyone exclaimed and congratulated Tony with a smile.

At this time, Tony also changed his previous heaviness, and his face was filled with a happy smile.

" this true?"

Pepper asked nervously while grabbing Tony's clothes. She didn't know her daughter existed before this.

Tony nodded: "Did you forget that I told you that I dreamed of having a daughter and named her after your uncle?"


Pepper covered her mouth and looked in disbelief at the little girl interacting affectionately with Tony in the picture. She couldn't take her eyes away after the first sight.

"But, the future changes..." Pepper suddenly felt worried about gains and losses, worried that now that the future has changed, will the child still exist?

"Don't worry, Morgan will meet you in a few months." Tony responded with a smile. He secretly checked that Pepper was pregnant.

Morgan's appearance greatly eased the tension at the scene, and the idea of ​​a time machine also gave everyone hope of redemption.

Sure enough, after experiencing some twists and turns, the remaining Avengers reunited and prepared to go back to the past to obtain the Infinity Stones through time travel and rescue the disappeared people.

Five years can change a lot of things. Hawkeye couldn't bear the blow of his family disappearing, so he turned into a hunter and vented his resentment by constantly causing trouble for various gangs.

Banner and Hulk merged into one and became Dr. Hulk, but in Li Ming's view, both Banner and Hulk were much better than what he is now.

And when everyone saw the Thor five years later in the picture, they all turned their strange eyes to Thor at the scene.

Five years later, the originally majestic, tall and powerful God of Thunder turned into a fat man. He was suddenly transformed from Noxus into Gragas Gragas.

In the words of War Machine: "Thor is dead."

"That's not me haha, it's the future, no... what will happen in the future in the past."

Thor awkwardly explained to himself that although he understood that he failed to defeat Thanos at the critical moment, which made him blame himself for being like this, but when he saw the drunken and pot-bellied greasy version of himself, Thor himself accepted it. No.

"To tell you the truth, I once wanted to have a figure like Sol's, but now..."

Rhodes complained to Supreme Strange. He didn't finish his words, but his meaning was already expressed.

"I heard you, Rod!"

Suddenly, Thor's dissatisfied voice came to his ears, and Rhodes quickly shut up.

 Thank you for the secret of the wind

  After all, he is a waste of names.


  ^_^Scorpion Tiger^_^Four big monthly votes support! ! !
  (End of this chapter)

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