The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 321 Clark Kent’s father-savior

Chapter 321 Clark Kent’s father-savior
  Clark immediately wanted to rush over to save his adoptive father.

But Jonathan seemed to have expected it and raised his hand directly in Clark's direction.

do not come.

He knew that Clark's attempt to save people in a tornado would inevitably reveal his extraordinary body.

In order to protect Clark, Jonathan would rather die.

Clark also knew what his adoptive father was thinking. He could only stand there blankly, watching his adoptive father disappear into the raging tornado.

This tornado is mixed with various objects, and even cars can be easily rolled up. Even if ordinary people encounter it head-on, even if they are not torn apart by the wind, they will die from the debris inside, and there is no chance of survival.


Clark screamed in pain, and his adoptive mother Martha hugged him sadly.

Clark was in great grief, with an indescribable helplessness and anger in his heart. His adoptive father had always been his life mentor and the person he regarded as his biological father. Now that Jonathan was without Clark, he was at a loss to face the future world.

He was also angry, knowing that he had great power, why couldn't he even save his relatives.

At this time, Clark was keenly aware of something strange around him. The people taking refuge under the overpass were staring blankly in one direction, and Clark also looked over.

There was a man over there with blue light emitting from his hands, his eyes fixed on the direction of the tornado.

"Your Excellency Li Ming!"

Clark was shocked. Mr. Li Ming is actually a person with super powers?
  Then Clark suddenly looked up at his adoptive father's position. The tornado was still raging, but there was a faint blue light where his adoptive father was. Clark's eyesight was very good and he could see clearly in the strong wind.

Adoptive father Jonathan was completely enveloped in a blue energy ball, and his whole body was unharmed under the tornado!

Clark couldn't believe it, feeling the surprise falling from the sky.

The third person he admired saved his most respected father. What kind of magical fate is this?

"That's the beauty of surveillance," said Sunday.

More and more people are paying attention here, and Li Ming's identity is quickly recognized. Although he is dressed very low-key, his appearance is clearly that of the King of Gotham who once caused a huge disturbance - Li Ming.

The King of Gotham has super powers!

This news immediately shocked everyone at the scene. Nowadays, except for Gotham, where superpowers have appeared, no superpowers have appeared publicly in other places, including Metropolis and Central City, let alone small places like Kansas.

Moreover, the person with super powers is still the King of Gotham with huge reputation. The people at the scene suddenly became excited, and some people even took photos.

But faintly, Clark could feel fear from everyone's attitude, because none of them dared to step forward and talk to Li Ming.

Tornadoes are like love, they come and go quickly.

A few minutes later, there was nothing but chaos on the road. Clark was the first to rush out. He ran to Jonathan and looked carefully.

Except for the fact that my right leg was stuck and slightly injured, which affected my ability to walk, there was no other damage at all.

Only then did the energy in Li Ming's hands dissipate.

"That's...Your Excellency Li Ming?" Jonathan also recognized it. He looked at Clark in surprise, "Your Excellency Li Ming, too..."

Clark nodded, with an uncontrollable smile on his face. The joy of finding a loved one was extremely profound.

"Thank you, Your Excellency Li Ming."

Jonathan was supported by Clark and walked to Li Ming and sincerely thanked him.

"I am Jonathan Kent, this is my son Clark, and my wife Martha." Jonathan introduced to Li Ming, and Clark and Martha also expressed their gratitude to Li Ming for saving their father and husband. .

"Just call me Li." Li Ming didn't show off at all, which gained him the favor of the Kent family.

But seeing Jonathan and others chatting with Li Ming for a while, other people at the scene couldn't stand anymore and crowded over one after another.

"Your Excellency Li Ming, are you a magician?" They were very curious about Li Ming's true identity, and some asked directly.

"Or aliens?"

Clark on the side frowned slightly.

"Your Excellency Li Ming, what is your purpose of hiding your identity?"

Clark is once again convinced that his adoptive father is right. Even Li Ming, who has such a high reputation in Gotham, will be criticized for his super powers. Humans are really not ready to accept him.

"I'm just an ordinary person who accidentally gained abilities." Li Ming only responded with one sentence.

Seeing that they wanted to continue questioning, Clark frowned and stood up, separating everyone from Li Ming.

"Your Excellency Li Ming is a hero!"

Everyone suddenly paused.

"He saved my father and our family. Mr. Li Ming is definitely a hero!"

Clark's words made everyone regain their composure. Li Ming's identity was exposed just because he saved people, and he was indeed a hero.

"Thank you, Clark." Li Ming said.

Clark shook his head: "No, I should thank you, Mr. Li Ming."

"I told you not to be so harsh, just call me Li." Li Ming waved his hand and replied.


Clark smiled, he was very happy to be able to get closer to his idol.

"Li, if you have nothing to do, come and visit our house."

At this time, Jonathan suggested, which was unanimously agreed by Clark and Martha.

Li Ming looked at the crowd around him, as if he also needed to find a place to escape, so he nodded in agreement.

He got into the Kent family's car and came to Smallville's small farm.

"Gotham Group is really different from other companies. Li, look at the signal tower over there."

Jonathan said pointing towards the distance of the farm.

"It wasn't so convenient here before. TV sets and available channels were very expensive. Since Gotham Group expanded its business here a few years ago, the charges are more than twice as low as other companies, and the signal is much better."

"Gotham Group is worthy of being founded by Li Qian. It is really doing good things for the people."

Li Ming smiled and nodded, accepting Jonathan's compliment.

In the strategic development of the Gotham Group, Smallville is very important. Li Ming's instructions to Sunday were to pull over the live broadcast signal even if he offered money so that the Clark family could see him on TV. Heroic feat.

Nothing happened unexpectedly, in fact it was all deliberate.

"I'm sorry," Jonathan said suddenly.

Li Ming looked over in confusion, and Jonathan explained: "It's all because of me that you, Li, were exposed."

"It doesn't matter, these...powers were obtained when I was traveling outside. If I can use it to help other people, it will be worth it even if I receive some criticism." Li Ming replied with a calm smile.

Clark, who was next to him, seemed to see the guiding light, and his eyes suddenly widened.

As expected of his idol, he suddenly became enlightened and eliminated the confusion in his heart.

 Thank you Guhun Yeying

  The two crazy people in Maple Leaf support it with their monthly votes! ! !
  (End of this chapter)

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