The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 322 Becoming the first superhero

Chapter 322 Becoming the first superhero

Jonathan also looked at Clark. He had been trying his best to prevent Clark from revealing his identity, because he knew the bad nature of human beings and would probably do bad things to Clark.

But at the same time, he also understood that this suppressed Clark's nature. Now that Li Ming is also a superpower, he might be able to give some better suggestions.

"That Li..." Jonathan carefully considered his words, "If a person is like you, has extraordinary power and wants to help others, but is worried that other people will have a bad impact on their lives if they know about it, what should he do? ?”

Li Ming frowned and glanced at Clark as if he was surprised, as if he saw something.

Then he replied seriously: "This worry is very reasonable. I don't recommend exposing him until he can't guarantee that his family and himself will not be threatened."

"The earth never lacks careerists. If the power cannot be controlled by them, they will find ways to destroy it."

"And... the most important thing is, what kind of mentality does that person have to face the world? The most important opinion is not from others, but from himself. What does he think he is like?"

Li Ming came here to establish a good relationship with Clark and had no intention of bringing Superman into the group now.

Jonathan was right, the world was not ready, and even Clark himself was not ready.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have watched his adoptive father die in the tornado.

This plot was the most confusing part for Li Ming when he watched "Man of Steel".

Is Clark too lazy, or is Jonathan too stubborn?

Clark is not a wolf with white eyes. Heng Chao's divinity is greater than his humanity, and he can be called morally perfect.

It's true that Jonathan was stunned. Why did Clark have to go to save the dog and he didn't want to go alone?
  But Clark was indeed a bit stupid. It took more than thirty seconds from the time Jonathan's leg was stuck to the time he was hit by the tornado, and the overpass where Clark was located was at most dozens of meters less than a hundred meters away from Jonathan's position.

Even for a normal adult man, this time is enough to rescue Jonathan. Why are you worried about being exposed?
  When Jonathan stopped Clark from coming to save him, there were only two or three seconds left and it was definitely too late, but Clark just watched for the first thirty seconds. Even Martha knew that he had gone to save people, but he just remained unmoved.

Regarding this, apart from plot bugs, Li Ming can only say that Clark is stupid, which is enough to prove that Clark is indeed not ready to become Superman.

According to the normal timeline, this is indeed the case. Clark is now 17 years old, and it was not until he was 33 that he became Superman because of Zod's force.

Even after becoming Superman, he was relatively confused and often got into public troubles.

Although Superman has super strength and a super brain, the super brain that Li Ming understands is Superman's ability to process information and learning abilities that are beyond ordinary people, and does not equal super IQ.

At least that's what the movie shows.

After hearing Li Ming's words, Clark fell into deep thought.

He is still young, and his desire to show his strength and help others is indeed out of impulse, and he has not considered the follow-up matters.

Only now did he realize that it was not only the world that was unprepared, but also himself.

" should that person prepare?" Clark couldn't help but ask.

Li Ming raised two fingers.

"The first is the external environment, and the second is self-construction."

"It is much better to expose people with superpowers when the external environment can accept them."

Speaking, Li Ming shrugged: "But don't worry about this. After I am exposed this time, all the storms will be directed at me. As long as I can bear it, I can help future superpowers, at least superpowers with good intentions." , setting a benchmark.”

Clark was shocked by Li Ming's mind. The huge trouble Li Ming faced after his identity was revealed was visible to the naked eye, but Li Ming was not thinking about himself, but wanted to contribute to other superpowers.

You are indeed my idol!
  Jonathan also nodded, thinking that if there is a saint in this era, it must be someone like Li Ming.

"However, the external environment takes time to change, and it cannot be decided overnight." Li Ming added.

Both Batman and Superman are in a period of confusion now.

And Aquaman?
  He's even still developing.

So Li Ming reserved enough time for Clark.

He asked Martha for paper and pen, and wrote a number in his hand: "If that person has any confusion or needs help, he can contact me through this phone number."

"By the way, you can also convey something to him for me." Li Ming showed a warm smile on his face, "Tell him that you are not alone."

Clark was very moved. He knew that Li Ming might have noticed it, but he still respected him and didn't expose it.

He suppressed the excitement in his heart and said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." The goal was achieved, and the favorability level should be overwhelming. Li Ming then changed the topic, "Corn is grown on the farm? Can you try it?"

"of course."

Jonathan smiled and went to the fields to pick fresh crops himself, and asked Martha to cook and entertain Li Ming.

The group of people enjoyed themselves happily, and the Kent family also successfully eliminated their sense of distance from Li Ming's identity and treated him as the closest friend in the family.

But at this time, the outside world was completely upset.

"The King of Gotham is a superpower!" 》

News with this kind of headlines are all over TV, newspapers and radio. Li Ming's popularity is already very high, and with such shocking things as superpowers, the public opinion effect can be called a nuclear bomb.

"Magic Invasion?" The conspiracy behind the King of Gotham! 》

Conspiracy theories are indispensable at all times. The speculation that Li Ming's identity is doubtful and that he may harm the world has been followed by many people.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, it is a common practice in the news industry to first hype the topic to attract attention. As for what they will lose because of this, it is beyond their scope of thinking.

But after all, Li Ming was exposed because he saved people, and Li Ming's image in front of the public has always been very good, so this irresponsible speculation was quickly replaced by another statement.

"The King of Gotham is willing to reveal his identity to save people!" 》

"hero? No, he's a superhero! 》

Because he has super powers, he is called a "superhero".

Public opinion has also shifted in this direction.

"Counting the great deeds of the King of Gotham. 》

"The King of Gotham who often disappears actually went to..."

Slowly, the public accepted Li Ming's identity as a "superhero", and he was also the first superhero recognized by the public.

And this is also the purpose of Li Ming's active exposure.

He is now the predecessor of all superheroes, so it will be logical for him to form the Justice League and become the leader of superheroes.

 Thank VON_C
    Lonely Night Shadow
    Kevin in Singapore
    Ice Curse Ghost Wolf
    Thanks to the five monthly votes for your support! ! !

  (End of this chapter)

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