The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 410 Do I still have leeks?

Chapter 410 Do I still have leeks?

Ninth level?

Li Ming was surprised. He originally thought that the Supreme might be the eighth level of strength.

After the fifth level, Li Ming clearly felt that every time he improved by one level, his combat power would be earth-shaking.

The sixth and seventh levels are already like a chasm, but what about the seventh and ninth levels?

He was suddenly confused. Logically speaking, the Supreme used the Heaven camp to upgrade the matrix and kill the Heaven Reincarnators, so he should have blocked the news.

With the strength of the Supreme, it should be easy to kill Li Ming, but the Supreme still let Li Ming go.

Could it be that, as the Supreme Master said, he was concerned about Li Ming's background to avoid unnecessary complications?

But if Li Ming were to put himself in his shoes, knowing that this person might have a background, he would not let his information be spread out.

Unless...he knew that person would not threaten him.

Thinking of this, Li Ming suddenly asked: "How is the relationship between the Supreme and other camps?"

"Very average."

Livingston responded.

"Although the legendary camp belongs to the eight major camps, the actual reincarnators of the legendary camp do not often appear in the center of reincarnation and have always been outside the mainstream camp."

"What does the mainstream camp mean?" Li Ming heard another new term.

"It is the camp that mainly operates in the reincarnation center. The reincarnators of the three camps of legend, hero and hell usually move in their own camp space." Livingston explained, "Except for the mission return, they will go to the reincarnation center, and then they will go to the reincarnation center immediately. leave."

"The camp can adjust the degree of contact between itself and the reincarnation space, so for things like camp confrontation, the chance of encountering these three camps is very small."

He added: "Except between heaven and hell."

"And in order to avoid the leakage of reincarnation information, the reincarnation organizations within these three camps also prohibit them from staying too much in the reincarnation center."

After hearing this, Li Ming's first reaction was not to ask why, but to think——

There are still three camps of leeks left!

He doesn't often participate in the Samsara Center activities and doesn't often participate in camp confrontations, which means that most of the Samsaras from these three camps may not buy his products, which makes him earn a lot less points!

As a benevolent person in the reincarnation space and a friend of low-level reincarnations, Li Ming must not allow this to happen.

"Why is this happening?"

Li Ming was puzzled. Several other camps actually excluded people?

"It's determined by the characteristics of the camp."

Livingston has a wealth of information, or he has already calculated in advance what questions Li Ming will have, so he has already found the answers.

"The redemption items in the redemption hall of the Samsara Center seem to be of various types and all-inclusive, but they are only for middle and low-level reincarnations."

"The higher the strength of the reincarnation, the fewer promotion props you can find in the exchange hall. That's because the high-level exchange items are in the major camp spaces and will not flow into the reincarnation center at all."

This is easy for Li Ming to understand, because the redemption hall of the Samsara Center is public, and the Samsaras of different camps are opponents of each major camp. They must hide good things and prevent their opponents from improving their strength.

"Different camps have their own characteristics. In fact, it is the unique way of improving high-level reincarnations of each major camp."

Livingston continued.

"For example, the characteristic of the hell camp is the devil totem. Their reincarnations can gain power by believing in different totems."

"So most reincarnations will choose the strengthening method unique to their camp to avoid locking their upper limit in advance."

"The three camps of Legend, Hero and Hell have gradually faded out of the center of reincarnation because their enhancement routes are too different from other camps."

Li Ming understood that it was these three camps that had unilaterally squeezed out the other five camps.

He asked about the characteristics of other camps, but Livingston didn't know much about this aspect.

"The characteristic of the heaven camp is the power of angels." Li Ming nodded. He finally understood why Neptune and Michelle valued angel flesh and blood so much.

Neptune saw this as a stepping stone to the path to high-level reincarnation, while Michelle wanted to use whoring to strengthen herself.

"The special strengthening method of the main god camp is various genetic optimization fluids, which forcibly integrate different bloodlines into itself to enhance its own strength."

Li Ming was joking in his mind: "Why isn't it a gene lock?"

"The characteristics of the legendary camp are exactly the opposite of those of the Lord God. They pursue technology, and the reincarnators are keen on transforming themselves, so the camp is filled with transformers, robots, and most even complete robots."

Robots as reincarnations?

Li Ming's eyes were opened. He had seen reincarnators of different species, but he had never seen a complete robot reincarnator. No wonder the legendary camp abandoned the mainstream. Robots and bloodlines were simply not compatible.

And the matrix is ​​also explained.

Because most of the legendary camp is made up of robots and may have experienced most of the machine world, the Supreme will throw the matrix to other camps to help upgrade.

"In that case, the number of high-level reincarnators in the legendary camp should be less than in other camps, right?" Li Ming thought thoughtfully.

The proportion of strong robots should be lower than that of normal people.

Livingston confirmed this speculation: "Indeed, the legendary camp has the largest number of middle-level reincarnators, and the number of high-level reincarnators will be slightly less than that of other camps."

But then he changed the topic: "But the legendary camp is recognized as the most difficult camp to invade."

"Ah, why?" Li Ming didn't quite understand.

"Because the legendary camp has many extraordinary technological creations deployed in their subordinate worlds."

Livingston explained.

"As for technological products, you don't need a high-level reincarnator to control them."

Li Ming thought the same thing. A child could still kill an adult with a pistol, and it had nothing to do with his own physical fitness.

Even many technological products do not require human control at all.

"However, due to the restrictions of the rules of the reincarnation space, the legendary camp cannot send too many technological equipment to invade other camps, so over time, they only take care of their own camp and rarely participate in other disputes."

"And because of the Supreme relationship, other camps are also more afraid of the Legendary camp, and they will not be involved in many major events."

Livingston concluded.

Li Ming understood that the legendary camp and other camps were mutually exclusive.

"What's the relationship between the legendary camp and the abyss?" he asked.

"According to the information I obtained from the previous group of Abyssal Reincarnators, the Legendary Camp is not currently suppressing the Abyss, but I don't have any deeper information." Livingston replied.

So it might be possible to operate it.

Li Ming started brainstorming, because the Supreme was obviously very interested in the source of fire and Transformers.

But he doesn't plan to provoke such a big boss in the short term. He must at least improve his strength first.

For up the market.

 Thank Youshu

  Bloody Junsha’s two great monthly votes support! ! !




(End of this chapter)

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