The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 411 Chapter 91: I am really a conscientious partner

Chapter 411 I am really a conscientious partner

Reincarnators from the three camps of Legend, Hell, and Hero do not like to exchange things at the Reincarnation Center, and he understands that they are afraid of affecting subsequent development.

But it doesn't matter.

The biggest feature of the things Li Ming sells is that they are cheap!

He thought about his situation carefully. Although the three major camps were outside the mainstream camp, the exchange hall was open to the public. It was just that the reincarnators of these three camps did not like to buy things there.

It may even be that most reincarnations who rarely hang out in the center of reincarnation don't know that there is a steel suit as an exchange item.

So the most important thing for Li Ming is - publicity.

"By the way, these three non-mainstream camps rarely participate in camp confrontations, so what are they used as substitutes?" Li Ming asked again.

"High-level reincarnators will mainly participate in joint exploration missions, while low-level reincarnators will participate in team battles within the camp."

Livingston's answer made Li Ming's eyes light up.

Internal team fights are good.

Only when there is competition will there be motivation.

He believed that the lower-level reincarnators of these three camps were not uninterested in the steel suit.

The reason why they choose their own camp's unique strengthening route is mainly because they have a lottery mentality. What if they can grow to the sixth level?

But in fact, most reincarnations are unable to do this.

But team fights are unavoidable.

So what if someone starts rolling?

I just don’t care what happens next, just survive the team battle first and then think about the future.

There are definitely many people with this mentality.

It's just that because of their inertia of thinking and behavior, they rarely pay attention to the exchange hall of the Samsara Center.

Li Ming increasingly feels that these three camps are also good potential markets.

All he needs to do is give a spark and the market will ignite.

Among these three camps, he has never encountered the hero camp, so he doesn't care. He only knows the legendary camp, and he probably won't help him sell goods, so he put it aside for the time being.

But as for the hell camp, Li Ming quickly thought of a way.

He sent a communication directly.

In a subordinate world of the hell camp, a young man with blond hair was trapped in a gentle place, enjoying the local style dance. Next to him was a strong man with a slight frown.

"Duncan, why are you always looking so sad? You have been promoted now."

This young man was naturally Ha Suen, who had survived in Li Ming's hands. He drank the bright red blood and asked nonchalantly.

Duncan sighed: "Although I have been promoted, in this world with such a low energy level, my strength grows too slowly, and I cannot make contributions to gain points."

They stabbed their own parents in the back and became one of the few reincarnations who were still alive when they met Li Ming. After returning, they relied on Hassoun's father's relationship to shift all the responsibility to Kerry and escaped punishment.

Duncan was even promoted within the demon organization for his role in protecting Hasselon, and became the captain of Hasselon's bodyguards.

But in order to protect his son, Hassoun's father, Lord Ramand, directly arranged for him to be in a very safe world.

Although safe, it is difficult to improve.

After hearing what Duncan said, Hassoun put down his glass. He also felt that he had been a little bored recently, and just like Duncan said, it was too safe here, so the points allocated by the devil were relatively small. He could earn... ah no, allocated points. Not many points either.

At this time, Hasoun's communication rang, and his expression changed instantly when he looked at the person.

Li Ming!

He really didn't want to contact Li Ming, but Li Ming had dirty information about him, and he couldn't help it if he didn't.

Hassoun quickly asked all the people serving him to get down, and then connected the communication.

"Hasoun, I have a business, are you interested?"


Hearing that Li Ming was not looking for trouble, Hassoun did become a little interested, but he still asked cautiously: "What business?"

Hassoun was not too optimistic. He guessed that Li Ming might be here to beat the autumn wind.

Because he is very experienced in forcing others to do business, he often does things like spending fifty yuan to buy things worth five hundred yuan, or selling things worth one hundred yuan for ten thousand yuan.

"Have you heard of the steel suit?" Li Ming asked.

He didn't know any reincarnations from other camps, assuming they were still alive.

There are acquaintances in heaven and hell.

Don’t worry about heaven, the steel suit has been distributed. In hell, the first thing Li Ming thought of was Hasoun, the second generation of reincarnation.

He has a background, no ethics, and the most important thing is that Li Ming has the leverage in his hands, making him an excellent partner.

"Steel suit?"

Hassoun looked confused and looked at Duncan, who was also unimpressed.

So Li Ming gave him a detailed introduction to the functions of the steel suit.

"It can fly at supersonic speeds and has weapons and equipment. Why should this thing be sold for 3000 points?" Hasoun asked.

Unexpectedly, the price quoted by Li Ming was beyond his expectation.

"600 for naked installation, 200 for maintenance platform."


“The total price is only 800 points, so it’s free?”

Hassoun was shocked. Although he rarely visited the Samsara Center, the points were universal. He naturally knew the purchasing power of 800 points.

A piece of equipment with some attributes costs thousands of points. 800 points to buy an armor that can fly at supersonic speed?

Want to eat fart.

After all, although the steel suit does not add attributes, the strength it increases after wearing it is much more fragrant than the attributes.

1000 points cannot buy 10 attribute points, but it can give you the effect of 100 attribute points.

What is this called?

Blood earned!

"Yes, this is the price in the exchange hall." Li Ming smiled slightly, "But this is not the one I want to talk to you about."

The price of Mark 2 has dropped to the lowest level, leaving little room for maneuver. Li Ming wants to collect the points of the reincarnation of hell and must launch new products.

"The war machine is a firepower upgrade of the Iron Suit. Its performance far exceeds that of the Iron Suit, and is only slightly worse than the best Mark 3."

"The price in the redemption hall is 1600 points, but I have a special reward and can enjoy a 75% discount. I only need 1200 points to buy it. If you sell it for 1500 points in hell, will anyone pay for it?"

After hearing Li Ming's words, Hassoun screamed loudly in his heart.

Pay the bill?

Go ahead and buy it!

With 1500 points, you can have a fully armed supersonic armor without any restrictions on its use. Hasoun immediately saw the business opportunities contained in it.

The cost is 1200, and it is resold for 1500. One suit earns 300, which is 3000 for ten people, and 30000 for one hundred people!

Even though he was favored by his father, King Lamande could give him one hundred thousand tons of gold without blinking an eye, but it would not be that simple for one hundred thousand points.

"I'll ship the goods, and you can sell them to the Hell Camp, and we'll get 50% of the profit." Li Ming suggested.

Hassoun rolled his eyes and said, "No, I want 200 for a suit, you sell it to me for 1300, and you don't have to worry about the rest."


Hassoun quickly interrupted Li Ming: "I have many connections in the hell camp, I can sell a lot of goods, and I can even develop the group of reincarnators in the camp's subordinate space."

The reincarnations in the subordinate space?

That group of people is indeed difficult to contact, and only second-generation ancestors like Hasuen can develop it.

"it is good."

Li Ming agreed.

On September 1st, I am too conscientious.

Li Ming thought to himself.

Although they don't need steel suits, reincarnators always have relatives and friends who can use them.

Hassoun was so satisfied with his cleverness that he doubled his profits with just a few words.

Although he guessed that Li Ming's purchase price was more than 75% off, he expected it wouldn't be much different.

No matter how low it is, why don’t you spend money?

 Thanks to book friend 20230508123851105 for your monthly ticket support! ! !




(End of this chapter)

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