The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 412 Kryptonian Bloodline

Chapter 412 Kryptonian Bloodline

When looking for a dealer, you also need to find one with first-class sales ability, and Hasoun is undoubtedly very good at it.

He may not be very good at being a reincarnation, but he is very capable of making money for himself through the channels of a reincarnation.

Moreover, Li Ming also valued the big boss behind Hasu En, so that when others were jealous of Ha Suen, they would not kill him.

There is no shortage of reincarnation people who will be destroyed if they can’t get it.

Hassoun smiled happily. He patted his chest and said that he would definitely buy more goods from Li Ming and make more use of his sales expertise.

Li Ming is of course happy to see the results. After all, the steel suit is a cost-free transaction for him, and 1300 points is his pure profit.

He was now somewhat grateful that he had let Hasoun go before, as he did not expect that it would give him another way to make money.

He gave Hasoun an extension number. Hasoun only needed to send the request for how many suits he needed, give points, and Abyss would automatically ship them.

This is the spark Li Ming gave to the Hell camp. When the low-level reincarnators in Hell do not follow suit and will die in team battles, and they can only buy war machine armor one after another, there will always be people searching for newer models in the Samsara Center. .

Once someone gets involved, other reincarnators are forced to follow suit and buy the latest suits.

As long as Hassoun can sell goods smoothly and gain a little momentum, Li Ming's hell market will be developed.


"I am so conscientious that I even gave special discounts to the hell camp." Li Ming himself was moved.

In a good mood, Li Ming returned to the biochemical world and continued to instill knowledge into himself.

After acquiring Clark's bloodline, Li Ming's spiritual attributes improved again and he could instill more knowledge.

This time he chose a more profound knowledge of physics, initially reaching the level of Tony's rubbing the Ark reactor with his hands. Of course, Tony's creativity was not there, and that thing belonged to the protagonist's halo.

And Sunday also brought the latest results.

"This is one of the research results of Matrix, the Smith program, which should be useful to Mr. Li Ming."

Li Ming picked up the disk handed over by the robotic arm and placed it in his palm.

This program is called Agent Smith. Because it has devoured many programs, Agent Smith has many special abilities.

For example, Agent Smith can become virtual like the Ghost Twins, the killer programs in the Matrix world.

Such as the door opener, allowing Agent Smith to enter all locked rooms.

The Smith program complies with the [Analysis] privilege's determination of special items and can be used to analyze it. Although he doesn't know what it will analyze, Li Ming is quite interested.

After all, Agent Smith is a product of the virtual world.

There is Superman's blood in the [Analysis] queue now, and the analysis time is longer than that of [Thanos Bloodline].

Li Ming deliberately stayed in the biochemical world for a while before finally successfully analyzing it.

But judging from the results, the wait was worth it.

[Kryptonian bloodline]

Quality: Excellent

Type: Bloodline

Effect: After use, the agility is upgraded to B-~B, the super power [heat vision (C level)] is upgraded to B level, [clairvoyance eye (D level)] is upgraded to C level, and the super power [solar affinity (B Level)], after obtaining the Life Code, the bloodline can be upgraded to [Superman Bloodline].

[Solar Affinity (Level B): Can slowly improve various attributes or recover from injuries by absorbing solar energy. 】

Li Ming has all the abilities he expected in advance, his agility has improved again, and his various superpowers have also improved.

Compared to his superpowers, his physical fitness has not improved much. After all, not long has passed since the last time he obtained the analysis, and Clark himself has not improved much. He is more familiar with his body.

And Li Ming also gained the photosynthesis ability that he had longed for.

[Sun Affinity (Class B)]. Li Ming estimated that Clark's [Sun Affinity] should be at the A-level level, but it dropped after analysis.

But he had no objection.

Because Clark needs to absorb the yellow sun to improve his abilities, and will lose his abilities when encountering the red sun, but Li Ming can absorb all the energy of the sun.

Whether it's yellow or red, he sucks them all.

Just relying on this super power to drop one level is not a loss.

And this also means that Li Ming is not afraid of Kryptonite's weakness.

After all, he is not an orthodox Kryptonian, which makes sense.

However, [Kryptonian bloodline] is still a little worse than [Superman bloodline]. After all, Superman is a Kryptonian, but a Kryptonian cannot become Superman.

Only with the Code of Life can I upgrade to [Superman Bloodline]?

This is not the first time Li Ming has come into contact with this kind of upgradable bloodline. He has given up even though [Wanda Bloodline] has not yet been upgraded to [Scarlet Witch Bloodline].

Don’t reality gems smell good?

However, he was bound to get [Superman blood], otherwise Li Ming estimated that no matter how he obtained Superman blood, he would always be a Kryptonian.

He threw the Smith program into the [Analysis] interface and returned to the world of Gotham again.

Clark and Lois Lane's wedding is already in preparation, and the dead child Arthur follows them every day to help.

In fact, I just want to avoid homework.

But considering that his academic performance has improved significantly recently, Li Ming turned a blind eye.

Anyway, he didn't want to make Aquaman a hero like Batman.

Just a little brain is enough, not much.

Speaking of which, Arthur was in trouble some time ago. Atlantis already knew that Queen Atlanna had given birth to an illegitimate child with a human on land.

This made the top management of Atlantis furious.

The illegitimate son of the previous queen has inheritance rights in Atlantis.

Moreover, Atlanna only has two sons in total. Arthur is undoubtedly a huge threat to the next King Orm supported by high-level officials.

Capture or execute?

This issue has been discussed within Atlantis for a long time, and Orm's supporters are of course leaning towards execution, but Atlanna also has some die-hard fans left behind who want a softer treatment.

However, if Atlanna's diehard loyalists were strong, Atlanna would not be sent away, and it didn't take long for the voice of executing Arthur to prevail.

But at this time, Zod came.

The Justice League has become so powerful that even the underwater kingdom has heard of their name.

And Li Ming, the founder of the Justice League, has been protecting Arthur.

It was embarrassing now.

Being the King of Gotham and the richest man in the world has no effect on Atlantis, but being a person with extraordinary abilities can.

Not to mention a person with super powers who has great prestige in the human world.

Therefore, in order to avoid conflict with the land and expose the existence of Atlantis on a large scale, the kingdom's senior officials acquiesced in Arthur's existence.

Just pretend there is no such person.

Anyway, they thought that with so many people supporting Aum, he wouldn't be overturned by an illegitimate child with no foundation, right?

 ( ̄3 ̄)a



(End of this chapter)

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