The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 416 Superwoman, with a flash of escapism

Chapter 416 Superwoman, with a flash of escapism

The world of "The Flash" doesn't have Clark, or even Kal-El.

But here's Supergirl, Kara Zor-El.

Superman's cousin.

In this universe, he was ordered by Jor-El to go to Earth with Kal-El, responsible for protecting the infant Kal-El.

But she and Kal-El were separated in the universe, and only Kara arrived on Earth alone.

She was even discovered by the former Soviet Union, and even the manned and spacecraft were imprisoned in the experimental base. It was not until Li Ming and his team rescued her from the base that she was exposed to the sun for the first time.

Thirty-three years have passed, and the place where Supergirl lives is worse than a doghouse. She yelled and immediately staged a return of the God of War.

The hail of bullets hitting Kara had no effect at all, and even the experimental subject's clothing was not damaged.

Of course, the fact that clothes don't break has nothing to do with Kryptonians, it's a matter of harmony.

For every punch Carla threw, one to three soldiers rode on the roller coaster for free, the kind without seat belts.

She also moves very fast, and the soldiers can't react at all. During the battle, Kara can also help Keaton Bat and Big Flash escape.

Several people worked together and quickly cleaned up the soldiers outside, but Kara also fainted again due to excessive consumption.

Da Shen quickly carried her into the bat fighter that came to meet her, and they returned to Gotham.

"Does the Superman you're talking about have the same abilities as her?"

On the plane, Keaton Bat pointed at Kara and asked.

"Flying, very powerful, seems to be the same except for not having Cyclops eyes." Big Flash frowned, "But Clark is more powerful than her."

"It seems that she also comes from the same place as the Superman you mentioned, but the development of time and space is different from yours." Keaton Bat said.

Big Flash is a little worried. Clark is the most important person to deal with Zod. Without him, Big Flash doesn't know how to deal with Zod.

But Flash is very heartless.

He asked Li Ming enthusiastically: "Superheroes all have their own nicknames, what is your name?"


Li Ming was stunned. He really didn't have a superhero nickname. When he first went to the world of "John Wick", he had the title of "Wizard", but it was soon useless.

And he also has a more famous name in the Gotham world.

"Actually, people generally call me the King of Gotham," he replied.

"King of Gotham!" Flash immediately exclaimed.

This was a very important name, and Da Shen's attention was quickly attracted. Even Keaton Bat couldn't help but ask: "Is this the Gotham where I live?"

"Yes." Li Ming nodded.

"How did you do it?" Xiao Shan then asked.

"I bought all of Gotham."

One thing to say, Li Ming was just stating the facts, but not to mention Big Flash, even Keaton Bat was trapped.

Buying Gotham is almost an exaggeration. Let’s not talk about how much money is needed. Even if the money is enough, it still depends on whether the official is willing to sell it.

Several people tacitly changed the topic and no longer dwelled on this topic.

This is the first time that old Bruce has felt that others are really rich in his long life.

"So, you know another Bruce Wayne?" Keaton asked.

"Yes, since he was 12 years old." Li Ming said, "Bruce is 29 now."

Keaton Bat was a little curious: "How is he now?"

"Batman is doing a great job, but he's still hanging around Selina."


Keaton Bat frowned. He hadn't heard this name for a long time.

"Yes, they have known each other since they were 12 years old, but Selina was angry with Bruce for leaving Gotham for several years, so she always got angry with him, and she is still trying to coax him." Li Ming answered with a smile.

Keaton was silent, but Li Ming could roughly feel his psychological activities.

"Batman is so embarrassed." They finally returned to Wayne Manor, and Keaton went to deal with his wounds.

Although he was protected by a bat suit, after being exposed to such an experience at the military base, Old Bruce suffered a lot of gunshot wounds and knife wounds, as well as countless injuries caused by blunt objects.

But even though it was so serious, I didn't hear him snort once along the way.

This is the gold content of old Batman.

On the other side, the wound on Xiao Shen's leg has healed, and they are discussing the next plan.

"who are you?"

At this time Supergirl finally woke up.

"Hi, I'm Barry." Big Flash introduced himself.

"We all are." Xiao Shan also added.

Da Shen then explained: "We originally wanted to look for Kal-El, but we didn't expect to find you."

"What are you doing with Kal-El?"

"We're his friends, another universe." Barry replied.

"I am another universe."

Li Ming raised his hand to indicate.

Only then did Kara feel relieved, she could see that the people in front of her had no ill intentions.

Then she introduced her origins.

Kal-El's cousin, accidentally separated from Kal-El on the way to Earth.

Now she doesn't know where Kal-El is.

Just as he said this, Kara's body suddenly went limp. She had not yet fully recovered. Dashan was very experienced and quickly helped Kara up to the rooftop to bask in the sun.

"You'll be fine if you get some sunshine. It's amazing. I've always wanted to imitate it."

Turning her back on the rooftop, Kara put on the uniform of the Al family, and she really had a bit of a superhuman temperament.

But when faced with Da Shen's request to help protect the earth, Kara refused.

She is not like Clark. She was captured and used as a test subject as soon as she arrived on Earth, and she has no good impression of Earth at all.

But she still couldn't help but ask: "At the military base, you found out that I was not Kal-El, why did you save me?"

"Because you need help." Da Shen replied, "Look, there are good people on earth, and those bad people do not represent the earth."

"Just like Krypton has good people like Clark, there are also people like Zod who want to destroy the world."

Hearing Dali's words, Kara was silent for a long time, then she pointed to the S logo on her chest and asked Dashi: "Do you know what this symbol represents?"

"Hope." Barry had heard Clark say it.

Kara nodded: "Krypton is a beautiful planet. Our characteristic is hope, not war."

She made up her mind: "I will help you fight against Zod."

"Zod is a Kryptonian, but he can never represent Krypton!"


Da Shen clapped his palms fiercely. With the help of Kara, who is also a Kryptonian, their chances of winning were much greater.

"The next step is just one step away."

"What?" Kara asked.

"I want to regain my abilities."

Barry replied that whether he was returning to his own universe or fighting against Zod, he would need the power of the Flash.

"How to do it?"

Barry took a deep breath: "Leave it to Lightning."

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(End of this chapter)

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