Chapter 417: Beat Zod again

"When you say leave it to lightning, do you mean you are dousing yourself with chemicals and letting lightning strike you at the same time?"

In the Batcave, after listening to Big Flash telling her plan, Kara asked in disbelief.

"Very ridiculous."

Keaton Bat also echoed.

"I want to recreate the way I gained my abilities. Only in this way can I regain the favor of the Speed ​​Force!"

Barry Allen's attitude is very firm.

He has fought side by side with the Justice League many times, and has been baptized by villains as big as Steppenwolf and as small as Steel Beam, and he already has a superhero spirit.

By the way, his original uniform was damaged by a steel beam and was finally remade by the elderly Ah Fu.

Supergirl and Keaton Bat were all infected by Big Flash's spirit of sacrifice, and they all helped set up props for him.

And Xiao Shen was also busy, making even Keaton feel that he had matured a lot.

However, Da Shan and others thought it was due to the military base experience. Only Li Ming knew that this was because Xiao Shan accidentally overheard the conversation between Da Shan and Keaton Bat and knew the reason why Da Shan traveled to the past.

He wants to save his mother from being murdered and save his broken family!

Although Xiao Shen is heartless, his love for his family is also sincere, so he has become mature.

Everyone had the money and ability to contribute. Even Li Ming relied on his solid physical and chemical skills to debug the chemicals needed for the bus on the spot.

Even the weather was very favorable, it started to rain heavily.

It seems that Lightning can't stand Kid Flash's trolling and wants to return to the embrace of mature Barry.

If he hadn't seen it in the plot, Li Ming would have thought that Dashan's operation was sloppy.

In other words, the person who was hacked is named Barry Allen. If anyone else wants to mass-produce The Flash like this, he will be considered a tough guy if he doesn't get ashes on the spot.

After everything is ready.


When lightning struck, Barry's whole body was covered with burn marks left by the lightning, but his superpowers did not return.

"No, stop it!"

Little Flash felt distressed, but Big Flash insisted and let Old Bruce continue. Keaton Bat did so, but the circuit of the device was damaged by the lightning just now.


Seeing that Barry was already breathing more out and less in, Li Ming quickly raised his head to indicate to Supergirl.

Kara nodded, understanding what Li Ming meant.

She walked over and hugged Princess Barry directly, and then flew high into the sky.

Since the device is damaged, just pull it up to the sky and get hacked.

Barry Allen is here, your choice is Lightning.


Supergirl hugged Barry down and put him on the ground. After another lightning strike, Barry's condition got worse, but there were no signs of the return of his superpowers.

"Alan." Li Ming, who was familiar with the plot, spoke again. He pointed at the big flash on the ground and said to the little flash, "Give him a little electric spark."

Little Flash quickly did as he was told. He stretched his hand towards the bus, and then an arc of electricity shot from his finger to Big Flash. Suddenly, lightning surged from Big Flash's body, and all his scars were healed.

"It's working, it's working!"

Little Flash cried and laughed. He no longer regarded Big Flash as his future self, but as his elder brother. He was very happy at this time.

Supergirl, who was very worried when she saw this, also smiled. However, Keaton Bat glanced at Li Ming while smiling.

Compared to the simple-minded Supergirl and Flash, Batman naturally pays more attention.

Li Ming seemed to have no sense of crisis and was very familiar with The Flash.

But there is no time to think too much now. Zod only gave the earth 48 hours and will start attacking early tomorrow morning.

This time Zod gave him longer time than in "Man of Steel", and he did not start to invade the earth as in the plot.

After all, Zod brought many more Kryptonians than in "Man of Steel" this time, as well as many spaceships.

If it goes like the plot, humans can hold up dozens of Kryptonians in the desert and drive a spaceship to attack violently for 24 hours, then why do we need Superman?

Dozens of Kryptonians can't even take a fighting position, so stop invading Earth and rebuilding Krypton, go home and raise pigs.

Moreover, the war has been going on all day long. Zod waited until he saw Supergirl before turning on the world engine. Why did he go there so early?

If the world engine had been turned on at the beginning of the war, there would have been no people on earth at this moment.

It can only be said that the plot requires Supergirl to see Kryptonians slaughtering people on Earth in order to change her mind.

In this way, Da Shen's mouth escape has made a great contribution.

They rested for a night. Little Flash found the old Batman suit, repainted it and changed it to red, with a big yellow lightning bolt on the chest. Then he sawed off the two ears of the Bat helmet, and a new Flash suit was made. alright.

Dashan got his suit back and was full of energy.

Not surprisingly, Keaton Bat did not just save Superman and leave it alone as he said before.

When the earth is in crisis, how can Batman stand by and watch?

So a group of five people, the King of Gotham, Keaton Bat, Big Flash, Supergirl, and Little Flash, formed the Justice League of this world and embarked on a journey.

The first problem they encountered was that the Batfighter could only seat three people.

"I can run." Da Shen said first.

"We can squeeze in." Xiao Shen also suggested.

But Li Ming smiled and shook his head: "No, I have my own way."

With a thought in his mind, the Extremis suit suddenly covered his whole body, and a set of cool steel armor appeared in front of everyone.

"Wow, awesome!" Xiao Flash exclaimed his catchphrase.

Sure enough, this is in line with their image of a superhero.

When the five people rushed to the battlefield, Zod had already led the Kryptonians to start the attack. Fortunately, the human side was also prepared. Aircraft and tanks had been deployed long ago, and they were able to persist in the early stages of the war.

But Li Ming's defeat was obvious from the sky, because more and more Kryptonians found that their physical fitness on earth had skyrocketed, and they began to run rampant on the human battlefield.

And the most important thing is that human weapons cannot kill the Kryptonians at all. Powerful weapons such as tanks, cannons, and aerial bombs can prevent the Kryptonians from advancing, but they cannot cause effective damage and can at most stun them for a while.

After Li Ming and others came over, they were also welcomed by human cannonballs. After all, two flying humanoids and a technologically advanced fighter jet were incompatible with the military.

It was Li Ming who invaded the military command network and made his intention clear before they stopped.

It doesn't work. Don't worry about whether what Li Ming said is true or not. If you don't agree, the army won't be able to command it.

"I'm going to find Zod."

Kara saw Zod coming out of the spaceship at a glance and flew over.

Keaton Bat drove the Bat fighter to carry out aerial strikes against the Kryptonians on the ground, while Big Flash and Little Flash jumped into the battle non-stop.

Li Ming, on the other hand, looked a little weird when he looked at familiar faces such as Zod and Fiona. He had beaten these people not long ago.

Gotta beat them up again.

 Thanks to book friend 20211016163127683 for your monthly ticket support! ! !




(End of this chapter)

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