The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 424 Namor: Are the land people coming?

Chapter 424 Namor: Are the land people coming?

The changes in the Supreme Strange Universe have not been big, and it has been a year since Li Ming last left.

The Avengers are still the hottest heroic organization on Earth, and they don't have much trouble.

After all, the new Avengers is much better than Snake and Shield.

Tony Stark here is not dead, and the second-generation Spider-Man will not be tricked by Mysterio into taking Edith away.

Of course, Quentin Beck in this universe was already taken advantage of by Tony and the team when Li Ming gave Tony the spoilers.

Wanda and Vision continue to live a shameless life, and she will not think about looking for two unfounded sons.

Gamora of the Guardians of the Galaxy is still alive, and Star-Lord is still the big idiot, wandering around the universe with the Galaxy Song and Dance Troupe.

It is worth mentioning that Black Panther is not dead either.

In the plot, the Black Panther died of an unknown disease. Of course, everyone knows the real reason.

But in this universe he wouldn't die so hastily.

Learn about the Infinity Stones.

A living T'Challa can be of great help to the Avengers. After all, the reason why Wakanda and Earth can fight side by side is due to his influence.

Speaking of Wakanda, we have to mention vibranium.

When it comes to vibranium, we have to say that officials from various countries are vigorously searching for vibranium on the seabed.

There was a time when various countries had no harvest for a long time, and they began to wonder whether the news given by Avengers leader Natasha was false.

Until a certain country's expedition team accidentally discovered vibranium on the seabed!

At first, that country wanted to block the news, but almost every country's search team included spies from other countries. Soon, the news that there was indeed vibranium under the sea spread throughout the world.

At this time, all countries are completely crazy, allocating large sums of money to invest in exploration work, and even the navy has been pulled over.

After all, Wakanda's technological level is obvious to all, and this group of black guys always look down on the outside world. Otherwise, if it were any other country, they would have started a war of conquest long ago.

Therefore, no official country can ignore the vibranium under the sea. Whether this thing is useful and how much results it can produce is another matter, but it cannot be said that others have it and I don't have it.

A new round of arms race.

Not to mention, since the search for vibranium on the seabed began, there have been a lot less wars in the world, and it seems to be a lot more peaceful.

After all, the masters have gone to the bottom of the sea to pan for gold, and the younger brothers are too lazy to dance around without support.

But this massive action by various countries completely annoyed another person.


He calls himself the King of the Sea. Although he doesn't even dare to bask in the sun for too long, and his citizens are only a few thousand, he has long regarded the ocean as his own backyard. How could he tolerate such presumptuousness from other countries?

As a result, exploration ships from various countries had accidents one after another, and the frequency of shipwrecks and attacks became more and more frequent. Officials realized that something was wrong and quickly increased their manpower to guard and investigate.

It doesn't matter if you don't check. If you check, you will be shocked.

Are there still a group of savages living under the sea?

Yes, although the Talokans are generally proud, in the official eyes of humans, they are just a group of savages.

Officials from various countries did not expect such a harvest.

Their first reaction was not that it was bad, the undersea people were coming, but they were all surprised.

Undersea people have very high physical fitness and can still live underwater. If a serum similar to the super soldier can be developed, wouldn't it be possible to conquer the ocean?

Expand your territory!

So Namor, who originally thought he could deter and intimidate the land people from harassing the ocean again, was shocked to find that instead of stopping, the land people sent more people!

That swarming mass of people, not to mention the number of troops, the number of warships alone was much greater than that of his Talokan people.

Why aren't they afraid of me?

I'm the King of the Sea?

Namor's head was buzzing. He could indeed bully Wakanda, but he had been isolated from the country for so long that he had no idea how powerful the entire human world was.


You haven't even touched a trident, but you still have a stick with your Roman eye.

This is the big event currently happening when Li Ming returns to the Supreme Strange Universe. Now Namor is no longer clamoring about plans to conquer the land. He is taking the unlucky ones of Talokan to hide and seek in the ocean, because some human countries know that their detection skills are not good enough, and instead focus on Capture the undersea people.

It would not be bad if we could study something from the people under the sea and get a share of the pie in the ocean.

The rich rely on technology, the poor rely on mutation.

The same is true at the national level.

Li Ming applauded Namor's tragic experience.

He even secretly gave support to a small country so that they could really capture a few Talokans.

If the research can yield results, Li Ming wouldn't mind helping them digest it.

Li Ming went directly to Tony's villa. Now Tony was a father, and little Morgan was just born.

Seeing Li Ming coming over, Tony held Morgan in his arms and controlled Morgan to open his small palms.

"Quickly ask, is Uncle Li Ming here to give you a full moon gift?"

"You don't give your child a full moon." Li Ming smiled helplessly, "And little Morgan obviously can't speak yet."

But this matter was indeed Li Ming's fault. When Morgan was born, other superheroes arrived. Not only did he not arrive, he went to the parallel universe and beat up Iron Man.

Although Tony didn't know it, how could Li Ming be such an unscrupulous person?

He took out a piece of vibranium, summoned his original strength and divine power at the same time, and formed a blue bracelet out of thin air, with an ancient Greek style shape and very exquisite workmanship.

"The bracelet containing divine power can protect little Morgan at all times, and can protect against nuclear bombs or even nuclear bombs."

Even though Li Ming didn't put in much effort, he actually consumed a lot of energy on this bracelet.

Li Ming knew that Tony didn't like taking things from other people's hands, so he put it directly on little Morgan's wrist.

Tony quickly put on a bright smile and shook Morgan's little hand.

"Thank you Uncle Li Ming."

It didn't take long for Little Pepper to come and take Morgan away. She knew that Li Ming must have something important to come to Tony.

"Can't the Extremis suit keep up with your fighting intensity?"

After hearing Li Ming's needs, Tony looked shocked.

He knew how powerful the Extremis suit was. After all, he also had it. Now Tony would not lose even if he faced Hulk in a head-on confrontation, but Li Ming actually felt that this suit was holding him back.

"Man, what level of battle are you facing?"

Tony was in awe. He had thought that Captain Marvel was busy enough guarding many planets, but he didn't expect that the one who was under the greatest pressure was Li Ming.

But considering that Li Ming once said that he was guarding a different world, Tony was relieved again, and it should be so.

"I will definitely help you build suitable armor!" Tony said seriously.

Li Ming knew at a glance that Tony had misunderstood, and he had done many things like invading the world.

But of course he wouldn't explain.

"Thank you, Tony," he said.

See, it’s still useful for Li Ming to always maintain his image as a positive person.

 Thanks Jiangnan09

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(End of this chapter)

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