Chapter 425 Pika White Armor

"If you want to upgrade the steel suit, you need to start with materials or other areas."

Tony thought carefully and said.

It is true that the model of the Iron Suit is very mature, and if it is to be upgraded, it needs to draw on knowledge from other fields.

"Actually, I also have some ideas, such as adding Pym particles to make the suit larger, like the Hulkbuster armor."

Tony introduced.

"Or make the suit break into pieces when it is hit by a powerful attack, and then put it back together again."

"But these are small upgrades and cannot reach the strength you need." He shook his head. Li Ming's high requirements made him temporarily in trouble.

Or Li Ming thought of a way: "Have you heard of the Destroyer of Asgard?"

"I've heard of it, but I've never had the chance to see it with my own eyes...wait, you mean magic?" Tony asked.

Tony spread his hands and said, "I don't understand magic."

Li Ming smiled: "It doesn't matter. You can learn it. I think your talent for secret arts will also be very strong."

"Maybe you can also become the Supreme Mage."

"Are you kidding?" Tony shook his head, but did not refuse the proposal.

Put magic into the Iron Suit? It does sound like something is going on.

And Tony is actually very interested in magic, or there are very few people who are not interested in magic.

Because little Morgan was just born, it was impossible for Tony to go to Karma Taj.

But it didn't matter. Hearing that Tony Stark wanted to learn magic, Wang happily came to tutor Tony.

Iron Man's teacher?

What a great title.

Although the magic armor still exists in imagination for the time being, Li Ming has great confidence in Tony.

After all, in Marvel's What If series, Tony became the Sorcerer Supreme and even built an armor that could suppress Dormammu.

Considering that the magic armor still needs time to complete, Tony took out his latest research results and gave them to Li Ming to use first.

There are two biggest achievements. One is that Tony combined Pym particles and liquid nanometals to create composite materials.

It can shrink a huge amount of liquid nanometal and store it in the body, which greatly improves the endurance of the suit.

Not only that, the suit can now increase in size, and can quickly expand from an ordinary size to the size of a Hulkbuster armor.

In addition to the application of Pym particles, Tony also added a new function to the suit.

Using nanoparticles to cover objects, such as guns, vehicles, and even people's bodies, can improve the power of guns, the performance of vehicles, or put temporary armor on people.

This was specially developed by Tony for little Morgan, so that he would not have to worry about little Morgan's safety when encountering emergencies.

Mechanical enchantment!

There are two major achievements in one year, which shows that Tony is really not idle.

It's no wonder that Tony has always had a strong sense of crisis.

Compared to the application of Pym particles in the steel suit, Li Ming valued the results of this mechanical increase more.

Temporary armor, mechanical augmentation?

Li Ming had a flash of inspiration, and after bidding farewell to Tony, he went directly to the base on the moon.

He stored the body of Diamu, the Earth God Group, on the moon, and Li Ming established a base directly on the moon.

It is worth mentioning that the Avengers have also established an outpost on the moon to receive alien visitors. Since they formed an alliance with Xandar, more and more aliens have come to contact the Avengers.

All countries know this news, but their technology is completely unable to enter and exit the moon at will, and Fulian refuses to share technology with them.

Countries can do nothing about this.

There is no way, I can't even fight.

It's better to find someone you can beat to bully him. This also explains why all countries are so enthusiastic about undersea vibranium and undersea people.

The sky has been occupied by the Avengers, and they can only fight for the ocean.

Li Ming's base uses Cybertron technology, which is completely invisible to the outside world.

He summoned all the Transformers Legion and asked them: "Which of you can transform into an armored form and be worn by others?"

This was not Li Ming’s sudden idea, but there was precedent.

"Transformers: Rise of the Super Warriors."

This movie is a disaster. It tried to deceive people under the banner of super warriors, but the result was nondescript.

When watching the movie, Li Ming wanted to ask, who is more like a gorilla, Qingtiansheng or the heroine?

Moreover, Brother Zhuzi here is also extremely irritable, but Qingtian Sheng appears mature and steady.

Optimus Prime is worse than a gorilla, and the Transformers series reboot is lonely.

But Li Ming still found a bright spot. At the end of the film, the male protagonist and the Transformers merged.

Transformers turned into an armor for the male protagonist to wear and turned into Iron Man. Even the appearance pose is the same as Iron Man.

Are you really not trying to get into trouble?

If it works in the movie, then maybe the Transformers he transformed can do it too.

When the time comes, using Tony's technology to amplify the Transformers will also improve their combat effectiveness.

But Megatron shook his head, and so did Sunday.

The two of them are the strongest. It would be best if they could change into armored form, but it's a pity that they don't have this function.

The other Transformers also shook their heads. Just when Li Ming was disappointed and wanted to create a special Transformer, Picabai raised his hand.

"Creator, I can."

Li Ming was a little surprised: "Have you upgraded again?"

Picabai shook his metal head.

"No, I just tried it and found out that I can."

Li Ming thought for a moment and suddenly recalled that when he had just converted Pikabai, he had done a lot of experiments on it, and some of the materials were replaced with liquid nanometals.

Presumably this is what gave Pikabai the ability to transform into an armored form.

Li Ming took back the other Transformers and asked Pika Bai to transform.

Picabai shrunk in place, and the entire robot looked like it was unfolding its steel armor, waiting to enter.

Li Ming walked over directly, and the Pika white armor was quickly put on him.

He tested it and found that Pikabai had no shortage of energy and was stronger than ordinary Transformers. Its armored form had performance equivalent to the Mark 47.

Then Li Ming took off the Pikabai armor, fused the Extremis suit with the initial form of Picabai, and then turned it into armor again.

This time, the performance of Pica's white armor has been greatly improved. It combines the Extremis suit with its original abilities, such as Cybertron energy cannons, shields, etc. It can even use overload mode. Its performance is directly based on the Extremis suit. Double it!

Desperate Pika white suit?


But Li Ming's whimsical thoughts were not over yet. He smiled slightly, fierce flames burst out of his body, and he was directly possessed by the vengeful angel, turning into the form of a vengeful spirit.

Then, the characteristics of the Hellfire Amplification Vehicle were used to strengthen the Pika's white armor again.

When stacking BUFF, you must stack it to the end.

Aren’t Transformers also vehicles?

 Thank you to heaven and earth for sending me to the bridal chamber

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(End of this chapter)

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