The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 456: The web has changed

Chapter 456: The web has changed

"I knew it would be bad if I met you."

At the web headquarters, Miguel threw away the towel in his hand and said to Li Ming.

Miles, on the other hand, was enjoying Gwen applying ice cubes to his face.

Miles' pursuit incident ended with Miles and Miguel's "cheek-to-cheek ceremony".

There was no way, Li Ming's combat power was too high, even if he didn't use his source power, Miguel couldn't bear it at all, so he could only accept Li Ming's suggestion and return to the web headquarters.

According to Li Ming, it doesn't matter if he doesn't accept this suggestion. He can tie Miguel up with spider silk and carry him back to the headquarters.

Miguel had no choice but to compromise, otherwise would he still be considered the boss of the web?

"You seem to be familiar with me?" Li Ming asked.

"I have seen you in two worlds." Miguel asked, "Even the first time you were not Spider-Man, and I couldn't find any information about you on the web. Where are you from? Yes. How did you get the ability?"

Only then did Li Ming realize that Miguel had already noticed him during the Marvel Spider-Man episode. He thought that just like the timeline in "Loki", that world would also disappear from the web.

From the perspective of the superhero team, the atmosphere of the web in "Spider-Man: Beyond the Universe" is quite good.

Li Ming asked.

Miguel shook his head and defended himself: "I'm just worried...that the web will collapse."

"But haven't you ever considered that the reason why the world disappeared might be caused by other factors?"

The Indian Spider's world didn't collapse even after being rescued, and Miles' world didn't collapse even though there were two Spider-Men. As the leader of the web, how could Miguel not think that his theory was wrong?

But he didn't want to, or couldn't believe it.

He blamed himself for the disappearance of the world. The strong psychological pressure not only made his character irritable, but also made him lose his mind over the same thing.

If he admits that his theory is wrong, how should he face the Spider-Men who once believed in him?

There are many universes where Miguel has obviously foreseen the tragedy but still sits back and does nothing. What will those Spider-Man think of him?

He gritted his teeth and said, "I have seen the tragic consequences with my own eyes. The whole world disappeared in front of me!"

"Are you worried that your authority is no longer there?" Li Ming probed.

Miguel's face darkened, and he knew that Li Ming would definitely ask this question.

"Impossible, I changed myself in that world. I am the sinner who made the universe disappear!"

Seeing that Miguel's expression was dull for a moment, and he opened his mouth but did not refute, Li Ming knew that he had guessed correctly.

"I often go to different worlds, and the web I weave connects not all of the Spider Universe. It's normal that you can't see it." Li Ming explained.

"Actually, you have already guessed that this conclusion is wrong, right?" Li Ming said suddenly.

"No!" Miguel blurted out, causing the expressions of other Spider-Man present to change.

"However, every Spider-Man has to experience an incident similar to the death of a police chief. This is the first time I have heard of this conclusion. How did you come to it?" He immediately asked.

He said this with great confidence. Although he didn't know whether this was the setting in the original plot, Li Ming checked and found that there is no absolute point in time in this world.

He has the Time Stone and can easily detect it.

Miguel isn't bad, he's ax.

Miguel's eyes were red: "I will never let others make that mistake again!"

Okay, Li Ming understands.

And most Spider-Man are generating electricity for love and have no interests involved.

After all, he is Spider-Man. If you care about profit, there won't be so many poor Spider-Man.

In fact, Miguel has only recruited Spider-Man into the web after experiencing such an incident, but something unexpected happened.


He met Gwen when he was on a mission to capture interdimensional criminals. Gwen was having trouble with her father. After learning that they were Spider-Man from the multiverse, she begged Miguel and Jesse, the Black Spider-Woman, to let her join. Come in.

It's just that Gwen chose to believe Miguel's words, and between the world and his father, he tended to protect the world.

How cruel would it be to tell her at this time that there is no such choice?

"'s still too late for you to go back now." Miguel lowered his head and said, admitting in disguise that he was indeed wrong.

Gwen, who was very concerned about this place, immediately opened the return portal with her watch.

Just because she chose to protect the world doesn't mean she doesn't love her father.

Miguel's head continued to droop, and he did not dare to look into the eyes of other Spider-Man.

"Jesse..." He called to his female assistant.

"Let Spider-Man return to their respective universes first. We all need to calm down."

"When the matters at hand are dealt with, I will...step down as the leader of the web."

After all, Miguel is also Spider-Man. Although he doesn't know how to face it, he tries his best to show his responsibility.

Even though the web was founded by him, he was not greedy for power at all.

"Miguel, you don't have to..." Benjamin Parker wanted to persuade him.

The other Spider-Men were also in an uproar. Although Miguel was at fault for this matter, others also saw how much he had contributed to the security of the multiverse.

But their words of persuasion were stopped by Spider-Man 2099 raising his hand.

"This is a sin I should atone for."

Miguel said lowly but firmly.

"Also, give Miles a watch." He said to Jesse again.

Miles, who was anxious after seeing Gwen go back, temporarily calmed down.

"Eh?" Li Ming raised his hand, "And me!"

"Give him one too." Spider-Man 2099 sighed.

Although Li Ming's origin is unknown, he is indeed Spider-Man. He has experienced his strength. His arms are still aching, but he will definitely help with weaving webs in the future.

Then the Spider-Mans all obeyed the advice and returned to their own universe. Benjamin Parker was going to go back first, mainly to get Little Medea settled, and then go to Miles to see if he needed help.

But Li Ming didn't leave directly. He went over to find the Garfield Spider first.

"It's really you, Li!" Garfield Spider said in surprise, "I look a bit similar, but I'm afraid they are from different universes."

"Are you okay, Peter?" Li Ming sighed. He could see that although Garfield Spider was smiling, it was more of a forced smile.

"Honestly, not very good."

In front of Li Ming, Garfield felt like an old friend, so he spoke his mind.

"I used Miguel's words as a kind of comfort, telling myself that Uncle Ben and... Gwen's death was for the whole world, as if this could dilute the sadness in my heart."

Garfield Spider's eyes were moist: "But now I feel like I have woken up from a dream."

"I can no longer deceive myself. Their departure is still my responsibility."

Li Ming didn't know how to persuade him, because Garfield Spider must have found countless reasons to persuade him in his heart, so he could only pat Garfield Spider on the shoulder.

"It's going to be okay," he said.

"Where are you going now?" Li Ming immediately changed the subject.

Garfield Spider wiped away his tears and smiled sheepishly: "Go back to your own universe. There have been a few criminals who have been disappearing recently, giving me a little headache."

"Okay, see you later." Li Ming nodded.

The criminals mentioned by Garfield Spider are probably the low-level reincarnators from hell who come to check in.

(End of this chapter)

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