The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 457: The Demon Lun Attacks

Chapter 457: The Demon Lun Attacks

When Miles hurried back to the 1610 universe, he realized that he had been worrying too much.

Because he is not the only Spider-Man in this universe.

Although the purpose of the spot is unclear, the blond Peter Parker has already confronted the spot.

Miles quickly joined the fight. He and the blond Peter teamed up to always hit him from unexpected angles using the black hole created by the spots.

"Is Spider-Man so unchivalrous? Two against one?"

Spot is also a chatterbox, and he complained while dealing with the attacks of the two Spider-Men.

"Oh, that sounds like I shouldn't be here."

Li Ming followed his words and complained.

Although Spot had no facial features, the Spider-Men could clearly feel his state failing.

"No, come again?" Spot said sadly.

But no one could hear his yelling.

"Why so many Spider-Men?"

He was the only one at the scene who had this kind of method, so no one had any objections if the spots fell on his hands.

Because he still has black spots on his body that can be used as a portal, it won't be difficult at all for him to run away.


"The space cage is the only way to lock him up."


The dense grid shut the spot inside. He touched it lightly and immediately screamed "ouch". Even if he tried to activate the black spot, nothing happened.

After the crisis was resolved, Li Ming said to Miles.

"Miles, you really should tell your parents who you really are."

"Should I?" Miles asked distressedly.

Spot wanted to run away.

"How about we call at another time? Give you some time to have a dinner together?"

Except for spots.

It's hard enough to have two Spider-Mans, but wouldn't it cost him his life to have four of them now?

As soon as the spot on his front foot got into the black hole in his body, Li Ming raised his hand and used the power of the space gem to catch him out.

"Well, it seems I came at the wrong time."

Li Ming explained to the others.

At this time, Benjamin Parker's voice also rang, and he threw little Medei to Mary Jane.

Just kidding, Li Ming has long been interested in Spot, a tool man who can improve the development of space gems.

Spot held his head in his hands and let out a desperate cry.

But the premise is that Li Ming is not here.

His father was a police sergeant and often complained about Spider-Man getting into trouble again, and he was worried that his family wouldn't accept it.

"What if my mother doesn't let me be Spider-Man?"

Li Ming shook his head: "Spider-Man is not a profession, Miles. As long as you want to, you will always be Spider-Man."

"And I think not only are you growing up, but your parents are too."

The blond Peter and Benjamin Parker also continued to encourage Miles, and finally he plucked up the courage.

"Okay, I'll go back now!"

On the other side, Gwen, who rushed back to her own universe, also mustered up the courage to find her father.

She broke up with her father and then pestered Miguel to weave a web.

Because of this world, she became Spider-Man, and Peter became Dr. Lizard.

When he defeated Peter, Gwen's father happened to see him, causing him to mistakenly think that Spider-Man had killed Peter, so Gwen never dared to let his father know his true identity.

And just as she had guessed, her father really couldn't accept it when her identity was revealed.

But parents often have double standards. Although her father, the police chief, is unwilling to listen to Spider-Man's explanation, it would be completely different if he were his own daughter. After returning home, Gwen learned that her father had rejected the position of inspector for her.

Before career and family, my father chose family.

Gwen finally settled her differences with her father. After some explanation, she hurried to the 1610 universe to help Miles, but unexpectedly she bumped into Miles who had just finished communicating with his parents.

Meet parents on the spot.

Li Ming and the others did not join in the fun. The blond Peter was very happy to see him and Benjamin again and warmly invited them to his home.

Benjamin Parker stayed for a long time and then went back. His daughter Maidai had just been born and was still unable to leave her.

Well, it's Benjamin Parker who can't live without his daughter.

Li Ming, on the other hand, studied spots.

As a humanoid portal, the research value of Spot is naturally very high.

Fortunately, although there was only a white outline left on his body, there was still DNA that could be analyzed by Li Ming.

The final result of the analysis is that Li Ming's space gem development rate has increased by a full 10%, reaching 36%!

Although it was unbelievable, it made sense when Li Ming thought about it.

The universe that Blob travels through ranges from animation to the live-action "Venom" movie, and even the Lego world, so a 10% development rate is not surprising.

After all, never underestimate anime characters!

Moreover, as he continued to study speckled black holes, Li Ming's development rate was slowly increasing, so for half a month, he was developing space gems.

Until this day, Aunt Mei suddenly found him anxiously.

The blond Peter encountered a powerful weirdo and was now seriously injured.

The most terrifying thing is that the weirdo actually claimed to eat Peter!

If it weren't for Peter's more advanced suit and his Aunt May as his housekeeper, the blond Peter would have been cold by now.

By the way, the weirdo has revealed his name.


The first time he heard the name, Li Ming rushed out.

Encountering the famous Mo Lun, Peter was lucky if he didn't get eaten immediately. Li Ming had been eating and drinking at the blond Peter's house for so long, so he definitely couldn't watch him in vain.

At this time, the blond Peter was swinging cobwebs in the sky, and he felt that his spine was about to break again.


It seemed like every time Li came, his bones were broken.

As expected of Spider-Man, at this time, Peter still has other things to think about.

"Haha, run away, spider, the meat will taste better if you move around, haha!"

Morlun, who was wearing a gentleman's windbreaker but had an extremely ferocious and primitive expression, was laughing wildly behind Peter.

"After I eat you, I will go find the other three spiders. This universe is awesome. There are actually four spider totems!"

Hearing the other three Spider-Men in this world, Peter quickly turned on the communicator.

"Aunt May, tell Miles, Lee and Gwen to run quickly. This weirdo is too strong. We can't beat him!"

At this time, Peter had no idea what he would do.

He had personally experienced Mo Lun's strength. He punched Mo Lun with all his strength, but he was unharmed!

You must know that Peter always restrains his strength when fighting, otherwise it would be easy to beat someone up.

But Aunt Mei told him that Li Ming had come to save him.

Peter looked desperate and hurriedly asked Aunt Mei to contact Li Ming.

do not come!

"Are you calling your companions? Hahaha, come on, let's get more prey..."

A powerful and heavy punch hit Mo Lun, knocking him directly into the ground from a height of dozens of meters.

Li Ming arrived.

He grabbed Morlun's head and took a look.

"So ugly, he's still half-bald."

(End of this chapter)

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