The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 502: Points soar, the clown strikes again

Chapter 502: Points soar, the clown strikes again
Li Ming has seen the chaotic situation in New Gotham, but since it is a copy for Batman to level up, he will not interfere at will.

Just like before, the mechanical deity appears at critical moments to ensure that important people are not reduced in number.

And he didn't even trigger the mission in Gotham this time, so he was just on vacation.

But the happiest thing about vacation is that you still get money without working.

If it were Li Ming, he would still be able to earn a huge amount of points despite the mission.

The spider totem sold out.

With 9800 points, you won’t suffer any loss or be cheated, and there is also super after-sales service to enhance your temporary strength.

This ability can be directly redeemed in the mission world as long as you have the Spider-Man bloodline produced by Li Ming.

In just a few months, Li Ming sold more than 3500 copies and directly earned 3440 million points.

Moreover, selling the bloodline does not count. If the reincarnator wants temporary strength, he must pay additional points. Compared with the price of giving away the same bloodline for free, Li Ming's price for this function is more expensive.

Not redeeming your strength?
If you don't exchange, some will be exchanged by your opponents.

It hasn't been too obvious in the past few months, but the strength exchange business still produced 400 million points for Li Ming. Although it is less than what he earned from bloodline, there will definitely be a significant increase when the bloodline sales volume increases.

As for the temporary strength of the sixth level, Li Ming priced it at 30000!

The fourth-level temporary strength is not bad, it only requires 5000 points, and the reincarnation can basically bear it.

In this way, the reincarnator will throw most of the mission reward points into redeeming strength, and there will be much fewer points that can be used to improve strength.

Five people can collect 30,000 points, and the average for one person is only 6,000!
I believe that as long as the reincarnation team is a little more united, it can be accepted.

Even if all the rewards for completing the mission are paid, and a few points are added to it, in exchange for the opportunity to survive a camp confrontation safely, most reincarnations will be excited!
Not to mention that reincarnators can also turn in loot in exchange for points. The sixth level of the general mission world is enough to be arrogant, and there will be no loss no matter what.

Now Li Ming's points, plus those contributed by the Iron Suit, total 4250 million, barely a quarter of [Source Power Advanced Level 6].

Is it worthwhile to spend four to five thousand to buy a sixth-level thigh?
Can reincarnation buy it all?

And the person who redeems his strength in this way must get more points. Don't forget that the camp confrontation mission also has kill rewards. If you divide it up, the other team members may only get four to five thousand points.

Thirty thousand points for one mission to gain level six strength may be a bit expensive for a single reincarnation, but don’t forget that most reincarnations enter in a team of five people.

The sales of steel suits are still strong, but there is already a downward trend, and the sales of war machines specially supplied by the hell camp are also nearly halved.

However, the mission of the war machine has been achieved. It successfully introduced the steel suit into the market of Hell Reincarnators. Subsequent Hell Reincarnators basically went to the exchange hall of the Reincarnation Center to exchange for the more advanced Mark 3 product version.

This pricing method was learned by Li Ming from Abyss. He looked at the price of [Yuanli Advanced Level 6] and found that it cost 5 million, which was nearly six times higher than [Yuanli Advanced Level ]. !
He only tripled the price, which is so conscientious.

But the price of fifth-level temporary strength has exceeded bloodline, reaching 10000 points.

However, considering the strength of the fifth level and the leap from the third level to the fifth level, 10000 points can be given by the reincarnator at the critical moment.

The reincarnators became Li Ming's sustainable points-producing resource.

Li Ming's scheming point is that if he does this, a reincarnation team that has fully redeemed Spider-Man's bloodline will give him 20,000 to 30,000 points for a camp confrontation.

Of course, both sides of the camp have exchanged for sixth-level strength, so each one has to rely on his or her own abilities.

In this case, Li Ming launched the new product that he had prepared for a long time.

Mark 3 Ultra!

That is the top version of Mark 3. The Ultra version of the Mark 3 is not castrated at all. The materials and functions used are in line with Iron Man's own style. Its firepower, defense, and speed are all significantly improved compared to the commercial version of the Mark 3.

Except that the artificial intelligence it carries is not Jarvis, it is no different from Tony's.

However, Li Ming is a conscientious businessman. Although the Mark 3 Ultra does not have Jarvis, he still upgraded the built-in artificial intelligence, and its performance is fully doubled compared to the commercial version of the Mark 3!
What's this called? In mobile phone terms, it is an epoch-making chip upgrade!

And the battery life of Mark 3 Ultra is also longer.

Generally speaking, it is an all-round leap-forward upgrade!

Of course, the battery of the Mark 3 Ultra is not interoperable with the Mark 3 commercial version. This is understandable. After all, the charging heads of some new mobile phones are not interoperable with the old models.

I believe consumers won’t care about this little difference.

Of course the most important thing is pricing.

The initial price of Mark 2 was 1200, and later it dropped to 700.

The price of the Mark 3 commercial version is 1700.

And Li Ming priced the Mark 3 Ultra at 1999!

The price is less than 2000, which is only 299 points more expensive than the previous one. Li Ming doesn’t believe that low-level reincarnators will not be tempted.

That is to say, there are no friends selling steel suits in the reincarnation space, otherwise Li Ming will definitely be dissed loudly to the point of being embarrassed.

The purpose of Li Ming's pricing is also to prevent some high-level players from relying on technology to use the Mark 3 commercial version to compete with the Mark 3 Ultra in order to save points.

After all, Li Ming has no plans to reduce the price of the Mark 3 commercial version.

Now the difference between the two models is only 299 points. Reincarnators cherish their lives, so they wouldn’t create difficulties for themselves just to save 299 points, right?

This wave, this wave Li Ming is in the atmosphere.

But although Li Ming is happy to receive money, the situation in New Gotham is deteriorating faster.

The Joker publicly stated that he would kill a New Gotham official, who he did not reveal, which directly led to the overall panic at the official level of New Gotham.

And then the next day, the new Gotham County Sheriff dies.

It was the one who was saved by Bruce and Robin before. This time the county magistrate had planned to escape to the metropolis to avoid the limelight, but was killed on the way.

Now New Gotham fell directly into chaos, and none of the remaining officials were willing to stand up and take charge. Originally, Harvey Dent could, but since Dent disfigured New Gotham and gave up helping him capture the Joker, Harvey Dent Dante disappeared.

Although New Gotham was dirty in the past, at least there was basic order. But now that the Joker has taken charge of the gang, the order has been completely destroyed, and the people can't even survive.

Even at home, you have to worry about whether you will be killed by a robber who breaks in. It is not that there are no officials who want to maintain order, but they can only do it alone.

So people fled one after another.

Metropolis officials are acting as steady as ever, setting up a refugee settlement outside of New Gotham, claiming that help is there.

But how dare the people go?

Wouldn't it be possible to get robbed by gangsters again if we go there?
So Gotham became their only choice.

At this moment, the bridge connecting New Gotham and Gotham was blown up again!

(End of this chapter)

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