The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 503 Two-ship incident, life and death decision

Chapter 503 Two-ship incident, life and death decision

"How about it? How long will it take to repair the bridge?"

In Gotham City Hall, Penguin asked the Riddler anxiously.

"The maintenance team said it will take several weeks before traffic can be restored."

The Riddler's answer is not optimistic.

For a few weeks, the impact on Gotham will not be too big. After all, there are other bridges, but it is hard to say how many people in New Gotham will be left.

Now New Gotham is very chaotic. Gangs are burning, killing and looting without restraint. Officials can't stop it at all. Even the police officers have escaped, forcing many people to use various methods to go to Gotham.

He even jumped into the river and tried to swim to Gotham on the other side, rather than stay where he was.

"There are many personal ships smuggling over to Gotham," the Riddler added.

The Penguin immediately made a decision: "Establish a settlement on the shore. No matter who the person is, let them get food, shelter, clothing and other assistance first."

Penguin immediately said: "I'll go too!"

But when Gordon once again escorted a ship to dock in Gotham, the other two ships that were sailing to the center of the river suddenly stopped!
"What happened?"

That's when Gordon stepped forward.

The reputation of the three of them is still very high, and they quickly reversed the negative remarks that surfaced. Moreover, they attach great importance to safety issues and carefully check that the refugees do not carry explosives such as gunpowder before boarding the ship.

Several private ships bound for Gotham were bombed!

Most people know that this is a terrorist attack by the Joker, but a small number of people are still spreading the word. Did Gotham deliberately frame the incident because it did not want to accept refugees?

"I personally took people to the ship to supervise."

In any case, basically no personal ships dare to go to Gotham now.

The Riddler immediately understood the meaning: "Let's drive the boat to the shore and let the people come on their own!"

Penguin and Riddler quickly started emergency discussions.

The Riddler would naturally not back down, so in the end Gotham officials decided that the three mountains of Gotham City, Penguin, Riddler, and Gordon, would each lead a ship to pick up the refugees.

After going back and forth like this several times, everyone slowly felt relieved.

"If I remember correctly, the border of Gotham is across the river, right?" Penguin suddenly had an idea.

The Gotham Act is the cornerstone of Gotham's transcendent status, and they certainly cannot actively undermine it.

"Already doing it."

Penguin and Riddler are undoubtedly the best mayors, and their sense of social responsibility is unquestionable.

Although this is a bit buggy, at least you won't make mistakes.

"But the Gotham Act prohibits us from landing in New Gotham to pick up people." The Riddler said with a frown.

"But then we have to make sure no accidents happen." The Riddler added.

But soon bad news came from New Gotham.

"We must respond and assist the refugees in New Gotham, otherwise not only will the people suffer, but Gotham's image will be affected."

Gordon realized something was wrong and quickly contacted the ship, but neither Penguin nor Riddler responded. At this time, the Joker's voice suddenly came from the public broadcast of Gotham and New Gotham.

"Hello, Gotham!"

Now everyone knew that things were bad.

The clown's voice is light and cheerful.

"Tonight, I am honored that you will participate in a social research activity." "I have arranged for people to place explosives on two ships, enough to blow the ships into the sky!"

"I must say Gotham officials were cautious, but they didn't expect me to bring the bombs on board in batches hahaha!"

The clown spoke triumphantly, but the outside world had already exploded.

Gordon frantically contacted the ship, but the clown had already cut off all external communications of the ship. Gordon wanted to send someone to rescue but was stopped by the clown's next words.

"If anyone comes near the ship, BOOM!"

"If anyone gets off the boat, BOOM!"

"At 24: at night, I will blow up two ships, but I leave you with a choice."

"There is a detonator on the opposite ship on each ship. If any ship presses the detonator before 24 o'clock, I will let them go."

"Hey hey hey hahaha." The clown's voice couldn't wait anymore, "You still have twenty minutes."

Because the Joker spoke on a public channel, the news spread very quickly, and there were Gotham's famous Penguin Mayor and Riddler Mayor on the ship, which quickly attracted widespread attention from all walks of life.

With the official's deliberate fueling of the situation, the double-ship incident was widely publicized, especially in the constituencies that supported Ponte Baker. The public was already in an uproar. Many people who had gone to bed climbed out of the boat just to see how things would develop.

Of course they don't mean well.

Although there are thousands of people in both ships, because of the existence of Penguin and Riddler, everyone naturally acquiesces that the development of things depends largely on their attitudes.

Some people in the officialdom can't wait for a ship to explode on the spot in the next second, and then they find someone to attack another living person online.

There is only one purpose, to damage Gotham's external image.

In today's beautiful country, there is an unspoken official rule. Whoever can overturn the "Gotham Act" can become famous.

After all, in this country that claims to be free, there is actually a private territory on the mainland. How could officials not reject it?
It's just that Li Ming used the entire city to set up a trap for the officials, and because of this, he got rid of a general, and used public opinion to force the officials to implement the "Gotham Act." The officials could only do it bit by bit.

This time is undoubtedly a good opportunity.

As long as a ship explodes, officials can publicize it and damage Gotham's status in the hearts of the outside world.

Therefore, it is difficult to say whether the lax rescue work in Metropolis and the inefficiency of the official handling of the New Gotham problem are intentional.

But now Gotham people have no time to worry about the official attitude. Gordon and others have only one idea, which is to save the two ships.

The Bat Family immediately mobilized to find the whereabouts of the Joker, because Bruce could see clearly that no matter how the Penguin and the Riddler choose, the one who can really decide whether the ship explodes depends on the Joker.

"Satellite shows that the Joker's signal source comes from twenty kilometers northwest of New Gotham." Afu quickly gave the search results.

"Twenty kilometers away, the Bat Fighter will arrive." Bruce relaxed a little.

But now the threat level of the Joker in his mind has been infinitely increased, so in addition to the Bat fighter, Bruce also directly took out the steel Bat suit from the bottom of the box.

Although the clown's individual strength is not worth mentioning, he is extremely dangerous, and Bruce must be prepared to break the situation violently.

Li Ming discovered this incident just after he came back from the reincarnation space, so he couldn't watch the show anymore. After all, his two lieutenants were involved.

But after thinking about it, Li Ming decided to stand still for now. Although he could easily defuse the bomb, the key to the problem now was how the Penguin and the Riddler would choose.

If Li Ming interferes, there will definitely be a psychological grudge between his two lieutenants.

What if the other party wanted to press the detonator at that time?

So Li Ming is betting that Penguin and Riddler can make the right choice.

Of course, he would never put his hope in others. Li Ming's source of power had already enveloped the two ships in an invisible place.

And the outside world is paying attention.

What will they choose?
(End of this chapter)

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