The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 504 Together, Gotham wins!

Chapter 504 Together, Gotham wins!
"The ship that the current mayor of Gotham, Oswald Cobblepot, is on is named Hope, and the ship that Chief of Staff Nygmar Ed is on is named Liberty."

At night, various TV stations broadcast the news urgently.

"Now the whole world is watching, what will they choose?"

"As we all know, the Penguin mayor of Gotham was once a gangster. When faced with a life-and-death decision, it is hard to say whether he will sacrifice others."

Obviously, this sentence came from Heizi TV Station.

On the two ships, the Hope and the Liberty, things were not peaceful at this time.

"Press it!"

"We can't die with them!"

Some people from New Gotham said loudly that if Penguin and Riddler hadn't been protected by guards with guns, they might have rushed to grab the detonator.

"No, if you press us, we will be the executioners."

On the other side of the Liberty, the Riddler spoke riddles again.


If it were the Penguin in the original plot, and this happened, the other ship would have exploded as soon as the Joker's broadcast ended.


There were people present who had bought "The Riddler's Quotations" and immediately continued what he said: "I am worthless to one person, but I am priceless to two people."

Many people think so.

Penguin said firmly.

The Riddler smiled and asked, "What am I?"

After all, people are always selfish, let alone life and death.

Therefore, the people on both ships turned their attention to the Penguin and the Riddler who could make the decision.

"I can't be bought, but I can be stolen at a glance..."

There are also conscientious people who are opposed to it.

Of course there is a prerequisite, the opponent cannot be the Riddler.

Otherwise Penguin will definitely sacrifice himself.

But more people were silent. Of course they didn't want to die themselves, but they couldn't bear to let the other side die.

It's just that few people specifically jump out and say press it, because they are also afraid of taking the blame.

"But if you press it, at least half of the people will survive..." someone muttered. Generally speaking, people are more inclined to press the button.

If they decide to press it, they are not responsible.

And now that the Penguin has been the mayor for so long and has successfully transformed into the official number one person in Gotham, he is even more willing to sacrifice himself for others.

No one can bear the blame that comes after killing more than 10,000 people.

"I won't press it!"

A reply echoed from the crowd.

"Yes, the reason why we are here is because of Gotham's love for everyone." The Riddler tapped his fingers to press the detonators on the most powerful people, "We cannot destroy this love because of selfishness. "

After hanging out with Li Ming for a long time, both the Penguin and the Riddler all speak with Li Ming's accent.

But I have to say that this kind of Wei Guangzheng's words are indeed useful.

The commotion in the crowd became slightly quieter.

Seeing this, the Riddler was slightly relieved.

He knew it was easy to make the decision not to detonate, but the hard part was getting people to accept it.

There were more than a thousand people on board the Liberty and Hope cruise ships, but there were only twenty or thirty guards.

If the mood of the people becomes unstable and they start a riot and forcefully seize the detonator, everything will be over.

The rebuttal voices did not subside for long. As time passed and it got closer and closer to the 24-point deadline given by the clown, the people's panic intensified again.

No one wants to be killed in a sea of ​​fire in the next second, and they always think that the other party may press the detonator in the next second.

"I believe Oswald, we have been working together for more than ten years, Clown Gang, Borderlands, when have you ever seen us fearing death?" The Riddler's words once again reassured everyone.

"But if we don't press it, we will still die at 24:!" Someone retorted unwillingly.

The Riddler immediately replied: "We are not alone, we have Gordon, we have Batman, and most importantly, we have Mr. Li Ming!" As soon as Li Ming's name came out, the people became more convinced.

No one will forget the huge waves outside Gotham two years ago. Everyone knows that Li Ming values ​​​​the Penguin and the Riddler, and he will definitely not sit back and watch them die.

The Penguin also mentioned Li Ming's name, which made the people on both sides quiet for several minutes.

But most of human fear comes from the unknown.

When there were only three minutes left before 24:, the people who had not waited for the expected help started making a fuss again.

They clamored to take their fate into their own hands, piling up in front of Penguin and Riddler, constantly demanding to press the detonator.

At this time, the Penguin stood on a high place, raised the detonator and shouted to the people below: "Why do you think this detonator really belongs to the opposite ship?"

"Have you ever thought about what if this detonator is actually controlled and is a bomb on our own ship?" Penguin asked.

"After all, the person speaking is a clown."

His words made the people stunned for a moment, and then most people felt horrified.

Yes, the news that the detonator was on the opposite ship was revealed by the clown. Who can guarantee that the clown is telling the truth?

That's the clown. With his bad taste, it's actually quite possible for them to blow themselves up.

Penguin wasn't making excuses. He thought that if he made the rules of the game himself, there would be a high probability that they would blow him up.

This is more interesting.

Although Penguin has become a good man, it does not mean that he has become stupid.

Even if the Joker is trying to cause chaos, it's not impossible that any detonator can detonate two ships at the same time.

On the other hand, although the Riddler did not say the same words as the Penguin, he also successfully used his words to arouse people's distrust of the Joker.

"The fact that we are still alive proves that they have no intention of killing us."

The Riddler's last words ended the discussion.

And the time has come to the last few seconds.

23: 57.

23: 58.

23: 59.

00: 00.

The river was calm except for the night wind blowing from the boat.

Nothing happened!




The people on the two ships immediately became excited, crying and laughing to celebrate their false alarm.

Others paying attention here also breathed a sigh of relief.

Gordon, who had been feeling pounding in his heart all night, finally laughed out loud. He felt that his legs were a little weak.

However, some conspirators were a little disappointed. Their TV stations simply ended the live broadcast without saying that the terrorist attack had been resolved.

At this time, Li Ming used his origin power to drag the two ships to Gotham's port.

Seeing the blue energy on the ship, the people all knew that Li Ming had taken action. They guessed that Li Ming had saved them, so they quickly thanked them.

"Thank you, Your Majesty the King of Gotham!"

They didn't thank the wrong person, because Li Ming quietly used space energy to isolate all signals from the outside world to the two ships, ensuring that no matter what the Penguin and the Riddler choose, the ships cannot blow up!

On the tall building by the river, Batman and the three little ones beside him, two Robins and one Batgirl, also smiled and watched the ship slowly dock.

Sure enough, the clown was playing tricks again and was not at the source of the signal at all.

But Bruce used the super maneuverability of the Iron Bat suit to sneak into the ship from underwater, and used freezing air to freeze the bombs on both ships, ensuring that even if Li Ming didn't take action, the ship still couldn't blow up.

But the most important thing is the choice of Penguin and Riddler. Neither of them chose to be selfish. This is the most inspiring move.

In the second round of the confrontation with the Joker, the winner is-Gotham!
(End of this chapter)

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