The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 508: Break the situation, I hack myself

Chapter 508: Break the situation, I hack myself
The hottest news in the outside world right now is the selection of the King of Gotham, but the election of the Commander-in-Chief is also the focus of many people's concerns.

Li Ming's trump card is naturally Norton Rivers, the candidate for leadership.

Although this was an unexpected surprise for Li Ming, in the final analysis it was also the result of Li Ming's previous layout.

Of course, in order to prevent the Joker or others from causing trouble again, Li Ming did not reveal his relationship with Norton. He even supported campaign funds before and now he is no longer involved.

Because he had supported Norton through Georgia before, in the eyes of others, Li Ming had not had any interaction with Norton.

On the other side, the debate over how the King of Gotham will choose has been heated to the sky.

Officials didn't want to wait any longer. In less than 24 hours, public opinion about Li Ming had become rampant.

During Sunday's surveillance, major media outlets had prepared articles condemning Li Ming for standing by and watching civilian casualties.

In the past, Li Ming didn't give instructions, so Sunday didn't pay much attention to the news industry. Now Li Ming has specifically warned that all the information in the entire journalism industry is basically invisible to Sunday's eyes.

After almost a day of commotion, Li Ming has yet to react publicly, and even the people are beginning to feel a little disappointed in the King of Gotham.

The "Daily Bugle" did indeed play a role. They could always find an angle to criticize Li Ming. They dared to talk nonsense, which made Li Ming's enemies look at them and they were quickly absorbed into the anti-Li Ming alliance.

Penetrating into the enemy's interior was Li Ming's routine operation.

The clown gang put a collar around his neck and led him around with an iron chain.

After a gang leader was betrayed by a member of the clown gang and fed to a dog by the clown, of course it was a real dog, the other gang bosses never dared to mention leaving.

There was going to be a black man anyway, so he might as well do it himself.

And it’s a big move.

However, when the situation has developed to this point, the gangsters are somewhat retreating.

However, Li Ming, who thought of countermeasures, did not worry. Instead, he asked Sunday to control several media outlets to specifically target him. He also deliberately changed the name of the most powerful newspaper among them to "The Clarion Daily".


But today is the gang boss's lucky day.

The ceiling in the official hall suddenly exploded, a familiar black cape opened in front of everyone, and Batman fell from the sky!

The inspiration, of course, came from Spider-Man.

At first, you could follow the clown and rob everywhere, and you really made a fortune. But now that it has attracted national attention, some gangsters with some brains are worried that they will lose their lives even if they take the money.

The second reaction was to be overjoyed.

The official lobby of New Gotham.

Who knows how many clowns there are in my gang?

This place is already a paradise for criminals. Among the officials who have some connections, they have long since hid in the metropolis, while the remaining officials have been left to be dogs.

But once you get on the clown's boat, it will be difficult to get off again.

The gangsters are not a bunch of lunatics like the Joker Gang, they want money.

The first reaction of these gang bosses was - Yaoshou, they saw Batman in broad daylight!

At this time, Li Ming finally took action.

The Joker was finally cured, and they could finally escape the Joker's control.

The gangsters at the scene have never looked at Batman so favorably!

For gangsters like them, Batman could at most be maimed, but in the hands of the Joker, even the body would be mutilated.

"Hahaha, Batman? I thought it was the big shot himself, hahaha."

The Joker stood there, laughing as he watched Batman beat the members of the Joker Gang to pieces.

"Lee? He's here too." Bruce snorted coldly. "boom!"

The sky outside suddenly darkened, and thunder kept falling from the dark clouds, accurately hitting every clown gang and gang member armed with weapons on the street.

Of course, Li Ming controlled the force so that these people would not be chopped into ashes, but just fainted.

In various buildings, the figure of Superman wearing a red cape kept flashing, rescuing many trapped people.

Not only them, but Diana, Dick, Barbara Gordon, and Jason, who has just recovered from serious injuries, are also doing the same thing, fighting criminals while rescuing the civilians of New Gotham.

"All members of the Justice League are dispatched?" The Joker shook his head and commented, "It's a good choice, but someone must admit it, hahaha."

There is nothing wrong with what he said. For the current officials, no matter in any form, as long as Li Ming takes action, it will break the "Gotham Act", and they will have an excuse to completely overturn the law.

However, Bruce had already experienced the danger of the clown and heard Li Ming say that the clown was the mastermind behind the scenes, so he didn't reveal a word to the clown.

Seeing Bruce rushing up without saying a word, the clown's face changed slightly, and then he took out a detonator.

"Oh, to be honest, I don't want your body to be too close to mine." The clown shrugged, "But if you need a psychiatrist someday, you can come to me hahaha."

"If you get too close, New Gotham will fly into the sky."

Batman stopped quickly, the Joker could definitely do this.

Seeing that Bruce stopped moving forward, the clown became more and more arrogant. He actually pointed at a gang boss next to him.

"Kill him or I will detonate the bomb. You have ten seconds hahaha."

The gang boss turned around and ran away, but the clown shot him in the leg, causing him to fall to the ground.

"Hurry up, you only have five seconds." The clown urged.

Fortunately, Bruce is wearing the Iron Bat suit and can scan and analyze various data.

At this time, Bruce finally confirmed it after repeated checks.

He raised his hand directly, and a batarang immediately hit the clown's palm.

Bruce quickly rushed over and hit the clown with a steel punch, firmly controlling him.

"That's fake."

The Joker also noticed that the suit Batman was wearing today was unusual and obviously much more advanced than usual.


He said with a grimace, accusing Bruce of cheating.

Bruce ignored him and contacted Li Ming, saying that he had caught the clown.

The internal turmoil in New Gotham quickly calmed down under the joint efforts of Li Ming, Superman, Wonder Woman and Robin.

The reason why they were able to solve it so quickly was, of course, that someone tipped them off.

The Fish Gang has been entrenched in New Gotham for so long to prepare for this situation.

Only then did the officials, who were watching the show outside, send people in.

"Clark, Diana, you go back first."

Li Ming said.

He didn't want them to come into contact with the clown, otherwise if the clown said anything to break their defenses, Li Ming would have to spend time as a psychiatrist.

But with the unrest in New Gotham resolved, things are far from over.

Because official actions followed closely.

(End of this chapter)

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