The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 509 When Batman kills the Joker

Chapter 509 When Batman kills the Joker

"Are you sure? Give him to you?"

Batman held the Joker in front of the official visitor, his words full of distrust.

As the culprit of this incident, the Joker is naturally under strict supervision by Batman, but of course the official also wants this big fish.

"It's perfectly legal to hand criminals over to us, Mr. Vigilante."

The official representative emphasized the word legal.

Although he had been hiding outside New Gotham for the past two months and shivering, now the official representative is very proud.

Bruce was silent for a moment. The official representative was right. According to the system, the clown should indeed be left under their care.

After thinking about it, he handed the clown over, but Bruce still said: "If you dare to escape from prison, I will kill you."

"Hey hahaha, you can do it hahaha."

As Li Ming expected, press releases from major media outlets were soon overwhelming, constantly exporting Li Ming's views on breaking the "Gotham Act" to the public.

"Hey, are you making a death threat in front of federal officials?"

But when it comes to online public opinion, Li Ming has completely crushed it. How can the manuscript output speed of other media be compared with Sunday? I was directly submerged in the Internet trolls, and the waves couldn't even break up.

Unless the clown doesn't want to play.

"Gotham Law" is broken! 》

The Joker didn't feel scared at all. Instead, he really liked the feeling of flirting with Batman.

"The King of Gotham interferes with the new Gotham!" 》

Before the clown could finish speaking, Bruce stuffed a rag into the clown's mouth.

But Batman glared at him, making him shut up immediately.

Want to lock up the Joker?

Even if he doesn't understand the Joker, he also understands the officialdom of New Gotham.

The crisis in New Gotham is over, and another bigger storm has just begun.

Bruce then left, but he didn't go far.

Therefore, public opinion is now very polarized. The official mouthpiece is naturally building momentum for Li Ming to break the "Gotham Act", while Li Ming's supporters are desperately attacking the official inaction.

"Li Ming is no longer the King of Gotham!" 》

Of course, Li Ming also has his own physical media and has begun to fight back, but the official advantage is naturally superior in terms of quantity.

The official representative was a little dissatisfied with Bruce's words.

After all, Li Ming has no shortage of supporters.

High-definition videos of his highlight moments are all available on the Internet, and they have been specially burned into CDs for distribution, which has resulted in Li Ming having many fans.

"Poor child, why don't you let others talk?"

These supporters are not just Li Ming’s online trolls, most of them are real people.

Not to mention the people of Gotham and New Gotham, they are all Li Ming's most fervent believers.

The "Gotham Act" is closely related to them. It has only been thirteen years since Borderlands, but the people of Gotham have not forgotten that painful experience.

And Gotham’s younger generation?
The younger generation is even more of a fan of Li Ming!

They have been influenced by their parents since they were young, as well as being influenced by people from all over Gotham, and they have long been in the shape of Li Ming.

Therefore, in this battle of public opinion, the people of Gotham are the most powerful. After all, Li Ming is there to save people.

However, officials are determined to overturn the "Gotham Act". Congress has begun the process of repealing the bill and passed it at an extremely fast speed.

The last time Congress was so efficient was when it implemented the Gotham Act.

Just when Li Ming's opponents thought they had won, the commander-in-chief Georgia suddenly exercised his veto power and directly vetoed the resolution to repeal the "Gotham Act"!

No one could have imagined that Georgia, which had been campaigning for overturning the bill, would rebel at the last moment.

Suddenly all the firepower was focused on Georgia, especially Li Ming's enemies. They were all eager to know what conditions Li Ming gave Georgia to make him betray him at the most critical moment.

"Oh, I gave him a choice too."

Facing the inquiries from Bruce, Penguin and others, Li Ming told the truth. "Should I choose to add political achievements at the end of my term and then die at home, or should I choose to step down in despair but become a rich man?"

Very criminal statement.

But Bruce didn't feel anything was wrong. Li Ming's purpose was to protect Gotham's stability, and it was just verbal intimidation, nothing more.

The Penguin and the others feel even more right. You must know that Gotham's former handsome bald killer, Victor Sass, is still working with the Penguin.

Of course, in fact, the price Li Ming offered was not only to make a rich man, but also to help Georgia get out of jail.

Likewise, he threatened not only Georgia to die violently.

Originally, Li Ming did not intend to take advantage of Georgia, but the general election only ended in November, and the new commander-in-chief would not be able to take office until January next year.

During this gap period, Georgia is quite useful to help buy time.

However, Li Ming only promised to help Georgia get rid of the previous scandal. As for whether he would encounter the backstabbing consortium or official high-level liquidation after leaving office, Li Ming did not care.

He promised that Georgia would take the money and leave in peace, but Li Ming was not responsible for whether Georgia would rest in peace.

Normally, after the leader exercises his veto power, if Congress passes it again with more than two-thirds of the votes, the bill can be successfully implemented, but Li Ming also has his own people in Congress.

There are only a small number of clones, most of them are Gotham's business partners. If Gotham falls into turmoil, they will also suffer a lot.

Therefore, under the control of this group of people, it was difficult for the Congress to gather two-thirds of the votes. It could only remain in a stalemate and try to persuade Li Ming's supporters with benefits.

For this reason, Li Ming's rival consortium consumes countless glasses, mobile phones, computers and other easily broken items every day.

They didn't expect that it would take such a long time to ferment public opinion to this point, but they would be choked at the last moment.

But they did not give up, and kept raising the price to induce Li Ming's supporters in Congress to rebel. After all, they had reached this point, they couldn't give up, right?

After more than a week of inactivity, the Joker escaped from prison without any surprise.

Prisons and mental hospitals are just like his own home.

But not long after escaping, the clown heard the familiar sound of the wind blowing his cloak.

"Hahaha, you're here?"

Batman landed in front of him, frowning at the laughing Joker, and took a deep breath.

"I said I will kill you if you escape from prison again!"

"That's right!" The clown made a surprised expression, "I forgot. Can I go back to prison now?"

"Oh, I forgot, I prepared this!"

The Joker suddenly pulled out a pistol and pointed it at Batman.

Bruce immediately cheered up. He was not wearing the Iron Bat suit this time, and some places would still be hit by bullets.

The clown fired immediately, and Bruce quickly dodged in advance, but - "Bang!"

A small flag popped out of the muzzle.

"Damn it!" The clown seemed to have suddenly lost strength. He said angrily, "It's a toy gun."

Bruce ignored the clown's tricks. He saw that the clown only liked to play and would never change.

So letting him leave or handing him over to the authorities will only lead to more innocent casualties.

The most important thing is that he asked Li Ming about what to do with the clown, and Li Ming said it was up to him.

The Time Stone is so arrogant.

"Why don't you laugh? Don't you like this joke? Then I'll change it..."

The Joker was still frowning and thinking about what to do next, but Batman walked over directly and broke his neck.


"Uh, this is so interesting... ha... ha..."

After a while, the surroundings finally became quiet, leaving only the corpse of the clown.

And the smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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