Chapter 510 Dionysian Factor
Official officials are still working hard to instigate Li Ming's supporters.

After all, they and Li Ming were at loggerheads. They couldn't look back and had to go all the way to the dark side.

But in fact, Li Ming didn't pay much attention to them. The difference in strength was too big and he thought it was a good show.

However, secretly, in order to avoid this situation happening again, Li Ming directly maximized official penetration and monitoring efforts to ensure that the issued government orders would be known as soon as possible on Sunday before they reached the hands of the people below.

And in order to delay time, Li Ming arranged for his clone councilors to jump around repeatedly, sometimes voting for and sometimes opposing, making it look like outsiders were constantly swaying due to different price tags.

This time not only delayed the time, but also gained many benefits.

However, in the general election, Ponte Baker now has an advantage. Mainly to deal with Li Ming, many politicians who had never looked at each other before have also joined forces.

Georgia backstabbed, and Norton Rivers, who was involved with him, was also affected.

But Li Ming's back-up plan was already being prepared.

Before that, he had to go see the clown first.

"Joe Cole."

Although Bruce said it was to prevent the Joker from harming others, it's hard to say whether Jason's reason was behind it.

Jason didn't care so much, anyway, he firmly believed that Batman was seeking revenge for himself.

I gave Bruce a photo on Sunday. The photo was a photo of two people. The key point was that the photo was taken at a circus, and a person dressed as a clown was smiling awkwardly on the stage.

A few years ago, he had hunted down a robber named "Red Hood" in New Gotham. Bruce remembered that Red Hood suddenly disappeared in the chemical plant.

After killing the Joker, Bruce finally had time to compare various information about the Joker. However, Joe Cole was such a minor figure in the New Gotham era that there was no official record at all.

And he also had an unexpected gain.

"But who is the Joker?"

Talking about human rights to criminals is the most ridiculous behavior.

Jason was curious. The Joker seemed to appear out of nowhere, but he was full of hostility to the new Gotham.

He was tortured severely by the crowbar for a long time, and he was only a little bit close to death at the hands of the clown.

In other words, the victim is bullied and the deceased cannot speak.

It is undoubtedly the most appropriate to be killed by Batman. Anyway, Batman in this world kills many people.

Later, according to the confessions of two accomplices, the missing Red Hood was Joe Cole.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, the Red Hood would transform into the Joker.

And Li Ming also needs to give the clown a reasonable ending and let him fade out of people's sight.

Compared to many versions of the morbidly righteous Batman who is determined not to kill people, this Batman who protects his shortcomings is undoubtedly more popular with Jason and Robin.

Of course, the happiest person about this result is Jason Todd.

Because in every action, Batman always beats the criminals who beat the Robins a little harder.

Li Ming was not surprised that Bruce decisively killed the Joker.

Although there was a big difference in body shape, Bruce still recognized it from the facial contour. This was the Joker.

"Red Hood?"

After listening to Bruce's story, Jason was stunned by the title Red Hood.

If, he meant if, one day he would no longer be Robin. When it came time to choose his own superhero name, Jason really wanted to choose the name Red Hood.

Otherwise, I just want to satirize the clown.

Want to kill me? Want to be a super criminal?

Then I will use your original name to become a superhero and make you mad!

After the clown incident passed, Li Ming went alone to the place where the official bodies were stored to look for the clown corpses that had been recovered by the authorities. For Li Ming, the clown is a high-end talent, and he must not be allowed to die like this.

Li Ming can be put into crisis without any strength. If the clown is given some support, the destructive power will definitely be even greater.

But what surprised him was that Li Ming did not find the clown's body in the clown's numbered bed in the morgue.

"Are you sure no one moved the clown's body on Sunday?" Li Ming asked.

"Yes, no one who came in or out of the morgue took away the body."

Sunday answered quickly, keeping an eye on the surveillance cameras surrounding the morgue.

However, there are no official cameras installed inside the morgue.

Li Ming had an idea, and the clairvoyant eyes that came with Superman's bloodline were instantly activated. He looked at the other corpses in the morgue one by one, and then he looked slightly surprised.

The Joker is lying on another bunk, and...

Li Ming pointed his hand, and a ball of water appeared on the clown's head. Then he teleported to the clown's side, and the water ball also hit the clown's face.


Li Ming shouted.

The clown opened his eyes suddenly, then rolled out of bed and wiped the water stains on his face.

"You stole my line!" he complained with great dissatisfaction.

Just in case, Li Ming directly opened the mirror space without the clown noticing, cutting off the possibility of the clown making small moves.

"How did you come back to life?"

Li Ming believed that Bruce's level was absolutely correct, and he was sure that the clown was dead only after the inspection was correct.

"You don't know? Hehe, I thought you resurrected me." The clown asked with interest.

Li Ming frowned and stared at the clown as if he was telling lies.

So he raised his hand directly, and a stream of fresh blood flowed from the clown's body into Li Ming's hands.

Without further ado, here’s the analysis!
To Li Ming's surprise, the clown's blood did not reveal the clown's bloodline, but something else.

【Dionysian factor】

Quality: Mythical

Category: Exclusive ability

Effect: You can gain immortality and resurrection ability. If used by non-agent, there is a chance of being infected with the clown virus.

The analysis directly regarded the clown's blood as a special item. Li Ming had heard that the clown's blood contained the purest Dionysus factor. Now it seems that all the clown's blood is flowing in that stuff.

Although the effect is simple and crude, and has no combat effectiveness, it is extremely attractive.

eternal life!


The lifelong pursuit of countless people!

This Dionysian factor is a plug-in specially given to the clown by comic editors.

After all, in the DC world where super criminals are rampant, the Joker, an ordinary person who is so active, would not be able to complete the plot without some special abilities.

The Joker is the leader of the villains, so it is necessary to give him a plug-in that does not increase his combat effectiveness and can effectively fight Batman until the sky is dark.

It's just that Li Ming is very curious. He has already searched the underground of Gotham and found no existence of the Dionysian factor except the Lazarus Pool.

The origin of the clown in front of him is "The Killing Joke", but his development is "The Dark Knight", and the Dionysian factor. Where did he get the Dionysian factor?
(End of this chapter)

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